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The Stranger Next To Me

Page 2

by Vasser, LaShawn

  Sabrina sighed, “Unfortunately, it’s a still a man’s world and in this business you have to do whatever it takes to get ahead. I’m doing what I have to do. Anyway, how did you let her down?”

  Tasha shook her head, “I would never do any and everything just to get ahead.”

  Sabrina was irked and hated when Tasha went all Purist on her. “Okay…enough with the Pollyanna bullshit. That’s the difference between us and exactly why you work like a dog, hating every minute, and have nothing to show for it.”

  “Maybe I do work like a dog, but you know what…I have a life. My career is not who I am…it’s what I do. There is a big difference.”

  Sabrina leaned up against the wall and crossed her legs at the ankle, “This is an endless argument where you and I are never going to agree. Anyway, did she seem upset when you told her to basically kick rocks?”

  “When she asked if I’d like to meet her for dinner, I politely declined. I told her that as much as I appreciated the invite…I came here for some much needed alone time.”

  “Did she ask why?” Sabrina was a little nervous that Tasha may have unintentionally outed her. She rung her hands together, “We’ve got to get our stories straight just in case she asks me.”

  “Of course she tried to convince me to change my mind, especially since according to her; it would just be a little harmless dinner.” Tasha used air quotes, “Unless, my girlfriend wouldn’t appreciate it. I still can’t believe you have this woman thinking I’m a lesbian.”

  Sabrina tried to hide her laughter behind her hands. “Come on…we’ll laugh about this when we’re old and gray. Anyway…what did you say?”

  “I told her I was doing some soul searching and until I figured some things out about myself, I wasn’t emotionally available for dating.”

  “Ohh...that was good Tasha because I told her you weren’t dating anyone.”

  “I know. You put me in a tricky spot but I figured my way out.” Tasha pointed her finger at her, “Don’t do it again!”

  Sabrina pushed herself off of the wall. “I’ve said for the millionth and now second time…I apologize and I won’t do it again. However, are you sure she didn’t say anything about me and that promotion? I mean, before you brushed her off, she didn’t tell you anything?”

  Tasha looked heavenward as if in prayer and walked out of her bedroom without uttering one word.

  Chapter 3

  Sabrina promised herself that she would make time to enjoy some of this trip. But she knew when it was time to have fun and when it was time to take care of business.

  Yes, she was attending her annual marketing meeting at a luxurious location but this wasn’t a vacation. Sabrina still had to make things happen. What was that saying money never sleeps?

  Her only goal for this trip was to get that promotion. Getting that promotion hinged on closing accounts. That was the fastest way to do it.

  A couple of hours earlier, Sabrina had done just that. She’d closed a new account in between attending several of the marketing breakout sessions. Not to mention, her regular clients had her cell phone number on speed dial and couldn’t seem to keep from calling her. Even though her personal assistant fielded most of the calls, the high net worth clients came directly to Sabrina.

  So after an exhausting but productive day, it was time to release a little stress and have a little fun.

  Sabrina was purposely late for her date. Her plan was definitely to make an entrance. Not a strand of her black silky hair was out of place. She wore a little black mini-dress that hugged all of her curves like a second skin. She knew her smooth mocha legs were killer. They went on for miles and her black stilettos just emphasized that fact. She wasn’t being conceited just confident. The moment she walked into that bar, Sabrina knew all eyes would be on her.

  Women would immediately hate her with good reason because if her date wasn’t around, all men married or not were going to be in her crosshairs. She had a lot of energy to release.

  Sabrina couldn’t understand why men were such weak creatures. Even the brilliant ones. It always boggled her mind how they could be led astray so easily just by what she had between her thighs. She smiled as she thought to herself, Cleopatra brought down a whole damn nation. I must have been related to her. So, if her date didn’t show which was highly unlikely, it would definitely be his loss.

