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Grizzly Promise

Page 2

by Becca Jameson

  Paige cringed. No way. This could not be happening. She took a deep breath, scenting the area for other shifters, and then moaned. Dammit. He was here. In the coffee shop. Damn. Damn, damn, damn.

  Myla clapped her hands together, her thick brown curls bobbing around her face. “So there is a story. You do know what I’m talking about. Who is he? Where did you meet him?” She lowered her voice further. “Does he know you have a boyfriend?”

  Paige ignored Myla to ease around her and cracked the door to the back room open an inch. “Shit,” she muttered before she could stop herself. She gently closed the door and leaned against it, staring at the floor. He was out there all right, seated across the room at one of the small round tables near the window. There was no way to miss his stature or his looks.

  Shit, she thought again. No one could miss Wyatt Arthur. He was a foot taller than her, built like a linebacker, and he had thick brown wavy hair in need of a haircut. Unmistakable.

  “Oh, this is even better than I expected,” Myla continued. “Talk to me.” She planted herself in front of Paige, hands on her hips. “And hurry before the boss realizes I’m gone, and you’re not out front yet.”

  Paige lifted her gaze to her friend, who towered over her with her thin, lanky frame.

  Paige realized she needed to tell Myla something. “He’s just a guy. I met him last night. I didn’t plan on seeing him again.”

  Myla’s eyes went wide again, and her mouth fell open. “You?”

  Paige chewed on her bottom lip. What the hell was she going to do? This wasn’t supposed to happen.

  “You. You met a guy,” Myla deadpanned. “You have a guy. Granted, I’ve never thought he was right for you, but that’s beside the point.”

  Paige flinched. “What’s wrong with Gavin? Why would you say that?”

  Myla shrugged. “Nothing’s wrong with Gavin. But he’s boring. You’re the kind of woman who needs some excitement.”

  Paige let out a long slow breath. If Myla’s assessment was that Gavin was boring, then Paige was putting on a brilliant show. For a moment, she thought her entire world was about to collapse. It was bad enough that she had to face Wyatt Arthur this morning. She didn’t need to compound her problems by fielding additional questions about her relationship with Gavin. “He’s not boring. He’s perfect. And I love him.”

  Myla’s brow furrowed. “Then explain the man sitting by the window, girlfriend.”

  “Wait.” Questions filled Paige’s mind. “How did you know he was here to see me?” Please, God. Please tell me he didn’t ask for me. She stiffened.

  Myla wiggled her brows. “Relax. It wasn’t anything he said. He came in looking around like he was meeting someone, ordered, took a seat, and watched out the window. I only noticed because he was so damn sexy.” Myla waved a hand in front of her face, fanning herself. “I mean, damn, he’s hot. Those deep brown eyes… He’s huge too, and he must be six and a half feet tall. Plus he’s older. Way older than you. He’s got to be over thirty.”

  Paige stared at her, wondering how the hell Myla gathered enough information to assume he was there for her from watching a man look out the window. There was no way to deny he was hotter than hell, so Paige didn’t bother.

  “Anyway, I kept watching him because who wouldn’t? And when you pulled up and climbed off the back of that bike… Yikes.”

  Paige cringed, remembering the way she’d leaned into Gavin and kissed him. She did the same thing every time he dropped her off. She’d had no idea Wyatt was inside.

  “Your man out there jumped to his feet and leaned both hands on the table to get a better look. His face turned beet red when your lips hit Gavin’s. I thought for a second he might turn the table on end. When Gavin drove off, he seemed to realize how strangely he’d reacted and jerked his gaze around the room as if making sure no one noticed.” Myla chuckled. “If I ever meet a man who feels that strongly about me…” Her voice trailed off.

  At that moment, the door at Paige’s back was shoved open, pushing her into the room. Her boss leaned inside. “What the heck are you two doing back here? There’s a line forming.”

  Paige grabbed her apron from a hook next to her coat and pulled it over her head. “Sorry. We’re coming now.”

  Davis rolled his eyes, left the door open, and returned to the counter.

