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Maverick Page 14

by Ashers, LeAnn

  Entering the torture room, as I like to call it, I am rewarded with the sweet sight of Michael in the center, the fucker who was stupid enough to think I was going to give up Bell, his buddies, and the old fucker who I believe is a higher member of their church.

  “How are the girls?” Lane asks, walking over to me.

  “Anna’s having a hard time. She’s confused as to what’s happening,” I confess to him.

  It fucking killed me seeing her so scared. She clung to me like she was going to be ripped from my arms, never to see me again.

  I can’t imagine how traumatizing it must have been to wake up in an already fucked up life, but that was her normal—to be taken and to be given away as a payment.

  Michael’s eyes widen when he catches sight of me. I smirk, loving the scared look on his face.

  “We haven’t touched him, but we did let him know what we have planned for him.”

  In our club his sins are unforgivable.

  First he abused Bell for years of her life. He did the worst of the worst to her and he took that little girl as payment.

  Nothing can save these fuckers from this fate.

  “I’ve decided since Bell lived with this fucker for twenty-five years of her life, I think twenty-five days of torture is needed.” I stop and step in front of him, gripping his face so hard I can feel his teeth.

  “Twenty-five days is nothing to the hell you have caused her, you stupid, worthless fuck of a man.” I am sickened by the sight of him.

  “This man married a fourteen-year-old girl. He hurt her every single day but one thing you never did was break her spirit. That is the first thing I’m going to break for you.”

  I chuckle. “First you will go days without eating, because you starved her, remember?”

  His fat face starts to shake. “You will be beaten, whipped every single day, but I have to make up for twenty-five years now,” I taunt him. “I will eat in front of you every single day as you are starving, like you did her. I will show you no mercy because you showed her none.”

  I can feel the eyes of my brothers on me as I pace in front of him, my anger growing by the second. “I will pull every single tooth in your mouth, like you busted hers out.” I press my knife into his ribs, “I will break every bone in your body, I will cut a piece of your skin off every day, then at the end I will give you food. I will cut off your sorry excuse of a cock and burn you alive.”

  I laugh, looking down at my feet where he has pissed himself. “But don’t worry. I will get creative with it as the days go by. I may even bring in Liam, the torture expert.”

  He is really fucking shitting himself at this point.

  I turn to the others. “Your job is to tell me everything you know about the cult—you will tell me everything. If you do not, I will make your life hell just like his. I will just put a bullet in your head and call it a day.”

  The old fucker spits at me feet. “I will not bow down to Satan.”

  I give him a wicked grin, my heart racing. “I was hoping you’d say that.”

  The guys chuckle. I know they’re dying to get their hands on these fuckers as well.

  The door opens and in walks Smiley, grinning ear to ear. “Am I late?”

  I walk over and a grab a whip from the wall. “Nah, we’re just getting started.”

  Michael starts screaming. “Scream all you want. I love hearing that.”

  I look at the guy who exposed himself to Bell and he wanted a turn with Anna. “Don’t think I forgot about you. We all heard what you had planned for that little girl.” I wag my finger at him.

  He turns his head to the side, puking onto the ground as the fear gets to him. Good, I want him to be fucking terrified.

  “Rip his shirt off.” My eyes are still on Michael.

  One of the prospects grabs a knife off the wall, cutting his shirt off and then taking off his pants right along with it.

  I can tell he’s horrified being almost naked in front of us. I want to humiliate him. I want to fuck with him in every way.

  Nothing will ever be enough. Nothing will come close to what he did to her. I saw that shit every day.

  She thinks I didn’t notice it but I did, how she was scared to eat first, how she was scared to speak and the fucking panic attacks. She would get that shit over the smallest things.

  The scars on her body from him hurting her.

  The flinching if I touched her face.

  I take the whip, flicking it, letting the sound fill the room. His face is so pale he looks like a ghost. The guys in the room are chuckling.

