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A Rose in Bloom

Page 4

by Tamie Dearen

  “Spending time with family is never a waste of time.” The remark came out more tersely than he’d intended. He rushed to cover before she started asking questions about things that were still raw for him. “I mean I wish I got to see my family more often than I do. They all live across the country in California.”


  Elyssa was tempted to dig further to investigate his comment, but his guarded look warned her off. Her heart went out to him when she detected his vulnerable side. Only a few days ago, she couldn't stand Jaxon McCall, and now she wanted to put her arms around him and comfort him. Well... maybe she didn't just want to comfort him, but she definitely wanted to put her arms around him. How would it feel to hug him? His entire body was covered in rock-hard muscles. It would probably feel incredible to be in his arms. She loved the scent of him—some kind of spicy clean smell mixed with a musky masculine fragrance that was all Jaxon. She'd enjoyed teaching him to wrap the ribbon on the bouquets just so she could get a whiff of that heady smell.

  "Did you hear me?"

  "What? I'm sorry, I was thinking about... about the wedding." She knew her face was red. Hopefully, he'd attribute it to her nerves.

  "I was asking if you really think you'll be working all night."

  "I don't know, but I might be. Why?"

  "Don't you think it'd be safer if I slept here? I mean, anybody can look inside and see you here all by yourself."

  "No, I'll be fine. I've got the new lock on the door. After you get those vases boxed up for me, you can go home and start cleaning out your refrigerator."

  "My refrigerator? Oh… it turned out nothing was actually spoiled. The door was almost closed, so everything is fine inside.”

  “Didn't you say you needed me to come and help you clean it out?" She put her hands on her hips and gave him a stern, don't-you-lie-to-me look.

  "To be honest, Elyssa, I only used that as an excuse." He moved toward her, giving her the distinct impression of a lion stalking its prey. Her heart pounded a crazy rhythm inside her ribcage.

  “Uhmm... okay. Why don't you... uhmm... I'll just finish these bouquets while you pack up those vases..."

  "Don't you want to know why I would make up an excuse like that?" As he walked, he gave her a sultry smile, wide like his broad shoulders. With another step, he was standing behind her at the tall worktable. His hands slid onto her shoulders and began to knead her tight muscles. The sensation was divine and would have been relaxing if it hadn't sent a million tiny tingles throughout her body.

  "I... I don't..."

  His hands skimmed from her shoulders to the ends of her fingers, tracing a path of fire on her skin. He bent his head and spoke into her ear, his low voice rumbling and his breath sending chill bumps down her neck. "Do you know why I wanted a chance to be alone with you?"

  Part 13: Misconception Stemming

  JAXON’S HEAD WAS SPINNING. He was surprised to find his hands shaking as he caressed the smooth skin of her arms with his fingertips. Inhaling the fresh fruity smell of her hair, he reveled in the intoxicating scent. His lips were so close to her skin. Just a few millimeters and he could sample that tempting neck and slide his way around to her enticing lips.

  “Do you know why I wanted a chance to be alone with you?” He whispered the question into her ear, noting with satisfaction her shivering response.

  He felt her squirm beneath his ministrations, an almost imperceptible tilt of her head as she bared her neck to him, chest rising and falling with short rapid breaths. She was opening herself to him, giving him tacit permission. He was so close he could feel the heat radiating from her flushed skin.

  Wait. What am I doing? I can’t kiss her like this—not her first kiss ever. We haven’t even been on a date yet. What kind of man am I?

  He pulled away, suppressing a groan and running frustrated fingers through his hair.

  “I’m sorry, Elyssa. I shouldn’t… I didn’t mean to…” He broke off as her body stiffened.


  Elyssa felt the impact of his words like a slap in the face. She’d thought he was going to kiss her, but he was only flirting—toying with her. She should have known he wasn’t really attracted to her. It was only a game to him. And she’d almost lost. She’d almost believed he was becoming romantically interested in her. She’d forgotten his sole aim was to acquire her building. At least he’d had the scruples to stop before he kissed her. Thank goodness her first kiss hadn’t been with someone trying to use physical attraction to further his own goals.

