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Elemental Summoner 2: A Chakra Cultivation Harem Portal series

Page 10

by D. Levesque

  Nodding, Leeha says, “Makes sense. As much as Magic can makes sense, anyway. You’re the one who is turning Magic use on its head,” she finishes with a grin pointed at me.

  “That’s me,” I tell her with a chuckle. “Let me see if she can come back,” I say, holding up a finger.

  “Bridget?” I think.

  “Hmm,” comes a lazy and sleepy reply.

  “Are you ready to come back?” I ask her.

  “I think so. I am not fully replenished, but this will do, as I can recover it over time now,” she says, and I can almost hear her stretching, as if she is saying that in a bed somewhere.

  “Well, when you can, join us,” I tell her with a smile.

  “Now is good,” she says, and I turn and find her standing next to me.

  She looks more revitalized now. I hadn’t noticed it before, but it seems like when she is down in power, she does look tired. I look at my beautiful Elemental in her Elf form, with her long red hair, her tight-fitting outfit that shows off her massive tits, and her beautiful smile. She is just as amazing to me as Leeha is. I bend down and kiss her.

  “Welcome back,” I tell her. “All good now?”

  Bridget nods with a smile on her face. “Yes. I needed that. It felt good.”

  “Where do you go, by the way, when you disappear?” Leeha asks her curiously.

  “I’m not sure,” Bridget says with a frown. “I go to a place where there is Magical energy all around me—a lot of it. I bathe in it, sleep in it, feed from it. When I am not with Alex, that is where I go. It’s a place that just is.”

  “Are there others there with you?” I ask her, now curious myself.

  “Yes, but I cannot talk or interact with them. I can see them far off in the distance—millions upon millions of them. Even though I am the sum of all five of your Elementals, Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, and Mind, I cannot interact with other Elementals there. But I can here on Boromour.”

  “I have to admit, that sounds pretty fucking cool,” I say with a grin. “Now, shall we take down this wall and see about getting out of here?”

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Left!” cries Leeha.

  Fire, Fire Arrow, I think, and send one of six arrows directly into the face of the Cave Snake we are fighting.

  You have used the spell Fire Arrow. You have used 10 points of power.

  The Fire Arrow misses the Cave Snake’s eye, which is what I had been aiming for. It saw it coming and moved its head forward, the Fire Arrow bouncing off its hard scales.

  Right, I forgot the Cave Snakes are more intelligent than the rats or the bats we had been fighting. Even the Cave Troll just stood there and took damage. This Cave Snake, on the other hand, moved, weaved, ducked, and did whatever it could to stay alive.

  I place my hand on the ground and think, Earth, Earth Spikes. Suddenly the snake hisses loudly in pain, as six large spikes made out of rock shoot out from the floor and puncture it. They aren’t large, maybe a foot long about a quarter-inch thick, but have six of them enter you, even if you are the size of a car, and you will feel it. Conveniently, the other thing those spikes do is keep it stuck there, until it’s able to break them.

  These Cave Snakes are huge, about the thickness of a car back on Earth, and long, about the length of two school buses.

  “Now it’s stuck!” I yell.

  The Cave Snake, distracted by the spikes in its underside, ignores Leeha and Bridget, which gives them their chance. Suddenly two Water Arrows hit one of its eyes, followed by a Fire Arrow from Bridget, which hits its other eye, finally blinding it.

  The Cave Snake goes nuts, thrashing its tail, and hitting the stone wall behind it. We had been able to back it up, as much as a snake can go backwards, until it was against the wall. Now, with the snake blind, I call up a second new spell I had thought of-Earth Spikes being the first-Earth Javelin. We hear a loud screech coming from the snake as a rather large javelin made of stone, about five feet high and half a foot thick, shoots out of the ground and skewers it through the underside of its head, going right through until the tip of the Earth Javelin is sticking out. The Cave Snake thrashes around for a few more seconds but then slowly falls sideways, dead.

  You have killed a Cave Snake.