  “Surprised you’re not using the cat o’ nine tails.” Smiley jokes.

  I shrug. “Got to warm him up a little.”

  I flick my wrist, hitting right in the center of his chest. He screams at the top of his lungs.

  I laugh. “Don’t be a big baby. I’m not sure if he can make the twenty-five days, boys.”

  I flick my wrist once again, hitting him in the cheek. “Oops, almost got your eye there.”

  His eyes are showing his panic. “Oh, that would be fun. Imagine hearing me but not knowing what the fuck I was going to do to you next.”

  I hear a splattering sound, then I see the piss pooling the floor from Michael. Disgusted, I turn away and look at the fucker who wanted Anna. “What’s your name?”

  “Charles,” he answers.

  “Charles, we don’t like pedos in this club. I think the guys are itching to get a hold of you.” I turn to my brothers, grinning. “Who wants the first honors?”

  Lane steps forward, grabbing the steel knuckles off of the table. “I fucking do. If it’s the last thing I do I want to end every single one of you fuckers.”

  I close my eyes, enjoying the sound of the knuckles cracking into his jaw. Michael’s body is shaking.

  I grip his face. “Look at me. Never take your eyes off of me. If you do, I will take your eyes, understand?”

  He nods. “Yes, sir.”

  I laugh. “Shit.” Walking around behind him, I look at his back. I lift my arm back and forward as hard as I can, blooding pooling from the marks.

  He screams. I do it again and again until he is unconscious

  I grab a bucket of water and throw it over him, waking him back up. He looks around the room, completely confused to what is happening.

  I get right back to work, until his back resembles something from a horror movie.

  I throw the whip to a prospect, who cleans it for me. I’ll have to start that shit again once he starts to heal.

  He sees me come into view, and his eyes go directly to me. “Tell me, why did you hurt her? And do not fucking lie to me.”

  He swallows hard, looking around the room. “I didn’t.”

  I punch him as hard as I can, glaring at him. “I said don’t,” I growl at him, so fucking pissed off.

  His eyes narrow on me. “Because she is a worthless wife. All she did was cry. All I asked was for her to warm my bed, cook my food. She didn’t do any of that shit. She had to be punished daily to correct her. I had her broken in as the perfect wife until Jessica came and got her. Now look at her, she is fucking the devil. I should have done it harder,” he explodes, spewing every little thing he felt about her.

  “She gave up those fucking brats. I should have gotten paid for them, but no. I paid for her. I was supposed to get paid for them brats. River is still up for grabs, though. Tell me, where is she?” He grins.

  “Shut up!” the old fucker hisses and my eyes widen in realization. I look at my brothers, and I run out of the room without bothering to look back to see if they’re following me.

  “Fuck, track her phone now!” I tell our tech guy. He gets his laptop out and I wait as the seconds go by.

  “Fuck fuck fuck!” I yell, running my hands through my hair. I’m pissed the fuck off, but another part of me is scared out of mind.

  I love those girls.

  “She is right outside of town, in Randy Texas.”

  I grin, t
aking out my phone and calling my brother Gage, the president of the Grim Sinners Rebels who lives there.


  I try to shift from my position. They fucking came into my job in the middle of the night where I was working late.

  My gun is strapped in the front of my jeans. I heard them come in and I had time to stuff it in there before they broke the door down.

  I wiggle my wrist to test the ropes they tied me up with. That was their first mistake.

  I’m lying in the trunk of the car. I strain with all of my might to stretch the rope to get a little extra wiggle room.

  It works.

  My adopted dad is a fucking doomsday prepper. He prepared me for this shit. I was adopted when I was five years old by a Navy SEAL dad who knew how corrupt shit is.

  I still have on my bracelet he gave me, which has a tracker on it. If I hit the button it will send a SOS to him and my location.

  Thank goodness I listened to that fucker. He’s not so crazy after all. I was hacking shit by the time I was ten years old and I was good at it.