  “I think you’ve done enough. I don’t need your help anymore.” With jerky motions, she grabbed the ribbon that had slipped from her trembling hands and reached for another bouquet. She focused all her attention on her task.

  “Wait, Elyssa. You don’t understand. I mean… I thought we might go on a date. We could go out to dinner. Tomorrow night, maybe?”

  “No, Jaxon. I know you have a limited memory in that Neanderthal brain of yours, but I have a wedding tomorrow night.”

  “Oh—that’s right. Of course you have the wedding. Maybe Sunday night, then? No, I forgot… I have an obligation Sunday night. Uhmm… Monday’s out—we have a late spin class.”

  “Really, Jaxon. It’s not necessary. Don’t worry about it.” She schooled her face to hide her hurt.

  “I know it’s not necessary. I’m not asking because it’s necessary.”

  “Just stop, okay? I know what you want, and you’re not going to get it. So you might as well stop wasting your time and effort.”


  Jaxon barely resisted the urge to slam his fist into the wall. He’d been too physically aggressive. Now she thought he wanted to take her to bed. He had to convince her he wouldn’t expect anything from her.

  “That’s not what I want, Elyssa. I promise. I like you. That’s all. I just want to spend time with you.”

  “I’m sorry, Jaxon, but I don’t believe you.”

  “Elyssa, give me another chance. I didn’t mean to get physical with you. It was an accident, and it won’t happen again.”

  “No, it won’t happen again, because we won’t be around each other.”

  “This isn’t fair. I’m trying really hard, here.”


  Her efforts at wrapping the stems with trembling fingers having failed, she put the bouquet down and turned to face him squarely. Placing her hands firmly on her hips to hide their shaking, she glared at him, forcing herself to ignore his pleading blue eyes. He was quite an actor.

  “Look Jaxon, you let your guard down and showed your true colors, just when I was starting to trust you. So it’s over, okay? I know you tried hard, but sometimes you just don’t get what you want.”


  “Thank you for your help tonight, Jaxon. I appreciate what you’ve done. But I refuse to feel obligated to you because of it.” She pivoted, giving him her back and pretending to concentrate on her task.

  “I don’t want you to feel obligated.”

  With an effort, she kept her mouth shut and her spine rigid.


  Jaxon’s patience was wearing thin. It wasn’t like he’d actually tried anything with her. He hadn’t even kissed her. He’d barely even touched her. Instead of being angry, she ought to be thanking him. She‘d been ready and willing to kiss him only moments ago. He was the one who’d shown self-control. She ought to admit it. Instead she was accusing him of being a Neanderthal.

  “Elyssa!” He grabbed her elbow and spun her around. Her brows furrowed as they locked eyes.

  “What!” She spat the word out like a curse and scowled at him, her chest heaving.

  He held her glowering gaze without a flinch, his mind racing as he scrambled for words. What can I say to convince her I’m interested in more than just her body. But the sound of his blood, pulsing in his ears, distracted him. And the sight of her face, rosy and glowing, radiant in her fury, muddled his brain. He was teetering on the edge of restraint.

  And then it happened.

  The tip of her tongue peeked out, swiping from one corner of her luscious mouth to the other, as she dampened her plush lips.

  His mind snapped.

  Every sane thought departed, and every ounce of self-control disappeared. In an instant his hands were grasping her shoulders, pulling her against him. He lowered his mouth to hers and devoured her. Slanting his lips across hers, he kissed her with a ferocious passion. For a moment she resisted. But he felt her lips soften, as a small whimper escaped her throat. Her rigid posture melted, her hands reaching around his back. Wrapping her in his arms, he crushed her soft body against him. Her lips parted, and he deepened the kiss, a groan erupting from his chest. She tasted sweet like honey, and her berry-fresh fragrance assaulted his senses. His hunger was building, unsated by the tasty sampling of her mouth.

