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Easy Rumba

Page 5

by Edwards, Anna

  Izzy certainly has done her research. The floor is on springs and absorbs the shock of our dance movements, which gives it a softer feel.

  “You’ve learned a lot. I have danced there. It’s an amazing feeling. The atmosphere is the greatest I’ve ever known. Unfortunately, we don’t get to go there on this show, but if your mama and you ever want to visit, then I’d be happy to accompany you and show you around.”

  “I’ll add it to my wish list,” Izzy replies as she finishes her ice cream.

  “Your list is getting rather long now,” Elise points out.

  “That’s because you introduce me to so many great things.”

  “You’re such a suck-up. Come on, we’ll head to the bathroom and clean up.”

  “I don’t want to go to the bathroom.”

  “Come on, Miss Izzy.” Elise stands and drags a reluctant daughter off to the ladies’ room.

  “Do you have any children?” I continue a conversation with Gabby.

  “Yes, two. There’s Sam, who Izzy mentioned, my son. He’s twelve. And Ailish who’s five. I’m sure they’ll come to the next show. My husband is looking after them tonight. I wasn’t too sure what would happen, so I wanted to devote my attention to Izzy and Elise.”

  “You’re a good friend to Elise?” It’s a statement and question.

  “I’ve not known her long, but I adore her, and I’m so glad she’s doing this.”

  “You knew her husband?”

  Gabby chuckles.

  “I’m not going to answer that. It’s a conversation you and Elise need to have together. I could see your mind working when you met Izzy. Just don’t hurt Elise. She’s been through enough.”

  Gabby’s a shrewd woman. She knows exactly what I was trying to find out, and I appreciate her honesty.

  “It’s the farthest thing from my mind. I lost contact with her once. I won’t make the same mistake again.”


  Elise and Izzy return, and all three of the ladies stand.

  “I’ll pay the bill, and then we must get going,” Elise says. “It’s late. Izzy needs to get to bed, and I have to be up early to work with my demanding taskmaster. I think he’s already brought out the competitive spirit in me. I want to win this show, Leo, so you better get all your teaching sessions prepared.”

  “Don’t worry. I’m ready to crack the whip,” I reply with a wink, and both the women suppress mischievous laughs. “You ladies, go ahead and get home safely. This is my treat.”

  “Thank you.” Gabby takes Izzy’s hand, and with a wave goodbye, they both start walking out of the restaurant.

  Elise remains behind.

  “Thank you, Leo. I mean it. I want us to do really well. I’ll work as hard as you can push me.”

  I get to my feet and tentatively reach out and take her hand.

  “We had good chemistry before, and I’ve already felt some of it returning as we’ve been dancing. I’ve got no worries. Go get some rest, and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Good night, Leo.” Elise leans forward and presses a tender kiss to my cheek.

  I inhale her scent and relish the feel of her lips on my suddenly overly sensitive skin.

  “Good night, Elise.”

  Chapter 7


  “I think I’m going to be sick.”

  My stomach’s churning repeatedly.

  “You’ll be absolutely fine, Elise. Relax. You know the steps by heart, and you look amazing.”

  “I’m going to mess it up and fall flat on my face. They won’t even bother to vote on it. They’ll send us straight home.”

  I place my hand over my mouth, worrying that I may be about to see my lunch again.

  “Elise, look at me.” Leo tilts my face with his hand, so I have no choice but to look directly into his dreamy eyes. My body heats in all the right places, and I feel nausea for a different reason. I know spending so much time with Leo is dangerous. I’ve been reminded of all the things I liked about him as a teenager. “You’ll be fine. Trust my lead and lose yourself in the music.”


  “Ladies and Gentlemen, Elise Landry and her partner, Leo Westwood, performing a waltz,” the announcer of the show states, and the first bars of ‘I’m Kissing You’ by Des’ree are played by the orchestra.

  I look into Leo’s eyes again, and I’m instantly lost in them as our feet start moving around the room. I begin with my right heel leading on the first step, followed by two steps up onto the balls of my feet, giving the rise and fall movement to the dance. Before I know it, the song finishes, and our dance is at an end.

