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Page 12

by S. W. Frank

  “Maria, Alfonzo’s not here yet, I know you’re anxious to leave but we have to wait. He’s on his way.” Selange crossed her arms and refused to let the woman dictate her family. “If you want to leave, I’ll have the driver take you to the airport, but you are not going anywhere with my kids.”

  “Fine then, I will sit here with the children until Alfonzo comes, but they are not staying inside that woman’s home. These are my grandchildren and I do not want them exposed to bad people.”

  “Maria stop…don’t talk like that in front of them. Sophie is not bad.”

  “Humph!” She scoffed then turned away in disagreement.

  Almost on cue Alfonzo arrived. When he exited the car and saw the vehicles lined up with their engine’s running he guessed, ‘mama.’

  Selange walked forward to meet him in the walkway out of earshot of the others. “Alfonzo your mother had the audacity to load the kids in the car and refuses to let them in the house. She’s gone crazy for sure if she thinks I’ll let her take off with our children whenever she doesn’t feel comfortable.”

  Alfonzo rubbed his eyes. The intense morning sunlight burned. He had a mean hang-over and when Selange called he was asleep on Giuseppe’s sofa, drooling like Sal. He squinted, trying to blink the red eyes to alert status and settled on partially conscious.

  It’s the distress on Selange’s face which prompted action and he hurried forward. His mother’s behavior crossed the line, “I’ll talk to her babe.”

  “Okay,” she held his arm and he stopped to hear what more she had to say, “Alfonzo go easy on your mom. She’s bent out of shape because Sophie’s the one who told her about Luzo being married and it’s why she left. She’s not listening to reason at this point because she thinks Sophie only wanted Luzo for herself.”


  She saw his condition and suggested coffee.

  “Yeah, make it black.” Then his eyes narrowed. He had a question, “Sophie told you about Geo didn’t she?”

  “Yes and I tried to tell you…”

  He stopped her before she delved into a long explanation. “Babe, forget it. It’s done. It’s too early for this drama; I just wanted to make sure that’s the only thing you were worried about at dinner. That’s everything, right?”


  “Alright babe, then we’re good. Let me go deal with my mom.” He gave a quick peck on the lips, “Good-morning.” Then his feet were moving again in the direction of the SUV’s and she went toward the house.  He passed one of the SUV’s and Domingo stuck his fist out of the window and Alfonzo met it with knuckles, “You and the lady alright Domingo?”

  “I’m good, your mom is spazzing. Teresa and I were both like whoa. We ‘aint seen her like this since god-knows-when.”

  Alfonzo’s dark eyebrow inched higher, “Yeah?”

  Teresa frowned, “Yep, she’s bugging ‘Fonzo. Whatever that lady did to her, man it must be some shit. She woke everybody up at the crack of dawn and you know I ‘aint with this early morning shit. Then when Selange was trying to calm her down, she wasn’t hearing it. Your mom’s wrong…I don’t care…those ‘aint her kids. Selange’s trying to be cool and not make a scene in front of the kids…but your mom’s wrong…word…I don’t give a shit…if those were my kids…let me shut-up ‘cause I swear I’m starting to get pissed!”

  “Yeah, shut-up Teresa, don’t add no more fuel to the fire. Aunt Maria’s overprotective just like my mom when it comes to their grandchildren and sometimes they get shit twisted and forget who the parents are.”

  “Psst, word.” Teresa said between her teeth then crossed her arms.

  An exasperated breath escaped Alfonzo’s lips. He summoned emotional energy to deal with his mom and hoped he didn’t offend the stubborn woman. Every time they got to this place of mutual understanding, something set them adrift. Having a migraine didn’t help the situation, nor did the fact he knew she loved those children make it any easier. When he kicked his designer clad foot forward, it was in determination to get the daunting task over with.

  He reached the lead vehicle and tapped on the glass. The window rolled down and before he could say good morning she announced, “I am ready to go hijo. Do not try to talk me into staying another minute!”