  I roll over and hear the slight click as the button is pushed in. I know these guys are from the cult. I knew by the haircut and the clothes.

  Stupid pilgrim fuckers.

  We have been driving for an hour when we pull up onto a gravel road. They never even checked me for my phone. It’s in my shirt below my boob.

  I put my back against the back of the seat. Lifting my foot, I kick out the head light so I can see outside.

  All I can see is a shit ton of trees and darkness.

  I close my eyes and pray that if I’m killed, my mother doesn’t blame herself. She is too fucking sweet for this world.

  I sure as hell will go down fighting.

  I wait until we stop and I loosen my ropes even more. I hold my breath, listening as my captors talk as if nothing is happening.

  How many fucking girls have they kidnapped?

  The trunk pops open and I’m faced with the ugliest motherfucker I have ever seen.

  I look at him in disgust right before I kick him straight in the face, then I climb out of the trunk and kick him as hard as I can in the balls.

  “Kidnap me again, bitch,” I snarl, ready to finish his reproductive system when I’m punched on the side of the head.

  I stumble to the side and I’m lifted off of the ground by two of them and carried inside of a house.

  They turn on the lights and my eyes have to adjust to the brightness. There is a chair right in the middle of the room.

  They sit me down onto the chair hard. I stand back up, kicking out at whoever is in front of me.

  He lets me go for a second, but another fucker comes forward, slamming me into the chair, causing the back of my head to hit the chair.

  I freeze, the pain overwhelming me for a second. They take that moment to tie another rope around me, securing me to the chair.


  I move my feet a certain way my dad taught me so it will be easier to get my feet free if I need to.

  They tie me up and step back, grinning to each other happily. “What do you want?” I ask.

  Another man steps into the room. He is around sixty years old. “You’re here to be my wife.” He grins, flashing me his yellow teeth.

  What do I do?

  I laugh, tears rolling down my face. “I would rather scoop my eyeballs out with a spoon than marry you, you disgusting motherfucker,” I hiss at him. He is disgusting.

  He smile drops. “I can’t wait to beat that fire out of you, cunt.” He walks to me and grips my face in his hand hard, his nasty long nails digging into my skin.

  My eyes never leave his. I stare into those lifeless pits of his. Mine shows the promises of what I am going to do him. I am going to destroy him and this fucking cult.

  I grin through the pain in my jaw, not caring that he’s going to bruise me. “Just know everyone goes to sleep sometime.” I wink.

  He lets go of my face, stepping back. I mean that shit. The others are watching him and not me. I take my cut.

  I slip my hands free of the rope. I reach down into my pants and take out my gun, taking off the safety in a split second and pointing it at the fat fuck who says he is going to marry me.

  He stumbles back into the wall. I laugh. “God, you are all a bunch of worthless fuckers.” I pull my legs free easily, then pull the rope over my head.

  I lean back into the seat, staring at them all. “I’m not sure why you fuckers think you’re god. You love to beat down women because your weenies are small.” I frown, staring at his little package. “Shit, I have a pussy and I have a bigger dick than you,” I mock him.

  He gasps at me being vulgar. “You will not speak to me this way!” he yells.

  I roll my eyes. “You will not speak to me this way,” I taunt him, throwing my hair over my shoulder and standing up. “Why don’t you sit the fuck down?” I nod at the chair.

  He doesn’t move for a second, so I take the initiative and shoot at his foot, kinking his baby toe.

  He screams and stumbles to the chair, which creaks, and I’m almost afraid that shit is going to fall through the floor.

  The door is slammed open and the most beautiful man walks through the door. My eyes go to his cut, which reads, Grim Sinners Rebels, Gage, President.

  He looks around the room and grins at the scene before him. “Looks like someone started the party without me.”

  He walks up to me, looking down. I come to the center of his chest. He is gigantic. “River?” he asks.

  I grin. “That’s me. Seems I got kidnapped.”

