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Magnum: A Dark Knights MC/Dirty Angels MC Crossover

Page 9

by Jeanne St. James

  It had helped that he’d shaved his head and face last night during his cold as fuck shower. The one where he still managed to jerk off and blow a huge load down the drain, despite his skin turning numb.

  He was tempted to relieve the hard-on she had given him when she was touching him this morning the same way. But that would’ve made him late.

  As he came around the corner, he spotted Cait immediately, her blonde hair hard to ignore since it was glowing in the way-too-fucking-early morning light. She was curled up in a lounge chair by the pool, but she wasn’t alone.

  A man in a dark suit was sitting sideways on a lounge chair he had pulled close to hers. He had both feet planted on the concrete, his hands laced together and hanging between his bent knees as he concentrated on Cait.

  Oh. Fuck. No.

  The man had dark hair similar to that Gallo fucker, but it wasn’t him. As Magnum picked up his pace, he noticed the expensive gold watch on one wrist and a big gold ring on his right hand, but no wedding band.

  He needed to keep his shit together. It wouldn’t help Cait if he snapped and growled at everyone who sniffed around her. They could just be talking business.

  As he stepped behind Cait’s chair, the man’s head swung toward him and his eyes widened, but he quickly hid his surprise. The suit planted his hands on his knees and sat straight with a stiff spine as Magnum forced his own to relax, curled a hand around the front of Cait’s throat and leaned over, kissing the top of her head. “Hey, baby,” he purred.

  She twisted in her seat so she could see him and plastered on a big smile. “Hey... Hey! I was wondering where you were.” She glanced at the suit. “Drew Gallo, this is...” Her blonde eyebrows drew together. After a second they relaxed and she finished with, “Malcolm Moore. My... boyfriend.”

  This Gallo, who looked older than the one he met the other day, the one who had chased down Cait, rose to his feet and extended a hand.

  Magnum’s jaw shifted but he accepted it since he needed to play the game. And that was all it was. A game to keep Cait safe. To find out who violated her.

  That last thought made a vein in his temple pound. “Take it you’re one of Gallo’s sons?”

  Drew Gallo’s bright white smile widened. “Yes, Hank is my father.”

  “Speaking of Hank, we need to go before he starts talking,” Cait said, unfolding her legs from under her. Magnum did not miss when Gallo’s eyes fell on those legs since her dark blue skirt slid higher up her bare thighs.

  Magnum moved between them, blocking the view, and held out his hand to assist her.

  “Thanks,” she whispered, accepting it.

  “Anything for you, baby,” he whispered back, but loud enough so Gallo heard him, and pulled her directly into his arms. He pressed a kiss to her mouth but before she could open her lips to kiss him back, he pulled away.

  Gallo clapped his hands. “Well, we need to get moving if we don’t want to miss Dad’s opening speech. It’s always inspiring, Cait. I’m so glad you’re joining us this year. At the end of this week, you’ll be looking forward to the next one, I promise.”

  A corner of Magnum’s upper lip curled but he did his best to smooth it out.

  Gallo turned to him with a smile. One that did not reach his dark eyes. “And I’m so glad you’ve joined us, Malcolm. I had no idea Cait was seeing someone.”

  Magnum grunted and snagged Cait’s hand, intertwining their fingers as Gallo led the way toward the center building where the resort’s main restaurant was.

  Gallo kept talking while walking. “How long have you two been seeing each other?”

  “Eight years,” Magnum said before Cait could answer. Her fingers twitched in his.

  Gallo’s stride stuttered. “Oh... I...” He turned his head to glance at Cait, a frown crossing his face. “I thought you only recently turned twenty-five?”


  “She did, Drew. Got a fu— problem with me bein’ her one and only?” Magnum hoped the man picked up on his not-so-subtle meaning. If he had them believing Cait had never been with anyone other than him, the only other person who could dispute that fact was the person who had videoed her. Whoever did that deed would think Magnum wasn’t aware of the video or didn’t know Cait had been with someone other than Magnum, even if she hadn’t been willing.