  Leo pulls me into his arms and whispers, “Well done.”

  I can’t believe it’s over so quickly. My eyes fill with tears, but I’m determined not to cry. I know in my heart I made a few little mistakes, but other than that, everything went well. We make our way over to the host as everyone stands and claps. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch Izzy, Gabby, Rhys, Sam, and Ailish all clapping like mad things. I give them a joyous smile.

  The audience falls silent, and we line up next to the host, ready for the judge's critique of our dance. If I thought I was nervous before, I’m terrified now. These three experts are at the top of the dance world. They’ve been there, done that, and won so many medals and trophies between them they could fill a whole room—a very big room in fact.

  Thankfully, the host eases me into the comments gently, starting with the kindest judge of the group. Sharon Cooper is a former ballet dancer who turned to Latin and ballroom later in her career. Her poise and posture are awe-inspiring whenever she enters the room. Because she’s so graceful, she moves across the ground in a fluid motion. The first time I met her, I was tongue-tied at her elegance and stature, and the way she commanded the room.

  “I feel all tearful,” Sharon begins her feedback while dabbing at her eyes.“That was simply stunning. You two glided around the room like you were floating. There was a little mistiming in a few places, but that’s understandable with first show nerves. Your posture needs a bit of work, Elise, but it’s almost there. For a first dance, I thought it was absolutely amazing. Congratulations.”

  I let out a long sigh of relief, and Leo cuddles me a little tighter, whispering in my ear another, “Well done.”

  Next up is one of the two male judges, Elton. He’s a flamboyant British dancer, completely lovely and such a stylish dresser. He came to all of us before the show and gave us little tips and pointers. He even told jokes to help us all relax. I know for a fact he totally loves Leo and Leo’s muscles, but as he’s happily settled with a partner of ten years, he definitely won’t be testing the waters.

  “Elise, my darling, that was fantastic. When you did the pirouette around Leo, your balance was superb. Push more with the heel leads in the future, really emphasize the steps, but for a first dance, I’m happy. I think we’ll see a lot more from you in this competition.”

  I feel like I’m shaking. The positivity of the comments, so far, has really left me on the verge of tears. I keep looking over to Izzy, and she has the biggest smile on her face. She’s seeing her mama do something positive for once.

  The audience falls silent again, and I know it’s time for the final judge to comment. Denzel is well known for being grumpy and won’t give anyone a top score of ten before the final show. He’s the typical bad guy, but when you really listen to what he says, he’s being honest and giving you useful pointers. Knowing that, though, doesn’t stop me feeling sick and trying to hide under Leo’s arm as I wait for his comments.

  “Your left arm is weak, Elise. You must work on strengthening it in position. I agree the heel leads require more definition and you need to watch your timing, but overall, a good effort. Well done.”

  “Thank you.” I mouth in relief.

  It could have been a lot worse. I heard him telling the previous celebrity dancer that if by some miracle he got through to the next show, he needed to spend the entire week just learning to
count a rhythm because he had none. There’s no doubt I got off lightly.

  Our interview with the judges is finished, and we go backstage to talk to the male host, Chris. I don’t really remember much of what I say or what he asks, because it’s all a blur. I performed the dance, and I’m so proud of myself. I’ve felt low for such a long time after everything with Simon, but I can feel my confidence returning. Maybe this show will help me become the person I once was. Actress or dancer, I can once again lose myself in roles and come home to my daughter, knowing she’s proud of her mama for being a strong woman.

  “The scores are in,” Chris announces, and I watch as the camera pans back to the judges.

  “Six.” Denzel holds up a board with my score on it. The audience boos, but I’m ecstatic with that. He gave the dancer before me a one.

  “Eight.” Sharon holds up her board, and everyone behind the scenes, including all the other dancers and celebrities, start cheering. Only one other couple received an eight. I do a quick mental math tally in my head, and if I get another eight from Elton, then I’m top of the leaderboard by one mark.

