Book Read Free

Beautiful One

Page 11

by Mary Cope

  “No big deal? You’re clueless, Liz. That guy’s into you.”

  The sounds of Aidan’s footsteps followed me as I pushed through the exit door and headed toward my car. “I’m not doing this, Aidan. It was nothing.”

  He was right on my heels. I stormed through the parking lot, and when we passed his truck, he grabbed my arm and told me to get inside.

  “Why? So you can yell at me? No thanks.” I took a few steps.

  “Liz, stop! I didn’t come here to fight with you.”

  Church had let out, and the parking lot was becoming crowded. I didn’t want to cause a scene, so I stopped.

  “Well, then quit it. I didn’t do anything. Why are you so mad at me anyway?”

  “Let’s talk in the truck.” Aidan took my hand, walked me toward his truck, and held the passenger door open for me. I hopped inside as he climbed in the driver’s seat.

  “I haven’t had the best morning, and I wanted to see you. But when I saw the way you and that guy were looking at each other, it ticked me off.”

  “Aidan, I’m supposed to look at him. He leads us. We all look to him, for direction. That’s all it is.” The image of Spencer’s pained expression flashed through my mind.

  “How old is that guy?”

  “Twenty-one.” My eyes drifted over the parking lot, watching the cars pull away. I turned back to Aidan. “There’s nothing to worry about, so please don’t.” I reached across the seat and placed my hand on his knee. “Don’t be upset.”

  Aidan fiddled with his hands and sighed. His shoulders slumped as he looked up at me. “I’m sorry… I’m just in a bad mood. Let’s get outta here, do something fun,” he said with less tension in his voice. “Do you want to go to the beach?”

  “Sure. How about if you pick me up in twenty minutes?”

  Aidan’s demeanor quickly changed, and I was thankful. “Perfect!”

  He gave me a quick kiss on the lips and walked me back to my car. “I’ll go home, grab my stuff, and come back to get you.”

  “Alright, I’ll see you in a bit.”

  As I pulled out of the parking lot, Spencer was walking toward his motorcycle. Seeing him caused a sadness that shook me to the core.


  Aidan laid a couple of striped beach towels on the sand while I pulled my hair back in a ponytail. He looked amazing, wearing a white t-shirt and turquoise swim trunks. I was wearing a pink bikini, jean shorts, and my grey zip-up hoodie. It was warm enough to get some sun but too cold to go in the ocean. He bent forward, removed his t-shirt, and tossed it on the sand. I drank in the sight of his broad shoulders and sculpted six-pack. He grabbed my hand as he lay down on the towel, pulling me with him.

  He hovered over me on one elbow as he kissed a path from my neck, traveling to my cheek and finally to my lips. His tongue gently glided over mine while our bare legs were entwined. Aidan pulled away, giving me a gentle kiss then leaned back on his elbow. He seemed distant, and I wondered if he was still upset about this morning.

  “Are you okay?”

  After several quiet minutes, he answered me. “I heard from my mom today.”

  “Oh? How’s she doing?”

  I know he heard my question, but emotionally he seemed miles away. I ran my hand through his hair and was quiet until he was ready to speak.

  “She seems up… happy… ready to take on the world.”

  “That’s good. Isn’t it?”

  “I’ve heard it before… it’s hard to believe… that’s all.”

  “Maybe this time she’ll stick with it.” His raised eyebrow and skeptical expression made me feel bad he had lost all hope in his mother.

  “How were things with your first stepmom?”

  “That would be, Jennifer. She had twin girls, Erin and Erica. Whiny little brats, completely spoiled. Their marriage only lasted a couple of years. I couldn’t stand living with them. My dad was gone a lot on business, so Jennifer let me do whatever I wanted. I think my dad married her just so he didn’t have to worry about me so much.”

  “Did you ever live with your real mom?”

