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Page 9

by Jade

  His hands gripped Ryan tightly, as though he was afraid Ryan would disappear if he let go. One hand was still connected to his nape, but the other moved down Ryan’s back until Devil had his ass cupped.

  Their cocks rubbed together and Ryan’s slacks became tight. His cock was rock-hard, and he wanted Devil to fuck him, badly. What did that make Ryan if Devil had been choking the life out of Jeff on his couch just moments before?

  But Devil’s skillful mouth chased away Ryan’s thoughts. Their tongues tangled and their teeth clashed. Devil was devouring him, and Ryan was willing to let him do whatever the hell he wanted, just as long as Devil fucked him.

  Instead of taking him to the bedroom, Devil lowered Ryan to the floor. The hard floor he’d finally escaped from. The floor he was now lying on again.

  But this time Ryan didn’t care about the aches and pains. He just wanted to feel Devil’s weight on him, pinning him down, holding him close as Devil consumed him.

  And not just his body, either. He felt as if Devil consumed his soul. Ryan whimpered, clutching at Devil’s back, trying to pull his shirt off so he could touch skin.

  Then Devil broke the kiss. His lips pressed close to Ryan’s ear. “I need…this…you…us.” His breath was hard and heavy. “Someone who won’t betray me. Someone who I can trust with my life.”

  “You can trust me.” Ryan gripped a handful of Devil’s hair, and their eyes locked when Devil pulled back. He’d always seemed so confident and cocky, and self-assured to the tenth power. The desperation now in his blue eyes unsettled Ryan.

  Devil had Ryan stripped in seconds. The cool air kissed Ryan’s skin, making his nipples tight and his body shiver. Devil was on his


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  knees between Ryan’s legs, staring hungrily down at Ryan’s naked body.

  “And the same goes for you.” Devil crisscrossed his arms and pulled his shirt off, exposing every delicious muscle, hard lines, and tanned skin. “You can trust me, Ryan. I would never hurt you, no matter what form I’m in.”

  Ryan wasn’t listening. Not really. Not when Devil’s dirty-blond hair fell over his eyes, making him look dark and mysterious, sexy and alluring. Not when his muscles bunched and flexed, drawing every bit of Ryan’s attention.

  Ryan writhed and squirmed under Devil while his tongue lashed across Ryan’s nipple. His hands slid under Ryan’s ass, squeezing and kneading as if Ryan’s butt were made of dough. But it turned him on, and Ryan couldn’t get enough.

  “Need you so badly,” Devil murmured against Ryan’s chest. He teased Ryan’s swollen nipple between his teeth, biting down gently before releasing the aching flesh.

  “I’m-I’m all yours.” Ryan hooked his legs around Devil’s waist, pissed that Devil was still wearing his jeans. But the fabric proved to be excellent friction, and Ryan started humping, his cock sawing along the zipper.

  Devil chuckled. It was a sound Ryan could drown in. Judging by the look in his blue beauties, he was back to his cocky self. “Need me that much, too?”

  “More,” Ryan whined, ready to beg.

  “Unhook your legs.”

  Ryan immediately obeyed. Devil reared back, then stood, and Ryan lay there staring up at his magnificent musculature. His pecs were perfect. His biceps were the size of footballs. His broad chest narrowed down to a tapered waist, and that sexy-ass V indent drew Ryan’s full attention—along with the dirty-blond trail of hair that disappeared below his waistline.

  Devil’s Desires


  He stared at Ryan for a moment longer, as if memorizing every inch of his flushed body before he took a seat on the couch and began to remove his shoes.

  Ryan turned over onto his belly. He really did need thicker carpeting. His hard cock was trapped beneath him, and it wasn’t a comfortable position. Ryan had to shift his erection before he settled back down.

  “Do you plan on keeping your side job?” Ryan rested his chin on his fists, admiring the way Devil’s muscles moved as he untied his boots.

  Devil’s hands stilled as he looked at him. Ryan could tell the question had caught him off guard. “The club or my other job?”

  “No, I love Krave,” Ryan admitted. “So do half the gay men in this city.”

  That drew an uneasy chuckle from Devil. “I hadn’t set out to make it a hot gay club, but I’m glad it caught on.”

