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Wicked Kingpin

Page 6

by Winter Sloane

  She let out a huff. Leah supposed it was better than being cooped up in here all day and waiting for Knox to come back home.

  Chapter Ten

  Knox drew on his smoke slowly, watching Patrick question their rat with his fists. Judging by the tick on Patrick’s left cheek, Knox could tell Patrick was pissed but he was holding back his punches.

  He understood why Patrick didn’t go all out. Jack Miller was an old-timer who worked for his dad. Jack was a harmless drunk most of the time, but he had loose lips.

  Tied to the chair and unable to move, Jack wasn’t going anywhere. A couple of blows in and Jack broke down. Seeing a grown-ass man sobbing made Knox grimace.

  What an embarrassment. He only gave the simplest tasks for Jack these days, kept him around because Jack had risked his life for Knox’s father a couple of times.

  “I swear, Patrick. I didn’t betray the organization on purpose,” Jack said between loud sobs. “Thinking back, that bastard I met in the bar kept buying me drinks. I didn’t really question his motives.”

  “That’s always been your problem, Jack. When someone offers you a pint, you don’t refuse. A few rounds of beers and you’re singing like a fucking lark,” Patrick said.

  Jack glared at Patrick. “Listen here, boy—”

  Jack didn’t finish his sentence. Patrick’s fist collided with his puffy face. Knox stepped out of the corner and decided to intervene before things got ugly. Patrick’s temper sometimes got the best of him.

  “Remember who you’re talking to, Jack,” Knox said, crushing his cigarette under his left shoe.

  “Knox,” Jack whispered. “You look so much like your father.”

  The look of misery on Jack’s face nearly tempted Knox to let him off easy. Jack had no wife, no kids. This organization had been his entire life. In twenty, thirty years, Knox could be staring at his own reflection.

  You have Leah, Knox reminded himself. Knox wouldn’t end up alone and miserable like Jack. He had his woman and a ruthless empire to run.

  “You know how we deal with traitors.” Knox reminded Jack.

  It took a better part of twenty minutes for Jack to stop crying and begging.

  “We need more answers, Jack. Tell us about this guy who bought you drinks. What does he look like?” Patrick asked.

  “Tall and big. Covered in prison tats.” Jack just described any wannabe thug in the city. Jack swallowed. “I think he was Bratva.”

  Knox walked up to him and fisted his shirt. He leaned in close and looked Jack right in his bloodshot eyes. “You positive about that?”

  “I recognized his ink,” Jack muttered sullenly.

  Knox released him, cursing silently. Knox always had enemies who wanted his neck. The Russian mafia was a group to be reckoned with.

  “Do you have a name?” Denver asked.

  Luckily, Jack did or else he wouldn’t continue breathing. Patrick and Knox exited the soundproof room. When they wanted answers to questions, they always took prisoners here. It was located in the back of one of his legal business fronts—a massage parlor.

  “What now?” Patrick asked Knox. “We send out men to retrieve Alexei Popov?”

  Knox cracked his knuckles. Patrick must’ve recognized the look in his eyes because he grinned. “Are we going hunting, boss?”

  “You don’t need to come with me,” Knox reminded him.

  “I always have your back, Knox,” Patrick said.

  Knox couldn’t argue with him on that. Patrick looked like he also needed to let off some steam.


  A couple of hours later, they managed to track their target down. It was easy. With the help of a hacker in their employ, Knox found out where Alexei worked—at a dirty little convenience store downtown.

  Patrick and Knox took a more discreet and less flashy car, an old black Toyota that had seen better days. Two of Knox’s guys parked across the road from us. From Knox’s sideview mirror, he watched them get out. They switched out their usual suits in favor for more casual street clothes to blend in.

  Knox had ordered them to scout the premises and only interfere if it was necessary.

  He glanced out the dusty windows of the car.

  The store was owned by the Bratva. Like his group, they probably used the store as a front to launder money. Alexei was no one important. A small fry in the Bratva ladder. His presence wouldn’t be missed. Knox’s phone rang and he picked it up.

