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Cesare Borgia

Page 39

by Sarah Bradford

  The bones remained in the municipal archives of Viana until 3 December 1953, when they were reinterred with considerable ceremonial in the presence of the civil and military governors of Navarre, a representative of the provincial government of Valencia, home of the Borgias, and other dignitaries, permission for their burial having been given by the Bishop of Calahorra, successor of the sixteenth-century bishop who had expelled Cesare’s impious bones from the church. Preceded by the municipal band, the bones, enclosed in an urn specially made for the occasion, covered with red carnations brought from Valencia, were attended to the church of Santa Maria by the uniformed dignitaries and children waving flowers, to be reinterred in front of the main door. Valencian soil and red carnations, with flowers from the gardens of Viana, were laid over the urn before the grave was closed; inset into the pavement above it they placed a marble memorial tablet with the resounding inscription: CESAR BORGIA GENERALISSIMO OF THE NAVARRESE AND PONTIFICAL ARMIES DIED IN THE FIELDS OF VIANA II [sic] MARCH 1507.

  In 1965 the Diputación Foral de Navarra commissioned a local sculptor to execute a bust of Cesare to be placed on a pediment beside the church. Today his idealized features in bronze, calm, commanding, ascetically beautiful, look down on a quiet leafy square in Viana, in the guise of a hero of Navarrese independence, a reincarnation which would have evoked in Cesare himself a self-mocking Borgia smile.

  Select Bibliography


  The following list includes the principal printed manuscript sources, ambassadors’ dispatches, contemporary chronicles, and collections of documents. Further documentary collections are to be found in the appendices of authoritative general works under the Secondary Sources, books section.

  Alberi, E., Le Relazioni degli ambasciatori veneti al Senato durante il seculo XVI (Florence, 1839–63).

  Anonimi, Commentario, ed. F.Madiai, Archivio storico per le Marche e per l’Umbria, vol. III (1886).

  Auton, Jean d’, Chroniques de Louis XII, ed. Société de l’Histoire de France (Paris, 1889–95).

  Bernardi, Andrea, Cronache forlivesi dal 1476 al 1517, ed. G. Mazzatinti, 2 vols (Bologna, 1895).

  Branca Tedallini, Sebastiano di, Diario Romano dal maggio 1485 al 6 giugno 1524, Rerum italicarum scriptores, XXIII (Città di Castello, 1907).

  Brom, G., ‘Einige Briefe von Brandolinus Lippus’, Romische Quartalschrift, vol. ii (1888).

  Buonaccorsi, Biagio, Diario de’ successi piu importanti seguiti in Italia … dall’ anno 1498 in sino all’ anno 1512 (Florence, 1568).

  Buonaccorsi, Biagio, ‘Summario di cose seguite da dì 6 di giugno 1498 fino a dì X di settembre 1508’, in Niccolò Machiavelli, Legazioni, Commissarie, Scritti di Governo, ed. Fredi Chiappelli, 2 vols (Bari, 1971).

  Burchard, Johannes, Diarium, ed. L. Thuasne, 3 vols (Paris, 1883–5).

  Burchard, Johannes, Liber notarum, ed. E.Celani, Rerum italicarum scriptores, XXXII, 2 (Città di Castello, 1907 ff).

  Commines, Philippe de, Mémoires, ed. J.Calmette (Paris, 1924).

  Conti, Sigismondo de’, Le storie dei suoi tempi dal 1475 al 1510 (Rome, 1883).

  de Roo, P., Materials for a History of Pope Alexander VI, his Relatives and his Times, 5 vols (Bruges, 1924).

  Diario Ferrarese 1409–1502, Rerum italicarum scriptores, XXIV (Bologna, 1934–7).

  Fantaguzzi, Caos, cronache cesenate del Seculo XV, ed. D.Bazocchi (Cesena, 1915).

  Giovio, Paolo, Gli Elogi (Florence, 1554).

  Giovio, Paolo, Illustrium Virorum Vitae (Florence, 1551).

  Giovio, Paolo, Istorie del suo Tempo, Prima Parte, trans. L.Domenichi (Venice, 1555).

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  Giustinian, Antonio, Dispacci, ed. P.Villari, 3 vols (Florence, 1876).

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  Guicciardini, Francesco, Storie Fiorentine dal 1378 al 1509, ed. Palmarocchi (Bari, 1931).

  Infessura, Stefano, Diario della Città di Roma, ed. O.Tommasini (Rome, 1890).

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  Machiavelli, Niccolò, Legazioni, Commissarie, Scritti di Governo, ed. Fredi Chiappelli, 2 vols (Bari, 1971).

  Machiavelli, Niccolò, Legazioni e Commissarie, ed. S.Bertelli, 3 vols (Milan, 1964).

  Machiavelli, Niccolò, Tutte le Opere, ed. G.Mazzoni and M.Casella (Florence, 1929). For English translations see Gilbert, A., Detmold, C., in Secondary Sources, books section.

  Matarazzo, F., ‘Cronaca della città di Perugia dal 1492 al 1503’, ed. A. Fabretti, Archivio storico italiano, xvi, 2 (1851).

  Menotti, M., Documenti inediti sulla famiglia e la corte di Alessandro VI (Rome, 1917).

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  Pius II (Aeneas Silvius Piccolomini, Pope), Commentarii (Rome, 1584); English translation by F.A.Gragg with introduction and notes by L.C.Gabel, Smith College Studies in History (Northampton,Mass., 1937–57).

  Priuli, G., I Diarii, Rerum italicarum scriptores, XXIV, 3 (Città di Castello, 1921–41).

  Sanuto, M., Diarii (Venice, 1879 ff).

  Strozzi, Ercole, Caesaris Borgiae Ducis Epicedium (Venice, 1513).

  Verona, Gaspare da, Le vite di Paolo II, ed. G.Zippel, Rerum italicarum scriptores, XVI, 3 (Città di Castello, 1904).

  Volterra, Jacopo Gherardi da, Diaro Romano, ed. E.Carusi, Rerum italicarum scriptores, XXIII, 3 (Città di Castello, 1904).

  Zurita, Geronimo, Historia del Rey Don Hernando el Catolico (Zaragoza, 1610).



  The best biography of Cesare in English is W.H.Woodward, Cesare Borgia (London, 1913); in other languages Gustavo Sacerdote, Cesare Borgia (Milan, 1950), is the most complete, Edoardo Alvisi, Cesare Borgia, Duca di Romagna, is authoritative and well documented, while C. Yriarte, César Borgia, sa vie, sa captivité et son mort, 2 vols (Paris, 1889), remains useful. The most up-to-date and fair account of the Borgias in general is Michael Mallett, The Borgias: the Rise and Fall of a Renaissance Dynasty (London, 1969).

  Ady, C.M., The Bentivoglio of Bologna (Oxford, 1937).

  Alberti, L.B., I primi tre libri della famiglia, ed. Pellegrini (Florence, 1911).

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