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Maverick Page 13

by Ashers, LeAnn

  Maverick nods and he takes off, holding Anna’s hand, pulling her behind him. She giggles and tries her best to keep up.

  I lean against the wall, rubbing my temples. “Once they get to bed, I’m running you a hot bath. You are too stressed.” Maverick massages my shoulders and arms.

  “I think I’m just trying to come to terms with the fact that I have a sister. We’re going to be raising a little girl. Are you okay with that?” I need to make sure that he’s on board with this.

  He stops his massaging. “Darlin’, I want nothing more than to have all of the kids with you. We can adopt five more and I will be fucking thrilled,” he reassures me.

  What he doesn’t know is, I think I might be pregnant.

  I’ve been feeling sick, I haven’t had a regular period ever, so skipping a month or so was completely normal for me.

  Tonight once he leaves to go do club things, I’ll take a test. “Let’s go see what these kids are up to.”

  They’re in the room next door to Ronny’s. “She chose this room. Can I grab some of my toys and things in here until we can get her own?”

  “Sure can, honey.” I rub the top of his head and he runs off to his room.

  “This is my room? I sleep here?” Anna stands in place looking around, in awe of everything.

  “Come here, sweetheart.” I sit down on the bed and pat next to me so I can speak to her.

  She does, but I can tell she’s nervous. “Do you want to stay with us? Live with us forever? If you want to go back or find somewhere else…”

  She falls to the floor, her face pale. “Please don’t make me go back. I want to stay here. You’re nice to me,” she practically pleads with me.

  I look at Maverick. “Can you give us a few minutes?” I ask him.

  He walks out of the room, shutting the door behind him. I know what it was like living with them.

  They didn’t sexually abuse me. I’m so thankful for that, but they were very mean people and I know without a doubt that they haven’t changed with age.

  “You will never have to go back there, ever. I just want you to be happy. You’ve lived your whole life without choices. I want to make sure this is one you want, what you want.”

  I help her off the floor back onto the bed with me. “I want to be here with you and Maverick. He saved me. He took me away from that bad man.” Her little voice cracks.

  I pull her to me, hugging her for a second. I push her hair out of her face.

  “Did anyone hurt you?” I’m afraid to ask, but I need to know.

  “My mommy and daddy were mean to me. I got spankings every day, but I hadn’t been with the bad man long. I was taken by him this morning.”

  I close my eyes with relief. “I’m sorry your mommy and daddy were mean to you, baby.”

  She opens her mouth, her eyes filled with tears, which shatters me.

  The door opens and she sees Maverick. She runs over to him at full speed. He picks her up off the ground and she wraps her arms around his neck, holding so tightly.

  He walks over and sits on the bed next to me. “What’s the matter, baby girl?” he asks.

  “I’m just sad,” she hiccups.

  I lean my head on his shoulder. “Are you confused?” I ask. She nods, sniffing. “Are you hungry?” She nods again, wiping her tears. “When’s the last time you ate?” She shrugs her shoulders, pushing her long hair over her shoulder. “Today?”

  She shakes her head no. “I had some lunch yesterday from the church.”

  Anger burns so deep, but I push it down. I want to scream at the top of my lungs with how the world is so unfair.

  “What do you want?” I rub her back gently.

  “Can I have mac and cheese? Burger?” Her eyes light up, her little dimples popping through.

  “I’ll make you some dinner, sweetheart. I think a bath is in order for you. Are you okay with borrowing some of Ronny’s clothes until we can go shopping for you?” She shrugs her shoulders like it’s no big deal.

  Ronny takes that moment to walk into the room. “Ronny, can she borrow some of your clothes?”

  He runs out of the room without hesitation. “I’ll be downstairs.” He rubs the top of her head and walks out of the room, her eyes following.

  Her bedroom has a bathroom, so I ask, “Do you want to take a bath or a shower?”


  Ronny runs into the room with some of his shower stuff and clothes. “I thought she might need this too.”

  “You’re such a sweetheart, Ronny,” I praise.

