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Magnum: A Dark Knights MC/Dirty Angels MC Crossover

Page 6

by Jeanne St. James

  This morning they weren’t avoiding it. They were letting it consume them.

  Each powerful drive brought them closer to the point of no return.

  With one broad hand planted in the mattress by her head, the other cupped her breast and squeezed so hard, she whimpered into his mouth.

  That’s it. That’s what I want. Give me more of that.

  Each forceful pound drove the air from her lungs and into his mouth. And not once since he slid his cock into her had he broken that kiss.

  His size made her feel tiny but not helpless. Everything he did to her made her feel worshipped. Every part of her he touched became marked.

  She squeezed around him tightly and threw her head back, finally freeing their mouths so she could gasp for air.

  And then it happened.

  Her climax burst from her center, making every nerve crackle, every muscle ripple. Then with a last low, long grunt, he exploded, filling her, marking her as his inside as well.

  Erasing anybody else’s touch who came before him.

  Because now there was no one else.

  No one else existed before him. No one else would exist after him.

  “Baby,” she heard soft and low in her ear.

  “Yeah?” she said on a breath, her muscles still twitching around him. The satisfaction settling deep within her bones making her smile softly.

  She didn’t want him to move. She didn’t want him to leave her. She didn’t want to lose his heavy weight. He felt good right where he was. Perfect even. Deep within her as if they were one.

  Connected like that, they were.

  His deep, soothing, familiar voice moved through her. “Need to wake up.”

  Her eyes popped open and she immediately squeezed them shut again. “Shit,” she breathed as reality smacked her in the forehead and burrowed into her chest.

  Her own fingers filled her, not Magnum. Her own thumb pressed against her swollen, sensitive clit. Her own hand possessed her breast.

  She had caused her own explosive orgasm, not him.

  But if he was as good as she imagined him to be...

  Damn, that was such a realistic wet dream, or whatever it was. They were leaving for Lake George this morning and tonight they would share a room. If this dream returned?

  So what if it did? And he was close by. If she had the opportunity to turn her fantasy into reality, would she ignore it? Would he?

  She thought he was going to kiss her in the car the other day. It had been so close to happening she had practically tasted it.

  He hadn’t and he just about jumped out of his skin when she touched his thigh afterward. She never saw the man move so fast.

  To escape her. To give them space.

  He had wanted her. That kiss in the club kitchen... She had no doubt to how much he had wanted her that day. His cock had been hot, hard and long as it pressed heavy and thick against her stomach.

  Maybe things had changed for him. Maybe they changed after she told him what happened to her.


  But Magnum didn’t seem to be that sort of man.

  Things probably should’ve changed for her after what happened, after what she saw on that video. But she had watched and wanted Magnum for so long...

  She still did.

  So, fuck that guy. The asshole in the video who stole from her. Who stole her choice to say no.

  She would not let him steal anything else. Like her desire for Magnum.

  She would not let that man break her.

  Not now. Not ever.

  She slipped her hand from her panties and turned her head to glance at the clock.

  She needed to get her ass in gear. All the employees were meeting in the parking lot at work to carpool and caravan up to Lake George. Except for Hank Gallo, of course, who was taking a private helicopter north. He would arrive Monday morning before the retreat’s kickoff breakfast where he was the keynote speaker.

  When Nate, Drew and their sister Natalie arrived? Cait didn’t know. And when it came to Nate, she didn’t care.

  What she did care about was, she needed to shower and had two stops to make before joining that caravan of co-workers heading to the Adirondacks.

  The first one to get really, really strong coffee.

  The second was Dirty Dick’s to pick up her roommate for the week.

  She had no idea how him coming along would help with finding out who was in the video or how to get rid of it. Or even if that was his motive for going.

  But she guessed she’d find out soon enough.