  He ground his back molars. Every time he thought of it, he wanted to smash shit. And he hadn’t even seen the video, yet.

  He’d been putting it off. But soon he’d have no choice.


  “Uh... No. Not at all.”

  Right. “Soon as I saw her, knew she had to be mine.”

  “That’s very... romantic.”

  Magnum gave him a wink. “Sure fu— was.”

  Gallo’s mouth opened, closed, then he frowned. “Funny, during all those years Paul never mentioned you.”

  “There a reason he should?” Magnum asked as they entered the main building. He held the door open for Cait and escorted her through, not unaware of the bugged-out eyes she was giving him. Or the color in her cheeks because he was making it known that Magnum had taken her and her virginity at a young age.

  Drew Gallo shook his head. “No, I guess not since we’re not that close. I only see him occasionally at the club. But Dad plays golf with him regularly.”

  Most likely a country club with a limited membership just as diverse as their agency.

  And Magnum didn’t give a fuck who Hank Gallo played golf with. But it made sense on how Cait got her job, if it was true that jobs were hard to come by at the Gallo agency.

  Gallo waved a hand at the entrance to the restaurant, indicating that Cait and Magnum should enter first. Magnum didn’t like having the man behind him where he couldn’t see him. But he spread his hand along the small of Cait’s back, right above her ass and propelled her into the room.

  “Are there assigned seats?” Cait asked Gallo.

  “No. Feel free to sit wherever you’d like. It’s like that all week, Cait. Very casual and laid-back. A working vacation, if you will.” As his gaze wandered down Cait, Magnum’s spine turned into a steel rod. “And though you look beautiful this morning, you don’t need to dress up. Casual wear is fine.” Once he was done thoroughly eye-fucking Cait, he turned to Magnum, his mouth curled in a fucking smirk that needed launched by his fist into next year. “Same for you. Though, it looks like you received the memo, Malcolm.”

  Magnum grunted at the slight snub. He had on black jeans, boots, his belt—which he’d removed his DKMC buckle—and wore a black collared, long-sleeved shirt he had found at the very back of his closet at home. He’d probably worn it to court, a funeral or something similar and luckily still fit in it. Barely.

  As long as the buttons didn’t pop or the seams didn’t rip, he’d be good.

  “In a suit,” Magnum grumbled.

  “I’m sorry?”

  “Wearin’ a suit.”

  “Ah, yes. Only because I’m officially opening the retreat and introducing my father as this morning’s keynote speaker. After this, you’ll see me in nothing but khakis and comfortable polo shirts, I promise.”

  Magnum couldn’t wait.

  As he glanced around the crowded restaurant, he noticed Nate Gallo waving in their direction.

  The man was fucking kidding, right?

  “Ah, look. My brother is trying to catch your attention, Cait.” Under his breath he said, “No surprise.”

  Magnum cocked a brow at that.

  Nate Gallo stood up and waved in their direction again.

  “Wants you,” Magnum told Drew.

  “Oh, no. He doesn’t.” The man sighed and said to them, “See you two around. Don’t forget about the couples massages this afternoon. Hopefully you grabbed a slot, Cait.”

  Couples massages.

  Now that sounded like fucking fun.

  Him massaging Cait. Her massaging him.

  “I haven’t, but I will,” Cait answered as Gallo walked away.

p; The younger one rushed up. “I saved you a couple seats at the front. The first breakfast of the week is always packed because everyone wants to hear Dad. But after that, some of the meals and sessions thin out.”

  “Probably helps people are fu—” Magnum grimaced and cleared his throat, “hungry.”

  Nate answered, “That, too. But there are a couple other places to eat at the resort. Plus, some people drive into the town of Lake George or over to Vermont to explore. Or they even borrow one of the boats to putt around the lake on their own.”

  He and Caitie wouldn’t be doing that, boat bumpers or not.

  The only exploration he wanted to do was...

  A bad idea.

  A very bad fucking idea.

  He needed that tattooed onto his balls, his dick, his hand and his forehead.

  “Come sit. Dad should be out in a couple minutes.”

