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The Immortal Huntress

Page 20

by Kelly Hall

  Her instincts kicked into gear as a great presence rumbled like thunder through the air, the static standing her hair on end, the lust and passion making her knees weak. She warmed, letting it overtake her, pulling her to the back of the room where the dark vampire waited.

  He took her hand and pulled her close against him until she could feel every inch of his powerful body against hers. His lips crashed down hard against her mouth, and she wanted him so badly that she reached out and caressed him. He was hers at last.

  Suddenly, the room filled with a chorus of whispers. Traitor. Traitor. Traitor.

  She turned and Ignis was back. The look on his face was pure disgust. “I’m disappointed in you, Bexy.” He turned and walked away as her father stepped up, his eyes hard and cold.

  “When I said that if the only sin we commit is love, that we should never be ashamed, I didn’t mean for you to take up with a filthy vampire.”

  Ethan laughed as he strolled up, tossing his arm around her papa. “Now you see why I could never commit. Your daughter was never worthy.”

  She closed her eyes, and when she opened them, she stood before a mirror. Her reflection moved as she reached forward and put her hands on the cold glass. She could barely stand to look at herself, but then a sharp pain hit her heart, and the reflection gasped, dropping to the ground. Behind it stood the dark vampire, holding her heart.

  Rebekah screamed, and when she awoke, she was sitting in her bed, sweat beaded across her brow as she clutched the front of her gown.

  A blue mist came under the door, and Ignis formed at the foot of her bed. “What is it?”

  “Nothing, just a dream.”

  “What bothers you, Bex? Is it the attack? Maybe you’ve stayed out of the hunt for too long?”

  “No, that’s not it. It’s not the hunt. It was just, I dreamed about someone. They ripped my heart out.”

  “That sounds like a horrible dream.”

  “It didn’t start out that way. It was actually kind of nice. We were at a club dancing. You had a blonde and a brunette.”

  “One of each, my favorite party mix.” He sat near her feet. “So maybe it wasn’t so bad after all. I can stay if you want. My room is next to a snorer. I think it’s Sam, although it might be Lulu. I’ve seen her coming and going.”

  “No, that’s Sam’s room, alright. I wonder if the two have a thing?”

  “Well, with him snoring like that, I doubt she’ll sleep over.” He grimaced and tried to push that mental image from his mind.

  “You know how I said we need to rethink our strategy?”

  “Yes, but I didn’t get anywhere with my research. My phone died, and the laptop I swiped from the library died. I guess that’s expected, being the thing still had Windows three.”

  “Add that to the list. I was thinking we need to figure out a way to ask Aziel for his blood. I mean, if we ask, it’s not taking. It’s a gift freely given.”

  “I’m not sure Michael would like that, either.”

  “We have to try, Ignis. What about time travel? I’ve heard you talking about that before.”

  “Time travel is tricky, dangerous, and damned near impossible. And if we can’t figure out a way to stop her aging here, how are we supposed to figure out a way to stop it in the past?”

  “I don’t know. I was hoping you’d have the answers.”

  “I think the angel is our best bet. Let’s find the right time and ask. All he can say is no, and if he does that, then I’ll have to sneak into his room and take it.”

  “Ignis, I can’t let you do that. As much as I want Estelle safe, I will not take anything without consent.” She didn’t like the idea of anyone having something taken from them without consent, unless of course it was the lives of her enemies.

  Chapter 22

  Canter had just given all the squads their assignments, and while no one else had a problem working with their assigned groups, Aziel seemed put off. So, when the squads split up for their daily training, Canter wasn’t surprised when the angel stayed behind.

  “Hey, Aziel, what can I do for you?”

  “I’d like to know what’s going on with your squad.”

  Canter knew word had spread through the academy about the attack on Jarreth and Rebekah, but he hadn’t had anyone ask him what the newly formed squad was up to. “We’re about to do our drills and then go to the gun range. Now that we have our marks, they’ve opened it up.”