  “Boss, the road’s clear. No Bratva members in sight,” reported Henry. He was one of the guys who’d come out here with them and acted as a lookout.

  “Alexei’s leaving through the back to have a smoke,” Patrick said.

  Knox checked his gun had a full clip in it. He pulled his black mask down over his face. Patrick did the same. Knox nodded. “Let’s go.”

  Patrick followed his lead. They entered the narrow corridor that led to the back door of the store. Knox caught Alexei with his back facing him. Alexei had his fly down and was pissing against the wall. Alexei didn’t see them coming. Knox spun him by the shoulder and shoved him violently against the wall.

  Alexei moved sluggishly, didn’t even seem to process what just happened at first. He raised his fists, but Knox drove a fist into his gut. He gasped. Knox could see the whites of his eyes as he shoved the barrel of his gun against Alexei’s skull.

  “We have some questions for you, Alexei,” Patrick said by Knox’s shoulder.

  “Who are you people? What the hell do you want? Do you know who you’re messing with?” Alexei demanded, seemingly recovering this composure.

  “A week ago, you got Jack Miller drunk at a bar,” Knox said, digging the barrel of his gun deeper against Alexei’s skull.

  “Enough playing nice,” Patrick said. “Let me have a turn, boss. I’ll cut his balls, then his dick off.”

  Knox risked a look over his shoulder because he knew Alexei wasn’t much of a threat. He could break this fucker in half if he wanted. Patrick pulled out his favorite knife and it shone silver under the afternoon sun.

  Knox turned his attention back to his prey, who turned sheet-white. Alexei must’ve realized he wasn’t just dealing with normal men. He saw that they were serious, because once Alexei opened his mouth, Alexei couldn’t shut up.

  It turned out Knox’s speculation was right. The heads of the Bratva hired outside help to steal his merchandise.

  “Tell me more about these snipers,” Knox said, shoving Alexei against the wall again.

  They didn’t do much except rough Alexei up a little. Alexei broke down far too quickly and easily compared to Jack. He was a disgrace. Then again, Knox wasn’t too surprised.

  The Bratva might have more men in their employ but they didn’t bother with a quality check. Jack might’ve slipped up but the rest of Knox’s men weren’t like him. They vetted each recruit personally and his men had proven their loyalty to Knox plenty of times.

  “I don’t know jack shit about them, except they were ex-Special Forces. Mercenaries. Our Pakhan paid a great deal of money to hire them,” Alexei said.

  “What else do you know?” Patrick demanded.


  Knox was convinced Alexei had nothing else useful to say. One thing was clear. They couldn’t leave Alexei alive and kicking. Knox wanted to send a message to the Bratva. If they screwed with his group, then they shouldn’t expect to get away scot-free. They’d start with Alexei, then move onto bigger fish.

  Knox let him off. Momentary relief was reflected on Alexei’s features, before turning into panic as Knox dragged the gun to his chest. Knox silenced him, placing his gloved hand over Alexei’s mouth. Knox fired. He let out a muffled cry but Knox’s gun had a silencer on, so it didn’t make a sound. Knox released Alexei, letting his lifeless body slide against the wall.

  “Let’s go,” Knox told Patrick. They walked back to their ride.

  Once Patrick drove them out of that neighborhood, Knox peeled his mask off.

  “What next?”
Patrick asked. “We going to hit one of their warehouses, too?”

  “Soon. I want our tech team to dig more information on the Bratva.”

  Patrick paused and seemed to consider his next words. “Can I ask about the waitress from last night?”

  Knox let out a heavy sigh. “None of your goddamn business but you should know one thing.”

  “What’s that, boss?”

  “I plan to keep her. Permanently.” Knox wanted Patrick to understand that Leah wasn’t a simple fling or infatuation for him. A king needed his queen and Leah was his.

  Knox wanted to be back in his apartment, to lose himself in Leah’s body, in her sweetness once again. Except Knox remembered where she was—still working at that ratty diner. She didn’t have to work a single day in her life if she wanted.

  She wanted a sense of normalcy, Knox remembered. Leah was safe. He had someone watching over her, and Conner was a former Marine. Someone Knox trusted without question. Knox told Conner he’d have his head if Leah came to any harm.

