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Mackenzie (Heritage Bay Series Book 2)

Page 11

by M. A. Foster

“How often does he come in here?” I ask.

  Amelia shrugs. “Not as often as I’d hoped,” she mumbles, and I snort a laugh.

  “Have you even talked to him?”

  Her eyes go wide as saucers. “Are you freaking kidding?” She shakes her head. “No way. The last time he was in here, he winked at me and I broke out into a sweat.”

  That makes me laugh out loud. She’s cute and kinda funny.

  “Besides, I sort of have a boyfriend.”

  “Oh yeah?” I wiggle my eyebrows teasingly.

  “Yeah, Jake.” She sighs. “We just made it Facebook official last week.”

  I don’t even know what that means. I don’t have a Facebook or any social media accounts. Social media is meant for friends. Other than Josh, I don’t have any friends. Mia isn’t speaking to me, and neither is Holly, since I moved out of the apartment and in with Josh.

  After I got the job at Mac’s, I quit JC’s. Josh wasn’t happy that I quit, but he was happy that I’d finally moved in. Mia wasn’t happy about me moving out and a little reluctant to let me go because she’d never even met Josh. That’s my fault because I couldn’t risk either of them finding out that I’d been lying. But since I’ll be eighteen next month, I guess she decided it wasn’t worth the battle.

  Members of the Mackenzie family slowly begin to trickle into the bar. Max’s parents, Dr. and Ella Mackenzie, who insist I call them Mac and Mimi, are the first to arrive. Dr. Mackenzie was at Jade’s funeral and even gave me a card. He doesn’t seem to recognize me, though, which is a relief.

  Aiden Mackenzie is the youngest of the three, at maybe twelve or thirteen. He looks like his older brothers, but his hair is a shade lighter. He even wears the same smirk and walks with a cocky swagger.

  He’s gonna be trouble.

  A petite blonde woman walks in dressed to the nines and greets everyone with wave. She sets her bag in one of the empty chairs at the lunch table before she moves over to place a kiss on the top of Willow’s head.

  Dylan wraps his arm around her shoulders and leads her over to me. “Harper,” he says. “This is my mom, Jessica Mackenzie.”

  “Hi.” I smile and extend my hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Mackenzie.”

  “Please, call me Jessica.” She shakes my hand, her smile wide, showing off her perfectly straight teeth.

  “Harper has only been here a few weeks and she’s already one of our best servers,” Dylan adds.

  Jessica’s eyes brighten. “That’s great! Welcome aboard.”

  “Thanks. I really love it here.” It’s true. I can see why no one ever quits.

  A bald, brick wall of a man with skin the color of caramel, wearing dark shades and an expression that clearly says, ‘I will fuck you up,’ pushes through the heavy double doors leading into the bar. He’s dressed in jeans and a T-shirt, and I swear he could pass as LL Cool J’s twin brother. No lie, I do a double take to confirm that it’s not him. It’s not unusual for a celebrity to be seen in Heritage Bay. A lot of them have homes on the island.

  “JJ!” Willow screeches and wiggles from Max’s hold. My gaze quickly moves from the big guy to two dark-haired women trailing behind him. My guess is they’re Max’s sister, Emerson, and his niece, Jayla.

  “Boo!” The tall, thin girl who I assume is Jayla bends to scoop Willow up, bringing her to her hip with a kiss on the cheek as she makes her way over to the table. I can’t help the pang of jealousy I feel seeing Willow’s adoration for her.

  That’s supposed to be me.

  As the family settles at the table, I realize Cole hasn’t arrived. Dylan signals that they’re ready, so I make my way over to the table.

  Willow’s eyes light up with recognition when she sees me coming. She pulls her thumb from her mouth and points to me. “Dat’s Ahpee,” she informs them, and I smile. She remembers my name and the pang of jealousy I’d felt earlier dissipates.

  “Who?” Jayla lifts her head and I nearly gasp out loud. Jesus, she’s beautiful. Like exotic supermodel beautiful.

  I’ve seen my share of beautiful women working at JC’s, but this girl is, to put it bluntly, fucking stunning. Her blue-green eyes are captivating. It’s like she’s looking into my soul.

  It’s a little unnerving, yet I can’t seem to look away.