  Just as she suspected, he was sitting at the bar sipping on a drink. He was all kinds of sexy, tall, lean, and brooding. Just like she liked them. He would have to really do something crazy for her not to sleep with him tonight.

  Earlier in the day when their eyes connected Sabrina knew she would need a whole box of condoms with this one. He was a thoroughbred and might even be worth sweating out her relaxer. Maybe she was going a little too far with that one.

  She licked her lips like someone who was about to devour their favorite meal and in an almost feline way walked over to where he was sitting.

  Her voice was warm like hot caramel, “Daniel?”

  He saw her the moment she arrived at the bar and stood at the threshold of the door. The hairs on his body stood up. When they met, he knew from the fire in her eyes that Sabrina was a wild one. If she was half the woman he thought she was, then he was going to take great pleasure in taming her.

  Daniel slowly turned around as if he was in no rush. Once he’d finally turned all the way around, he leisurely examined her from her shoes up every inch of those shapely legs. Daniel continued to take his time while scorching Sabrina in the process. His gaze moved further up lingering at that place between her thighs that they both knew he’d know intimately before the night was over.

  His sensuous perusal of her body already had her tingling all over. Her mouth went dry. Daniel knew the effect he was having on her as he continued his deliciously slow ascent of her body until he finally reached her eyes. As hard as she tried to hide the simmering passion within them, he could still see it. Just as he knew she could see the open desire in his.

  “After undressing me with your eyes do like what you see?”

  Daniel took a sip of his drink but his eyes never left hers. “I’m sure I’ll like it much better once the dress comes off.”

  Raising a perfectly sculpted eyebrow, Sabrina purred, “Hmm…don’t you mean IF it comes off?”

  His eyes and his response said two different things. He responded with a lopsided grin, “Okay, I’ll play. Can I buy you a drink?”

  Sabrina sat down effortlessly on the bar stool, “I’ll have what you’re having.”

  “This might be a bit too hard for a little lady like you.”

  “Then make mine a double. I can handle very hard things.”

  Daniel called the waiter over, “Can you send a bottle up to room 817B?” Then he turned to Sabrina, “Shall we go find out?”


  Sabrina woke up around four in the morning. She looked over at a still sleeping Daniel. Even asleep he looked good enough to eat and he’d given her a really good time; absolutely incredible.

  She needed to get out of his bed and get back to her room as soon as possible before she started confusing great sex with something else like a real attraction.

  Daniel was the type of man you screwed…nothing more and nothing less. Especially, since she’d done her internet research on him before their date.

  He had been married for a little over a year and had a one year old daughter. It was most likely a shotgun marriage. The wife’s family was wealthy. Daniel had received a small inheritance when his step-father and mother were killed in a car accident several years ago. He seemed to have blown through it. Sabrina wouldn’t get caught up with a man who didn’t have his stuff together. Sex was one thing, trying to plan a future was quite another. She couldn’t find any businesses Daniel owned or any occupation for him whatsoever.

  As much as she wanted to throw her leg over the side of his body and ride him hard…she was going to throw her leg over the side of the bed and sneak the hell out.
She got and received more than she hoped for.

  Chapter 4

  It was the last night of Tasha’s mini vacation and other than that messy first day with Sabrina and LaWanda, the trip had been amazing. She’d spent her time taking in some of the local sites, reading some of her favorite books, shopping, and playing in the ocean.

  Sabrina on the other hand, had spent every waking hour either in conferences or working. Anyone would have thought that once it was announced that she’d received the Executive Director position that maybe she would have spent some time trying to celebrate. She deserved a moment to appreciate the culmination of all of her hard work. But no, she was either on her phone, laptop and sometimes both at the same time.

  However, tonight they were supposed to have a nice dinner together at some fancy restaurant.

  Tasha was packing her suitcase when Sabrina stuck her head through her door. “Hey Tash, have you ever heard of Tim Horne?”

  “Hmm…it sounds familiar but I can’t say that I can place the name. Why?”