  With his head and face now shaved smooth, the hot water sluiced off Magnum’s scrubbed-clean body, his cock hard and throbbing as his fingers circled and squeezed the root, making the veins in both his forearm and erection stand out. His balls hung heavy in the steamy heat and blood filled his dick, making it an even deeper dark purple, the color of eggplant, the head a lighter pink-tinged brown. The shower washed away the precum as fast as it beaded at the very tip as he squirted more soap along his length and began to stroke.

  His head dropped forward and his lips parted as his heart and lungs began to pump as fast as his hand. He imagined Caitie being this tight, this hot, this slick when he plunged inside her.

  He closed his eyes, water dripping off his eyelashes and onto his cheeks, as he pictured her beneath him. Her flushed ivory skin showing every mark he gave her to claim her. As his. As Dark Knights’ property.

  Her nipples were swollen and peaked, now a darker pink and shiny from his lips, his teeth and his tongue. Her mouth opened, the noises coming from her making him lose his goddamn mind.

  Her body arced off the bed, those diamond hard tips brushing against his chest as she tried to get closer, begging for more. He gave her everything she wanted, everything he had and he got the same in return.

  Slick. Hot. Wanting. Welcoming.

  Squeezing him. Taking him as deep as she could.

  He dropped his head a little more and captured her bottom lip within his teeth, biting softly enough for her to want it, hard enough for her to feel it.

  The flush that began at her chest traveled up her throat and into her cheeks making it almost impossible for him to hold back. His brain told him to slow down, his balls screamed at him to let go.

  He squirted more liquid soap into his right palm and switched the position of his grip, so his thumb was closest to his body instead of his little finger. He dropped the body wash to the shower floor, slammed his left palm against the stall wall, leaned into it for support and...

  His hips pumped, his ass clenched, his thigh and ab muscles tensed, his neck strained and bowed as he imagined slamming relentlessly into her soft, pink, wet-as-fuck pussy, not giving her even a second to take a breath, just forcing the air out of her with each thrust. Her nails ripped down the skin of his back to his ass and his name came out in broken syllables as she encouraged him to take her there.

  With one last powerful thrust, she fell, he fell. And he came deep inside her, filling her, knowing with satisfaction she was now his.

  And nothing and no one would change that.

  Magnum released a low growl. Every-fucking-one in the caravan was driving like they were eighty years old, senile and had cataracts. For the most part, while on his sled, he didn’t mind cruising at a decent clip. In a cage, all fucking bets were off. Especially when he pulled his ’69 Camaro SS 427 out of storage and beat that bitch like it was a naughty girl begging for a spanking.

  But they weren’t in his big block muscle car. Fuck no. They were in Cait’s Toyota Camry, doing the fucking speed limit in a line of just as boring, fuel efficient vehicles.

  The large coffee Cait had shown up with when she arrived at Dirty Dick’s had been so damn strong, he was now wired and itching to do something, anything, other than drive that wimpy 2.5L four-cylinder. Dawg should’ve at least sprang for the 3.5L so the damn vehicle could get out of its own way.

  He didn’t know if he could take eight-plus hours of this. And
it didn’t help that they stopped on the hour, every hour, for a goddamn piss break.

  Right now he was pretending the steering wheel was the neck of the driver in the lead vehicle and that driver was into autoerotic asphyxiation.

  “I’m not sure what you aim to accomplish by coming along on this retreat.”

  His eyes slid to her. The day was already hot as fuck for the last week in September, so Cait had shown up wearing khaki shorts that showed off her long fucking bare legs. Legs that called to him to touch to see if her skin was as soft and smooth as they looked. If she was his woman, he’d be driving with one hand on the wheel and the other on one of her thighs. But she wasn’t, so instead the sight tortured the fuck out of him.

  She was too goddamn close but also too far away due to various reasons that he needed to keep front and center in his brain.

  Her blonde hair was loose and natural, not stiff and styled. Her face clean of any makeup and, for once, he’d noticed how blonde her eyelashes were. She must normally use that black shit on them. The shit that smudged and gave women raccoon eyes when they teared up from taking his cock all the way to the back of their throat.

