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THE HOT BAD BOYS BOX SET: A Bad Boy Romance Collection

Page 9

by Wood, Lauren

  “Who did you use?”

  “Star and Angel. They are the most photogenic.”

  “What about Ruby? She is looking fine as hell lately and that red hair really makes her stand out. Isn’t that what you were looking for?”

  “It was, but I let her go. She wasn’t doing well with the club and the rest of the girls, so I figured it was best if we just let her go.”

  He smacked his forehead with his palm. “I just told you that we didn’t want her to get the idea of suing us, so you refused her and then you fired her? Are you serious right now?”

  “It’s not like that. She wasn’t even that mad. I got her a gig at another club and she is going to do fine. It doesn’t have to be the doom and gloom in your head you know. It can be a good thing and I am going to make sure that it is a good thing. She was a problem starter.”

  “So that is why you got rid of her?”

  “It wasn’t just that, but yeah mainly.”

  “Because she talked to me about you?”

  I gritted my teeth and I could tell that my temper was about to come out. I had seen it many times before but I don’t remember the last time it was directed at Charlie. Why the hell was I so mad? Was it because I knew that it was all Ruby’s fault for making this tension between us? I didn’t like it and the last thing that I needed was for him to start in on me again. I wanted this over.

  “I can’t have people working for me that are going to divulge information to others so easily.”

  “She works for me too, so it is not like she was telling our trade secrets to some outsider. She was mad because she cared about you and you kicked her to the curb.”

  “Yeah, but I hired her and I was the one that gave her a chance when she first started. She blew it opening her mouth and now she can work somewhere else. It is best for all involved.”

  My tone was vehement and even I could tell that there was something more going on here. Why had I gotten rid of her like that? Even with my explanation out in the open, it felt like there was something missing in my very own reasoning.

  “What if she sues us?”

  “She isn’t going to. Okay. Just don’t worry about it. I handled it.”

  I wanted to drop it and I didn’t have anything more to say about it. I had made it clear what a boneheaded move it was, but I don’t think that it was going to make it any better.

  “Good because when it comes back to bite us in the ass, you are going to be the one who is handling it as well. I am not getting into this with you and I know that you will take care of it.”

  “Look, things are getting weird lately Charlie. Let’s just take the night off and go out. Let the club run itself. We pay enough people to do it for us, don’t you think?”

  “I do and you know what, that sounds like a good idea. I just dropped Sherry off and the last thing I want to do is go back to the club tonight after that.”

  “She got to you huh?”

  “Did she say something to you?”

  “Likened me to a pimp when I took her home a week ago.”

  Charlie chuckled. “Yeah that sounds like her.”

  “How does she like her new place?”

  “Good I guess. I didn’t stay too long. She asked about you though.”

  “Did she?”

  I tried to temper the look on my face. I knew that it was filled with want and hope because I was hoping that I was going to hear from her soon. “Yeah.”

  I waited for more, but he said nothing else. I was just left there to guess what it was that she had asked about me. It became clear that Charlie wasn’t going to tell me.

  Chapter 26


  “I was wondering how long it was going to take you to come and say hello Rex.”

  “I had to get away. It hasn’t been easy.”

  He moved towards me and I giggled with the look in his eyes. It was clear what he wanted and that was just as well, because I wanted the same thing. It had been almost two weeks since our ride back to Hartford ad I missed him. My body missed him more than anything else, but I was stubborn and I wasn’t going to beg him. I wasn’t going to be the one that contacted him first and it had felt like a lifetime that I waited to hear from him.

  “Well you could have called. You made me think that you had forgotten about me Rex.”

  I was trying my hardest to pout, but it was an almost impossible thing to do when he was pulling his shirt over his head and getting closer to me. Soon he would get his hands on me and I would be lost to all of it.

  “How could I forget about you Sherry?”

  “Well you have a lot going on lately Rex, so I guess I just figured that you would move on. It is kind of your thing and you are surrounded by beautiful girls all day long. It just seems to be the inevitable thing that is bound to happen.”

  He finally got to me and he pulled me to him by a tight hold on the waist of my pants. I gasped as I hit his chest and I knew that there was nothing else that I wanted to do but be with him. I wanted to kiss him and when he leaned down to do just that, no part of me wanted to tell him no. He was the man that I had waited for all of this time and I know that I am going to ruin it if I overthink it too much.

  His lips were demanding and before long I forgot how to speak, let alone what I was supposed to say.

  “You are all that I want Sherry. You have to know that. I haven’t even thought about another woman, only you. I don’t know what you have done to me, but this is the only body I want to feel against me, the only lips that I want to kiss.”

  As he said it, his lips moved down to mine and gave me the sweetest kiss that I had had in a while. There was something about the way he kissed me and his words that made me think for a moment that we could really be something great. There were a million reasons why it couldn’t work, but I was still focused on the reasons that it could. Maybe I was just being naïve, but for those few moments, I felt like maybe there was a real chance for us.