  He was dodging Ryan’s question but Ryan wasn’t going to let Devil derail him. “Me, too, now back to my original question.”

  One of Devil’s brows lifted. “You do ask a lot of them.”

  “How am I supposed to get to know you if I don’t pry?” Ryan hooked his ankles together and sighed. Devil was too good-looking to be real. Ryan could lie there all evening and stare at him.

  Though he wouldn’t because he still wanted Devil to fuck his brains out.

  Devil slid his feet out of his boots, then removed his socks. He set them aside and looked at the floor. Then his eyes meet Ryan’s. “I was brought here to eliminate Hunters. I already told you what they’ve done, what they are doing.”

  Intellectually Ryan knew that Devil had to put down the threat, but Ryan still struggled with the morality of him killing people. Even evil ones.

  “I gotta finish my list.” Devil propped his elbows on his knees.

  His brows furrowed, and Ryan could tell he was struggling with his


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  answer. “But I’m not gonna take on another list once this one is completed.”


  “Okay, let’s agree not to talk shop anymore.” Ryan wiggled his brows suggestively as he shoved aside what Devil still had to do. Yep, he’d rather stick his head in the sand than think about it.

  Devil’s smile was genuine. “Deal.”

  Ryan rolled to his back and spread his arms and legs. “Then get over here and have your way with me.”

  Devil’s stripped off his pants and tossed them aside in a heartbeat.

  He stood over Ryan, looking down at him, his cock fully erect and blocking Ryan’s view of his face—not totally, but Devil was hung nicely. Ryan’s ass recalled the pounding it had taken the first time they’d had sex.

  And his body wanted a second go-round.

  Ryan pushed to his hands and knees and crawled up Devil’s legs.

  Devil’s eyes became heavy-lidded and intense, as though he was waiting to see what Ryan would do.

  Ryan traced his bottom lip with his tongue, then moaned before licking his way up Devil’s hard cock. Devil hissed, grabbing the base of his boner and directing the head to Ryan’s lips. Droplets of pre-cum dotted the slit, and Ryan lapped them up like candy.

  Devil hissed again and his features grew tighter. His blue eyes took on a wild look as he poked the head harder against Ryan’s mouth.

  “Is there something you want?”

  Devil twisted his lips to the side. “I think I’m spelling it out pretty clearly, unless I need to break out the markers and coloring paper. But just so you know, I suck at drawing.”

  Ryan grinned, then gave the head another swipe with his tongue.

  “Yeah, I’m getting the message loud and clear.”

  “Then stop fucking teasing me.”

  Devil’s Desires


  “But that’s part of the fun.” Ryan took the head into his mouth, lapping at it like his favorite treat. Moments later, Devil was punching his hips forward, face-fucking Ryan as Ryan took every inch Devil shoved into his mouth.

  Ryan teased with his tongue, scraped with his teeth, and moaned as the head slid down his throat over and over again. Devil’s taste was…Ryan was lost, consumed, and just as excited as he had been the first time.

  He was thoroughly enjoying what he was doing until Devil pulled back, taking his cock with him. The skin was covered with Ryan’s saliva and swollen, pre-cum still leaking from the slit.

  “What the hell?” Ryan got to his feet. “Why’d you stop the

  Devil walked into the bedroom, then returned with the bottle of lube from Ryan’s nightstand in his grip.

  “I stopped because when I come, I want it to be in your ass.”

  Devil picked Ryan up around his waist and took him to the couch. He made Ryan bend over the back and grip the fabric as Devil kicked his legs apart.

  Ryan’s heart thumped wildly as wet fingers probed his aching hole. He bit his bottom lip, closed his eyes, and breathed out slowly.

  Devil was definitely bigger than any of Ryan’s past lovers. Even his fingers were almost too much for Ryan.

  But Devil took his time, moving his digits slowly, his other hand sliding over Ryan’s nape before his fingernails scraped along Ryan’s scalp. Then his hand moved down Ryan’s back and massaged his left cheek as his fingers worked their magic in Ryan’s ass.

  Ryan was on his tiptoes with sensations crashing inside him. He bent farther over the couch, his nails digging hard into the fabric. He whimpered and wiggled his ass, but one tight squeeze from Devil’s hand rendered him immobile.

