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Sex Rites

Page 16

by Brandon Fox

  Dannel looked startled. “We nearly got you and Ander killed. Defying the firestone’s curse is too dangerous, is what we learned.”

  Thane cradled Ander’s head. He had nodded off, exhausted by the strain of their ordeal. The terrible fear Thane had felt at the prospect of losing him started to fade as he held his lover in his arms. “Knowledge is worth pursuing even if there’s danger.”

  Dannel still looked unconvinced but didn’t argue.

  “There was noise at the Aerehoth Gate when you and Ander touched the kei,” Thane continued. “Erik and Skorri went to investigate. They should be getting back soon; then we’ll know more. You’d better get dressed. We might need to leave in a hurry.”

  Dannel surged to his feet. “I just thought of something. Maybe the Aerehoth Gate is really that cube Ander told us about, the one that beguiled us. The columns outside might just be decoration. Could the avatar have come from there? Perhaps we succeeded in opening the real Gate, where the hierophants have always failed.”

  Thane shifted back, gently laying Ander on the ground, then rose and tossed Dannel his pants. “Your former masters are greedy. They tried to keep you ignorant, use you without you knowing it. I think that’s why they failed.”

  “I don’t understand,” Dannel said as he pulled his pants on.

  “This place was designed by people who used magic. They used their minds to control powers most people never sense.” He handed Dannel his shirt. “What we saw today makes me think that awakening the powers here requires two things. Strong anima, like you and the other Aerehoth Guardians have, is only half. The anima also requires a conscious mind to guide it. The priests tried to wield the firestone’s power secondhand, so it would be theirs alone. I think that’s why they make Aerehoth Guardians drink the sleeping potion.”

  Dannel stood motionless, half-dressed. Shock battled with dawning comprehension on his face. Soon he nodded.

  “It explains a lot. The constant training, their interest in our health. They could have hired mercenaries for protection, but instead they spent half their time overseeing the guardians. Pushing us, always demanding more.”

  “They were shaping you. They understood the need for strong life force but were blinded to how to use it.”

  Dannel’s face darkened. “They got what they deserved. Defeat at the hands of their slaves, though we didn’t even know we were in a struggle.”

  “They’re not defeated yet. Remember, we don’t know how to use your powers either.”

  The sweat lodge door slammed open. Erik nearly collapsed as he entered, panting hard. He gulped, fighting for breath, and grabbed Thane’s arm. “You’d better come,” he said between gulping breaths. “See… for yourself.”

  “What happened?” Thane asked, alarmed by Erik’s agitation. He was usually calm even in the face of mortal danger.

  “Come look,” Erik repeated, tugging Thane toward the door. “It’s growing; you can even see it from here now.”

  Thane went to the door and stepped outside. The morning light was blinding after the sweat lodge’s dark recesses. Skorri was still outside, panting and staring into the sky. Thane squinted in the direction Erik was pointing.

  At first he thought his eyes were deceiving him. He rubbed them and looked again. This time there could be no doubting it. He shivered, filled with dread.

  In the direction of the Aerehoth Gate, a new sun blazed in the sky. It was small and low, twice the height of the tallest trees, and blood red. It continued to rise as he watched. Shimmering spears of violet light radiated to the four points of the compass, stretching across the heavens as far as the eye could see. The sphere started to rotate, its arms sweeping the sky to infinity.

  Thane stepped back, feeling as if all eyes in the Forbidden Lands—and beyond—were turned in his direction.

  Chapter Eleven

  SOMEONE was shouting. “You don’t understand. They’ll know! They can probably even see it in Skarn.” Ander stirred, trying to ignore the noise, wishing it would go away so he could get more sleep. He couldn’t remember ever having felt so tired.

  “All the more reason to hurry.” Ander recognized Thane’s determined voice and started to pay attention. “We might not have another chance to learn what we need to know.”

  Ander opened his eyes and propped himself up enough to look outside. Thane was standing at the sweat lodge door, speaking with Dannel. Erik sat in the antechamber and silently watched the argument.