  Then he was pushing me down onto the soft bed and covering me with his hard body. I had no more time to think of anything beyond his touch. I moved my legs wide to let him through and gasped as he entered inside of me.

  Nothing else mattered then. Only the man inside of me that made me feel whole again.

  “So has your brother been acting strange around you?”

  “Charlie has always been a little strange, so you are going to have to be more specific than that.”

  I pulled on one of the chest hairs that kept curling against my nose. He was always so damn sexy, but the soft pelt of hair on his chest made me giggle. I finally sat up, not able to stand the soft tickles any longer.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Nowhere, I just need to put some distance between us or I am never going to be able to leave.”

  “Maybe that is the plan.”

  “It’s a good plan. So what were you saying about Charlie?”

  “Just that he has been acting kind of funny. He is acting like he knows something and I was wondering if he had said anything to you.”

  “He asked me if there was something going on between us.”

  Rex looked shocked and I wasn’t sure how to react. I didn’t take it as that big of a deal, but it was clear to me that he did.

  “He asked you that?” The man sounded like he was choking and I felt bad for him all of a sudden.

  “Yes, but I told him that nothing was going on and that was that.”

  “That was that?”

  “Yes, why do you have to make such a big deal about it? It was just a question and I made sure that I steered him away from that. I am sure it is not even thought about anymore.”

  “When was this?”

  “When he picked me up and brought me back here.”

  Now Rex was the one that was sitting up and it seemed like our moment of sexy time was over. The wedge that stood between us reared its ugly head and didn’t even have to be present for it. It was a shame, it really was.

  “I think
you are making too much of it.”

  “Do you know what your brother will do if he found out about us?”

  I shrugged. He would get mad, but he couldn’t stay mad forever. He would get over it eventually, I was sure of it.

  “It’s not that big of a deal. We are both adults.”

  “Yeah, but you are his little sister. He wouldn’t understand.”

  Chapter 27


  With Rex coming in late almost every night and being ambiguous with where he was going, my suspicions were off of the charts. He was beating around the bush about where he was and he had hickeys all over him. Nothing was making sense and I finally broke down and went to meet with Ruby. She would know what it was I wanted to know, even if I wasn’t ready to hear it yet. I had to find out, one way or another.

  She was a little surprised to hear from me and I wouldn’t say that it was pure happiness that I heard in her voice when she found out who it was. But she had finally agreed and I knew that there was something to why she agreed to meet me out for coffee. At first she had wanted to meet at her house, but it seemed strange considering what it was I was thinking about. I needed to be in public with her, still not sure if she was going to try to sue because my friend was an idiot. Now I was going to find out how big of an idiot he really was. I still wasn’t sure.

  I got to the coffee house and Ruby was already sitting down, waiting for me. She smiled my way, but there was something in her look that told me that I didn’t know what I was getting into.

  “Good to see you Charlie. Your call caught me off guard a little bit. I don’t know why you are getting ahold of me, unless you are trying to rehire me?”

  That hadn’t crossed my mind and I mumbled something about maybe when she said that. Ruby giggled and told me that she wouldn’t come back if she could. “I appreciate the opportunity Charlie, but I don’t think I want to work for a man like Rex. I don’t want to have to do favors for him for a job. At least at the new place I don’t have the owners hitting on me all of the time.”

  The way she was talking didn’t make me feel any better about anything. It was the wording that told me she had been talking to someone about legalese.

  “Well we are the ones at a loss Danessa, I can tell you that. People are already asking what happened to you. I don’t know what to tell them. Do you want me to point them in your direction?”

  “That would be good. It is going to take some time for me to get my client list up again. I know that you don’t owe me anything, you were always a good boss, but I would appreciate it more than you know.”

  I smiled back at her and hoped that this was the turnaround that I was looking for. I needed her help and information, not her animosity.

  “I will make sure to do that Ruby. You were always a damn good dancer for us and I won’t forget that.”

  Her smile was still there, but she wanted to know what it was that I wanted. Could she tell? Was I that obvious?

  “I mean come on Charlie. I know you are here for something else, so just tell me what it is that you are doing here and I think it will make it a lot easier if you do. All of this dancing around is doing me no good. I have a job to get to in a little while.”

  “You’re right. I am here for something more than just to say hi and catch up. Before you were fired, you told me something about Rex that intrigued me. I was wondering if you could finish that statement.”

  “You want to know who he wanted to call me, don’t you?”

  I was taken aback that she came out and said it. It told me that she knew something and I was going to have to figure out what it was. The fact that she knew what I was there for made me think that she knew why I was asking as well. This didn’t bode well for what kind of an answer I was going to get.

  “Yes, that’s what I want to know.”

  “How much is it worth to you?”

  I told her to give me a price and it wasn’t that much. I was expecting her to ask for more. The amount she asked for was in my wallet and I slid it across the table, my finger still on it.

  “Give me the name.”

  “Well you already know the answer Charlie. But I will verify it if that is what you want.”