  Panting heavily, I try to catch my breath. This Cave Snake took longer to kill, and it involved a lot of running around to avoid it crushing or biting us. That fucking head was fast. It almost got me twice, and Leeha had to gracefully jump over the damn thing. Bridget, on the other hand, simply stood her ground and punched it in the snout, making it reel back in surprise. That’s all right, because both Leeha and I looked at her in surprise as well. I didn’t realize she was that strong. I keep forgetting she isn’t technically a real Elf. She just looks like one. A cute one to boot.

  “Damn, I think I hate fighting those more than the Cave Troll,” Leeha says.

  I put a hand to my chest, remembering the pain I was in from having the only one we fought sucker punch me. “Yeah, not sure about that,” I tell her with a scowl.

  “Right,” she says with a laugh. Leeha walks up to the dead Cave Snake and puts her hand on it. Seconds later, she is holding coins and a stack of shells? I walk up closer to see, and I realize they aren’t shells but scales. They’re about the size of silver dollars, and they’re shiny and reflective.

  “What are those?” I ask her.

  “I’m not sure. I got,” she pauses to count them, “12 of them. I think they are scales from this snake. Should we keep them?”

  “I don’t know. That little pouch you have is getting pretty full with coins. The only other loot we kept was that dagger you found,” I remind her, pointing to her boot where she had inserted it.

  “I know,” she says in frustration. “If I had known we would need the space, I would have brought a larger bag!”

  “We will know for next time,” I tell her with a shrug. “I would kill for one of those dimensional bags I’ve had in some of the games I used to play back on Terra.”

  “What are those?” Leeha asks.

  Bridget walks up to us just then, and responds to Leeha before I can. “It’s a bag of holding. Sort of where you put stuff into it, and it never gets heavy or bigger. The items go ‘elsewhere’ for safekeeping.”

  “Is there such a thing in this world?” I ask her quickly, since thanks to Peter, she is my walking wiki. Annoyingly though, I have to ask her the question, she can’t just offer information.

  Bridget gets a faraway look in her eyes, and then she slowly nods. “Yes. It seems there is such a thing!” she blurts out, her gaze now focused on me.

  “And where,” I say slowly, the excitement building inside me, “can I get one?”

  “That information I don’t have,” she says with a sad face.

  “Crap. I would so love one of those,” I tell her with a sigh. I walk up to the Cave Snake and think Loot. We found out that we can each loot a kill, and we would each get something different. I have been getting mostly coins, which is why Leeha’s money purse is getting so full. I don’t own one.

  Do you wish to loot this Cave Snake?

  Thinking yes, I open my hand which is now holding a silver coin, a copper, and a bag. I stare at it in consternation, looking at Bridget with a raised eyebrow.

  “Hey, don’t look at me,” she says, shaking her head. “I can’t control what you get for loot. I only know information if you ask me the correct question.”

  “Is that what I think it might be?” Leeha asks me with a laugh.

  “Yes. I think my God is fucking with me. I am almost afraid to try it, only to find out it’s a normal bag. I mean, at least this tells me that he is still watching me. The odds are too astronomical to suddenly get one, right after talking about one,” I tell them both, shaking my head.

  “So, how does it work?” Leeha says.

  “Pfft. No clue. If it’s the type of bag I think it is, I would place it against myself, and I would get a message asking if I wanted to attach it
to myself. That would mean that only I could access it.”

  “Or me, as I am part of you,” Bridget chimes in quickly.

  “Or you. So that means no one can steal it from me. And usually, it would have no weight limit, or it would reduce the weight of the items going in. Also, in terms of space, it would be bigger on the inside, than on the outside. So, like that dagger you got? I would be able to place it into the bag, even though it’s longer than the bag.”

  “Is that even possible?” Leeha says with a frown, and her tone is skeptical.

  “Yeah, I know. Too good to be true, right? I would say this is probably just a normal bag since I don’t have one.”

  “Try it on, then,” Bridget says, wagging her eyebrows up and down.