  “Hiding is one thing.” Dannel stood with arms crossed, wearing only his pants. “Defeating the hierophants and all the Aerehoth Guardians is something else. It’s not wise to invite a fight you can’t win.”

  “Erik and Skorri can stand guard at the pass. We’ll see them coming, have enough time to run if we have to.” Thane kept looking out the door, craning his neck to peer at the sky. Ander’s curiosity stirred, and his drowsiness faded.

  “And how will we get out of the valley?” Dannel said. “The pass is the only way. We’ll need to get away from them, not run toward them. You won’t solve any mysteries once the hierophants catch you.”

  “We could hide in the forest. Sneak out at night.” Thane was staring at the sky again, not seeming to pay much attention to the objections.


  “You might as well save your breath,” Ander said. “You’re as likely to persuade a cat to stay out of the catnip.” He pushed himself up further, arms thrust behind his back. “What’s everybody looking at?”

  Thane left the door and returned to the inner chamber to crouch at his side. “There’s another manifestation. Something big, in the sky. It’s rising above the Aerehoth Gate like a new star.”

  “More like a beacon,” Dannel said.

  Ander’s heart lurched. “Is it dangerous like the last one?”

  “Yes,” Dannel answered.

  “No,” Thane said at the same time. “Well, it hasn’t attacked anybody.”

  “So far,” Dannel added.

  “Let me see.” Ander got to his feet. He still felt weak, and standing made him dizzy. Thane helped support him until he got to the door.

  Leaning against the frame, Ander squinted against the sun and looked up. Uneasiness swelled at the disorienting sight. He had encountered many strange visions while immersed in the kei, but seeing something like this in the everyday world was different. For one thing, everyone could see it. He understood Dannel’s fears. He also understood Thane’s irresistible attraction to the new mystery.

  “How quickly could they get here from Skarn?” Ander asked. “If they bring extra horses and make their best time?”

  Dannel looked at the sky and glared. “Two or three days. They’ve probably already started.”

  “You know how I feel,” Ander said, putting a hand behind Thane’s neck and squeezing gently. “I understand how important this is. You’ll be careful, won’t you?”

  Thane wrapped an arm around his back and hugged him tightly. “Give me one day. We can afford that much.”

  Ander returned the squeeze, then pulled away. “How can I help?”

  Thane gave him a careful appraisal. “You’re still weak from the serpent’s spell. For now, you should rest. I’ll come back after getting a closer look at what’s happening at the Gate.”

  “I’ll go with you,” Dannel said. “New powers are loose in the valley. You’ll need a guard.”

  “Erik and I can take care of ourselves.” He took Dannel’s hand in a clasp. “I value your skills, truly. That’s why I’d like you to stay with Ander while he’s recovering. He’s in no condition to defend himself.”

  Dannel looked unhappy but nodded. “As you wish.”

  “We’ll be careful,” Thane promised. He gestured to Erik, who rose from the floor with fluid grace and went silently to the door. There was no doubt he would remain vigilant regardless of how distracted others might become. Thane gave Ander a wave, then turned and started down the trail to the Gate.

  Ander watched until they
vanished into the forest before closing the door. The sweat lodge was cooling quickly.

  “He’s brave,” Dannel said. “Perhaps too brave for his own good.”

  Ander nodded as he returned to the inner room. He sank into the pile of blankets and pulled one around his shoulders before meeting Dannel’s patient gaze. “I fear for him,” he said softly. “He knows I do, there can be no secrets between us. I just have to accept it.”

  Dannel settled by his side. “Why won’t he leave now, while we can go safely?”

  “Because he’s Thane. He can’t give up.”

  Dannel nodded. “He’s driven by his cause, yes. But he loves you as well. He’d give his life to save you. I saw him try, this very day.”

  “I know. He’s hard to understand. It sometimes feels like he’s at war with himself. But yes, he loves me. With all his heart.”

  Dannel shifted and cleared his throat, then picked up his shirt and kneaded it between his hands.

  Ander saw the stiffness in his posture. The camaraderie they had been sharing suddenly felt strained. “What is it?” he asked.

  Dannel stopped worrying the shirt and looked up. His blush was easy to see even in the dim light. “I… I understand why he loves you.” His voice was soft. “He’s very fortunate.”