  Myla leaned in to whisper in Paige’s ear on her way by. “I’m taking you for drinks when we get off. Don’t even try to turn me down.”

  “I can’t,” Paige told Myla’s back. “I have to be at the library this afternoon. And besides, I get off at two. That’s a little early to start drinking.”

  Myla glanced back over her shoulder. “You’re so not getting out of this. Do you have any idea how boring my life is right now?” She giggled as she bounced the rest of the way to the other side of the counter. “Can I help whoever’s next?” she asked the growing line of people.

  Paige took a deep breath, tied her apron at the back, and squared her shoulders. It was going to be a very long morning.


  Wyatt stared at the door to the back room of the coffee shop, knowing Paige eventually had to come out front. Had she scented him yet? Surely. He tried to rein in his anxiety by leaning back in the chair and forcing a more relaxed posture.

  He had no idea if he was successful, but a glance at his hand around his coffee mug suggested probably not. His knuckles were white. Inside, he felt anything but calm.

  He shouldn’t be quite so unhinged. After all, he’d met Paige for the first time last night. And met was a strong term for the brief few moments she’d spent in his presence before she turned around and fled. He didn’t own her. It simply hadn’t occurred to him that she might currently be in a relationship.

  Shock. That’s what he was feeling. How had he not considered this possibility? Paige Osborn was so unbelievably gorgeous, she could have been on the cover of a magazine instead of working in a coffee shop. But here she was, all five foot seven of her. For a human, she was perfectly average in the height department. Except Paige wasn’t human. She was a grizzly shifter just like Wyatt. Most of his species tended to be taller, even the women. He himself towered over her.

  And she was tiny too. Petite. He could surely span her waist with his hands, perhaps with just one of them.

  He closed his eyes for a second, trying to calm his racing heart, but all that did was bring images of her from last night to the front of his mind. All that long, gorgeous, naturally blonde hair. Those blue eyes. Thick lashes. And her skin… Lord. Flawless pale skin that made his mouth water.

  This was so unlike him. He didn’t react this way to women. Ever. He dated, of course. Shit. He was thirty-two years old. He’d had many relationships. But he’d never been sucker punched with the level of vehemence he felt last night. It hadn’t even been two full minutes. But it was long enough for him to know two things—he wanted to get to know Paige Osborn, and she wanted nothing to do with him.

  He jerked his attention back to the present.

  What the hell was she doing with a human boyfriend? He took another slow, deep breath as he remembered her arriving on a damn motorcycle. She was going to break her neck riding that thing.

  He gritted his teeth, lowering his face toward the floor between his legs to get ahold of himself. Control, Wyatt. You have no claim on her. If you pounce on her, she’ll retreat.

  Like she retreated last night.

  He reminded himself he was in Calgary for business. His family owned Glacial Brewing Company in Silvertip, about two hours west of Calgary. When he’d stopped by to see his sister and her mate last night, it was sheer luck they were renting the house from Paige’s parents, Stanton and Oleta Osborn.

  He’d been totally unprepared for the way he so violently reacted to the gorgeous blonde daughter of the Osborns. So very unprepared. He still was. But he needed to see her again. He needed to know.


  The sound of her sweet voice calling his n
ame made him jerk his gaze up to find her standing a foot from him. He’d been so preoccupied, he hadn’t seen her come from the back room nor sensed her approaching. Hell, there was always the possibility she wouldn’t even recognize him. She’d barely made eye contact with him last night. But she would know his scent.

  He needed to pull himself together. “Hey.” He tried for casual, forcing what he assumed turned out to be a crooked smile.

  “What are you doing here?” She tipped her head to one side. Her long, thick locks were pulled back in a clip at the base of her neck, and she was tapping her fingers against the sides of her jean-clad thighs. Nervous. Good. He liked her nervous. Partially because he was out of his mind with nerves, so it made them even.

  Wyatt didn’t like the feeling in himself one bit, however. He was a grown man. He hadn’t been flustered around a woman in more than a decade. “My sister said you worked here part time. I thought I’d check the place out before my meeting this morning.”