  “Mama, okay, but you can’t go snatching my kids…” he waved at Allie and Sal then the babies. The smile was natural whenever he looked upon their faces. These were his loves and the ultimate happiness for a troubled man. “Hi my sweets, buenos dias. You guy’s all right?”

  Sal and Aldonza nodded nervously. They could detect the tension. Children weren’t stupid and his anger at her for putting them through this grew.

  “Fonzo what the woman did is despicable…she is horrible…”

  His words were swift to censure her. In Spanish he replied, “Unless you are sinless mama, do not judge. Only God has the power to do that.”

  “I would like to go home.”

  “Okay mama. Let me make sure the plane’s ready first. Stay out here if you want but the kids are coming inside to say good-bye. It’s rude, plus she has been a gracious host regardless of what happened last night. Venaqui, Salvatore y Aldonza, go in the house with your mama and thank Senora Sophie for having you!”

  The children immediately obeyed their father and scampered out of the car and ran in the house. Alfonzo shook his head, “Mama, don’t take liberties with our kids. Selange is their mother and you need to respect that. We love you mama but you cannot do what you want with our children without asking first, comprende?”

  “When it comes to my grandchildren I will always look out for their best interest and will veto even you, hijo.”

  “Then mama we have a problem because when it comes to these children Selange and I make the decisions and unless we’re both six feet under, nobody vetoes a damn thing we say!” Then he stormed off.

  Domingo reached for the door handle and his wife put her hand on his knee in restraint. “Ah-ah. Don’t get involved in that D, it’s between those two. That ‘aint your business. If you want to do something, when we get home you need to set your mom straight.”

  “For what?”

  “You don’t remember what she did last weekend?”

  “Remember what?”

  “She put a goddamn perm in our daughter’s hair talking about it wasn’t straight enough. Everybody in my family has curly hair, what the heck she trying to say my daughter’s hair ‘aint good enough or something? Maria y Carmen tanto loco!”

  Domingo settled back in his seat, ‘Ah shit, now when he got home, he’d have his own mess to deal with!’









  Giuseppe ignored his mother’s calls, although, he was dying without her cooking. Forgiveness takes time. He went to Naples to visit with Amelda and of course his mother had already given her the news.

  In sisterly fashion, she reminded her big brother how much Carlo loved and spoiled him. She was right. The bond he shared with Carlo was very deep. It was the love of a father for a son. On the other-hand she pointed out, Luzo Palazzo was not the best of fathers to any of his children. “Adrianna, Gabriela and Alfonzo were reared by single mothers and they had no father in their lives. They do not whine about it. You have no right to complain. Love is all you were given and feel lucky mama gave you life you spoiled brat!”

  From the comforts of his bed, Matteo was being doted on by family. Surrounding his bed were flowers from well-wishers and chocolates and fruits and candies as if he were a king. Giuseppe stretched his legs in the chair alongside the bed watching his little sister change Matteo’s bandage. The site of the wound was reddened and the sutures were dry and there wasn’t any signs of infection.

  Giuseppe smirked finding his brother-in-law’s convalescence amusing.  Only Matteo would milk the hell out of getting shot.

bsp; Matteo chimed in, “I agree with Amelda Giuseppe. Life is too short to stay angry at Sophie. You were not loved less, you were loved more. The man who loved you and took care of you is the father you will always mourn. Make peace with your mother. She has only one son and unfortunately that’s you!”

  Amelda taped the gauze, nodding, “Yes. Mama is distraught Geo. She has cried to me every night since this happened.” She rubbed her round belly, “I need both of you on peaceful terms before the baby comes. Por favore, do not punish mama anymore. She’s lost many people; do not be another loss Geo.”

  “And if I forgive mama will you name your firstborn after me?”

  “No Stupido!”

  Giuseppe chuckled, “When are you having these bambini. You are very big?”


  Giuseppe chuckled, “Wait until I am gone before you do, I do not wish to see your privates little sister. Ugh!”

