Love at First Clutch : A Gay Tentacle Romance
Page 10
Obviously, his host had built quite a reputation and hadn’t deviated much from it. That didn’t hurt his career though since he was still the most requested male model in the world.
Kiernan took his final bow, then picked up his skirt to run off the stage before anyone caught up. While waving to the crowd, he noticed the digital clock reading half past eleven, meaning Gideon should’ve gotten off work. As long as he didn’t stay at the hospital, he should be home to open the door for Kiernan to enter. Of course, he could’ve used the transmitter, but Kiernan preferred Gideon to be there.
When he arrived in the dressing room, he sat down in the chair and picked up his transmitter. He wrapped it around his arm and pressed the button. “Call Gideon.” He leaned back in the chair, crossing one leg over the other. Waiting for Gideon to pick up, he drummed his fingers on the chair’s arms and closed his eyes. He wasn’t physically tired but annoyed by people fussing over him.
“Hey. Are you done?”
“I am. I wanted to know if you were at home to let me in. I’m so over this place.”
“I’m sure you are, but I’m not at home yet.”
Kiernan cocked an eyebrow. “Why? Are you still at the hospital?”
“Nope. I’m at Chester Hall Place, waiting for a certain someone.”
Kiernan gasped and sat up straight. “Are you serious? How did you…”
“Google is my friend. Anyway, the security people wouldn’t let me in because they don’t believe Kiernan has a boyfriend who’d pick him up in a jalopy.”
Kiernan snickered and stood, looking for the buttons on the half dress tuxedo. “Oh, my Goddess, really? Yeah, I’m gathering Kiernan had quite a reputation proceeding him.”
“I’m not surprised. He was a model after all.”
Kiernan laughed and removed part of the dress. Just as he was about to take off more, several people including the designer barged into the room. Some had cameras while others assisted him with the outfit.
“Lover, stay where you are okay? They’re going to help me get out of this frock and I’ll be there to collect you. Where exactly are you?”
“By the backstage area with all the fangirls and boys as well as the paparazzi. Lots of cameras out here.”
“Okay. Just hang on. I’m going to disconnect now.” He tapped the transmitter, since it looked nothing like the phone humans used to talk with.
“Kiernan you were magnificent.” Devrin Townes hugged Kiernan around the neck and kissed his cheek.
Kiernan fought off the urge to push this guy off. He faked a chuckle and quickly moved away when the assistants removed the outfit. “Um, thanks. It was an, um… honor to model for you.”
“I’m glad. I want you to do the next four shows. The next one is in August and another in November. I’ve created new outfits that will fit you to a tee.” He clapped his hands in delight.
“Wonderful.” Kiernan said in a sarcastic tone. He wouldn’t commit to anything until he decided what Kiernan should do the rest of his life.
“I’m glad you’re interested. We’ll talk in a month or so. My people with yours. It will be fabulous.” Devrin reached out for Kiernan again, but he avoided the more than friendly gesture.
“Excuse me while I get dressed. My boyfriend is waiting on me.” Kiernan strolled to the other side of the room and put on the clothes Gideon gave him.
“Ooh… no way. Kiernan Frasier? Boyfriend? Those words don’t belong in the same sentence.” Devrin laughed as did the others in the room.
Goddess you truly were an ass.
Kiernan snorted and button his shirt halfway. “Well, I’m a changed man. Now if you’ll excuse me.” As he left, everyone followed him out, on down the hall until he got to the back door. After pushing it open, he scanned the crowd for his man. He found him in no time.
“Gideon!” Kiernan pushed through a sea of fans and photographers to get to the other side where Gideon stood with a bouquet of flowers.
“Hey.” Gideon yanked Kiernan into him, making their lips crash. Camera flashes went off behind them along with jeers from the crowd.
“I can’t believe it. Kiernan is actually dating?” He heard someone yell.
Kiernan didn’t bother answering the critics. He got lost in Gideon’s embrace, forgetting everyone’s rude comments about his personal life and ignoring the cameras. If they wished to put this interaction between him and Gideon in the papers, then so be it.
Despite Kiernan loving the attention, he was pretty sure modeling wasn’t what he wanted to do permanently. Staying here with Gideon meant he should have a purpose that not only suited himself but helped humanity.
