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Page 4

by Ashers, LeAnn

  He gives me the softest look yet. “You’re way too sweet for your own good, do you know that?”

  I look down at my hands, smiling. My face burns at the compliment. His finger touches my cheek gently, rubbing. “Ahh, there’s that blush again,” he teases, and chuckles.

  I laugh and push his hand away, taking it in mine. “Teasing isn’t very nice, Maverick.”

  He laughs. “Can’t say I’m sorry. I love your blushing.” My face is burning by this point, so I pull the blanket up over my face.

  He laughs even louder and pulls me into his chest, hugging me. “You’re beautiful, darlin’.”

  I giggle and snuggle close, and both of us focus on the TV.

  * * *

  Hours later, around nine o’clock p.m., I hear the beep in the house letting me know that someone is coming through the gate.

  Maverick and I have been lying on the couch for hours watching movies. Now we’re snacking on popcorn.

  We have done absolutely nothing, but it’s been the best time. We’ve laughed, joked and cuddled.

  The door opens and Chase walks in holding Hunter. Jessica eyes both of sitting on the couch.

  “How is Lani?” I ask, sitting up slightly.

  “She’s doing great, trying to get some sleep.”

  Jessica looks unsure what to do, she keeps looking at the both of us. “Well, goodnight, guys. I’m going to bathe Hunter and put him to bed.”

  “Goodnight, honey,” I tell her and they head up the stairs.

  “I never did ask how old you are,” Maverick asks, twirling the ends of my hair between his fingers.

  “I’m thirty-eight.”

  I can see him counting in his head. “You had Jessica when you were really young.” He says carefully.

  “I was married young. I was fourteen,” I say the last bit carefully, awaiting his reaction.

  Then it hits me. Technically I’m still married. Will that be a deal breaker? How does someone even bring up something like that?

  He sits up, confused. “Darlin’, how is that even possible? Fourteen?”

  I turn in my seat. “I practically grew up in a cult, Maverick. Things like that were normal in our life, sadly.” I smile, playing it off like it wasn’t a big deal. “We have no rights, we belong to our parents until we are married and then we belong to our husband.”


  A fucking cult? She looks so unsure telling me this, like I’m going to run for the fucking hills.

  I can’t stand the thought of some kind of fucked up shit happening in her head like that.

  I smile. “Come here, darlin’, let’s finish this movie?” I ask her and she smiles, showing me her beautiful dimples.

  I pull her to me, holding her, trying not to think about what kind of shit put that look in her eyes or who the fuck marries a fourteen-year-old.

  Or what kind of parent allows that shit.

  I run my hand down her arm, my finger circling her wrist, when I feel small ridges like scars.

  I look down and see a ring around her wrist like she has been tied up.

  I turn my head away before she can catch me looking. I will not fucking embarrass her.

  An hour later the movie ends and she’s asleep on my chest. The front door opens. River walks inside and looks at the both of us.

  “Which room is hers?” I ask softly so I don’t wake her up.

  “I’ll show you,” River whispers.

  I lift her higher in my arms, standing with her. She snuggles deeper into my chest and my fucking heart does a little skip.

  River leads me up the stairs and pushes open a door. I walk over to the bed, laying her down gently, pushing her hair out of her face.

  Her beautiful eyes flutter open, looking at me. She smiles sleepily. “Did you carry me to bed?”

  “I did, darlin’. Get some sleep and I’ll see you in the morning,” I whisper.

  She nods. I take the blanket and cover her, tucking her in.

  How could someone hurt someone as angelic as her? I will never fucking understand.

  Evil is the only thing they can be, but good news for them is I’m the Grim fucking Reaper and I’m coming for them.


  I walk downstairs already dressed for the day. My mind hasn’t stopped racing with thoughts of Maverick since the second I woke up. The other side of my mind is on Ronny.