  Amelda unleashed a series of vulgarities at her brother. He’d teased her since they were small and in adulthood nothing changed. “Stronzo, shut-up. No one wants to see yours either, how nasty. Have a baby of your own and name it Cazzo like its father the dick!”

  Matteo laughed.

  Giuseppe stood. He’d eaten, enjoyed the family visit, but now it was time to go. He had businesses to oversee, “Hurry and climb from this bed before you become fat Matteo. I need you to handle important business in my absence. I plan to visit my brother in America, soon and do not trust anyone else.” He pat Matteo’s bandaged abdomen and the man grimaced in pain, “Aye, you sonovabitch!”

  Amelda shrieked, “Giuseppe, he is hurt, go now, before I become furious!”

  Lucia and the other doters mingling downstairs came running. Even the bodyguards burst in the room at the loud screams emanating from his sister. “Giuseppe you are mean!” She yelled at his back and he smirked as he calmly passed the onlookers and blew a kiss at Lucia who ‘hissed’ like an irritable cat.















  Weeks had passed since Alberti’s funeral and the drama. They were home in Puerto Rico, settled into their routines and adjusting to new ones. There wasn’t a dull moment in Alfonzo’s life and frankly, there wasn’t anything he could do about it. He balanced the abnormal and normal and walked a tightrope every day between the two. The renovations to Selange’s house were almost done and additional safety revisions were to ensure they weren’t any repeats of a sneak attack. Ah, thank goodness most of the damage was to the grounds and lower level or construction might have lasted past the holidays. They couldn’t have that, not with family scheduled to come shortly for Thanksgiving.

  After everything he’d gone through over the years, even the tragedy, he’d finally arrived at a place where he embraced the moment and could declare he was actually happy.

  Alfonzo stood at the large window of the office building overlooking part of downtown Bayamón listening to legal updates from his defense attorney.

  Martin was the long winded type, great for the courtroom but not when you’re talking to someone with a lot on his mind. The brain starts to drift, pseudo-listening, as it sifts through unimportant shit.

  Alfonzo gazed down at the scenery, watching the pedestrians and cars. Daydreaming high above the tropical trees encased in glass and mortar.

  His mom returned to New York and despite the mother son discord they were able to have a civil conversation about the children. Lou hadn’t uncovered anything on Bruno DeMarco and the Capo to keep digging. Nobody’s squeaky clean, not even a baby. He wasn’t comfortable with his mom seeing Bruno and when he broached the subject an argument ensued. So, he stayed away from the topic to maintain peace and they were at an impasse.  He kept security detail on her, and that’s really about all he could do. How do you force your mom to stop dating someone?

  You can’t!

  His babe, Selange managed to surprise him yet again. The woman sprung on him the grad school schedule, the morning he was about to leave for work. She wanted a ride to the campus to speak with the admissions counselor about her schedule. Apparently, she applied last year and deferred admission for this semester. He understood the unspoken; she was fulfilling her personal goals to receive her Master’s Degree and wasn’t asking his permission. She was asserting her individuality and he had nothing but respect.

  He thought about the Langston Hughes poem, titled ‘A Dream Deferred.’ He quoted it verbatim:

  ‘What happens to a dream deferred?

  Does it dry up

  Like a raisin in the sun?

  Or fester like a sore--

  Andthen run?

  Does it stink like rotten meat?

  Or crust and sugar over--

  Like a syrupy sweet?

  Maybe it just sags

  Like a heavy load.

  Or does it explode?’

  He got it…he understood, because it’s exactly what he was doing, living his dream with his woman. Whatever, dreams she had, as long as it included him, he supported one hundred percent. He wanted his babe happy.

  The upside, her courses were available on-line, except one which she had to take twice a week at the University in Bayamón. The personal bodyguard wasn’t negotiable. Everybody, even his wild cousin Jessica had somebody watching her ass.