  Stop staring at her, Harper, you freak.

  Jayla’s eyes stay locked on mine. Then she smiles. It’s friendly, like Amelia’s smile the day I came in for my interview.

  “Harper,” Max says as I approach the table, pulling out my pad and pen. He gestures to the two women first and makes his introductions. “This is my little sister, Emerson, my niece Jayla, and”—he gestures to the big guy—“this handsome sonofa—”

  “Language,” Jessica cuts him off, a warning in her tone.

  “—gun is Bass,” Max finishes.

  I smile and nod to the three of them. “It’s great to finally meet you.”

  “Harper is one of our best servers,” Alex says as he reaches the table and takes a seat.

  “Do you go to Heritage Academy?” Jayla asks me.

  I smile and nod. “I’m a senior this year.”

  “Me, too. Maybe we can hang out sometime. I met a lot of Cole’s friends yesterday, but most of them were guys. They were nice—”

  “Yeah, I’ll bet they were,” Dylan cuts her off with a sarcastic laugh. “Harper hasn’t met Cole yet,” he adds.

  “You’re kidding,” she says, sounding a little perplexed. She turns her attention back to me, her eyes wide. “You guys go to the same school.”

  Why does she find it hard to believe that we don’t know each other?

  “I know who he is, but we haven’t actually met,” I inform her.

  “Oh.” She looks over at Alex with an expression I can’t quite read.

  I finish taking the drink orders and head for the kitchen. Just before I’m out of earshot, I hear Jayla say, “How has Cole never noticed her before? She’s gorgeous.”

  I WALK INTO Mac’s and wink at the cute hostess who’s always looking at me with those puppy dog eyes. She lets out a little squeak and fumbles with something behind the desk.

  Laughter carries through the air as I push through the doors of the bar. “What’s so funny?” I ask.

  “Co!” Willow squirms her way out of Jay’s lap and runs toward me.

  “Baby girl!” She leaps into my open arms. “Sorry I’m late,” I say, pulling out the empty chair at the end of the table across from Jay and settling Willow in my lap. “Have you guys ordered yet?”

  “Just our drinks. Why are you late?” Jay asks.

  “I had something to do,” I tell her.

  “Something or someone?” She grins just as a blue bottle of sparkling water is placed in front of her along with a glass of ice garnished with a lime wedge. Jay’s drink of choice.

  “Shut up,” I murmur with a coy smile.

  Truth is, I had to drop off a pair of flip-flops that Nikki chick accidentally-on-purpose left in my Tahoe last night. Out of the fifty pairs of flip-flops she probably owns, she desperately needed the ones in my truck.

  After I dropped Nikki off, I went back home to shower and then headed over to Jay’s. Willow was already asleep so Jay and I hung out and talked, while I scarfed down some of Grace’s lasagna.

  I didn’t hook up with Nikki last night. Not from her lack of trying. I should’ve hooked up with her just to get back at Claire for that immature bullshit she pulled at the party. But I wasn’t feeling it. I hadn’t seen Willow all day and if I’m being honest, Lexi sort of made me feel like shit.

  Nikki, of course, didn’t have my number, and guess who she called this morning to get it.

  Yep. Claire.

  And Claire was pissed.

  Nikki told me this when I dropped off her flip-flops. That made me laugh. However, Claire no longer has my number after she ran that ad on Craigslist.

  So Nikki had to call Brad.

  I woke up to a text from him: Dude, some ch
ick named Nikki says she left her shoes in your truck and she needs them.

  I replied, Tell her I’ll drop them off in a little.

  “Cole, do you know what you’d like to drink?” a female voice asks beside me.

  “A fruit punch,” I reply, tilting my head up to our server, then doing a double take.

  Sweet Jesus.

  She must be the redhead the guys were talking about yesterday. And I can see why. She’s hot. Her red hair and pale skin are a gorgeous backdrop for those deep green eyes. Those big beautiful lips pull into a smile, showing off her perfect white teeth, and…

  Did I just get fucking butterflies?

  “Who are you?” is the first thing to fly out of my mouth—harshly, I might add, because she’s got me feeling nervous like a pre-teen.

  Why is it so hot in here?

  She winces slightly at my curtness, but quickly recovers by squaring her shoulders and narrowing her eyes like she’s ready to tell me to eat shit.

