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Page 7

by Tl Reeve

  Once the warmth of her touch left him, he opened his eyes. Danielle stared at him. Her wide blue eyes were filled with stunned wonderment. “I guess I should have suspected something was different about you.” Her words were tinny in his ears. Or maybe he heard the soundwaves of her voice being conducted through the air? “I need you to go see Kalkin.”

  “It’s about time for us to meet with him again anyway,” Jochi said. “Is it what I think it is?”

  Danielle nodded. “Yes.” She smiled again. “But, I can’t explain it. Kalkin can.”

  Jochi inhaled. “Oh... Oh, Bèndàn...”

  “Would someone tell me what the hell is going on?” Jefferson snapped. There were surprises and then there was keeping secrets and he didn’t like secrets, especially when they concerned him and even though he kept his own.

  “It is honestly easier for Kalkin to tell you,” Danielle said. “I’ve never seen anyone like you before. But, I can tell you, you’re healthy and fine, just different. More so now since I coaxed your wolf into showing himself.”

  Jefferson’s mouth fell open. A jolt of disbelief jerked his large frame. “Come again?”

  “See, this is why you need to speak with Kalkin.” Danielle touched his hand. “You knew it was there this whole time. You didn’t understand it. Every time you’ve have sex with Jochi, it grew a bit more agitated—a bit more demanding of you. But, somehow, you pushed it away because it wasn’t big enough to fuse with you properly, right?”

  He nodded. But a wolf though?

  Danielle chuckled softly. “Go see Kalkin. He’ll tell you everything.”

  Still, at a loss for words, Jefferson followed Jochi out to the enforcer. The clouded leopard Jochi claimed for himself, stayed behind with Danielle until they could gather what they needed, and Jefferson could come to terms with his new reality. None of what Danielle said made sense, yet how could she have known about the black thing inside him without seeing it. Better yet, how did he explain seeing it be absorbed into every inch of him?

  As they drove back across town to Vigilante, he inhaled. Everything was crisper now. The desert sage had bite. Even the yucca and cactus had an earthy, floral smell to them. His mouth watered when he inhaled his mate's scent. Jochi smelled like the first frost of winter mixed with the wild hint of his cat. He smelled like mountain wilderness along with the musky aroma of arousal and heat. His dick thickened. His heart hammered. With each breath he took he became more of a salivating, sex-starved monster.

  “Jochi...” The agitated growl in Jefferson’s voice surprised him.

  “I feel it too,” his mate replied. “You have to hold it together. I promise when this is finished you can take your frustrations out on me.”

  Jochi’s words were like a bucket of cold water being thrown on him. “I’d never hurt you.”

  “Didn’t say you would.” Jochi took his hand. “This is what I was trying to locate within you earlier. Whatever Danielle did to you, she awoke a sleeping giant, I’m afraid.”

  “Yeah.” Jefferson frowned.

  They pulled up to the building and Kalkin was already outside, the grim look on his face set Jefferson on edge. Even the thing—wolf like Danielle said was inside him didn't like it. Kalkin lifted his hand in greeting as they parked, something he’d never done before. A red flag of warning went off in Jefferson’s head. There was something different about the man he’d known for so long.

  He inhaled then chided himself for smelling people. Yet, since he saw Danielle, he couldn’t help it. Everything either smelled better or worse than he’d remember. Or, it could all be in his mind. A psychosomatic reaction to Danielle’s touch. Jefferson opened the door of the Enforcer and got out, coming face to face with Kalkin.

  The Alpha grinned then patted him on the shoulder. “Welcome to the pack.”

  Jefferson screwed up his face. “Didn’t we have this conversation years ago?”

  “The human part of you, yes,” Kalkin said. “The wolf, not so much.”

  Jefferson took a step back. “You’re insane. You’re all insane.” Even though Danielle said it before they left the clinic, he couldn’t reconcile it. Yet as he raged, he gnashed his teeth and snarled as though he were a wild animal. “This is horse shit, Kalkin! Danielle planted a suggestion in my brain.” His words tasted bitter as they rolled off his tongue. A lie.