  “I hope this woman better be worth it,” Patrick finally said.

  “She is,” Knox said without hesitation.

  Chapter Eleven

  “What would you like?” Leah took out her notepad and began scribbling orders. She didn’t really feel like she was in the present, just someone going through the motions. Good thing she had a photographic memory. “I’ll be back with your orders.”

  Leah relayed the customers’ orders to the kitchen. She could feel Conner’s watchful gaze on her at all times. Coming back to work hadn’t calmed her down the least bit. It didn’t provide her with the sense of normalcy she craved. Leah knew it was all an illusion. She had to face the facts. Her life wasn’t normal by any means anymore.

  Mindy, a fellow waitress, nudged her in the shoulder. “Hey, Leah. Who’s the big guy who’s been watching you since we opened? Your boyfriend?”

  It was almost sundown now. Leah didn’t even notice the hours flying by. She took a peek at the bodyguard Knox had sent to watch over her and winced.

  “Yep,” Leah lied because she didn’t want her colleagues to know she was romantically involved with Knox Carter.

  “Well, tell him he has to order soon or Burt wouldn’t be happy,” Mindy said.

  Burt was their asshole manager. He was balding, overweight, and far too handsy with the waitresses. The others never voiced their complaints because they all needed jobs. Not you, a quiet voice inside her spoke up.

  Knox had offered her the world. Knox told Leah she didn’t have to work anymore if that was what she wanted. She didn’t know what the hell she wanted.

  “Tell Burt to go screw himself,” she told Mindy, who raised her eyebrows.

  “I think you could tell Burt yourself,” Mindy said with a shrug.

  “Leah, come over here.” Right on cue, Burt crooked a finger at her, a disapproving look in his beady eyes.

  Leah had no other choice but to talk to Burt. “Yeah? What’s up, Burt?”

  “Tell your boyfriend to leave. He’s scaring all our customers.”

  She looked over her shoulder, surprised to find Conner was no longer at his table. Maybe he’d made a quick trip to the bathroom? Leah returned her attention to Burt, who seemed to be watching her closely. The gleam in Burt’s eyes always unsettled her.

  “Look at that, he’s gone. Good.” Burt flashed his crooked and yellowing teeth at her.

  Burt closed his greasy and bloated fingers over her arm, his touch repulsive. She didn’t know why she let out a shudder. Leah recovered her senses and flung his hand away.

  “Don’t touch me,” she said.

  Burt frowned, not liking her reaction, but Leah didn’t give a damn. Being the manager didn’t give him a right to abuse the waitresses working here.

  “You better play nice, Leah, or I won’t let you work an extra shift this week.” He sneered.

  The fucker liked it when his waitresses groveled. What a pig.

  The old Leah in the past would’ve swallowed her pride and apologized instantly but she didn’t have to do that any longer. Leah didn’t need to work extra shifts anymore.

  At that moment, it suddenly dawned on her that she no longer felt chained down by family obligations. Larry was out of the picture. After what he’d done, he could rot in some backwater alleyway for all she cared, stoned, drunk, or a combination of both.

  If Burt so much as raised a finger on her again, he’d have a nasty surprise waiting for him. Leah had been wanting to kick his vital parts for ages.

  Burt raised his hand, about to touch her again, but someone else interrupted him.

  “Touch her again and I’ll break your fucking arm. I won’t warn you again.” Knox’s familiar voice gave her a measure of relief. Leah would never admit that to Knox though.

  Burt turned, expression ugly, but seeing Knox standing a foot from him, he turned as pale as a ghost. Heads snapped to his direction, but everyone seemed to know who Knox was because they returned to whatever they were doing.

  Knox was dressed in one of his sleek suits, but Leah noticed blood coated his knuckles. A red smear was left on his cheek, as if he’d forgotten to clean up. Leah had a feeling the blood wasn’t his.

  Knox slid a possessive arm over her shoulders and pulled her close to his big body. The dirty diner fell away from her line of sight. Only the two of them seemed to matter.