  “Dat’s Ahpee, Co,” Willow’s sweet voice cuts in, reminding me that my family is watching this little exchange, and I chuckle.

  I turn my attention back to the server, who’s now smiling at Willow. “Sorry.” I’m not sorry. “I didn’t mean to sound so rude. Are you new?” I let my eyes trail from those big beautiful lips down her perfect body. Her legs are long, her skin pale and flawless.

  “Yes, but we’ve been going to school together since sophomore year. I’m Harper.” No way this girl has been at Heritage Academy this whole time. She extends her hand to me. “Nice to meet you, Cole.”

  “You, too, Harper.” I smirk as I take her hand. The moment hers touches mine, an unfamiliar feeling zips through me and seeps into my chest, forcing the breath from my lungs.

  Oddly, I’ve never felt anything like this before.

  I’m not sure I like it.

  She jerks her hand from mine and I wonder if she felt it, too. I keep my eyes trained on her as she makes her way around the table taking orders. As she walks off toward the kitchen, I zero in on her perfect ass.

  Well, this is weird.

  “What’d I tell ya,” Mimi says, and Jay laughs.

  Dylan leans over and, with a light warning in his tone, says, “Don’t even think about it.”

  I shrug because fuck him. He might be her boss, but he’s not mine.

  “Willow, go sit with Jay,” I tell her as I set her on her feet. “I’ll be right back.”

  STEPPING INTO THE kitchen, I lean against the counter and blow out a ragged breath. That was intense. I could feel his eyes on me the entire time.

  “You okay, Harper?” Charlie, the cook, asks with a smile.

  I nod and smile in return. “Yeah, just nervous. I’m serving the entire Mackenzie family lunch today.”

  Charlie waves dismissively. “Don’t be nervous. They’re good people. Once you’re in, you’re family.”

  That statement is about as comforting as it is terrifying.

  Somehow I’ve just put myself on Cole Mackenzie’s radar. I can’t tell if he hates me or wants to screw my brains out.

  As far as I’m concerned, neither is an option. I’m not interested in hooking up with Cole. As gorgeous as he is, it’s never been about him. It’s about Willow, and I have to play nice because I want him to like me and to trust me.

  “How is it we’ve been at the same school for almost two years and never met?” the familiar deep voice says as I step into the hallway.

  Startled, I shriek. Pressing a hand to my chest to calm my racing heart, I look over to see Cole leaning against the wall with his foot propped up and his arms crossed over his chest. “Jesus, you scared me.”

  He shrugs, piercing me with an intense stare.

  He seems so much bigger up close, taller and more muscular. He’s grown a lot since sophomore year.

  “I don’t know.” I cross my arms over my chest. “I mean… we had a class together sophomore year.”

  His lips curl into a cocky smile. “I feel like we’ve met before. A party or something. I know we haven’t hooked up”—he lets his eyes trail down my body and back up to my face—“because I’d definitely remember you.”

  Is he for real?

  Cole Mackenzie is a predator and somehow I’ve become his prey.

  “I don’t go to parties.” A nervous giggle bubbles from my chest making me sound like one of his stupid groupies. “We collided in the hallway once,” I offer, and he frowns. “It was my fault.” I snort. “I was reading and I ran into you. You were nice and caught me before I fell on my ass.” Shut up, Harper.

  He shakes his head and blinks a few times as if I’m making him dizzy.

  “Uh-huh. Maybe that’s it,” he says in a bored tone, trailing his eyes over me once more before he pushes off the wall and walks off.

  “HER NAME IS Harper,” I tell Carter, filling him in on the redhead I haven’t stopped thinking about since our family lunch this afternoon.

  “Aphee,” Willow cheers from her swing.

  “Are you talking about Harper Murphy?” Carter asks with raised brows. “Long red hair, deep green eyes, and lips that—”

  “That’s her.” I scowl. “How do you know her?”

  “She was in a couple of my classes last year. She’s hot.”

  “You hit that?” I ask, not that I care.

  Carter shakes his head. “Nah, man. She’s different.”

  I pinch my brows together. “Different how?”

  He shrugs. “Not in a bad way. She’s just not very sociable. I don’t think she has any friends.”