  Jessica is in the kitchen feeding Hunter his breakfast. “Good morning, sweetheart.” I kiss the side of her head and then Hunter’s cheek.

  I walk over to Chase and give him a quick side hug, taking over breakfast for him. “Good morning, Chase.”

  Chase helps me set the food on the table. We eat our breakfast and I start to clean when there is a knock at the door, “That’s probably River; she must have smelt the food from the guesthouse,” Jessica jokes as Chase walks to the door.

  “Hey, man, come on in,” Chase says, and I peek around the corner. Maverick is standing there.

  I look at Jessica in panic, my face heating, my stomach in instant knots at the thought of seeing him.

  They come around the corner, and Maverick immediately comes to me. I smile. “Want some breakfast?” I ask.

  “I already ate.” He smiles back.

  I try not to close my eyes at the beautiful sound of his voice. I walk over to him. “You ready to go see Ronny?” I ask, excited.

  He nods, smiling at my excitement. “Bye guys, see you later!” I yell over my shoulder and walk out with Maverick.

  “Do you want me to drive or ride with you?” I hope he chooses the latter since I loved being on the back of his bike.

  “Ride with me, darlin’.”

  “Okay, let me get something out of my car.” I walk over and take out the next book in the series in case he finishes the other.

  “He loves to read; he’s obsessed with these books so I make sure he has the next one whenever he finishes.” Maverick takes the book from me, putting it in the saddle bag.

  “I got you something.” He walks to the other side of the bike, pulling out a helmet and a leather jacket.

  Wait, did he really buy me something?

  He walks over and puts the helmet on my head, tightening the straps and snapping it closed. “This is a leather jacket. If somethings happens, I don’t want anything happening to you. Road burn is a bitch.”

  I take it from him gently, shocked that he even thought to do this for me. “Thank you, Maverick.” He cared enough to make sure I was as safe as possible; he wanted me safe.

  My heart aches. It’s a good ache and a shock to my system. He lifts it out of my hands and holds it up for me to slip it on, then zips me up.

  “You look fucking hot.” He whistles. I duck my head, trying to hide my smile and not blush for the tenth time today since I saw him.

  He pulls me to him. “Come on, darlin’. I’m excited to meet your boy.” I beam at him calling Ronny “my boy.”

  I know that he’s not mine. I love him and I want him to have the best in life. I just want him taken care of; he needs that. Maybe I can speak to his mother today, maybe try to have a breakthrough? Share a part of my story.

  He turns on the bike, holding out his hand for me to hold onto so I can get on.

  I wrap my arms and scoot as close to Maverick as I can, loving the feel of his hard muscles pressed against me.

  I’m attracted to Maverick and I would be naïve to not admit that to myself. The sad part of me is thinking that once he knows my past, he won’t want me anymore.

  I close my eyes and let the warm air beam down on me, stopping my toxic thinking. I have not faced what I have in life to be my own enemy.

  Michael is still out there. I hope and pray that he has gone back to Michigan. I hope that I never see him again. It’s been months, so that’s very unlikely. We were poor, we didn’t have any kind of money for him to be living here and not working.

  He worked for the church—all of the men did. They did whatever the pastor in the church wanted a
nd then they were paid a short wage.

  My husband was lazy, so half of the time he didn’t complete the jobs. He ate well and I did not. Everything comfortable we had in life, it went to him.

  He counted every single grocery we had in the house. He knew everything. Not one second in my day did I have peace.

  Right now that part of my life seems like a dream, a nightmare.

  I lean forward and rest my chin on Maverick’s shoulder, loving the open road until we get into the city. “You know, we should take a long road trip one day,” I suggest.

  Maverick looks back at me for a second before turning back to the road. “Let’s fucking go, darlin’.”

  I grin at the happiness I can hear in his voice. Riding is his life and I can see how much he enjoys it. I want to experience that with him.

  He pulls up in front of the center. The prospect gets super defensive when he first sees Maverick until he leans over and reads his cut.