  Magnum leaned over and said into her ear, “Don’t gotta sit with that fucker if you’re uncomfortable, Caitie. Just say the word.”

  She glanced around at all the tables. “The rest of the tables are full.”

  “We can leave. Grab food somewhere else.”

  “I can’t miss this,” she whispered.

  “Yeah, baby, you can.” He blew out a breath. “Tellin’ you, might throat punch ‘im if he sniffs you right in front of me.”

  She impatiently tugged on his hand and they followed Gallo to the front near the podium set up on a low makeshift stage.

  Nate pulled out the chair next to him, offering it to Cait.

  Fucker had a goddamn set of balls on him.

  Magnum released her hand and jerked the chair out two down from Gallo, settled her in it and then sat between the two, making the man’s smile falter.

  If Gallo didn’t like it, tough shit.

  As soon as they took their seats, and before Cait could introduce him to the others at the large round table, Drew Gallo and a man who was obviously the senior Gallo stepped onto the stage.

  Magnum needed food, he needed coffee and he didn’t need a whole bunch of yapping.

  But that’s what he got.

  An enthusiastic speech on loyalty and teamwork, working hard and... whatever, making him thankful he never had to live this life.

  He preferred the wind on his bald head and a powerful engine between his thighs.

  A warm, curvy woman on his dick.

  Sweet pussy on his tongue.

  Fuck, he was hungry.

  Luckily, the rah-rah cheerleading speech only lasted about fifteen minutes. And then the old man disappeared, and a swarm of servers appeared with plates, silver carafes of coffee and more.

  Thank fuck.

  After draping her cloth napkin over her lap, effectively cutting off the little he could see of the ivory thighs he wanted to bite because he was that fucking hungry, she reached over, plucked his off the plate, shook it out and placed it over his lap.

  Only problem was, when she did it, her knuckles brushed against his dick.

  Whether by accident or on purpose, he didn’t know. More importantly, his dick didn’t care. It liked it and wanted more.

  Magnum reminded it silently it wasn’t getting any more and it needed to take what it just got and be happy.

  It wasn’t and neither was he.

  Suddenly a man appeared behind him and Cait. “Eggs Benedict or stuffed French Toast for you, sir?”

  Magnum twisted his head and looked up at the waiter who had two different types of dishes in his hand as he paused behind his chair with an arched brow. “Both. And a whole sh– container of that coffee. The sh– stuff with the caffeine.”

  The waiter’s mouth gaped, then closed quickly before saying, “Very good, sir,” and placing both plates in front of him.

  He stared at the food, then at Cait, who now had Eggs Benedict in front of her. “That it?”

  Her plump, kissable, fuckable lips twitched. He’d be taking a cold shower tonight again and hopefully not clogging the damn drain with his load.

  “You need more than two breakfasts?”

  “Need to keep my strength up.”

  “There’s the café,” she suggested.

  When Cait picked up her fork and knife, Magnum stopped her with a grunt, then he swapped out their plates. Once he was done with that, he also swapped out their water and their coffee that another server had poured her when he was distracted by the waiter with his food.

  Unfortunately, he liked his black and she like sweetened brown milk, which in his book, was not fucking coffee.

  But unless he was the one who handed her the food, he was not taking any risks. His only worry was if the man who drugged her, decided to drug him, too, to disable him.


  He was not good at this shit. He wasn’t good at thinking of all the backdoor ways a fucker could hurt him or Cait. He was used to facing threats head on.

  Which again made him wish she could’ve went to one of Diesel’s Shadows with this. Those fuckers were good with stealthy shit. They had the training, the experience and the tools.

  They knew how to jump out of planes, trains and automobiles without stumbling, slice a fucker’s neck, dispose of the body and then be playing fucking poker fifteen minutes later with a cigar and a beer.

  He was just a goddamn biker who knew the ins and outs of a Harley, running a bar and beating the life out of someone with his fists.

  They got through their meal without either of them passing out from laced food, so that was a good sign. He’d also sucked down a whole carafe of coffee. After the sleep—or little sleep—he had last night, he wasn’t even sure that was enough.