  “That is what I want. I need to know who Rex would call you.”

  “He called me Sherry.”

  My heart was now pounding so hard in my ears that I didn’t make out anything she said for a minute. She had a satisfied smile on her face and I could tell that she was enjoying this. This was her way of getting back at Rex through me. I felt sick to my stomach.

  “You have a sister named Sherry, right?”

  I nodded my head, but I was seriously about to upchuck. I thanked her through clenched teeth and made my way outside. I couldn’t breathe. How could my sister and my best friend do this to me?

  It was all just too much and I didn’t know what to do next. I was stuck wondering if I was going to be able to figure this out. What the hell was I supposed to do? It wasn’t like I had ironclad proof, but I had all that I needed. I knew what was going to happen next, I just dreaded the confrontation and what was going to be left when I was done.

  Chapter 28


  “We can’t keep meeting like this Sherry. I think something is up with your brother and we are just pushing it now.”

  “What, you told me that he was going to be gone the rest of the afternoon. I snuck through the back way and no one seen me come up here. Why are you so worried all of a sudden? It isn’t sexy and you are killing the mood.”

  “Your brother is my best friend and if he found out what was going on with us, he would likely try to kill me.”

  I waved him off and sat on the edge of his desk in his office. It was covered with paperwork, but I didn’t care. I was there for one thing only and all this talk was not helping anything.

  “Did you even lock the damn door?”

  My skirt was already hiked up to my waist and my hands moved to pull down his pants. I was done waiting for him to get it together. I only had another half an hour before I was supposed to be back at work and my body needed him. All I could think about all day and night was how he would feel inside of me again. Or just how badly I needed him inside of me.

  His cock was hard and he groaned loudly as I played with it in my hands. I moved my fingers up and down his shaft and tried my best to take his mind off of my brother Charlie. It really was a buzz-kill to me.

  “I am serious Sherry. We can’t do this here. We can’t do this anymore. Not like this. We are going to have to tell him or something. I don’t know what, but this is wrong.”

  “Come on Rex, you weren’t too worried about it last night as you pounded me for the better part of four hours.”

  I pulled him towards me with my grip on his length and dared him to contradict me. I wasn’t letting go until he was inside of me. It was just that simple.

  “Why do you have to be so dirty Sherry?”

  “Because that is how you like it Rex. Why pretend you like me any other way?”

  “I like you in all ways, even when you were still acting shy around me.”

  “That didn’t last long, but I have wanted you for a long time. Now push in or I am going to make a mess of your desk.”

  He surged forward and pinned me where I was with a hard grip on my waist. I cursed and he just chuckled, slamming into me as I tried to keep all of the sounds of pleasure out of the air. He made every part of me come alive and the small office was quickly getting quite warm.

  “Yes Rex. That is right where I needed you. God, you feel so damn good!”

  He pounded into me and then pulled me from the side of the desk, bending me over the edge face down. I loved when he was like that with me. He was so hard to stop once he got started and I was so glad for that. All I wanted was for him to take all of me and with the right motivation, I could convince him every single time. There was nothing wrong with that.

  My orgasm came upon me quicker than I could have
imagined it would. I cried out, muffled by the desk in front of me. Thankfully, the loud music from downstairs was going to drowned out any sound that I made.

  The music from downstairs got loud all of a sudden and I looked up towards the door as Rex pushed in deeper and faster, my hips getting pulled back over and over again.

  “Fuck Rex!”

  “That’s right Sherry. I know you love this dick. Come for me again.”

  “No, Rex!”

  I couldn’t get it out and I didn’t know what to say or what to do. My brother was standing there, his face getting redder by the second and Rex didn’t seem to hear anything that I was saying, though I couldn’t get it out.


  That got Rex’s attention and he asked me why I was bringing him up. “You were the one that said that we didn’t need to talk about this. Now you do?”

  He was incredulous and I pointed towards the door that was open with my brother standing in front of it. He finally saw him and Rex pulled out quickly. I wasn’t ready for it and I made a sound that seemed to piss them both off.

  “Sherry! I can’t believe you. Get the hell out of here and go home!”

  I wasn’t used to being talked to like that, especially not from my brother, but it was starting to become clear to me that I was going to have to just go with it this time. There was a sound in the way he said it that made me pull my skirt down and walk out of there without another look back. I wanted to say something, anything to fix the situation, but I didn’t think that it was going to help. He wasn’t even really thinking about me or looking at me, his betrayal was directed solely at Rex.

  “What the fuck are you doing with my sister!”

  I could hear the words booming from the other side of the door and I wanted to go back in there and try to help, but then there was a loud bang on the other side of the door and I knew that it was too late for that. I was going to have to let them duke it out and just stay out of it. The sounds from in the office got louder and I could see that other people were starting to notice. I was embarrassed to no end, but I was worried about the two guys in there. They meant the world to me, both of them did and I can’t think of what would happen if something happened to either one of them. I had no one to root for.


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