  “I’m almost afraid,” I tell her with a laugh. “I would hate to be disappointed.”

  “Alex, just put the damn bag on!” Leeha says with a laugh.

  Sighing, I take the bag and place it against my hip, against the cloth of my pants.

  Do you wish to attach this 100% weight reduction bag, with 1,000 item slots, Soulbound, to your person?

  I close my eyes, but I have a big grin on my face. YES! I think loudly in my head.

  You have attached a bag of 100% weight reduction, with 1,000 item slots, Soulbound, to your person. Congratulations.

  Congratulations. Achievement! First Soulbound item on Boromour.

  I shake my head at that last message with a chuckle. Damn, as much as I am sometimes pissed at God, he does make me laugh at times with shit he is attempting here game mechanic wise. I look up after attaching the bag, and Leeha and Bridget are looking at me expectantly.

  “So?” Leeha asks.

  “So it seems that this is the type of bag I was hoping it would be. Which makes me suspicious.”

  “Oh, about what?”

  “About what my God wants from me and what he is doing. I think he is giving me this bag as a ‘sorry you’re going through this, but go with it’ kind of thing.”

  “You think this bag is a bribe?” Leeha says with a chuckle.

  “If not a bribe, then a consolation prize,” I say, nodding. “I would say he knows I am pissed at him, not that that makes a huge difference, since he is a God, but yeah. The rules have changed so much since I got here.”

  “Would you go back home if you had the opportunity?” Leeha asks softly.

  I walk up to her, wrap her in my arms, and kiss her. “No fucking way.”

  Leeha smiles up at me radiantly and says, “Good. Otherwise I would have to find a way to get to Terra and kick your ass.”

  “And I would be right behind her,” growls Bridget, now standing next to us. I put out one arm, and so does Leeha, and Bridget comes into our arms quickly, hugging us both. I bend down and kiss her.

  “I am not leaving either of you, no matter what happens to me in this world,” I tell them both. “I have nothing worth returning to but so much to lose here.”

  “Good,” Leeha says, squeezing me back. “Now, shall we try this bag of yours?” She offers me the snake scales.

  Taking them, I look down at the bag. “Hmm. Bridget, how do I use the bag?”

  Bridget concentrates for a minute and then she answers. “The information I have says you just need to open it and place your hand inside it and drop the item. When you want something, you simply think of what you want and it will come into your hand and then you can pull your hand out.”

  “So can I get a list of items I have in my bag?” I ask her.

  Nodding, she says, “You just need to think of your bag, and an inventory will appear in your mind.”

  Freeing my hands, I open my bag with my left hand, take the snake scales, and place the hand that’s holding them into my bag and drop them. There is no feeling of something hitting the bottom of the bag, and no weight increase. Which makes sense if it’s a 100 percent weight reduction. Then, with my hand still in the bag, I think of what is in my bag.

  The image I get in my head goes by so quickly, but somehow I retain what I saw. All right, so I am not going to get an itemized list. I will just know what is in there. I think of pulling out only one of the snake scales and then I feel something in my fingers, so I grab it quickly.

  Pulling out my hand, I have the single snake scale in my grip. I hold it up for the girls to see that there is only the one scale. “It will take some getting used to, but this could come in handy!” I tell them with a grin.

  “Good,” Leeha says, and she takes her money purse off her belt and hands it to me. “You can carry everything now because honestly, for an Elf walking into a City, this is a shitload of money,” she says with a laugh.

  Taking the money belt, I pour it into the opening of my bag. Once it’s empty, I place the empty money purse inside it as well. Somehow, I instantly know exactly how much money I have in there. I have 75 gold, 85 silvers, and 91 coppers.

  “Shall we keep hunting?” I say once I’m done.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “I get that we have been in here for what? A week now? But come on! We can only do so much training,” I say out loud in annoyance.

  “Well, the good thing is, it looks like you having to have sex with me within the week is using the time outside this Dungeon, and not inside,” Bridget says with a shrug.

  I look at her, my frustration evaporating. “I would rather be doing that with you than be in here.”