  He also had no idea what the plan was after breakfast. If he had to suffer through more of those fucking speeches, he needed something stronger than coffee. Like a whole bottle of something. Or some good quality bud.

  Right now, he had neither. But luckily, he had tucked a couple blunts in his bag.

  His belly somewhat full, he sat back in the chair, and wrapped a possessive hand around the back of Caitie’s neck.

  She gave him a soft smile at the gesture, which made him rethink it but he knew everyone around the table was watching the two of them carefully. As Cait had introduced him while they ate, he could see they had a hard time believing Magnum was Cait’s boyfriend.

  Because of that, he’d made sure to be extra sweet to her and call her “baby” enough times so those sitting with them got the picture.

  “So, what do you do, Malcolm?” Nate Gallo asked next to him as one of the waiters rushed in to remove his now empty plates.

  “Whataya mean?”

  “For a living. Your career.”

  Cait leaned forward and toward them, which meant into him. He wondered if she was aware her tits were pressing against his arm as she did so. “He owns a bar.”

  “Oh! How fun. What’s the name of it?”

  Magnum pressed his lips together and waited for Cait to answer, “Dirty Dick’s.”

  Which she did not do.

  “Dapper Dan’s.”

  Dapper fuckin’ Dan’s. Jesus fuckin’ Christ.

  “Never heard of it,” Nate said.

  No shit. Because it didn’t exist. “Yeah, well, ai— it’s not a country club.”

  “It keeps him very busy,” Cait added. “That’s why you all haven’t met him before. It’s hard for him to get away.”

  “Well, we’re glad you can join us,” said a redhead across the table with a genuine smile. The first one he’d seen so far that morning. The rest were too busy calculating their age difference in their head and also trying to figure out why the fuck Cait was with him. He was tempted to tell them it was because of his monster cock.

  That genuine smile might fall flat or get even larger, depending on what the redhead was into.

  “Appreciate that,” Magnum mumbled instead. Again, trying to play a game he wasn’t sure he knew the rules to or was good at.

  He once again wished to fuck that she had a Shadow she could
’ve went to, one she trusted to deal with this whole situation without it all blowing to hell. He was starting to worry he’d fuck this whole damn thing up.

  He was out of his element at this resort, with these people. Way out of his comfort zone.

  “How did you two meet?” asked the redhead’s man, who did not wear a genuine smile.

  Magnum scratched his chin and pursed his lips. He had no clue how to answer that and hadn’t been prepared for that question. Which he should’ve been. If he knew what the fuck he was doing.

  Luckily, a quick-thinking Caitie stepped in again. “At a fundraiser for the Walker Foundation. Have you ever heard of it?”

  Only problem was, he’d told Drew Gallo they’d hooked up eight years ago. The Foundation wasn’t even around eight years ago.

  But he sat back, his fingers massaging the back of her neck, as she explained everything about Ellie Walker’s foundation which she ran for amputees who needed financial assistance with getting prostheses.

  The enthusiasm with which she talked about it almost gave him a genuine smile of his own. All of the DAMC sisterhood and the Shadows’ women were very dedicated to that cause.

  Magnum had helped the Shadows and Angels do a bunch of fundraisers for it, including poker runs, bikini contests and wet T-shirt contests at both Dirty Dick’s and The Iron Horse Roadhouse. Any way they could get not only bikers but the public to part with their scratch, they’d done it.

  But that wasn’t where he first saw Cait.

  Could be she was right, though. Maybe one of those fundraisers was where he first noticed Cait had grown up. Became a woman hard to ignore.

  He didn’t remember the first moment she caught his attention, he just knew she did. And from then on out, he couldn’t miss her. When he heard her voice, when he heard her laugh, when he saw her smile, when her green eyes turned his way. When she noticed him noticing her, which made her expression soften and her lips curve upward.

  And not for one second had she been shy about that attention. Fuck no. She’d catch him staring at her while she was talking to someone, laughing at a joke, or just walking past him and she wouldn’t look away. In fact, she’d catch his gaze and hold it. Almost challenging him to make a move.

  Yeah, she was fucking dangerous.


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