Chapter Eleven
Unfortunately, Gideon and Kiernan didn’t leave the fashion show right away. Kiernan had to stick around to take pictures and talk with media about the outfits as well as his new boyfriend. Although Gideon was slightly uncomfortable with being on display, he endured it. As long as Kiernan modeled, he’d have to get used to the constant attention.
“Glad that’s over. I’ve already told my agency I won’t work for another month.” Kiernan said as they walked inside the house.
“Perfect timing since I want to take you on vacation.” Gideon pulled Kiernan into a hug after closing the door behind them.
“Ooh a getaway.” Kiernan pressed his lips to Gideon’s and cupped his face in his hands. “Can we take one of those vacations where alcoholic drinks are included?”
Gideon cocked an eyebrow. “Why is drinking your first priority?”
“It’s not, but we’re a couple so we might as well enjoy ourselves, right?” Kiernan dragged his fingertips along Gideon’s jawline.
Gideon’s cheeks flushed. He sensed his trousers becoming tight around his crotch. He’d been hard the entire night. “Yes. On some sandy beach away from everything. Maybe we’ll reserve one of those private cottages.” Gideon returned the embrace, dipping his tongue between Kiernan’s lips. The more they kissed, the more he wanted to say to hell with starting over.
What’s the use?
Gideon was fully into Kiernan. When he returned the night before he wasn’t going to refuse him nor deny sleeping with him. So why do everything over when the feelings were already established? Regardless if they started over or not, there were still risks involved.
Before Gideon lost himself in Kiernan’s lips, he reluctantly pulled away. He pressed his forehead against Kiernan’s. “Kiernan. Forget what I said last night.”
“Starting over.” Gideon softly kissed his lips. “I don’t want that. I’m going to take the plunge with you and ride the wave.”
Kiernan grinned. “I do too. I’m so glad because I truly didn’t want to start over.”
Gideon curled both arms around Kiernan’s waist. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I wanted to make you happy. I thought by going along with what you said would assure that things would work out. But Elijah told me honesty and compromise are keys to a good relationship.”
“He’s right.” Gideon nuzzled Kiernan’s nose and pecked it. His skin tingled from his fingers on down to his groin. “I’m happy were on the same page. I don’t want to think of not being closer. We were last night, but not as much as I wanted.”
“Same. I wish to continue what we started. Without the wine of course.”
“Yeah. I still have to go into work.” Gideon slid his fingers down to Kiernan’s hips and squeezed.
Kiernan playfully slapped Gideon’s chest. “Way to ruin the mood, Doctor. Why bring that up when we’re about to enjoy copulation?”
“I suppose I haven’t learned to have fun.” Gideon sucked Kiernan’s bottom lip. “Will you teach me?”
Kiernan groaned into Gideon’s mouth and moved his hands from Gideon’s face to his shoulders. He didn’t respond with words. Instead, he slid his hands down to Gideon’s buttocks and lifted him with ease.
“Kiernan.” Gideon hadn’t been picked up like that sin
ce he was a child. He found it endearing and sexy. “Where are you taking me?”
Kiernan started walking. “To the bathroom, Doc. If this relationship is to succeed between us, I must shift in front of you. It’s time for me to do so anyway.”
“Oh of course. I’ve gotta get used to that.” Although Gideon had only seen him shift once, he felt he could handle it this time without fainting.
“I’m glad. I must shift every three days, or I’ll stay in that form for the foreseeable future. We both don’t want that.” Kiernan put Gideon down when they reached the bathroom.
“I’d deal.” Gideon said without hesitation. Although Gideon was still learning about the being that had taken over Kiernan the human, he could speak truthfully.
“Ah Doc, you’re too kind.” Kiernan started removing his clothes to shift.
Gideon smiled nervously, watching Kiernan get naked in front of him. Only bummer was he didn’t strip slowly to tease Gideon. Though it mattered nothing, Gideon would’ve enjoyed it.
Kiernan chuckled. “Later.” He closed his eyes, then inhaled deeply.
In a matter of moments, Kiernan grew about a foot. His limbs became tentacles covered with white suctions while he sprouted four more. His fawn, yellowish brown skin changed to light blue. When Kiernan finished, his eyes flickered open and he flung his tongue at Gideon, tickling his cheek.