  He blushes hard and backs out of the room. I giggle to myself, feeling not the slightest bit ashamed for embarrassing him.

  I set everything out for Anna and start her water. “Do you need help or do you think you got it? Oh, and here is a wash cloth for the body soap here.”

  She tugs on the bottom of her shirt, “I think I got it, but I can yell if I need you?” I can tell she is hesitant to ask.

  “Of course, honey. I’ll be right outside.” I point to the door and leave her alone, shutting the door.

  Ronny is sitting on the floor, scrolling through the channels on her TV. “I’m going to find a good show for her.”

  “I think you need to hop into the shower too, mister.” He laughs and sets the remote down. “Be right back.” He runs out of the room but peeks his head back in. “Mom.” He grins, and I hear him running down the hallway.

  I sit down onto the bed holding my heart. He just doesn’t know what he has done to me.

  I will cherish that moment forever.

  I sit and wait on Anna to make sure that she doesn’t need me. Twenty minutes later the door opens and she walks out in Ronny’s Superwoman pajamas. He really put thought into it.

  “You look so pretty, honey!” I tell her.

  She tugs at the clothes, which are a little big on her but nothing like the clothes she was wearing.

  “Thank you.” Her little cheeks redden from my praise.

  “I’m here!” Ronny yells and runs into the room, holding his hair products. “Do you want me to braid you hair?” He is so excited.

  He has braided my hair more times that I can count. Maverick lets him, too, and I think it’s so cute.

  Her mouth opens in surprise. “French braid?” she asks.

  He jumps once before setting the stuff onto the floor, sitting down. “Sit in front of me. I got this,” he says with so much confidence.

  “I’ll go check on Maverick. I’ll be back.” Ronny doesn’t even pay any mind. He’s currently spraying leave-in conditioner in her hair and combing out the knots.

  Maverick is currently plating the burgers and some fries. I know it’s not the healthiest meal, but this girl deserves whatever she wants.

  “How is she?”

  I lean against the counter. “Ronny is currently braiding her hair.”

  Maverick chuckles. “He loves doing that.”

  Ever since we took him to the salon to learn how to take care of his hair, he has been obsessed with taking care of it. I don’t even have to help him anymore.

  “He does. Maybe we need to set up a chair for him in his bathroom and a mirror so it’s easier for him?” I suggest.

  “I’ll get a prospect to pick something up tomorrow.”

  “That why I love you,” I throw out there.

  He tilts his head to the side. I continue, “It’s the way that without hesitation you do whatever you can for those you care about. We are so blessed to have you.”

  He drops the spatula onto the counter, walking to me. I still get butterflies around him. Just looking at him catches me by surprise because he’s all mine.

  I count my blessings, because coming from something that was not good, to this?

  It’s heaven.

  “Darlin’, if you’re trying to get me to fall in love with you, then I’m already gone.” He cups my face, staring deep into my eyes.

  God, the way he looks at me.

  If I ever had a reason to do
ubt his words, I just have to look into his eyes. They will never lie.

  “I love you too, honey.” I stand up on my tippy toes, kissing him softly, pouring every feeling into it.

  His hand buries into my hair, taking over the kiss, making love to my mouth. God, the sex with him is out of this world. Breaking the kiss, I say breathlessly, “Too bad you have to leave.”

  He gives me a heated look. “I’ll be home later. I want to bury my face in between those thighs.” He licks his lips and I almost pass out from how sexy he is.

  “Can’t wait,” I whisper into his ear, tugging slightly on his earlobe before I put distance between us.

  The look he gives me, I almost lie across the damn bar and strip naked.

  The moment is broken when the kids walk downstairs. Ronny has Anna turn so he can show us his masterpiece. “Wow, you did such a good job, Ronny!” I hug him. “You look beautiful, Anna.”

  She smiles at me and looks around the house, taking everything in. I know that it’s very different for her.

  If my parents still live in the same house, it’s a small one-room house. My parents’ bed was on one side of the house and my bed was on the other, and we had a small kitchen.