  It was Ander’s turn to blush. “We’re all lucky. At least, ever since we found each other. There have been bad times too, but it’s been worth it.”

  Dannel stopped fidgeting with his shirt. He shook it out and started to put an arm through one of its sleeves. His forlorn expression tugged at Ander’s heart.

  “Wait,” Ander said. “Why don’t you rest with me awhile? We didn’t have a chance earlier.”

  Dannel froze, his uncertainty making him appear vulnerable. He slowly put the shirt down. His struggle between desire and confusion was plain to see.

  “I’d welcome it, Dannel. But only if you want to.” Ander lifted the edge of his blanket in a gesture of invitation. His lithe body still glistened with oil, and disheveled hair fell before his eyes. Though he had only been a musician in Lady Tayanita’s brothel, none of the famed companions in her house had ever looked more beguiling.

  Dannel gulped, eyes wide. “Thane… he wouldn’t mind?”

  Ander shook his head, reclining and lifting the blanket higher. “He’d approve. And he’d be eager to share himself with you, if he had the time. Really, there’s no problem if you rest with me. I can tell you want to. You shouldn’t have any problems with the firestone as long as you leave your pants on.”

  “All right.” Dannel slid over and settled next to Ander, adjusting the blanket to cover both of them.

  They fashioned another blanket into a pillow, then stretched against each other front to front, entwined as closely as they could manage. Dannel’s face was alight with wonder and arousal.

  “You’ve never done this before, have you?” Ander asked. “Even with your clothes on.”

  Dannel shook his head. “Love between guardians is forbidden. And to everybody else, our curse is a joke. In Skarn I’d only be mocked for this.”

  Ander laughed softly, reaching between their bodies to press a hand against the hard mound at Dannel’s crotch. “Then you’ve probably been this randy every day since you were thirteen.”

  Dannel squirmed as fingers teased his erection. His breathing quickened, warm on Ander’s cheek. “This is different,” he said. “Before, I dreamed of sex. Now I also dream of love.”

  Ander kept his hand at Dannel’s crotch and listened to his rapid breaths, felt the quivering anticipation. “Learn to accept love,” he said softly. “I love all my friends, each in a different way. Thane holds a special place, but I can still love all of you.”

  Dannel’s arms wrapped around him tightly. “It may be as you say. But for now, you fill my dreams. There’s so much I want to do. You’ve been a better friend than anyone I’ve known. Let me show you what I dream of, at least some of it.”

  Ander stroked his back, running a hand along the hard curves of muscle. He could feel desire filling Dannel’s body like a drowning man’s yearning for air. “You’ve been denied your dreams far too long. I’d be pleased to help you live one of them.”

  He was surprised and pleased by Dannel’s request. Desire was still there, as strong as ever, but the anxiety and suppressed defiance had faded. Dannel had truly forgotten the firestone and turned his mind to demonstrating his feelings. It seemed as if a corner had been turned, and Ander sensed it brought an important change.

  There was no time to ponder the new development. Dannel slid his arms around Ander’s torso and eased him onto his back. He knelt at Ander’s side a moment, gazing at him with unabashed sincerity, then lowered his head and brought their lips together.

  His kiss was tender but thorough. It left Ander’s head swimming. Dannel’s hands caressed his torso as their tongues explored, brushing the skin as lightly as a summer breeze. The dark nubs of Ander’s nipples flared with pleasure at each touch, and his cock felt hard as iron.

  At last Dannel began to explore further, trailing his lips over Ander’s cheeks and closed eyes. His warm breath was fresh and sweet, a healthy animal complement to the raffia oil’s sandalwood fragrance. He paused to nuzzle Ander’s ears, nibbling softly at the lobes.

  Rising from his crouch, Dannel turned his head and gave Ander a sultry smile. Playfulness shimmered in his eyes, mingled with lust.

  “You’re going to be popular at the lyceum,” Ander said, feeling dizzy.