  He gripped her shoulders and forced her away, gasping to catch his breath, fighting the desire coursing through his veins. She stared at him, panting, her lips slightly swollen, her mouth reddened from the abrasion of his evening stubble. Wider and wider her eyes grew, until she was blinking at puddling tears.

  “Elyssa, I’m sorry—”

  He felt the sting of her slap.

  Part 14: Disconnect

  DRIVING ALWAYS CLEARED Jaxon’s head. At two a.m., after driving for two hours, his mind should already be clear. It should be practically transparent. Instead he was just as confused now as he’d been when Elyssa threw him out of her shop and he was left standing alone outside, stunned, as her newly-installed security lock slid closed with a clank of finality. It wasn’t the tears running down her cheeks that had bothered him as much as the devastation in her eyes. It was just a kiss to him, but it must have been much more to her. She’d never kissed a guy before, so she’d planned to save her first kiss for someone special. And now he’d stolen that from her, and he couldn’t give it back. What’s wrong with me? Why did I lose control?

  He replayed the kiss over and over in his mind. For a moment, it had seemed like she was enjoying it. He’d thought she was responding. Had he imagined it? Even if she’d kissed him back, that didn’t justify the way he’d forced himself on her. He’d never been aggressive before. What had made him snap like that? How was he going to earn her trust now?

  Flashing lights in his rearview mirror drew him out of his reverie. He glanced at the speedometer, and let out a groan. Great! He got me doing eighty-five in a sixty-five. Can this night get any worse?


  Elyssa put the finishing touches on the last boutonniere and lifted weary eyes to glance at the clock. Two thirty in the morning. Ughh! She still needed to pack all of her vases and supplies for transport, but maybe she should get a few hours of sleep and get up early in the morning to prepare for the day. On the other hand, she probably wouldn’t be able to fall asleep anyway. She could hardly think straight since her disastrous encounter with Jaxon, and her stomach was still tied in knots.

  She’d made such a fool of herself. First, she’d kissed him like a wanton hussy. She didn’t exactly know what that term meant, but she’d heard her Great Aunt Maggie use that term for a girl who’d been making out with her boyfriend in public. And that’s how she felt—she was mortified at her own behavior. Oh, she’d slapped him like she was truly outraged. But only after she’d reveled in the thrills running up and down her body, and plastered herself against him like she wanted to sleep with him. She’d even made embarrassing noises, but hopefully he hadn’t heard her.

  Only one thing she knew for sure… she could never face him again. That kiss had meant nothing to him. He’d probably kissed dozens, maybe even hundreds of girls. He’d probably noticed she had no idea what she was doing. He’d looked so surprised when he pushed her away, she must have been awful. She hadn’t actually planned to wait so long before she kissed a guy for the first time—she didn’t think it was a sin or anything. She just hadn’t ever found a guy she wanted to date, and she hadn’t ever felt like she was missing out much. She had her hands full with her own ambitions, and she didn’t need a guy to muddle her mind and make her lose sight of her goals.

  Her shop phone rang. Who would be calling at two thirty? It had to be Jaxon. She refused to answer, waiting to see if he left a message. The answering machine beeped, and she heard a gravely voice on the machine.

  “Hey, baby! Are you lonely in there all by yourself? Would you like some company?”

  How dare he call and tease her like that! She grabbed the receiver and pressed the talk button. “Shut up, Jaxon! I’d much rather be alone than have your company!”

  An eerie chuckle sounded in her ear before he disconnected the call. An involuntary shiver ran up her spine. Had that been Jaxon’s voice on the phone? Surely it was him. He was probably just trying to scare her. She stared out the shop window, trying to peer into the darkness. Was his car parked out on the curb?

  With trembling fingers she pulled out her cell phone and dialed his number.