  We’re waved through, and I almost jump off the bike, ready to see Ronny. Maverick takes my hand, nodding at all of the prospects hanging around.

  I sign in at the front desk and get Maverick a visitor pass. “He’s usually is in the main room.”

  Walking in, I stop and look around for Ronny. I spot him in the corner. He looks absolutely devastated. “There he is.”

  I squeeze Maverick’s hand hard. I walk over to him, stopping a few feet away. “Hi honey, you okay?” I ask.

  He looks over at me, his eyes filling with tears and clenching his little jaw. I look at Maverick, my heart breaking.

  Maverick gives me a concerned look. I let go of his hand and split the distance between me and Ronny, sitting down beside him.

  “Can I hold your hand, Ronny?” I ask.

  He nods. I reach forward, slowly making sure he has direct contact with my hand, wiping away his tears.

  Maverick stands at my back, putting his hand on my shoulder. “Want to tell me why you’re upset?”

  His bottom lip trembles. “Mom sold my books. She got mad at me because I told her that you bought them for me.”

  My heart breaks. He loved those books. “It’s okay, honey. It’s not your fault.” I rub my hand over his.

  He sniffs, smiling a little. “I was scared you would be upset with me.”

  A huge chunk of my heart once again goes to this precious boy. “I would never get mad at you for something out of your control.”

  His eyes search mine. So many deep thoughts are going through his mind right now, I can see it.

  I look over to see if his mother is on the couch and she is. “Do you want me to speak to your mom?”

  He looks unsure. “I don't want her to be mean to you, Bell.”

  Anger hits me hard. I bite it down and mask how I’m really feeling. “Don’t worry about me, honey. I’ll be right back. I was telling Maverick about your books—maybe you can tell him about them?”

  Ronny gets excited and starts spouting off random facts about the books. Maverick leans closer, giving him his full attention.

  Why is that so attractive?

  I calm my nerves so I don’t say something I regret to her. I walk over and sit next to her.

  She gives me a side glare. “Ronny is a great little boy. You must feel so blessed to have him.” I smile at her, hoping to break the ice.

  “That little shit is why I am here.”

  I flinch when she calls him that. Breathe deep, Bell. She sits forward. I can feel the anger rolling off of her. “The fucking social workers got called. They were going to cut off my check if they took him from me. So here I fucking am.”

  One…two…three…four… I start counting, I want to tell her so many things and I want to be angry. I want to tear into her and let her know how shitty of a human being she is.

  “I really hope that you are hurting right now and that you don’t mean that about him,” I whisper to her softly.

  She laughs loudly. “Of course I mean it. I never wanted to be a mother. I just kept him because I got shit for him from the government.”

  That is enough. I have never been so disgusted by someone ever in my life.


  I can see why Bell has fallen head over heels for this little boy. I would be fucking lying if I didn’t feel the exact same way.

  “Are you dating Bell?” he asks all seriously, way beyond his years.

  “I just met her, buddy, but I like her a lot,” I tell him honestly.

  He studies me for a minute with his big blue eyes. “Bell is special, she is nice to me and buys me books. Please don't be mean to her,” he pleads with me.

  My fucking whole heart shatters that he fucking thinks in this way, that that’s even a possibility.

  I bend down closer to his level, looking him in the eye. “I would rather die than hurt her in any way. A real man takes care of his lady. You care about her and you’re trying to take care of her. I respect that, buddy.”

  He beams at my praise. “Just doing my job,” he says, so nonchalantly I try not to laugh.

  “You’re doing great at it. I appreciate you looking out for my lady.” I wink and he laughs.

  I look over at Bell, who looks pissed the fuck off. I almost fall right out of my seat, not expecting that shit from her.

  I know something fucking bad is going down.


  "I came here to try to get to know you on a deep level, but I regret that I did. I had hope for you, I had hope that you would be a good mother and that you were just having a hard time right now.” I stop and look over at Maverick, who is staring at me with an amused look on his face.