  “Never mind the lyceum. All I care about is pleasing you.” He shifted toward Ander’s head, staying on his knees, then leaned down until the side of his face pressed against Ander’s chest. His deep breaths played over skin like zephyrs as he moved to Ander’s right nipple and kissed it tenderly before pressing his tongue against it in a firm lick.

  Ander was mesmerized by this intensity. He had grown accustomed to expert lovemaking and chivalrous partners at the lyceum, but this was different. The initiates at the lyceum were all experienced and sophisticated lovers, while Dannel was little more than a virgin. For him, this was no simple tumble. It was a momentous occasion.

  Dannel continued his determined exploration of Ander’s body. He licked and nuzzled, putting his hands on Ander’s sides to hold him still. His combination of gentleness and forceful insistence was intoxicating. His tongue traced the cleft between sloped pectoral muscles, then followed the clean lines that etched Ander’s abdomen.

  As he worked his way lower, he swung one leg around to straddle Ander’s head. His oiled torso gleamed in the dim light, and the scent of sandalwood was strong. Ander caressed his sides, feeling hard muscle move beneath the skin. Dannel’s grip on his waist tightened. He waited, expectant, then felt the warm softness of Dannel’s tongue lap at the underside of his glans.

  Ander’s back arched and his cock drooled, but Dannel’s determination didn’t waver. His tongue traced the length of Ander’s cock, stroking along the sides and bottom of the shaft as the engorged phallus lifted up from Ander’s belly.

  “Easy,” Ander said.

  Acknowledgment came as an additional squeeze and a muffled grunt. Dannel shifted still lower, leaving Ander’s cock and moving to his balls, taking one into his mouth. He tugged gently, sending pangs of pleasure shooting through Ander’s body.

  Ander squirmed, responding to the warm sensations and the excitement vibrating in Dannel’s body. It was an intoxicating feeling, to help fulfill his friend’s deepest desires.

  Dannel swung to the side, still in a crouch, and pivoted to face Ander. “I’m sorry if I lack skill. I’ve only had dreams. Never practice.”

  Ander’s soft chuckle was filled with warmth. Dannel’s wide-eyed plea for pardon only emphasized his innocence. He was intensely sexy and didn’t even realize it. Ander reached up and tousled his black curls.

  “Don’t worry. Nobody will ever regret a tumble with you. You’re wonderful.”

  A blush crept up Dannel’s face. “The
next part might be harder,” he said. “I mean, taking you inside me. You’re so big. And hard.” He reached down and brushed his fingers the length of Ander’s cock.

  “You have nothing to fear. Pleasure springs from the mind even more than the body. Passion more than makes up for any lack of practice.”

  Dannel looked dubious but still quivered with eagerness. “I’m glad you’re my first,” he said in a throaty whisper. “I’ll do my best.” He took a deep breath. “Um, what’s the best way to do it?”

  Ander was pleased. Another good sign. He’s not afraid to ask questions. He’ll make a good initiate. “It’s easiest if you don’t have to bend your neck,” he said. “Move around so you’re above me and go from there.”

  Dannel complied, swinging around so his knees straddled Ander’s head, then bent forward and put a hand on each side of Ander’s hips. He hesitated, breathing deeply.

  “Don’t do this if you’re not ready,” Ander said. He put his hands on Dannel’s sides, stroking the lean torso lightly. “We can satisfy each other without it.”

  Dannel shook his head without turning. “No more waiting. I want this more than you can know. And I don’t want to disappoint you.”

  “You haven’t. Don’t worry so much, Dannel. Just do what you please. I’m content with anything.” Ander moved a hand to his companion’s crotch and nudged the hard phallus beneath his leathers.

  Dannel answered with action instead of words. Bending lower, he brushed his lips over Ander’s erection. First contact was fleeting, shockingly subtle for a novice. His restraint was surprising.

  Ander continued stroking his sides and back, silently urging him on. The efforts were rewarded as Dannel’s explorations grew less tentative. Ander felt soft lips trace the underside of his cock, felt warm breath on his glans. The tip of Dannel’s tongue touched the sensitive spot where glans joined shaft. It traced the flared edge of the soft corona, tickling the arrow of flesh formed by the taut foreskin.


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