  The Church didn’t like the unmarked trainees having access to firearms, but now that they were hunters, they had complete access.

  “You know what I mean. I’ve noticed the differences in your training, the way you’re spending more time than anyone in the hologram arena and staying late in the gym. With the attacks on your boy and Commander Ward, and the one that took out Paul and the others, one might think you’re gearing up for a revenge mission.”

  “There’s nothing special about our group.”

  “Yeah, so why did I hear that you hand-picked them? And isn’t it a bit convenient that you’ve got most of the best hunters on that team? Aside from me, of course. Which brings me to my next question. Why am I not being utilized?”

  Canter couldn’t tell him that Rebekah specifically requested that he not be a part of the group, but he understood how transparent stacking the team had been, and he couldn’t deny anything. “Look, Aziel. I’m just following orders. If you have an issue, go to Commander Ward yourself and ask her what the hell is up. Rebekah’s cool. I’m sure she’ll tell you.”

  He put his fist over his heart and turned to join the others. Most of his squad was already doing warmups, but the fact that Grady and Katie were missing had him on edge.

  Aziel knew he wouldn’t get more from Canter, so he decided to join his squad with the morning warmup drills, and he didn’t want to miss out on their scheduled hours in the hologram room. But next chance he got, he was going to talk to Rebekah. Michael had sent him down for a reason, which was to learn, but if he knew he was being deliberately overlooked, he wouldn’t be happy.

  On the other side of the academy, Rebekah looked over the budget reports that Father Timms had laid out on Merik’s desk. Even though she was assuming the place as Commander of the Nevada Academy, a little tidbit she hadn’t bothered to share with the Church, it was hard to think of the office as hers.

  “It seems that there hasn’t been any budget cutting for the academy, Rebekah, which would mean that someone is stealing the money, perhaps reporting something different to the staff. I’ll keep digging.” Father Timms was gathering up the papers.

  “Thank you for looking into it. And thanks again for staying on. I know it’s not the most glamorous academy.”

  “Things are a bit basic, but,” he tapped the report, “now we know why. Once the money is recovered, we’ll get it in shape.”

  “You feel free to take the office next door. It was the second in command’s, and I’m sure you’ll find it will suit your needs.”

  “Thank you. I’m sure it will be more than suitable.”

  As he straightened the papers on the desk, Rebekah’s phone rang. “Excuse me.” She turned her chair to face the window. “Hello.”

  “Ms. Ward, this is Rosa with Sunny Days Convalescence. I’m calling on behalf of Ms. Riley. I hate to have bad news, but it seems she’s taken a turn for the worse. We’re not sure, but we think she’s had a slight stroke, or it could just be a side effect of her medications, but we’re having tests done to determine what’s going on.”

  Rebekah’s heart sank. “I’ll come as soon as I can.” Being immortal, she’d almost gotten to where she took time for granted, but now, it was running out for Estelle. She had to act fast.

  “We will have to move her to a medical facility most likely,” said Rosa.

  “Do what you need to do.”

  Rebekah hung up the phone, and before she could call Ignis, he strolled around the corner, sipping his coffee. “Father Timms, good morning. Hello, Bex, up and at ‘em, I
see. You’re taking this commander role to heart.” He met her eyes and immediately knew something was wrong.

  “It’s Estelle. She may have had a stroke. The nurse just called and said that they are doing tests, but they may have to move her.”

  “Sorry to hear that.” Ignis placed his coffee on her desk and walked over to offer comfort.

  “We need to find that angel.” She turned back to the old priest. “Father Timms, could I see you in a bit to discuss the mission? I want to find these dens. They have to be somewhere close.”

  “Of course. I’ll be next door, making a few calls about the budget, and then I’ll look into it.”

  After giving him a nod, he left the office, and she got to her feet and headed down to the training center where the hunters should be doing their warmups. The time for doing the right thing had passed, and now she had to convince Aziel that he was her only hope.