  I honestly want to take a trip to Kentucky. I want to see my parents. They sent me away at fourteen years old to Michigan with a man twice my age who abused me.

  I told them.

  They did nothing. They allowed it to happen because my husband was my owner, according to the church.

  This church is huge. I think it’s bigger than anyone ever realized and I think I want to get rid of it.

  “Maverick, can I speak to you for a second?” I walk into the laundry room and shut the door behind him.

  “I think I want to take a trip to Kentucky. I want to confront my parents and I think I want to stop this cult; I need to stop it. These young girls are still being abused to this day.”

  “We will make it happen, darlin’. I’ll get the information we need. Vinny was raised in a cult. I wonder if it’s the same cult?” Maverick thinks out loud.

  “Thank you.” I hug him before I open the door. The kids are standing around the table.

  “Do you still like everything on your burgers, Ronny?” I ask.

  He nods. “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Do you know what you like on your burgers?” I ask Anna.

  “I like cheese and ketchup.” I make their burgers and set them front of them, then a huge glass of milk each.

  Anna grabs the burger with both hands, taking two huge bites before she even swallows.

  Ronny leans across the table. I turn away so I don't embarrass her. “Go slow, it doesn’t hurt your tummy that way.”

  I run into the kitchen, breathing in and out deeply, trying not to cry. That was the saddest thing I’ve ever heard.

  It kills me to my core that he even knew that.

  I want to kill his mother all over again; his mother is dead. I didn’t do it, but I know that she will never hurt anyone ever again.

  I don't have one ounce of sympathy for her, She hurt Ronny on so many levels. I don't have any sympathy for my parents; I am sickened by them.

  I look out of the window, taking one long deep breath before I join the others.

  Turning around, Maverick is leaning against the counter. He’s there but letting me have my space in this moment. “Good, angel?”

  I nod, rubbing my hand on his stomach before sitting down beside Ronny and next to Anna, who has already finished her burger.

  “Do you want another one?” I ask.

  She looks down at her plate, ashamed, nodding. Maverick gets up and makes her another one.

  He comes back and hands it to her. “So if you could go on vacation anywhere, where would you go?”

  Ronny’s eyes widen. “I want to see a pro hockey game, but Disney World!” he yells, his face showing his excitement.

  Anna looks at Maverick. “Disney World.”

  “Looks like we are going to Disney World, and Ronny, I will get you to a game.” Maverick winks.

  Ronny jumps up and runs around the table, slamming into Maverick and hugging him, “Thanks so much, Dad.”

  I swear I could have pushed Maverick over with a feather, his eyes are clenched closed, hugging Ronny back with the same fierceness.

  He opens his eyes and I grin at him, knowing exactly how he’s feeling. We never wanted Ronny to feel like he had to call us that, we wanted that choice to be his because either way in our hearts he’s ours.

  “Want some more milk?” I ask Anna, who is watching Maverick and Ronny.

  She nods and I fill up her glass once more. She sits back in her chair and continues to drink her milk.

  The front gate sends an alert through the house, letting us know Myra is here. It’s nine o’clock at night but I really want to get Anna checked out.

  Anna jumps up scared, running straight to Maverick. “What is that?”

  “That’s the front gate, sweetheart.” Maverick stands with her in his arms like she’s a small child, walking to the iPad on the wall that shows Myra and Ryan on camera.

  “She’s a doctor, honey. We want to make sure you’re healthy, that’s all.” I try to reassure her, but I can still see the slight panic on her face.

  “She’s not going to take me away?” Her bottom lip trembles as she tries to hold back her tears.

  I shake my head. “No, honey, just a doctor visit.” I take her hand and hold it.

  “She’s my doctor too, Anna,” Ronny pipes in and moves to stand beside me. “Thank you, honey,” I tell him, for trying to help her.

  Maverick opens the door, still holding Anna. “Hi Myra, come on in,” I welcome them in, my eyes drifting back to Anna to make sure she is okay.