  Jaxon forced himself to turn the car toward his apartment, resisting the urge to drive by A Rose in Bloom. She was probably asleep by now anyway. Maybe after he’d slept for a while, he could come up with a plan for how to salvage their relationship, even if they could only be friends. His cell phone rang, his dashboard indicating Elyssa as the caller. His heart leaped in his chest.

  “Elyssa? Elyssa, I’m so glad you called me. Please, let me explain—”

  “Did you just call the shop?”


  “Just tell me the truth. Did you or did you not call my shop phone a few minutes ago?”

  “No, I didn’t call the shop, but I want to talk to you. I would have called your cell phone, but I didn’t think you’d answer.”

  “You didn’t call here? Do you swear?”

  “I swear. Why? What’s going on?”

  Her voice rose an octave, and she squeaked out her words. “Oh my God! A man called… He could see me, I think… Oh my God! I’ve gotta go!”

  “No, Elyssa! Don’t hang up! I’m on my way! Put your cell down and call nine-one-one on your shop phone right now. Don’t hang up… Do you hear me? Don’t hang up!”

  A loud crash rang in his ear, followed by Elyssa’s scream. The line went dead.

  Part 15: Shattered Glass

  ELYSSA JUMPED AT THE SOUND of breaking glass, her cell phone slipping from her fingers and crashing to the floor. For a moment she stood in shock, watching the case crack open, the battery popping out to slide across the tile, coming to rest near a brick surrounded by shards of glass. Then her eyes were drawn to a movement at the door, as an arm snaked through the opening in the glass, groping for the lock. She could see the man’s face through the glass, his crazed expression turning to frustration at finding no deadbolt.

  He disappeared, and she let out the breath she’d been holding. She started toward her shop phone, afraid to venture near the door to grab the cell phone battery. But steps away from her goal, glass began to fly across the room. Something was smashing at the glass, enlarging the opening. Her mind flew as she backed away from the splintering glass door. If she ran out the back, he could run around and catch her in the alley. But if he thought she was hiding inside, he would search for her. If she could delay him, it would buy time for Jaxon to come. And she knew he would come. In her heart, she knew he would come.

  Blood pounding in her ears, she watched as a head and shoulders pushed through the opening, the shirt catching on the jagged glass. Lifting his face he caught her eyes with a demented stare. She tore her gaze away and raced up the stairs.


  “I can’t believe it!”

  Jaxon beat on his steering wheel as the light turned red before he could reach it. His brakes screeched to a halt at the deserted intersection.

  “Come on, come on, come on…”

  He craned his head to peer down the side streets and, spying no cars, stepped on the gas, refusing to wait for a green light. His tires bu
rned rubber as he tore down the avenue toward A Rose in Bloom. He could see the flower shop now, and with no sign of flashing lights, knew he’d arrived before the police. But at least they were on their way.

  Elyssa hadn’t answered her cell when he’d called back repeatedly after contacting nine-one-one. The fear and dread in the pit of his stomach almost overwhelmed the adrenaline coursing through his veins. And what would he do when he arrived?

  Skidding to a stop in front of the flower shop, he spun out of the car and raced to the shattered glass door. He took in the scene with growing trepidation. The opening was big enough for a man to squeeze through, but not without injury. Maybe the intruder had given up. Elyssa was probably hiding inside. Or she might have escaped out the back.

  Then he saw something that chilled his blood… a piece of tattered fabric hanging from the glass opening. And on the floor… Was that blood? No doubt, the attacker had forced his way inside. He couldn’t wait for the police to arrive.

  “Elyssa! Elyssa! The police are here! We’re coming for you!”

  He kicked at the glass, attempting to enlarge the opening. His shoe took out a large chunk, but the sharp spikes ripped at his jeans. Ignoring the pain, he stepped through the entry, his foot crunching on glass shards.

  “Elyssa! Where are you?”

  He was answered by silence. Hoping she’d escaped out the back, he ran through the shop to the rear door, but found the slide bolt latched on the inside and the back room undisturbed. Swiftly returning to the outer shop, he stopped by the long worktable, snagging a pair of scissors on his way to the stairs.


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