  “Bitch, you’re just trying to act all high and mighty. You’re not shit, you’re trying to buy my boy and I won’t tolerate that shit.” She gets in my face, pointing her finger.

  I bite my tongue, wanting to tell her to exactly where to stick it. Maverick sits down right between us, practically in my lap, putting himself as a buffer.

  “Now are you going to fucking tell me where the fuck you get off speaking to her like that?” Maverick eyes her, his face completely serious, but his eyes are the scary part.

  I gulp as her expression changes. She turns away from him and looks at me. “Watch yourself, cunt.”

  I flinch at the derogatory name she calls me, but I look at Ronny who is now standing behind his mother. He heard her call me that.

  I smile at him softly. “Honey, want to come with me? I have something for you.” I stand up, taking his hand and leading him to the front of the center, away from his mother.

  “Stay right here.” I walk outside to Maverick’s bike and fetch the book.

  I can see Ronny’s little face watching me as I walk back inside. “I got you the next book.”

  His little eyes fill with tears, “I don’t deserve it. She got rid of the others.” He takes the book and clutches it to his chest.

  I put my finger under his chin, tilting his face up. “You deserve the world. No one ever is allowed to put you down. No one. No one is to make you doubt yourself. They are not worth that.”

  He throws his arms around me, holding me tightly. I close my eyes and try not to cry because I can feel the sadness coming off of him.


  The second Bell walks out of earshot with Ronny, I descend on the bitch. I am respectful to all fucking females, but right now, the way she treated her fucking kid and Bell? That shit pissed me the fuck off.

  “If you fucking dare to speak about your son in such a way ever again, you are out of here. The owners are my friends.”

  Her eyes widen at the realization that her actions have consequences. “You are to fucking tell me what you did with those books of his. How the fuck can you take something away from him that he loved so much?” I look at her in disgust.

  She glares at me. “I didn’t sell them. No one would fucking buy them. They’re in the closet over there.” She throws me a nasty look, gets up and walks toward the hallway.

  I walk over to the
closet door and look down to see the books sitting on the floor in a heap.

  I shake my head, anger surfacing again. I pick them up and dust them off. I put them on the table where we all sat at when we arrived.

  The door opens and Bell walks in with a smiling Ronny. “Look what I have, Maverick!” he yells excitedly, running over.

  My fucking heart is not safe around this kid, nor Bell. She has so much class. She stood there and fucking didn’t make a peep as that bitch talked down to her. Pure fucking class.

  “Look what I found, Ronny.” I scoot the books closer to him and he looks shocked.

  He points at them, shocked. “How did you get them back?” He opens one of them up like he’s making sure it’s real.

  “I asked nicely.” I smile and Bell smiles at me, knowing the truth.

  “Thank you, Maverick.” He walks over and hugs me.


  I run my hand over the back of his head. “You’re welcome, buddy.” Bell sits down next to us, and we eat lunch together and watch Ronny play


  The hours pass by too quickly. We tell Ronny goodbye and I leave a piece of my heart there with him. I pray that his mother has seen the light and is better to him.

  Maverick holds my hand as we walk out to his bike. “Do you want to come to my house, darlin’? We can ride the side by side, build us a fire and hang out?” he asks.

  At first I want to say no, my instinct, but then I think about how he has done nothing but make me feel safe and secure.

  I nod, smiling. “I’d like that.”

  He smiles back at me, so happy, making me so glad to say yes. I climb onto the back of bike. We pull into traffic and a guy in a Mustang pulls up next to us.

  He rolls down his window. Maverick reaches behind him, putting his arm around me, pressing me to his bike.

  I notice Maverick puts his other hand on his gun. Oh shit, is this bad?

  A young guy in a polo shirt sticks his head out of the window. “Yo, bro, do you want to race me?” he asks.


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