  He throws head back and laughs, the veins popping out in his throat. “What a shame, darlin’. I came here to rescue you. Seems like I need to rescue these fuckers.”

  I laugh right along with him, which is fucked up. “Nah, they wanted to, and I quote, ‘beat the fire out of me, cunt.’”

  Gage’s smile drops. I see the fire in his eyes and the wicked grin. “Oh did they now? Seems like the fun is just beginning.”


  I don't even feel the road, I’m driving so fast to River. I’m worried the fuck out of my mind.

  My brother should have gotten there fifteen minutes ago. I pull up with my brothers to a house in the fucking middle of nowhere.

  The second we turn off the bikes, I hear the screaming.

  I rush into the house without a second thought, my fucking heart about to explode thinking it’s River.

  I slam the door open and I stop dead, my eyes going to River, who is carving CUNT onto the chest of this old man. Gage, my crazy fucking brother, is standing back looking like a proud fucking boyfriend.

  The fuck?

  Gage turns to me. “Fuck, brother, you acted like shit was dire. I came in here and she had shot off his toe.” He walks over and slaps my shoulder. I am too old for this shit.

  River puts the knife onto the counter. “Did I forget to mention my adopted dad was a crazy Navy SEAL who is obsessed with this kind of shit happening?” She fixes her shirt like nothing is happening.

  I stare at her like she has a third fucking head. “Do I have blood on my face?” she asks Gage.

  “Fuck, I wish you did, that would make you more beautiful.”

  My head snaps over to look at him. “What the fuck?” I snarl at him.

  River puts her finger in the small cut on her arm, bringing the blood up to her face, rubbing it across her cheek.

  Gage looks at me, dead-ass serious. “I’m keeping her.” He fucking bends down and picks her up off of the floor, carrying her out of the house.

  River just laughs, looking up at me. “I’m okay, Maverick,” she reassures me.

  “Gage, put her the fuck down before I put a bullet in you.” Gage turns around with her still in his arms. “Brother, you know me.”

  I do fucking know him. My brother is the best, but he is also fucking crazy. He don’t give a shit about what he does, ever. He was a member of the Sinners but he decided to start his own
club for people like this. The rebels.

  “Bell,” I say, and River gives me a soft look. “I love my mother, more than life, but I have to live my life. This time I accept being kidnapped.”

  Gage laughs. He puts her on his bike and gets in front of her. He gives me a fucking finger wave and leaves.

  My brothers stand behind me, confused as I am, “Did your brother just kidnap River?” Smiley asks.

  I laugh. “Actually I think she did.”

  They all bust out laughing, but I got some fuckers to kill who thought it was a good idea to kidnap my girl.

  What a great night.


  Twenty-five days later

  Today is the day I finally put Michael out of his misery. It’s been a fuck of twenty-five days, but I’m tired of looking at him every day.

  Popping open the door, he’s sitting in the corner in a ball in his own urine and shit.

  I walk over, my gun in my hand. I bend over so I can talk to him. He is fucked up, but I have no remorse.

  He revealed a lot of things Bell has never told me—that shit haunts me. “It’s been twenty-five days. It’s time for you to burn in hell. It’s time for you to suffer for all of eternity. I will live my life, happy, with Bell and my kids. You have nothing but a burning pyre.”

  I press the gun to his skill, watching the life drain from his eyes, ending him. I turn around and don't look back. That part of Bell’s life is over.

  Now we have one more mission

  Her parents.



  “Can we go to the park?” Anna asks, sitting with me, covered in a blanket while Ronny is practicing.

  I pull the blanket up higher to make sure she stays warm. “We sure can, sweetheart. Practice is over any minute.”

  I am pregnant.

  With everything that happened with River, it slipped my mind. When Maverick came home and told me what happened, I flipped.

  I can’t handle something happening to my babies.

  I stroke the side of Anna’s face. She has adjusted well with us. The first week was hard; she was terrified of everything.


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