  Grady burst into the training room, and all heads turned as Katie called out his name. “Grady! You’re being ridiculous.” She ran in behind him and tugged his arm.

  “Fuck that, and fuck you. You gave my vodka to that pretty boy and his half-breed bastard buddy!” He pushed her away, and Canter and Jarreth hurried over as the others crowded around.

  “Watch how you treat her,” warned Canter.

  “What do you care?” asked Grady. “Oh, that’s right. You’re trying to replace your whore mother.”

  Canter lunged forward, his fist swinging out, but not making purchase as Jarreth and Layne held him back.

  “It’s not worth it, man!” Layne said, taking over as Jarreth stepped up and flicked Grady’s ear.

  “You want a matching set? I’m the one who took your vodka, so if you want to do something about it, I’m right here.”

  A small, but strong arm went around Jarreth’s waist as Grady held up the bottle.

  “I’m going to mess you up,” Grady threatened. “How about I slice that pretty boy face of yours?”

  Rebekah walked into the room and saw the boys gathered around the gym. Things were tense, and Aziel, who she’d come for, was right in the middle of it, his energy buzzing like a signal again.

  “Stop it, you two.” Aziel stepped forward and held out his hand. “No one is cutting anyone.”

  About that time, Grady held up the bottle and smashed it down on one of the weight racks. The glass shattered, leaving half the bottle in his hand, and the rest of the hunters backed up, knowing a fight was about to be on, all but Delilah, who still had hold of Jarreth, and he was not backing down.

  “Enough!” Rebekah’s voice boomed out.

  As Grady’s head turned, she took out Stella and hurled it across the room. It left her hand and hummed through the air. Then it buried right into what was left of the bottle, it’s blade so sharp and hot with magic that it seared itself into the glass instead of shattering it.

  Silence fell across the room, and she pulled back her coat, revealing the scabbards of the two daggers. But all eyes were on the broken bottle in Grady’s trembling hand where Stella remained.

  As Rebekah stepped forward, the hunters realized that only Stella’s blade and the Immortal Huntress could do something like that. They dropped to their knees in honor, their fists going over their hearts.

  All but Grady, who stared at the blade wide-eyed and pale as a ghost.

  Even he had heard the legends about how no one else could wield the blade and knew better than to touch it.

  “I will not tolerate this kind of behavior in my house. I will not tolerate my hunters fighting like children.” No one said a word as she walked over and took Stella’s handle, and only then did Grady let the bottle go and drop to his knee.

  She walked around Grady to the rack and slammed the bottle against it to clean her blade. The rest of the glass splintered into a hundred pieces which fell to the floor.

  “On your feet. All of you.” Her voice was commanding and strong, and not one eye met hers. “In the old days, when my hunters were in the camps and someone offended them, they’d settle it with fists. Weapons are for our enemies, not our brothers, because even if you despise one another, you’re still on the same side. You’re still going to want the others with you in battle. We called those fights pugilatus in ancient Rome, and today, you call it boxing. Ethan, the Great Hunter from which I was made, called it brawling. So, when you challenged a fellow hunter, you offered them a brawl.” She noticed a few of the hunters peeking up at her, their eyes full of wonder as she spoke of her past. “Once the two hunters finished their brawl, win or lose, it was done and time to tend their bruises and move on.” She turned to meet Grady’s eyes and then Jarreth’s.

  “If you’re wondering why I’m here, it’s because Merik was my kin. But the reason I’m staying is for you. I will not tolerate discord such as this. And if I ever have to use Stella in this house again, it will be to remove your marks and strip you of your honor.”

  She turned and looked at the angel who was the only trainee not kneeling. “I need you in my office. Now!”

  She turned and headed for the door, leaving them kneeling with the angel in her wake.

  When they got to the office, Aziel wasn’t sure why he was being pulled away but thought it might be a perfect time to talk to his commander. “I hope you don’t take offense to me not taking a knee, Huntress, but I only kneel to God.”