  Then there’s Giuseppe, oh man, eversince he learned they were brothers, the dude called him almost every day and that was far too much. Brotherly overkill he termed it. He announced he planned to visit soon for a change of scenery and Alfonzo hoped he didn’t plan on staying a month. A week with Geo was too long.

  The lawyer’s monologue drew to a close and Alfonzo exhaled, about goddamn time!

  He took a seat behind the large desk.

  “The District Attorney’s going to formally drop the charges. You have to appear in court Monday morning at nine sharp. Don’t pull another disappearing act like the last time. Do you know the grilling I got from the judge?”

  Alfonzo interrupted then, “That’s why you’re paid big bucks Martin. I had a funeral to attend.”

  “Out of the country, which you failed to notify me about. You could’ve forfeited your bail.”

  “Yeah, you never told me what excuse you gave.”

  “The goddamn truth. You had to attend a funeral. Your pictures were all over the news the next day.”

  “So, how you get out of that one?”

  “How else, I fucking paid.”

  Alfonzo laughed, “So, the grilling was just a show.”

  “It’s all a show, you know that. Life really is a form of entertainment.”


  “Anyway, here’s the good news. You and the ex-wife’s accounts are clear. The hold’s off, so you can tell that woman of yours she shouldn’t have any more problems on the financial end. The feds and the IRS are off her case. Also, tell her I’m donating ten thousand toward one of those scholarships. I like what she’s doing. We got a lot of rich folks who care more about golf and pissing on the less fortunate than taking some of their money and assisting deserving kids.”

  “Ten-thousand, not shabby, up it to fifty and you’ll impress the woman of your philanthropic ways. Which we both know is a bunch of bullshit, since there’s nothing reasonable in your high-price legal fees.”

  “Fifty it is, only because I’ll recoup it from you eventually. I’m sure you’ll need my legal services again.”

  “You’re on retainer.”

  Martin chuckled, “Bunch of malarkey. With you there’s always unexpected extra’s. I’m about to raise my fees since you like monkey’s who dance. I’ve been dancing quite a few years and I need a new outfit.”

  “As long as you dance circles around the legal sys
tem on my behalf, I’ll pay it. Buy some tap shoes while you’re at it then you’ll give me a good laugh.”

  “We talk the same language…money. See you on the seventeenth at nine sharp. I’ll ring the day before, just to remind you.”

  “Alright, now let me get back to work to pay off my legal bill before you bankrupt me.”

  Alfonzo hung-up and immediately called Selange. She was probably in class but he didn’t care. He wanted to give her the news. 

  “Alfonzo, I’m in school,” she whispered, “is everything okay?”

  Alfonzo laughed. He felt like the bad influence trying to spring the hottie from a boring class. He could’ve text, but he wanted to hear her voice. She’d been playing hard to get. She was taking the dating stuff to a whole new level, saying since he wanted to go the traditional route then they’d have to abstain from sex.

  Unh-huh, exactly!

  Now what type of bullshit is that?

  This happened last week when he opened his big-mouth and said, “He didn’t understand how people went about dating in the old days without having sex. Shit he’d die.”

  “Well, you won’t die without sex Alfonzo.”

  “Hell yes I will.”

  “I’ll help dispel the myth. No more sex until we’re engaged, how about that?”

  She slept with Allie every night since.

  She didn’t know it, but she had inadvertently issued a challenge and that was how to get her to relent and in bed. Sure, he could go and buy an engagement ring, but what fun is there in that? Nah, he wanted her to want him with no strings attached.

  He planned to speed-date. He gave her flowers, bought her a rare book on poetry, signed over the deed to a chic storefront on Seis Calle near his office because he knew she’d lease it to Jessica for her boutique and he wasn’t wrong. He was a perfect gentleman in disguise. On Saturday, he planned to surprise her with a trip to New York City for a performance of Othello. He had the tickets right there in his drawer. Selange loved the Met and he figured, give her food for the mind and she’d feed him with her body. Yep, he knew what the hell he was doing. She wanted abstention, he wanted sex now!


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