  “Eight.” Elton holds his paddle high in the air, waving it around for all to see.

  Everyone erupts in shouts of joy. Leo picks me up and twirls me around before placing me a little dizzily back on my feet. I can’t wait to see Izzy’s face. Twenty-two out of thirty for my first dance, and I’ve never really danced before except when I was a teenager with Leo. The camera cuts to the next couple, and Leo and I are ushered out of the room to get a drink and a moment’s breathing space.

  “You were fantastic.” Leo high fives me.

  I place my hands over my mouth.

  “I can’t believe I just did that. Oh, my God, it's amazing. Thank you, Leo. Thank you for teaching me to dance.”

  Leo shakes his head.

  “I didn’t have much work to do. You’re a natural, believe me. Next week, we have a salsa, so you’re going to have to step it up a bit. I want to see those hips moving.”

  He rotates his hips, and I feel myself go bright red. He’s incredibly handsome, and I can’t help admiring him in his full top hat and tails. Then something comes over me, and I step up onto my tiptoes in my two-inch heels and press a kiss to Leo’s cheek.

  “I mean it, Leo. Thank you.”

  He pulls me into his arms.

  “I don’t know what’s taken your confidence away, Elise, but you’re a fabulous woman—smart, funny, and fucking sexy. Don’t ever forget that.”

  “I won’t.”

  We reluctantly pull away from each other and head toward our dressing rooms.

  There’s only one couple left to perform their dance, and then we’ll be needed back on stage to end the show. Before that, I want to just touch up my make-up and have a drink of water. I think I just need a moment to myself. My interaction with Leo tonight was intense, and I just need to be away from him for a minute before I’m tempted to do something stupid.

  The hairdresser is in the room, along with the make-up artist changing the styles of a couple of the professional dancers for a performance on the results show, which will be filmed later tonight but shown tomorrow evening.

  Angelique is sitting in one of the chairs.

  “Elise, you were amazing. Is Leo happy?” she questions as the hairdresser back-combs a wedge of her bright purple hair.

  “He’s ecstatic and probably shocked I did so well. Fingers crossed we get enough votes from the public.”

  “I don’t doubt you will. I can’t wait to help you with the salsa.”

  It’s not a requirement of the show for the professional dancers to help each other but Angelique and her partner are training in the same venue as Leo and me. We’ve spent a lot of time this week working on the steps together. I think it’s been a godsend in learning the routine.

  “I’m not sure I’ll be as good at that dance. It’s been a long time since I shook my hips, and I’m definitely carrying a little extra weight in them since I had Izzy.”

  “That gives you all the more booty to shake. Don’t worry, we’ll get you loosened up.”

  One of the show’s runners pops his head around the door.

  “Five minutes and you’re all needed back on stage.”

  “Ok,” we all shout out in tandem to let him know we’ve heard.

  The make-up artist gives me a once-over.

  “You don’t need anything. A natural beauty.”

  “Thank you. Just some water then.”

  She hands me a bottle, and I take a long sip and place it down where I was sitting earlier. My bag is under the chair, and I pull it out to check quickly if there are any messages. My skin chills, and my stomach turns when I see one from Simon. I should have blocked his new number, but I didn’t. It was sent a few minutes ago. He must have been watching the show.

  “We need to go,” Angelique calls over to me.

  “Two seconds,” I shout back.

  I know I should put my phone back in my bag and ignore it, but I can’t. I swipe to open the message.

  ‘You had your chance. You’ve blown it. I’m coming for Izzy.’

  My world goes black.

  Chapter 8


  After Elise fainted the other night, I’ve been terrified of pushing her too hard in training. However, we’ve only got three days until the live performance, and she still can’t remember the steps. We’re getting absolutely nowhere with this dance. She’s barely talking to me, and although I know something is wrong, she won’t open up to me no matter how hard I try. I’ve even asked Angelique to talk to her as the two of them have become friends, but she’s also failed to get Elise to share anything.