  “Well, I’ll just fill you in real quick. He’s a billionaire and more importantly single. He has tons of companies in his portfolio and I was able to find out that he’s going to be having dinner at the same restaurant we’re going to tonight. It takes forever to get your name on the list but I had someone who owed me a favor pull some strings so that we’ll be there at the same time he’s there.”

  Tasha tried to muster up some excitement but she could really care less. “So, what’s your plan? To wow him with your wit and get either his business, or get in his pants?”

  “Your goals are too low.” Sabrina laughed huskily, “I’m gunning for both. Bring your note pad tonight my friend. Class on how to land a man will be in session.”

  Tasha couldn’t help but smile. You could never ever say Sabrina Links lacked focused. “So, what time should I be ready?”


  Tasha and Sabrina made it to the restaurant around eight o’clock. Sabrina loved it when Tasha spruced herself up a bit because she was really a beautiful woman. She just didn’t seem to care so much about the reality of appearance. In the rat race of life, appearances can make or break a situation. But tonight, Tasha looked good.

  Sabrina was fierce all on her own but when they were all done up together, they made an unbelievably striking pair. Sabrina was like fire and Tasha was like ice. Even in high school, Sabrina understood she could go far on her own but everybody needed that one person in their life who made them better. For her that was Tasha.

  They were seated just as she had arranged at a highly visible table. Tasha smiled warmly at the hostess and sat down. “Thank you.”

  The hostess was invisible to Sabrina as she sat down. She was focused like a laser trying to locate Tim Horne.

  “Earth to Sabrina.” Tasha waved her hands up and down in front of her face before Sabrina realized she was even talking to her.

  “What was that you said about being able to multi-task? I know you’re focused on this Horne guy but come on this is our last night here and….”

  Sabrina wasn’t listening to anything Tasha said and rudely interrupted her in mid-sentence. “There he is. He’s in back of you on the side of your right shoulder. He’s with two other men. He’s actually even more scrumptious looking in person.”

  In the blink of an eye, Sabrina transformed into this other person that Tasha had secretly nick-named Zoella. Men couldn’t seem to resist her and most women couldn’t stand her.

  The waiter came over to introduce himself before asking if he could take their drink order. Tasha gave him hers. “Can you recommend a red wine?”

  Tasha agreed to his recommendation.

  Sabrina/Zoella took an extra moment before ordering. “I want you to send a bottle of your most expensive champagne over to Mr. Horne’s table and tell him it was compliments of Sabrina Links. And… bring me whatever she ordered.”

  Tasha whistled low underneath her breath, “Nicely played my friend.”

  “You ain’t seen anything yet. I hope you put that in your notes.”

  Tim Horne was having dinner with a business associate and his younger brother, Craig when the waiter approached his table with a bottle of champagne.

  “Mr. Horne, this bottle of champagne is compliments of the beautiful woman sitting at the center table Sabrina Links.”

  The waiter moved out of the way and gestured toward Tasha and Sabrina.

  Tim had all manner of women doing any and everything to get his attention. It certainly wasn’t anything that hadn’t been done before. However, instead of declining, he nodded his approval for the waiter to pour the drinks. That response caused Craig to turn around.

  Tim lifted his glass and raised it to Sabrina. She returned his gesture by lifting her glass as well. Sabrina smiled sexily. She didn’t want to appear too eager but definitely wanted to let him know she was interested.

  She took a nice long sip of her drink while never breaking eye contact, lowered her glass and then returned her attention to her menu.

  Tasha shook her head. “Damn. He fell for that hook, line, and sinker. I’m betting he’ll come over around dessert.”

  “No, he won’t. He won’t come over at all. I’ll get a note from the Maître d just before we’re about to leave. I’ve made the first move. He’ll take his time making his.”

  Tasha picked up her own menu, “This is just too much for me. If a girl likes a guy and a guy likes a girl why do you have to play all these silly cat and mouse games? You know, you might end up with the same results if you just walked over and introduced yourself.”