Although Gideon was somewhat shocked over Kiernan’s alien appearance, he forced himself to stay still. This was his partner, alien, and all.
Gideon chuckled and bit his lip. “Wow, you’re…”
“Huge? And ugly. I will never get upset if you tell me to my face.”
“You’re not ugly. Just a giant squid. And why am I only hearing you in my mind?”
“In this form we can only speak telepathically. When I open my mouth, only this comes out.” Kiernan squealed loud enough to make Gideon’s house shake.
“Ooh. That was the noise you made in the hospital lot.”
“Yes, it is. You remembered?”
“How could I forget. By the way, all the people that saw your other form?”
“Minds scrambled. They don’t remember a thing. After you passed out, I had to pay all of them a visit. When I went out grocery shopping the next morning, I had to track ten other people down. It was maddening. I’ll never change in public again.”
“Yeah that would be a problem.”
Kiernan reached past Gideon to turn the water on in the tub.
“So, what are we doing? Should I be undressed?”
Kiernan answered Gideon’s question when he began removing Gideon’s clothes. Although the tentacles tickled, he couldn’t help but be aroused. Kiernan’s tentacle tips made his skin tingle and overheat. He groaned and closed his eyes, enjoying the sensation taking over and sending him to new heights. Suddenly Gideon was overcome with a mixture of emotions and bliss.
“Ahh, I love seeing you like this. Let me take care of you, Gideon. Love you the way you deserve.”
Gideon nodded, allowing Kiernan to do what he wanted. He sensed Kiernan lifting him from the floor and gently laying him in the tub. His flesh tightened around his nipples and groin, signaling his climax wouldn’t be far off.
“I could do this in bed, but it would be a lot more fun here. Ah wait. Let me grab something to make you more comfortable.”
Just as Gideon got lost in the feeling, Kiernan placed something soft underneath his head and neck. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, my darling. Now sit back and let me pleasure you.”
Gideon was all for that, but he wished to watch. He forced his eyes open, peering at Kiernan sitting across from him. All eight tentacles found a different place on his body. Gideon gasped and chuckled, trying not to lose it. Gideon was walking a tightrope of emotions and ecstasy. Soon his resolve would leave him.
“Stay still for me, love. I swear the wait will be worth it.” Kiernan moved all his tentacles in unison.
“Holy… oh my…” Gideon tightly clutched the tubs sides and curled his toes. He bucked upwards, not able to stay stationary as Kiernan had asked. The feel of Kiernan’s scaly skin dragging over his flesh had set him off. No way could he keep his composure after this.
“You won’t stay still, hmm? I’ll force you then.” Kiernan pressed down on his chest while he continued taking care of Gideon.
“Kiernan.” Gideon released a throaty whisper. He lay transfixed, observing everything his new lover was doing. Gideon attempted to keep his breathing level but to no avail.
Kiernan pinched both Gideon’s nipples while stroking his cock. Another tentacle breached his opening, making Gideon completely lose focus.
“Kiernan. Oh Goddamn.” Gideon called out at the top of his lungs. “Please.” He took in a deep breath and moistened his lips. He clenched his teeth, trying to keep himself in check, but Kiernan was touching him in the most intimate places. Keeping it together was getting harder by the minute. His breaths labored. Gideon’s heart thumped in rhythm with what Kiernan was doing to him. He’d never experienced such pleasure. No question the additional limbs added to his enjoyment.
“Don’t try holding on.” Kiernan’s voice had dropped to an almost growl.
“But.” Gideon couldn’t complete his sentence. When Kiernan’s tentacle found his prostate, he slid further down in the tub and squeezed his thighs to hold him there. Kiernan added pressure to his shaft, stroking in the same motion. He nearly lost his breath, feeling his orgasm coming to a head. Gideon’s flesh prickled from head to toe. He clutched the tub harder because he desperately wanted this to continue.
“I could do this again and again if you want. All night if you’re able.” Kiernan whispered to him.