  He cleared his own throat and shifted in the seat that was not built for a man of his size.

  There was a reason his road name was Magnum.

  He was not small.


  Some big men had tiny dicks. He was not one of them. The universe had blessed him with being proportionate everywhere. Made it hard to find boots and gloves that fit well, but he managed.

  But he wasn’t sure if he could manage driving Cait’s cage for another six or more hours. Thank fuck it wasn’t a Yaris. He’d be crippled for life if he could even wedge his ass in there.


  “Yeah,” he grunted, now trying to keep his eyes on the minivan with the stick figure family on the back window in front of him. Dad, mom, three kids in various sizes, a baby in diapers, four cats, a goldfish bowl, a turtle, and one dog. Poor dog. Probably tried to escape that madhouse whenever it could.

  “I asked you a question.”

  “Wasn’t a question.”

  Silence. A few seconds later, a long sigh filled the interior. “Do I need to form it as a question?”

  “If you need a fuckin’ answer.”

  “Somebody’s grumpy.”

  He hadn’t been sleeping well ever since Cait showed up at Dirty Dick’s and fucked up his brain with her problem. He had a hard time turning that shit off. He imagined she did, too. “That a question?”

  “It’s a fact. No answer needed.”

  He grunted again.

  “Okay, Mr. Grumpypants, I’ll preface any question with the warning ‘question’ and then proceed to ask it. Fair?” From the corner of his eye, he saw her lift her hand in his direction. “Question: Is that fair?”

  He grunted again.

  “Besides English, I understand biker grunt-grunt, so I take that as a clear yes.”

  He pressed his lips together to smother his grin.

  He really wanted to jerk the cage off the road, pull her into his lap and kiss the fuck out of her until her lips were swollen, her eyes were heated and her pussy dripping wet. But then he’d want to rip off her shorts and have her ride his cock until they both came.

  Unfortunately, there wasn’t enough room between him and the steering wheel to do that. Plus, the pigs frowned upon sex in a cage on the berm of the highway. And anyway, today was not a day where he wanted to be pepper sprayed, dragged over pavement and loose stone to an awaiting cruiser, only to be hog-tied due to his “threatening size and dangerous demeanor,” and secured in the back while they checked the “white girl” to make sure she wasn’t an unwilling participant.

  Yeah, that.

  Then twenty minutes later he’d be released with a fake apology, a firm warning, given a bottle of water to clean out his eyes—when he knew from experience water only made it worse—and told to move it along even though he couldn’t see shit.

  His jaw shifted as he ground his teeth.

  That was one of the few times he’d let a woman drive while he was in a cage. Normally if a woman didn’t like his rule? Then she could hoof it.

  A lot of women came into Dirty Dick’s thinking nabbing a biker within her claws would be exciting. Or something to check off her bucket list. In fact, he’d found with a lot of bitches of the pale variety, a black biker checked two off the list.

  After getting what she came for from one or more of his brothers, if they didn’t understand the life, if they didn’t understand their place within the life, they did not stick around.

  He’d seen a few power walk out of the bar, never to be seen again. They probably pointed their BMW’s back to their middle to upper class neighborhoods, took a scalding hot shower, and then decided to burn their bucket list.

  The woman in the seat next to him would, most likely, drive one of those expensive Beamers one day, the difference being she wasn’t afraid to get her hands dirty with the likes of him.

  However, she knew she’d need to keep those lives separate, like she did now by pretending her stepdaddy was her real daddy. Rich, white and well connected. As opposite as can be to Magnum, who—besides his SS 427 and his custom Harley, which had both set him back a whack—only lived a basic life, which consisted of protecting the club and his brothers, overseeing the bar, and making sure he had a roof over his head.

  He didn’t need much more than that.

  Maybe warm pussy not of the imaginary kind.