  “I’m not allowed to move?” Ryan looked over his shoulder and saw how intently Devil was watching what he was doing.


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  He looked at Ryan and their gazes locked. “I’m too close. Seeing your ass move like that might take me over the edge too soon.”

  Ryan loved that he affected Devil that way. It was a powerful feeling—like a drug, even. He wiggled his ass again. “You mean like this?”

  Ryan yelped when Devil smacked his ass. He’d never been into kinky play, but the stinging made him even harder.

  “Don’t even think about it,” Devil said, as if he could read Ryan’s mind. “Trust me. You want me in your ass.”

  “Then hurry up.” Ryan parted his lips, trying to pull enough air into his lungs. The fact the edge of the couch was pressing into his chest didn’t help. But that wasn’t the reason he was short of breath.

  It was because of what Devil was doing to him—the thrill he evoked in Ryan. The anticipation, the excitement, and the need for release.

  Devil’s fingers pulled out and Ryan felt empty until Devil pressed the head of his cock against Ryan’s stretched and lubed hole. He sucked in a breath seconds before Devil punched his hips forward, driving his cock all the way in.

  Had Devil acted like this before Ryan had gotten to know him, he might have been too terrified to talk to him again. Devil was a force to be reckoned with but he let his guard down around Ryan. The fact Devil had given him that much trust was special to Ryan.

  And now he gave Ryan his desires, unleashing on him, bringing Ryan so much pleasure that he felt like he was drowning in it.

  Devil kissed along Ryan’s bare shoulder, leaving wet marks behind as he nibbled and licked, kissed and simply sniffed Ryan’s skin. “I need more,” Devil whispered.

  Ryan had no idea what he meant until Devil pulled out, turned Ryan to face him, and said, “Hook your legs around my waist.”

  Oh, this sounds fun. Ryan did as Devil commanded. His mate placed Ryan against the wall, lifted Ryan’s ass, then drove back inside him.

  Devil’s Desires


  That was what Devil had wanted, to look into Ryan’s eyes as he fucked him silly. The buildup came quick, and Ryan clawed at Devil’s back.

  “Harder,” Devil growled. “Leave your mark on me.”

  Ryan wasn’t the only one who wanted to be owned. Devil seemed to be desperate for it, so Ryan dug his nails in deeper as he bit at Devil’s shoulder with blunt teeth.

  “Oh, fuck.” Devil tilted his head back, hissing as his eyelids fluttered closed. It was the sexiest sight Ryan had ever seen. He owned Devil right now, his body, his pleasure, and his orgasm. Devil was at Ryan’s total mercy.

  A determined growl rumbled up Devil’s chest, as if he knew what Ryan was thinking and agreed.

  When Ryan pulled his head back, he saw Devil’s canines. He hadn’t imagined them before. Devil’s blue eyes glowed as he lowered his head and stared at Ryan.

  Another quick thrust, those glowing beauties, and Devil’s scent made Ryan cry out, his orgasm shaking him apart. As his cum slicked their bodies, Devil sank his canines into Ryan’s shoulder as he pistoned inside Ryan’s ass.

  Ryan’s body pulsed even harder, his balls so tight he feared they would shrivel into tiny raisins.

  Then Devil slowed, licking where he’d bitten Ryan and murmuring softly as he nuzzled Ryan’s neck.

  How had Ryan lived his life without this man in it before now?

  Ryan slid his fingers through Devil’s matted hair, soaking in his scent, reveling in his mate’s touches, his soft kisses, and the way he kept sniffing along Ryan’s collarbone.

  He’d been foolish to think Devil had been at his mercy. It had been the other way around. Ryan had been owned tonight, and he couldn’t have been happier. He rested his head on Devil’s shoulder and sighed. “By the way, I’m jobless.”


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  Devil kissed Ryan’s Adam’s apple. “Then you’ll come work at Krave.”

  Just like that, Devil had solved Ryan’s dilemma. “Doing what exactly?”

  “The paperwork I hate doing.” Devil tucked a finger under Ryan’s chin and made him look at his mate, look at those gorgeous blue eyes.

  “You’re good with numbers, right?”