  She just met us a few hours ago. I cannot imagine how scared she is, how confused she is. Her whole entire life in a span of one day is completely turned upside down.

  Myra smiles at her. “Hi sweetheart. My name is Myra. It’s nice to meet you.”

  Anna turns her head into Maverick’s neck. I rub her back, wishing I could take this from her.

  We walk to the couch. Maverick sits down and Anna crawls into his lap, holding onto him for dear life.

  “No one is going to take you from me, I promise,” Maverick swears. She clutches onto his shit, so Myra decides to work around her.

  She does the basic exam. “Alright, honey, I am going to take some blood from you. I’m going to numb you so won’t even feel it.” Anna tucks her face back into Maverick’s neck and just nods.

  I know this is killing him, his jaw is clenched so hard.

  Myra takes the blood fast and easy. Anna doesn’t even move. “I think we need to get in touch with Braelyn,” Myra whispers to me, and I nod in agreement.

  Ronny went to therapy and he still goes once a week. Ronny adjusted quite well because he knew me weeks prior to all of this, but for Anna this is so different.

  It’s also so hard to see her struggling and in pain. The anxiety is just rolling off of her

  I shut the door behind Myra and Ryan, waiting until they are out of the gate before I arm it again.

  “They’re gone, sweetheart.” Ronny is hovering, unsure what to do, and I feel the same way.

  Right now Maverick is giving her comfort and that’s what’s important. Anna looks up and around the room. “She didn’t make me leave.” She sighs and rubs her eyes.

  “No one is going to take you away from us. I promise that with every fiber of my being.” Maverick pushes a stray hair out of her face.

  “Me too,” Ronny pipes in.

  “Me too, honey, we mean it.” I rub her hand and she nods her little head. “I think it’s time for bed.” Maverick stands with her, and Ronny and I follow them upstairs. “Go brush your teeth, honey.”

  Ronny goes into his bathroom. I turn on his diffuser that helps him sleep. I need to get Anna one for her room.

  Ronny comes out. I grab one of his books that he reads to me out loud. I
climb in bed beside him, and he cuddles up into my side.

  “Will Anna be okay?” he asks in his sweet voice.

  I run my hand down the back of his head. “I think it will just take time, baby. You knew us and I know it was hard for you in the beginning,” I answer honestly.

  “Her mom and dad were mean to her too?” he asks sadly.

  I sigh. “They were my parents too, honey. They were mean to me, so I don't think they changed their ways.”

  He hugs me a little tighter. “Thank you for being my mom.”

  The tears can’t even be controlled at this point. “Thank you for being the most amazing kid. I love you so much.” I kiss his forehead.

  He has been taught that there are bad people in this world from a very young age, but he has accepted it gracefully—not without scars, but I am in awe of how strong he is.

  He yawns. “Goodnight, honey,” I whisper. I kiss his cheek and tuck him in.

  I leave the door cracked and peek inside of Anna’s room. She’s curled up in her bed with Maverick, who is reading her a book. “Mind if I join?” I ask.

  Anna lifts her hand, waving me over. I crawl onto the bed on the other side of her.

  I hold her hand and we both listen to Maverick reading her the story of Snow White.

  Little by little, her eyes drift closed. I slowly get out of bed and turn off the light, leaving just the bathroom light on for her to see and making sure her door is ajar.

  “I am so exhausted.” I change into a pair of sleep shorts and Maverick’s shirt, moaning as I collapse into bed. “What a fucking day.” I tear my hair out from its bun and pull the blanket under my neck.

  Maverick rubs my back under my shirt. “I have to go. Sleep and I’ll be back in a bit. I’ll arm the whole house until I’m back and a prospect will be at the gate.”

  I lean up, eyes closed, my lips pooched out. “Goodnight.”

  He chuckles. “Sleep good, darlin’.”

  He turns off the light, pulling the door closed and I’m out.



  The clubhouse is only a few short minutes away, but it feels like an eternity. the longer I’m around Anna, the more I grow to hate that fucker Michael.


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