  In reality, he’d called and moved his meeting from nine to eleven so he could sit in this coffee shop and be sure he didn’t miss her. He had no idea what hours she worked. He glanced around to indicate the quaint little coffee shop jammed with too many tables for the space. Two people were working behind the counter, and one person was bustling around cleaning tables.

  Paige chewed on the left corner of her lower lip. At least she didn’t run from him. She’d fled the house last night as if it were on fire. Today she was acting far more…normal.

  He watched her perfect white teeth, mesmerized by those full pink lips and wishing he were the one biting the tender flesh instead of her.

  He needed to get a grip before he made a total fool of himself.

  Finally, she released the lip. “And? How is it?”

  “How is what?” He sat up straighter, confused.

  She pointed at the mug in front of him. “The coffee. Does it meet your expectations?” She flashed him a smile, the sort of smile he hoped to see about two hundred million more times in his life.

  “Oh, right. Yes. It’s delicious. My sister was right. Cuppa Joe is better than any local chain shop.” Regular conversation. The sort of things people said when they met and were attracted to each other.

  Except he couldn’t guarantee she was attracted to him. He could only speak for himself. And the thoughts running through his head screamed that he was beyond attracted to this gorgeous woman standing right in front of him. The one with the human boyfriend.

  “Good.” She sighed, taking a step backward. “Well, I have to get to work. The line is long. My boss is going to start throwing muffins at the back of my head in a minute.” She pointed a finger vaguely over her shoulder toward the glass case filled with a display of about a dozen different mouth-watering muffins.

  “Right. Of course. Maybe I should have gotten one. Do you recommend any particular flavor?” You sound like a complete idiot, Wyatt. Good job.

  He would say anything to prolong this communication.

  She giggled, the sound going straight to his cock and forcing him to hold on to his mug even tighter to keep from self-combusting. A sweet tinkle of nerves, but music to his ears all the same. “I’ll bring you one when I get a chance. You’ll be here a bit?”

  “Yes.” I’ll gladly cancel all my meetings for the week and sit here for six days if it means I get to watch you move. He needed to be careful. In his current state of mind, there was a chance he wouldn’t block his thoughts from her well. If she had any idea what was going through his mind, she would bolt for sure.

  And she was blocking him so well, he couldn’t read her at all. “Okay, then. Give me a few minutes. I’ll be back.” She continued backing away, somehow managing to avoid any of the customers or tables on her way. She was flustered. When she turned around and he got a look at her fantastic ass in those tight jeans, he nearly choked.

  There was a God.

  Wyatt watched her every move for the next hour as she rushed around behind the counter taking orders and making elaborate drinks. About ten minutes into her shift, she brought him a mouth-watering muffin, telling him it was pumpkin and her personal favorite. She bustled back to behind the counter as fast as she’d appeared in front of him, however, before he had a chance to utter a syllable.

  He watched her intently. She was good at her job, although he imagined any other day her hands probably didn’t shake as badly when she didn’t have to contend with a giant grizzly shifter staring at her from across the room.

  Was there any doubt in her mind that he was there for her? That he wanted her? That he needed her more than his next breath?

  He had to pause and remind himself several times that a human man had dropped her off out front, grabbing her by the waist and hauling her against his chest for a kiss. It had been a quick, chaste kiss, but still…

  “You’re still here,” she pointed out the third time she approached.

  If he had any sense, he would have taken out his computer or at least his phone and pretended to work. Instead, he’d spent the entire time watching her work. Nothing subtle about it. “Do you get a break?”

  She glanced over her shoulder. The crowd had thinned. “Yeah, I don’t usually take it this early, but Davis said I could.” She leaned her hands on the chair opposite his at the small table and lowered her voice. “He thinks you’re scaring the customers with your brooding. His words. Not mine.” She smiled, her face flushing.

  Wyatt grinned back, shrugging. “I don’t see why. I’m just a regular customer.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Wyatt, there’s nothing regular about you. You don’t have a regular bone in your body.”