  “I’m well aware, and that’s not why I’ve asked you to come.” She offered him a seat and took her place on the other side of the desk. “I’m in need of a favor.”

  Aziel smiled at the knowledge that the Immortal Huntress, who was no doubt orchestrating a special mission with her squad of darlings, needed something from him. And it just might be the leverage he needed. “If I’m able to help, I will.”

  “You are able, but I’m just not sure how you’ll feel about it.”

  Ignis walked into the room, and Rebekah offered him a seat next to Aziel. The two exchanged a look and Rebekah continued. “Now that you know who I am, I don’t mind telling you there is an ancient prophecy that is linked to my mother’s bloodline. It says that once the last of her people are gone, that will mark the end of all hope for humanity. With Merik dead, there is only one other person on Earth with my mother’s blood.”

  “Forgive me, Huntress, but what about your own?”

  “I’m afraid my mortal blood died years ago in ancient Rome. When Ignis used Stella to pierce my heart, I was remade, or rather, reborn as the Immortal Huntress. The magic used to revive me, along with Ethan’s blood, changed my entire DNA, removing me from my own bloodline.”

  “And how do I help with something like that? If you’re asking for a favor from God, I’m afraid I can’t do that.”

  “I’m aware of what you can and can’t do. What I’m going to ask is what will you do. I need some of your blood.”

  Ignis leaned closer to the angel. “Or some of your light. Either will do.”

  Aziel backed away. “I’m sorry, but my light is off-limits. It’s a sacred gift from God, and I will not defile myself for your human cause in that way. To do so would be a grave offense to God, for which the punishment would be too dear, I’m afraid.”

  Ignis sighed. “And what of the blood? Will Michael have your balls for that one?”

  “I can give you blood if I choose, but doing so in certain situations is frowned upon. What are you going to do with it?”

  “Ignis is going to try and create a spell to suspend Merik’s grandmother in a dream-state where she will not change or die. At least, until we can find a way to stop the prophecy. You’d not only be helping us, Aziel, but possibly all of mankind. Our best guess is that this prophecy marks the end of times.”

  Aziel knew he had her right where he wanted her. “I’ll do it on one condition.” A cocky grin spread his lips, and Rebekah wasn’t sure she was going to like what he had to say.

  “Conditions?” Ignis scoffed. He wasn’t used to bargaining, and people mostly just gave him and Rebekah what they wa
nted. He knew this was different.

  Rebekah knew it too. She didn’t have much choice. “Name your terms, angel.”

  “I’ll give you a bit of my blood to create whatever spell you want as long as you give me a place on Canter’s squad. I know you’re up to something, changing things around, and by not picking me, I can only guess that you’re doing something that’s going to be frowned upon.”

  “He’s very observant, isn’t he, Bex?”

  “I didn’t let you in because we’re dealing with some dark magic that I’m not sure Michael would want you a part of.”

  Rebekah knew the angel would be an asset, but Michael would never approve, and with her trying to keep the mission from the Church, who would only want to control it, she couldn’t very well ask for his permission.

  “True, he’d shit if he knew I was giving you my blood, but I didn’t come here to do pussy drills with the newbies. I want on that squad, and now that I know who I’m dealing with, I want the opportunity to work with you, the Immortal Huntress. It’s not every day an angel gets that honor, and it’s going to look great on my record.”

  Rebekah didn’t have time to feel flattered, and she knew that Michael was going to have her head on a spit, but she needed Aziel’s blood, and his strength and power just might be what they needed to go against the dark mage. “Fine. I cannot stress to you how important it is to keep this between us. Michael cannot know about it until we’ve succeeded; but, you have a deal.” She put out her hand, and Aziel took it, sealing the agreement.

  Before she let him go, she took Luna from her left hip and reached across the desk for his hand. “I’m afraid we’re in a bit of a hurry.” Once he offered, she scored his flesh, and his blood rose, oozing from the wound with a sweet floral smell like wild honeysuckle dampened by the morning dew.


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