  He pursed his lips. No maybe about it.

  However, as much as he wanted Caitie to fill that spot, she couldn’t. Her stepdaddy would not be the only daddy unhappy about Magnum doing his daughter. Paul was actually the least of his worries.

  “Magnum,” he heard groaned from the seat next to him. It wasn’t the kind of groan he wanted coming from Cait’s lips.

  He grunted again.

  “Asked you a question.”

  “You preface it with ‘question?’”


  “Hit me with it again.” He wasn’t going to admit he hadn’t been paying attention because that usually pissed off women.

  It’s one thing to piss of a woman and be able to walk away from them while they were bitching. It was another when you were stuck in a cage with them and had nowhere to escape.

  And, even worse, a long fucking ride ahead of them.

  He’d rather get kicked in the nuts.

  Because most women, once pissed, sank her teeth into whatever got her panties stuck in her crack and didn’t let it go for days. He’d learned that lesson the hard way, just like the one about sex in a fucking cage on the side of the highway.

  He was a fast learner.

  But then being tased, pepper-sprayed or getting your balls punted into next week would teach you right quick.

  Cait’s muttered, “Holy shit,” sank into his caffeine-wired brain. Now he was the one who needed to piss.

  He glanced at the clock. He expected everyone’s turn signals to start synchronize blinking in approximately five minutes. Then the long line of vehicles would turn into a gas station or truck stop and a similar long line would form outside the his and hers shitters.

  “Next stop I’m pissin’ in the bushes and continuin’ north without ‘em.”


  “Seriously, baby, can’t take much more of this shit. Don’t mind a formation durin’ a club run, but this mommy mobile shit’s gonna kill me. Want me to die before we even get there?”

  “Sounds a bit dramatic.”

  “Ain’t dramatic if it’s true. Vehicle’s got GPS. Can find our own way. This don’t gotta be the re-creation of a wagon train followin’ the fuckin’ Oregon Trail.”

  A giggle slipped from her lips and he smiled at the windshield at the sound of it.

  “Question: What do you know about the Oregon Trail?”

  “All I gotta know is it sucked. Like this does. So, we pull in, I
piss, you make your excuses and we split. Got it?”

  “Got it. I’m tired of staring at Laura’s stick figure family anyway.”

  No shit, she wasn’t the only one.

  Then he did a thing, which afterward he realized he shouldn’t have done. He reached out, put his hand on her knee and curled his fingers around the warm, smooth skin. Her hand didn’t push his away, it settled over top of his instead, her fingers taking up the empty space between his. Her hand was small enough to let their fingers fit together like a perfect puzzle.

  He wondered if she noticed the same.

  He let himself have that moment and a few more.

  “Question: Why are you coming with me, Mag? What do you expect to get out of this?”

  If he wasn’t careful, a whole lot of hurt.

  If he was, some answers.

  “Biggest reason, makin’ sure no one fucks with you, Caitie. ‘Til we know who it is, he’s a big fuckin’ unknown. That leaves you vulnerable. Gonna be with the same group of people you were with that night, yeah?”

  “Yeah,” she whispered, her fingers squeezing his.

  He turned his hand over and intertwined their fingers. “No one’s gonna fuck with you this week, baby. No one. Got your back.” And while he was watching her back, he was going to be paying attention and watch that Nate fucker closely. Seeing how others interacted with her, too, on the slim chance it wasn’t him.

  But that fucker not only showed an interest, he’d had the opportunity to take the advantage.

  And that shit boiled Magnum’s blood.

  He wasn’t sure if his hands would be dirty at the end of the week, but if they were, a thirty-two-mile-long lake with some areas being one hundred and ninety-six feet deep and including over a hundred and fifty islands, would be the perfect place for a rapist to disappear. He’d done some research and saved a map of the lake to his phone. He’d also picked what might be a good spot, if needed. He wasn’t sure how he’d get to that location, but he’d figure it out if he had to.


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