  She finally understood why Conner wasn’t in his usual booth. It was because Knox had taken over his watch. He was here to pick her up. Leah didn’t know why she found that sweet and romantic.

  “Leah, we’re leaving,” Knox said, as if he no longer wanted to waste another breath on Burt.

  “Wait, I have one more task to do,” she told him. Leah marched up to Burt. “I quit and one more thing.”

  “What’s that?” he asked.

  “You better start looking for another job or else.” Leah left the threat hanging in the air, because Burt was a smart guy, or she thought he was.

  “Who the hell do you think you are, bitch?” Burt demanded.

  Before Knox could come to her defense again, Leah brought her knee up against Burt’s genitals. Mindy and another waitress who were nearby let out giggles. Someone else cheered. Burt howled, covering his privates. He sagged against a nearby table.

  Knox came by her shoulder. Leah snuck a glance at him. Pride filled his features.

  “I could handle a pig like him,” she told her man.

  Knox chuckled. “I never doubted you once, kitten.” The warmth in his eyes that was only reserved for her faded as he turned to Burt. “You heard my woman. Better leave the city tonight or my men will hunt you down. You won’t see the light of day.”

  Knox fisted Burt’s shirt and slammed him against the wall. Knox made a face. Leah wrinkled her nose as the smell of piss filled the air.

  “Tell me you understand, fucker,” Knox said.

  “I understand!”

  Knox released Burt and held out his arm to Leah. She took it and they finally left the diner. Leah had a feeling that was the last time she’d ever walk through those doors.


  It was still dark outside when Leah woke up. It’s time to wake up, make Larry breakfast. Shower, then dress for work. Knox tightened his grip over her waist and Leah remembered where she was. She leaned against the solid wall of his back and breathed in and out.

  Leah was no longer in the cramped apartment she shared with her brother. Three days had passed since she had officially moved in with Knox. The last seventy-two hours felt like a dream. Her new life felt surreal. She still couldn’t believe she quit her job and had done so in a spectacular fashion.

  Being a waitress at the diner represented her old life. Things were less complicated then, but didn’t she work her ass off believing someday she would be able to get off the hamster wheel? Sleep and work. Pay the bills. Honestly, some days, it felt like Leah was living in hell. Knox had ended that vicious cycle.

  She’d never taken a
day off her entire life so for the past three days, Leah felt like she’d been drifting. Knox seemed to have plenty on his mind. He carved out time in the mornings to spend with her and he usually came back home really late. Knox sometimes smelled of blood and gunpowder, which told her he wasn’t with a woman.

  A small comfort.

  “You awake?” he asked behind her.


  “Thinking much?” he asked.

  Leah twisted in his arms. Knox loosened his grip so they could look at each other face-to-face. She touched the healing bruise on his cheek and grimaced. He knew she hated him seeing hurt but Leah was a fool for thinking Knox would someday give up his empire for a shot at a normal life.

  If she intended to spend more time with this man, Leah knew she had to accept what he did. Knox embraced this lifestyle. It had been chosen for him from the moment of his birth and he loved every minute of it as much as he loved her.

  Did he love her?

  Was that wistful thinking on her part?

  “Talk to me, kitten,” he said. Knox could be extremely persuasive if he wanted. He ran his fingers through her hair, gave it a little jerk to expose her throat.

  She moaned when he kissed her neck tenderly before moving to her lips. Knox used his other hand and slipped it under the sheets, touching her bare skin. She didn’t know when she’d started going to bed without any clothes on. It seemed redundant, given she always ended up begging Knox to strip her out of them.

  “I feel lost,” Leah admitted.

  “After quitting your job at the diner?” he asked. “I was fucking happy when you did.”

  “I know.”

  “I should be doing something,” she finally said. “Anything. I don’t like feeling useless.”

  “You’re never that.”

  Knox massaged her left breast, gave her nipple an affectionate squeeze before moving his fingers lower. She parted her thighs for him. He released her mouth and she shamelessly rubbed her pussy against his hand.

  “That’s it, baby. Get yourself off me,” he ordered.

  Her pussy got slick and wet within minutes. Knox grew impatient and pushed two fingers into her wet heat, making Leah whimper.


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