  “Only when she wasn’t using, so not very often. Weekends mostly, I hope she stays clean this time, but…”

  I reached up and pulled him close. His head lazily fell to my shoulder, and his breathing slowed while I ran my fingers though his hair. I wanted to comfort him, tell him everything was going to be okay, but I had no idea what the future would be like for his mom and didn’t know what to say to him. So I just held him, hoping it would be enough.

  The sun warmed us as Aidan brought his lips to mine. He began giving me soft, slow kisses that heated my already-warm body. I shifted beneath him while my hands ran down the length of his arms, and I pulled him in close. I wanted him to forget about this morning, his conversation with his mom, and focus on nothing but us. Feeling far too warm, I unzipped my hoodie. Aidan’s gaze went from my green eyes to my flimsy pink bikini top. He rolled from his elbow to his back and threw one arm over his eyes.

  “Crap, Liz, what are you doin’ to me?”

  The agony in his tone made me giggle. I lifted his arm to peek at him. One dilated blue eye fixed on mine, and I gave him a flirtatious smile.

  “Too much?” I couldn’t hide the humor in my voice.

  “That’s it!”

  The next thing I knew, Aidan was after me at full speed as I ran down the beach laughing.

  The hours passed while we sat on the sand watching the tide come in. I found myself lost in his eyes when he leaned in and sealed his lips over mine.

  “Thanks for listening… ya know… about my mom.” Aidan held my hand and brought it to his lips with a soft kiss.


  “I loved hearing you sing today. I’ve always wanted you to sing with the band. You know that, right?”

  “I know you do. It’s just hard for me.” With my free hand I began picking up handfuls of sand and letting it sift through my fingers.

  “Do you even know how good you are?”

  “Oh, Aidan.” I sighed. I released my hand from his and brushed the sand away before I kissed him on the lips.

  Aidan deepened the kiss, and after a few minutes, he gave me a sweet smile. “This turned out to be a great day.” He hopped up and grabbed my hand. “Time to get ready for the show.”

  We picked up our towels and headed back to his truck.

  The last thing Aidan said to me when he dropped me off was “Don’t forget. You promised to wear the blue dress.” His smile was wicked.


  The venue was packed, but Melissa and I got there early to claim our usual table. There she was, the cute brunette who’d hungrily gawked at my off-limits’ boyfriend. Derek was surrounded by a bunch of college girls and loving it. Kyle and Mason were talking off to the side of the stage, and when my eyes saw Aidan, his lips curved into a seductive smile. Gracefully, he weaved through the crowd, not taking his eyes from mine.

  “You’re beautiful,” he whispered. With the tip of his index finger, Aidan traced the sunburned skin on my shoulder. “Does this hurt?” He kissed the area where his finger had just been.

  “A lil’ bit.” I smiled.

  “How about here?” He moved his lips to the opposite red shoulder and gently kissed it.

  I answered, “A lil’ bit.”

  Aidan gave me a sly smile then cupped my face with his hands. He brushed the pads of his thumbs across my rosy cheeks. Leaning forward, he kissed the side of my face.

  “How about here?” He stopped briefly to kiss the tip of my nose before kissing the opposite cheek. “Or here?”

  Smiling, my final response repeated, “A lil’ bit.”

  “Shoot. I missed my opportunity to cover this body in sunscreen.”

  A loud cough came from behind us. Aidan and I both glanced down at Melissa, sitting at the table.

  “Ya know, I’m sitting right here.” She rolled her eyes.

  “Just makin’ sure my girl is okay.”

bsp; Aidan gave me one last kiss before he made his way back on the stage. The guys began their set as I took a seat.

  “You both are so cute it kinda makes me a little sick.” Melissa took a sip of her soda.

  “Well, now you know what it feels like to hang out with you and Mason.”

  “Are we that sickening?”

  “Pretty much.”

  Melissa raised her glass to mine and clinked it. “Here’s to being sickeningly happy.” We both giggled then continued to watch the guys play.

  The crowd began moving about, and a couple of college guys were sitting at the bar, drinking and flirting with a few girls. My eyes met the gaze of one of them. He was handsome with dark hair and brown eyes surrounded by thick black eyelashes. He smiled at me. My eyes went to Aidan’s, but thankfully he didn’t see anything.