  It’s like she’s a different woman. Her confidence is virtually non-existent again, and I can’t work out why. She did amazingly on the show and was top of the leaderboard. Maybe it’s just that ballroom is more her thing than Latin. I really hope not, though, because I don’t know how I’d cope with that. I love Latin dancing—the beat, the rhythm.

  I start the music once again and ‘Conga’, a Gloria Estefan track, begins to play. It’s a wonderful song for a salsa, and we begin our moves. Elise forgets the steps again, and when I go to lift her, she shifts her weight to the wrong position. Luckily, I’m able to catch her before she falls.

  “What are you doing, Elise? Are you crazy? I’ve told you to make sure your weight is on the left. Do you want me to hurt you?” I erupt in a furious rage. “You need to get out of your head and pay attention to what you’re doing.”

  Elise’s eyes go wide, and she shuffles backward into the corner of the room. She’s shaking.

  “I’m sorry,” her voice cracks, and I feel awful.

  She’s absolutely terrified of me.

  I walk over to the other side of the room, as far away from her as possible, turning the music off as I go. Then breathing deeply several times, I get my anger under control. The vision of her fear quickly dispels it. No woman should look like that when I shout at them. This is a show, not life or death. What am I doing?

  “I’m sorry,” Elise repeats. I can still hear the quiver of fear in her voice. “I’ll go.”

  She starts picking up her belongings, and I race across the room to stop her. But when I grab her hand, she screams loudly. Her squeal is so deafening that a few seconds later Leah, the producer who works in the same building, comes running in with Angelique and her wife.

  “What’s going on?” Leah sees me holding Elise’s hand and immediately moves in between us. “Leo, get out.”

  “W-What have I done?” I stumble over my words, not entirely sure what’s happening.

  “Get out,” Leah repeats, this time with more force.

  Angelique and her wife place their hands on my shoulders and guide me from the room. I feel like I’m in some sort of daze.

  “What’s happening?” my professional dance partner questions.

  “I don’t know. I lost my temper because she messed up, and I nearly droppe
d her. You know how I get sometimes when I’m worried about harming my partner.”

  “Asshole as I call it. Yeah.” Angelique rolls her eyes.

  She knows what it’s like to be on the end of a tongue lashing from me when I’ve nearly accidentally hurt her in the past because she’s made a mistake.

  “She was so scared of me.”

  My back falls against the wall behind me. I feel lost. That is not a side of Elise I’ve ever seen before. She’s always been confident and happy, but it’s like Hollywood has sucked all the life out of her. I’ve caught glimpses of joy since we’ve been reintroduced, but she keeps it hidden away most of the time as though she’s scared of something.

  Gabby’s words at the restaurant come back to me. She wasn’t going to tell me anything about Elise’s divorce. It wasn’t her secret to tell, but I have a horrible sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach that it’s something bad. If I’m going to get anywhere with Elise, either romantically or on the show, I need to discover what happened to her.

  Eventually, she emerges from the room with her bag on her shoulder. I can tell she’s been crying. Leah is at her side.

  “I think we’ll call it a day for your training, Leo,” Leah informs me, but I stare straight past her to Elise.

  “I’ll take her home. She’s in no fit state to drive,” I insist.

  Leah opens her mouth to interrupt and no doubt disagree, but I fold my arms across my chest, showing I’ll not back down on this point.

  “Is that all right, Elise?” Leah asks, and I wish Elise would look at me herself, but she’s doing everything possible to avoid eye contact with me now.

  Her head is directly pointed at the floor when she mumbles, “Yes” to Leah’s question.

  “Ok, call me when you’re home.”

  “I will do,” Elise mutters and starts down the corridor toward the exit of the building at a quick pace.

  I run into the dance studio and grab my phone and car keys before heading back out. By the time I get outside, Elise is standing next to my car at the passenger door side, looking dejected. Her head is still bowed low, and her shoulders slumped. She’s like a broken doll. My chest hurts watching her this way. I remember when she was a free spirit.


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