  How does someone go through high school with no friends?

  “There’s something about her, and I can’t put my finger on it,” I admit. “I feel like I know her from somewhere.”

  “Like where?”

  I shake my head. “I don’t know. I think that’s what’s bothering me.”

  Carter smirks. “Sure,” he drawls. “That’s the reason.”

  “Shut up.” I laugh.

  Carter reaches out and tickles Willow under the chin, making her giggle. “When are you gonna stop punishing yourself?” he asks, turning serious on me.

  “I’m not punishing myself.”

  “It’s okay to like someone, you know?”

  I snort. “Look who’s talking.”

  He scratches his chin “Actually, I’m hanging out with Olivia again tonight.”

  That makes me smile. “Really?”

  He nods, shoving his hands in the front pockets of his shorts. “I like her,” he admits. “She’s real. None of that fake, giggly, ditzy crap—stuff.” His gaze immediately darts to Willow, then back to me and mouths, “Sorry.” I shrug it off. It’s not like he said “Shit.” “She’s sweet,” he continues. “And pretty in that natural surfer girl kinda way.”

  Well, damn. My boy’s gone and got himself a girlfriend.

  I could rag the shit out of him but I won’t. Carter deserves to be happy. And seeing the grin on his face makes me happy for him.

  “Good for you, bro.”

  “WHERE ARE WE going for dinner?” Jay asks from the passenger seat.

  I’m taking her out to make up for being a jackass at Brad’s party by leaving her by herself. Even though she swears she’s not mad and that she had fun, it doesn’t make me feel any less like an asshole.

  “Oceanside Grill,” I tell her. “They just opened up in Pelican Cove right down from Mac’s. We can stop by there after dinner, if you want.”

  “Yeah, that would be great. Alex and Dylan are playing tonight. Maybe I’ll text Lexi and see if she and Evan want to meet us there.”

  “You like Lexi, huh?”

  “I absolutely love her. She reminds me so much of Weenie.” Weenie is Jay’s ridiculous nickname for her best friend, Evangeline.

  “Yeah, she doesn’t hang out with a lot of girls. Mostly it’s just Evan.”

  “I noticed. She seems to know everyone, though.”

  “Lexi is popular because she’s friendly an
d avoids getting involved in the drama.”

  Jay throws her head back and laughs. “Are we talking about the same girl? I heard about her fight with Zach’s ex-girlfriend.”

  “She told you about that, huh?” I laugh, then glance at her from the corner of my eye. “Does that bother you?”

  “What, that Zach had a girlfriend?” She shakes her head and turns to look out the passenger window. “No.” Lies.

  “He told me you guys hooked up,” I admit.

  She jerks away from the window to look at me, her eyes wide. “Seriously? He told you we ‘hooked up’?” She makes air quotes, then shakes her head and turns her gaze back to the window. “What a jerk.”

  “Chill, Jay. I figured it out and confronted him. He admitted it because he’s my best friend and he’d never lie to me. He wasn’t bragging about it. It was obvious something was up. You guys have always been close, and usually you’re happy to see each other. You were both acting awkward as fuck, so I asked him. He’s pissed because he said you stopped talking to him and blocked him.”

  “He’s just pissed because I found out he was a liar and blocked him.”

  “What do you mean?” I glance at her quickly.

  “Exactly what I just said. Your friend is a cocky, lying asshole and a manslut.”

  “Manslut?” I snort. “Is that the same as a manwhore?”

  “Pretty much.”

  Yeah… no. Zach is a pretty boy for sure, but either he’s completely oblivious to the long line of girls willing to drop their panties for him or he doesn’t care. “Zach is the furthest thing from a manslut,” I tell her. “You know he’s in love with you, right?”

  She rolls her eyes. “Whatever.”

  “Cut the shit, Jay. Seriously.”

  She clears her throat and looks out the passenger window. “Well, he’s obviously moved on.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  She just shrugs.

  “Did he do something?”

  “He hurt me, but I didn’t have time to dwell on it because my dad was sick.”

  “What did he do?” I ask, demanding an answer. I love Zach, but I won’t hesitate to punch him in the junk for hurting Jay.

  “Just leave it, Cole. I’m not going to tell you because you’ll tell him.”


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