  “Here, here,” Leeha says passionately. Suddenly the image of the three of us having sex in the hot tub I created pops into my head, bringing a grin to my face once more.

  “Once we have time,” I tell her, “We are so having sex in a hot tub once more. But my point is, why do we have to keep doing this? I mean, how does fighting snakes, bats, rats, and three Cave Trolls so far, help us? We will be fighting the two-legged kind of enemies, and they won’t be large and dumb like the Cave Trolls.”

  “How would you get out of a Dungeon in your world?” Leeha says.

  “Well,” I tell her awkwardly. “We would just leave the game.” Hard to explain that we would log out. Or that most of the time, Dungeons didn’t keep you stuck in them for almost a week!

  Leeha looks around, “Well, I guess we keep going the way we were heading.”

  I can tell she is tired of being in here as well. We have had to find and create other safe places for us to sleep these last two days. I turn to follow her and stop in my tracks.

  “Hmm, Leeha, Bridget. Do you see that?” I point about three hundred feet in front of us in the direction that Leeha had been heading.

  Leeha looks at where I am pointing and then looks back at me inquiringly. Even Bridget comes up next to me and puts a hand on my arm. “What do you see?”

  “You don’t see that large energy cloud?” I ask her.

  “No, I don’t see Magic unless it’s inside someone. What do you see?” she asks again, excitedly.

  “It’s like a large multicolored cloud of energy, right in our path. But it’s concentrated. All around it, there’s like an absence of it. As if it got sucked in there. What do you see?”

  “I see a wall of the cave. Then next to it, the path that we are on follows along the wall, heading down a larger tunnel.” Which is the norm. We go from one large extensive cave into a tunnel and into another large extensive cave. Guess this is the same. I wonder what we will find in this large cave.

  “Shit,” I say with disappointment. I was hoping it was the exit.

  “Let’s go,” I tell them with a sigh, waving at Leeha to go ahead of us.

  Leeha nods and turns back around to head forward. Once we get closer to the cloud, I see it’s enormous, with multiple colors of Magical energy pulsing through it. But all Bridget said she saw was a flat wall. The path we are on goes by the cloud, not into it, and leads into a tunnel, about fifty feet ahead.

  “Hold on,” I call out suddenly. Leeha stops and turns around to look at me, and Bridget stops with me.

  “I want to see something,” I tell her. “
What do we have to lose except time? I mean, time in here runs differently. If one year is a couple of minutes out there, as Peter said, we should be ok to stop for a minute or two.”

  Leeha walks over and stands next to me while I examine the pulsing cloud. It seems safe. It looks like it’s made of the same energy I’d been seeing throughout the cave, except here it’s concentrated. Within a good 50-foot radius of this thing, there are no loose Magical energy clouds in the air. It’s all focused here.

  I walk towards the cloud hesitantly until I am standing in front of it, close enough to simply reach out with my hand and grasp it. Which is exactly what I do, or rather my hand goes into the cloud but closes on nothing, and I feel a slight tingling.

  Warning, you are about to exit. Do you wish to do so?

  I pull my hand out of the cloud and scream in relief, “Yes!”

  “What?!” Leeha asks me, concerned.

  “This is the exit. It’s asking if I want to exit.”

  “Odd. To me, there isn’t anything there. You had your hand in the air,” Leeha says. She puts her hand next to mine and frowns.

  “I get nothing,” she says, looking at me.

  Now it’s my turn to frown at her. “Seriously?”

  “Seriously,” she affirms.

  “Shit, then how are you supposed to get out? I mean, Bridget would follow me. But how would you leave?” Just as I finish saying that, I get another prompt that makes me roll my eyes.

  Warning, you and your group are about to exit. Do you wish to do so?

  “What?” Leeha asks me, and I realize I must have groaned while rolling my eyes.

  “It changed the message to me and my group.”

  “You’re kidding?” she says with a chuckle.


  “Maybe your God is tweaking the system as you go?” Bridget offers.


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