  “Maybe…but it wouldn’t be nearly as much fun. And that kind of thinking my darling…is why you are still single and I’ve landed TWO husbands.” Sabrina lifted her hand and put up two fingers and laughed as she picked up her glass of wine with the other. “And…I could quite possibly be looking at my third.”

  Tasha waved her off, “Whatever Sabrina.”

  “I think the younger guy with him is his brother. He’s kind of cute and what he lacks in sexiness his pockets more than make up for. He’s not as rich as Tim but he has a lot of money.”

  “My goodness did the credit agencies get back to you before dinner? I know you’re thorough but I’m almost positive you didn’t have time to run a background check before dinner.”

  “I know that was a joke but yes I did.” Sabrina sat up straighter, put her elbows on the table, and leaned in close to make sure her words were for Tasha’s ears only. “I need to know what’s up not only for them but for me. I need to know what my own intentions are. Are they possibilities or are they just a hook up?”

  “Don’t you think we are a little too old for random hook ups? I certainly do. I need for my heart to be involved before I can be with someone. I want it to mean something.”

  Sabrina smirked, “Well…obviously not all of us are built the same way. And, I’m sure that’s why you’re the daughter daddy always wished he had.”

  That subject was too sensitive for Tasha to even respond to. Mr. Links basically took over the role of her father when her own father passed away from cancer. She loved him dearly. His relationship with Sabrina was interesting. It had always been strained for as long as she could remember.

  Tasha and Sabrina were so engrossed in their conversation that they failed to hear a gentleman walk up to their table.

  He cleared his throat, “Excuse me ladies, I’m Craig Horne. I wanted to come over and personally thank you for the bottle of champagne.” His eyes focused like a laser on Sabrina.

  Tasha thought to herself about how ironic it would be if Craig was the one interested in Sabrina and not Tim. It would serve her right.

  Just watching how this evening was starting to unfold left Tasha on the verge of a full on laughing fit until Craig focused his green eyes on her. He gave Tasha a brilliant smile, “Thank you again.”

  She gestured toward Sabrina, “Oh. I’m sorry. I didn’t send you the bottle of champagne my fri
end sent it over.”

  His eyes never wavered, “I’m glad she sent it because that gave me a great opportunity to come over and introduce myself. You are?” Craig reached his hand out to Tasha.

  She smiled warmly and shook his hand. “I’m Tasha Stevens.”

  He continued to focus his attention on her. “Would you ladies care to join us for dinner? That way we could share the champagne.”

  Sabrina sat there watching Tasha mull the invitation over. It was going to be a long night waiting for her to just accept his invitation. So, Sabrina took the decision out of her hands. Impatiently, she accepted.

  “We’d love to join you.”

  Tasha knew Sabrina didn’t have a shred of patience. She was always going to accept the invite but it served her right for ambushing this evening to at least think she wouldn’t accept it.

  They stood up from their table and followed Craig back to his. When they arrived, Tim was talking to his business associate. He continued his conversation while the three of them stood awkwardly around the table waiting to be introduced. Finally, after a few more awkward moments, he looked up.

  Craig didn’t know what Tim was doing but he’d make sure to check him later for making him look like a fool. But for now, he’d just ignore that little power move. Craig made the introductions, “Tim and Shane, this is Tasha and her friend Sabrina.”

  Sabrina reached her hand out to Tim completely ignoring Shane for a handshake. “I hope you are enjoying the champagne.”

  Without even really acknowledging Sabrina’s presence he gave her perfunctory “Thank you.”

  She smoothly pulled her hand back. So, Mr. Horne was either ridiculously rude or was trying to take the game up to another level. Sabrina refused to believe that she hadn’t had any effect on him whatsoever. But, she wasn’t exactly sure if his was a tactic or if she really had no physical impact on him. It didn’t really matter she’d figure it out. It was only a matter of time.


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