  As the set continued, the handsome stranger kept looking my way. Feeling uncomfortable, I shifted my chair to avoid any further eye contact. Melissa and I were having a good time singing along and cheering for the guys until the unoccupied chair next to me moved. A voice I didn’t recognize asked me my name as he sat down in the empty chair.

  “Elizabeth,” I responded while glancing up into his intense dark eyes. Instinctively, I knew his eyes weren’t the only ones focused on me. When I glanced at the stage, a shudder ran through me. The eyes that had showed such care and concern not more than twenty minutes ago were now a fiery blue.

  “Hello, Elizabeth.” He glanced at Melissa. “And you are?”


  “Nice to meet you. I’m Dominic.” He shifted his chair so he was facing me.

  Fending off the advances of the opposite sex was something I knew nothing about. Having no idea how to handle this situation, I anxiously glanced at Melissa for some help. Sensing my anxiety, she tapped Dominic on the shoulder.


  He looked over his shoulder at Melissa.

  “We’re not interested.”

  “Are you two together?” he asked with a smirk.

  Melissa raised an eyebrow at him. “You wish. Listen, our boyfriends are up there.” She nodded toward the stage. “So I suggest you move along.”

  Dominic looked me over before he got up from the chair. “Well, that’s too bad. Ladies…” While Dominic made his way back to the bar, I breathed a sigh of relief, reached over, and thanked Melissa.

  The minute the song was over, my adrenalin spiked when I watched Aidan rush to the bar to confront the handsome stranger.

  “Crap!” In desperation I jumped up and waved my hand at Mason, motioning toward Aidan.

  Mason spoke into the mic, telling the crowd the band was going to take a ten-minute break. He then maneuvered his way toward the bar. I shoved my way toward Aidan with Melissa muttering behind me. Aidan’s voice was beginning to escalate as we all approached him at the same time. Mason grabbed Aidan by the arm and pushed him through the venue toward the exit door. Melissa and I followed.

  “What’s your problem, Aidan? Do you want us to lose this gig?” Mason was trying to rein in his temper, but I knew he was fuming.

  “What am I supposed to do? Just sit back and let some player come on to my girl?” Aidan was furious.

  Flustered, Mason rubbed his hand through his hair.

  “Hey, Aidan, nothing happened. You have got to get it together and calm down.” Mason gave him a few minutes to let the words sink in.

  I approached Aidan and hugged him. After a moment, his body went from rigid and tense to somewhat relaxed.

  Mason slapped him on the shoulder. “You okay now, buddy?”

  Aidan gave him a head nod and an apology.

  “I’ll deal with the guy at the bar. You’ve got about five minutes.”

  Mason and Melissa went back inside, but not before Melissa made eye contact with me. By the look on her face, I knew a conversation with her was in the near future.

  Aidan held me tight but didn’t say anything.

  After a few minutes, I spoke. “Aidan, you have to stop being so jealous. Please don’t be this way.”

  “I know, Liz. I guess it just got to me. First it was Spencer and now this guy. I’ve never felt this way before. I hate the thought of someone taking you away from me.”

  I stood on my tiptoes and kissed his lips. “Aidan, I’m not going anywhere.”

  He smiled at me, his eyes finally softening. He brought his lips to mine and kissed me as though I was the air he breathed. He wrapped his arm around my waist and we walked back inside the club together. I forcibly dragged my thoughts from what could have happened. I squeezed him a little tighter, hoping the worst was over, and we could move on from here.


  Melissa’s text came in just as I was crawling into bed. Four words.

  We need to talk.

  Her message caused a heavy breath to leave my lungs. Melissa’s many attempts to corner me hadn’t worked. Aidan had never left my side, causing Melissa’s no-nonsense approach to have to be put on hold. I was thankful… I hated confrontation and certainly hadn’t wanted to hash it out in the restaurant. Her constant glances had me on edge, but having had Aidan within earshot had assured me that the conversation wouldn’t happen tonight.