  He cocked his head to one side. “Hmm. Is that a compliment?”

  She shrugged. “It’s just an observation.” She pulled out the chair and lowered herself onto it, perching on the edge, her spine too rigid.

  Wyatt glanced past her to find every employee, including her boss, Davis, watching them. “I should get going. I have a meeting soon. Walk me to my car?”

  She flinched slightly. “Sure. Okay.” And then she stood abruptly.

  He stood also, motioned for her to precede him, and then he set a hand on the small of her back as he ushered her toward the door.

  She didn’t exactly pull away, but she did hasten her step a bit as if his gesture made her a little uncomfortable. Again, good. He had no idea what her current situation was with the guy who’d dropped her off on a bike, but he hoped it wasn’t serious because it would be hell on his nerves if she insisted on maintaining a relationship with the human.

  Slow down, Wyatt. Choose your words wisely. If you act like an ass, she’ll run.

  He led her to the left as they exited the coffee shop and around the corner to the small parking lot. When they reached his truck, he leaned one hip against the driver’s door. “I’m in town all week. I was hoping I could take you to dinner one night.” He went for it. Flat out.

  She bit that lower lip again, teasing him without knowing it. It took every ounce of inner strength to keep from reaching out, plucking the offended flesh from her teeth, and stroking his thumb over the pink skin. He watched her mull over his proposition until she finally released her lip. “I have a boyfriend, Wyatt. You probably saw him drop me off.”

  Wyatt nodded. “The human guy.” It wasn’t a question.


  “You’re dating a human guy? Is it serious?”

  She crossed her arms in front of her as if she were cold. “Well, I mean, we’ve been together for two years, as a couple, I mean. We’ve known each other forever.”

  Two years? Was she shitting him? “I didn’t ask you how long you’d been with him. I asked if it was serious.” He narrowed his gaze, hoping to look intent and not angry.

  She hedged long enough to answer his question without words. “Of course. I mean, yes.” She nodded as though confirming this fact for herself.

  “Uh-huh.” He reached into his back pocket and pulled out one of his
business cards. “Well, if you change your mind, I’d still love to take you to dinner. It doesn’t have to be a date, you know. I’d just like to get to know you. You could say I’m an old friend of your parents or your brother or something if you need an excuse.” He reached out his hand to give her the card. “My cell is on here.”

  She glanced down at the card, her arms hugging tighter. “How would you feel if I went to dinner with some random guy I met last night while you were dating me?”

  She had a point, and he admired her for taking that stance. It was the right thing to say.

  Wyatt smiled. “I’d probably strangle the guy, but then again, I’m significantly larger than your current boyfriend,” he teased, shaking the card slightly. “Take it. I want you to have it…for whenever.”

  She sighed as she unfolded one arm from in front of her and reached for the card.

  When their fingers touched, they shocked each other, making both of them flinch. Coincidence? Maybe. Maybe not.

  “I should get back inside,” she stated as she stuffed the card in the front pocket of her jeans. “It was nice meeting you, Wyatt. Are you staying at my parents’ place with your sister and her mate?”

  He shook his head. “No. Those two just completed the binding a few weeks ago. They don’t need overnight guests.” He winked. So unlike him.

  She flushed. “Right. I knew that. My mom told me something like that.”

  Joselyn and Alton had just moved to the outskirts of Calgary to forge a life together, putting about two hours separation between themselves and their hometown of Silvertip near the Athabasca Glacier. For the last two years, they’d been in Silvertip working for their respective families in their competitive microbreweries. But a pile of shit had gone down in Silvertip lately, driving Wyatt’s sister and her mate to get away for a while.

  So, Paige had a boyfriend. Who cared? She couldn’t possibly have long-term plans with the guy. He was human, for heaven’s sake. It was exceedingly rare for a grizzly shifter to maintain a relationship with a human. For one thing, letting a human know of their existence was strictly forbidden. For another thing, anyone who took the steps to intentionally turn a human would find the Arcadian Council at their doorstep so fast they wouldn’t know up from down before they found themselves incarcerated in the Northwest Territories.


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