  “I’m the man for the job.” Ryan gave him a quick kiss. “Now let me down. My legs are cramping.”

  Devil shook his head. “You’re right where you’re supposed to be, in my arms, handsome. And I’m never letting you go.”

  Ryan patted Devil’s back. “Then carry me to the shower.”

  Devil’s grin lit up the room. “As you command.”

  Rolling his eyes, Ryan said, “You’re so full of it.”

  Devil punched his hips upward, his softening cock still buried in Ryan’s ass. “I think you’re the one who is full.”

  Ryan didn’t think he could be any happier than he was at the moment. He was glad he’d discovered Krave, glad Jeff had broken up with him, and… “Where did Henry go?”

  One of Devil’s brows arched. “The last I saw him, Nyx had carried him away.”

  Ryan would have to call Henry. Nyx was Devil’s friend, and Ryan didn’t think Henry would be in danger. But the call could wait. Ryan needed a shower and for Devil to rock his world one more time.

  Or two.

  Maybe three.

  Devil’s Desires


  Chapter Ten

  After the fiasco with Jeff, Devil didn’t take any chances that Ryan would be put in harm’s away again. He worked his list with a vengeance, checking off each name with swift justice. He didn’t tell Ryan where he was headed each night, and Ryan—who still struggled with the morality of what Devil was doing—didn’t ask.

  For that, Devil was thankful. But he also felt sorry for his mate, for having pulled him into this darkness in the first place. But Devil planned on making it up to him—even if it took fifty years or more to do so.

  That was one reason Devil decided to visit the ancient vampire instead of having the money wired to his account. He needed to end his other job. He couldn’t live with the suspicious look in Ryan’s eyes, and, in truth, the weight of taking lives, even if they deserved to be taken, was a heavy burden Devil wasn’t cut out to carry.

  Of course, he considered himself a badass, able to handle anything thrown his way—like eliminating the Hunter who had tried to go after Devil’s employees, which he did free of charge—but…taking a life wasn’t as easy as some people thought. Devil still stared down at his hands at times, remembering how they were wrapped around Jeff’s throat, the intense rage that had coursed through him, and the desire to watch the life bleed out of Jeff’s eyes.

  Although he hadn’t regretted what he’d done because Jeff had put Ryan’s life in danger, he would rather not reach that level of rage again.

�Are you sure?” Christian rose from his chair, his movements slow, graceful. Devil doubted most saw the true creature who lived


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  behind those haunting eyes. Most only saw Christian as their boss, or a nightclub owner, or a man who was part of the Ultionem.

  But Devil saw the knowledge in Christian’s eyes—knowledge from living for over two thousand years. An unsettled beast lurked just under Christian’s skin, a beast who hadn’t forgotten the true nature of a vampire—a beast who would surface in a heartbeat if Christian unleashed it.

  “I’m sure,” Devil said.

  Devil stood with his back to the office door. He wasn’t a fool. He trusted no one, expect Ryan.

  Christian studied him, his eyes pensive. When he spoke, his voice was smooth and calm. “I can triple the amount of money for each kill.”

  Talk about temptation. If Devil were given a list of ten again, that would be sixty thousand dollars.

  “But I can see in your pretty blue eyes that you’ve made your mind up.” Christian stood by his desk one moment. The next he was at Devil’s side. He’d moved so fast Devil hadn’t even felt the air stir.

  He didn’t like being in a room with so much power. If Christian decided to end him, he’d have Devil’s heart clutched in his hand before Devil took a breath.

  “No.” Christian still spoke in that soft, alluring voice, a voice Devil was sure lured in prey every single time. “The burden of taking a life is never easy.”

  He’d spoken Devil’s thoughts.

  “I appreciate what you’ve done for me,” Devil said. “I would’ve been dead if you hadn’t used your clout to get me away from my pack, but I have a mate now, a nightclub to run, and…” He wasn’t sure what else to add to that.

  “You do recall the contract you signed, the blood oath you made with me?”

  How could Devil forget? If Christian didn’t release him from his oath and Devil still decided he wanted to walk away, he would die.

  Devil’s Desires


  Talk about hitting the wall of reality. His very future was in the vampire’s hands right now, and Devil couldn’t do anything about it.


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