  My fingers hovered over my cell before I tapped out my reply.

  Saturday, Lantern Bay, 11:30 a.m.

  The thought of having Melissa browbeat me with questions seemed more tolerable in the open air and serene setting of my favorite park.

  Can’t wait.

  I considered answering her but just placed my cell on my bedside table and drifted off into a troubled sleep.


  I stood on the sidewalk outside Spencer’s house and inhaled a few deep breaths, desperately trying to will the anxiety to leave my body. But nothing seemed to work. I hated that I’d caused that look in his eyes. I knew I hadn’t done anything wrong, but I was so riddled with guilt. I hated myself for not mentioning Aidan to him sooner.

  When I moved closer to the door, I heard him playing his guitar and singing the song “What I Know,” one of my favorites. Without warning, my eyes pooled with tears while I listened to him sing.

  There was no denying Spencer and I had a special bond, but that was all it was. I had never led him on or flirted with him. So why did I feel so awful? I leaned against the door and closed my eyes. Spencer was singing with such passion I couldn’t bring myself to knock until he was finished. It took me a minute to blink back the tears and compose myself. I turned around and rang the bell. I swallowed hard as the door opened. Our eyes met and held for a moment before Spencer spoke.

  “C’mon in, darl… Elizabeth.” His smile dimmed.

  My heart sank when I realized the sweet endearment that used to roll off his tongue was gone. Being the perfect gentleman, Spencer offered me something to drink and motioned me to the kitchen. I sat on the barstool and asked for some ice water. My mind was racing trying to decide if I should bring up the elephant in the room. I didn’t have to drag out the inevitable, because Spencer did it for me.

  “How long have you and your boyfriend been together?” His frankness surprised me.

  “About three months.” Spencer handed me my water, and I took a small sip. He ran his hand across the stubble of his jaw and then rubbed the back of his neck.

  “The fun stage.” Spencer’s expression was unreadable as he picked up his glass and filled it with ice.

  Feeling uncomfortable, and in an attempt to take the focus off me, I took another sip of my water and asked, “Do you have a girlfriend?”

  Spencer filled his glass with some orange juice, took a sip, and placed his glass on the kitchen island.


  He didn’t elaborate on the fact, which left me even more curious.

  Spencer leaned back against the counter, eyeing me. He pushed up his long sleeves before he crossed his arms over his firm chest. His gaze made me feel stripped bare of any conscious thought.

  “We haven’t talked ab
out Sunday. How did you feel during your solo?”

  “Didn’t like it,” I responded.

  Spencer gave me a knowing smile.

  “Yes, I understand. But like I’ve already told you, we’re going to get you comfortable. Lance didn’t push you. I want to help you with your confidence.” Spencer’s stance changed, and his eyes softened. “You trust me, don’t you?”

  There was a softness in his tone that I was thankful to hear. “Yes, I trust you.”

  “Good. Let’s practice next week’s solo.” He gave me a dimpled grin and walked into the living room.

  I followed behind. Spencer picked up his guitar and began to play. My eyes focused on what little I could see of his tattoo, a lighthouse.

  Spencer and I ran through my solo several times, and when he was satisfied, we moved to the piano and practiced a duet together. I was feeling more confident and excited to sing with him. With his good looks and soulful voice, he should just scrap college and go for rock star. I smiled at the thought as Spencer glanced my way.

  “What’s the smile for?”

  “Oh nothing. Can I ask you something?” I got up and stretched then plopped myself down on his comfortable couch.

  “Sure.” Spencer slid his long legs over the piano bench so we were facing each other.

  “What made you decide to choose the tattoos you have?”

  His expression changed as his grey eyes turned from mine to the floor. He exhaled and glanced at the clock.

  “It’s getting late, Elizabeth, how about if I tell you about that another time?”

  Sensing his apprehension, I stood. He got up and opened the front door.


  I walked through the door with Spencer behind me. Our walk to my house was quiet. When we arrived, our eyes met.


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