“I dunno, but… God.” Gideon flung his eyes open again, staring at Kiernan. His new lover was filling and pleasuring him in every way possible. Gideon wasn’t handling it well. He bit his bottom lip hard but the pain only spurred Gideon on. The conflict made this hotter if that were possible. Still trying to hold on, Gideon dug his nails into the porcelain.
What else could Kiernan do?
Gideon was afraid to ask out loud. Anything more would break him.
Kiernan’s tongue slinked from his mouth and tapped Gideon’s lips requesting entrance.
Gideon didn’t hesitate to allow Kiernan inside. He parted his lips, enjoying what could be interpreted as a kiss. Heck, it certainly felt like one.
With every movement Gideon sunk further into the abyss. He was already on the edge, floating high from what Kiernan was doing to him. Gideon’s heart and brain weren’t in sync. He was ready to claim his love, but his mind said to wait.
Again, Gideon was experiencing a mixture of emotions that overwhelmed him. He’d never been in love, so he didn’t know how that felt. However, his body and heart were ready to say those words. To claim Kiernan as his.
“It doesn’t matter if you say it or not, lover. Just watching you makes me feel so much more. It’s okay if you’re not ready.” Kiernan sped up the pace of his motions.
“Oh God.” With the change, Gideon fought against his orgasm, but failed. There was something about feeling and hearing Kiernan while their lips were still intertwined. He shook under Kiernan’s hold and clenched tighter. He jerked, spilling his own release on his stomach and thighs. Gideon tried catching his breath, but nothing worked. His chest burned and his focus was no longer on his emotions, but instead, riding the euphoric wave that occurred.
Despite how much Gideon released, he felt as if it could go on forever.
* * * *
Once Kiernan dried Gideon off, he carried him to the bedroom. He’d already shifted to human, hoping his partner would want to take him sexually. Although Necetune were dominant creatures, Kiernan himself longed for Gideon to be inside of him. After such a glorious bathtub session, it would end the night perfectly.
“Kiernan.” Gideon breathed while reaching for him.
Kiernan hovered above Gideon’s body and cradled Gideon
’s palm close to his head. He kissed his wrists while still finding his gaze. “You called my name. Means you want something.”
“You.” Gideon attempted to rise, but Kiernan pushed him back onto the mattress. He sucked one of his fingers into his mouth. “I want you to fill me, Gideon. We can finally finish what we started the other night.” Kiernan repositioned himself on top of Gideon, lining his entrance with Gideon’s hardened flesh. Being so new to the way humans copulated, he couldn’t wait to try this with his new lover.
“We already have.” Gideon’s tone dropped an octave, sounding more like a whisper. He slipped his finger out and clasped the back of Kiernan’s neck, bring him down to his level. He flicked his tongue out, still meeting Kiernan’s gaze.
Kiernan captured it between his lips. He tasted like the sweet wine they drank at the afterparty. That pleasured Kiernan’s senses, fueling his desire. He devoured Gideon’s mouth and controlled the speed of Gideon’s thrusts, hinting how much he wanted him.
“Kier… God…” Gideon groaned into the embrace. He curled his arms around Kiernan’s waist, while he moved underneath him. “We need….”
“Nothing. I’m already wet and I won’t catch anything from you.” Kiernan finished the sentence.” He moved slightly until Gideon’s shaft pressed against his hole. He rose and clenched his teeth while he sank on top of Gideon.
“Oh Kiernan, K —” Gideon moved his hands from Kiernan’s waist to his back. He thrust upwards and pulled Kiernan down with him to share another kiss.
“Gideon.” Kiernan spoke against his lips and inhaled, enjoying what Gideon was doing. His human and alien skin tingled from having his lover inside, hitting the right spots. With each thrust, Kiernan started to lose himself in this man. He still didn’t understand love, but if this was part of the emotional connection, Kiernan would eventually figure it out.
Gideon trembled underneath him, breathing hard and overheating. A sheen of sweat beaded on his forehead and around his neck. “Oh damn, Kiernan, I can’t…”
“Please come inside of me.” Kiernan covered Gideon’s lips with his, bracing himself for his first human climax. From what he’d observed the other night from Gideon, humans experienced unbelievable pleasure. The kind that made you lose all control and focus. Kiernan desperately wanted to feel that with Gideon. He hoped they’d both come together.