  “Come inside. I would rather have this conversation away from prying ears,” Kalkin commanded, his voice taking on an eerie layered quality, compelling Jefferson to follow the Alpha’s instructions.

  “Sure.” Jefferson frowned. “Inside.” Why am I rolling over too easily?

  Chapter Six

  “Before you get your panties into a twist,” Kalkin started. “Danielle called me while you were on the way. She wanted me to know what she did.”

  Jefferson blinked. “O-kay.” Finally, someone understands me. The thought didn’t come from him, but the thing inside him.

  “I don’t like that she interfered as she did, but I understand her reasoning. You’ve been fighting yourself for a long time, I would assume. Now, it’s becoming too hard to do, right?" Kalkin pointed to the chair at the conference table. "Sit, we have things to discuss. Hopefully, when we're done here, you'll have a better understanding of yourself."

  Jefferson opened and closed his mouth several times. "You have me at a loss, son." He peered up at Kalkin as he took a seat beside Jefferson. He hadn't been hiding from anything. Sure, he'd been uncomfortable about the whole situation with Jochi in the beginning, but now, not so much—especially since the girls were okay with it.

  "You want to bite, but you don't know why. You get the urge to rut hard and expect something to happen, yet it never does, so you're left with a hard dick and a warm hole to jerk yourself off in. Full moons, for you, makes it worse. Add in Jochi's feline genetics and you're constantly seeking relief, though it never comes.”

  Jefferson swallowed hard. The serious look on Kalkin’s face stole his breath. Shit. "H-how did you know?" The clawing ever-present need ran him haggard. In the beginning, it'd been worse. For days he couldn't leave his bed without Jochi by his side. Every explanation Jochi gave, made perfect logical sense. Now, Jefferson wondered what if. What if what he'd been feeling was more about himself than Jochi. Sure, his mate had him by the balls, however, there was more to all of it. "Well... Yes, I have. B—"

  "There are no buts here," Kalkin stated. "There are wolves in this world who are...different. In all my years, I have only ever come across one other like you. You, Jefferson, are what Russell Martin would have termed a dormant wolf."

  “A what now?”

  “Every so often, the genetics of the wolf is buried within the genomic code of a human’s DNA. In most instances, the strand isn’t activated, and the wolf never makes an appearance. In some, a traumatic incident brings forth the wolf,” Kalkin said.

  “And, my case?” Jefferson hedged, not sure he wanted to know the answer.

  “Your case is a bit simpler. You’re a mate,” he answered. “When you mated Jochi, it unlocked your wolf. The black knot, I think is what Danielle called it, was your wolf.”

  Jefferson sat back. The black tendrils. The way it melded to his body, to his bones and organs. The blue energy within the middle of the ball...

  “His eyes. Or, well, your eyes,” Kalkin supplied. “Are blue.”

  “I said that out loud?”

  Kalkin shook his head. “No. When you stepped out of the enforcer, your wolf emerged, and I connected with it. I have the same connection with all packmates. It’s like a beacon.”

  Jefferson rubbed his head, confounded by the information the Alpha gave him. A wolf. Him? His head snapped up. Fear tightened his throat. “The girls. What about the girls?” If he was a wolf, were they?

  Kalkin scrubbed his chin. "I'm not sure. Like I said, Russell told me about dormant wolves, but he never explained the mutation past the person who had it. For all, we know the girls are a hundred percent human. If it wil
l make you feel better, we could have Danielle talk to them and see if a wolf dwells within each of them.”

  Jefferson sat there, staring at Kalkin. The girls, wolves? It was hard enough wrapping his mind around the fact he held an animal inside him. At least he wasn’t going crazy after all and the small sensations he experienced made a minute amount of sense. “Sure, I guess. It could be nothing, right?”

  Kalkin grunted. “Exactly.”

  Jochi joined them then, wrapping his arm around Jefferson, grounding him. “What you felt, before, is the knot.” He looked to Kalkin. “I assume.”

  Kalkin chuckled. “Yes. All male wolves will knot during the full moon. Which, is only two days away.”

  Jefferson sighed. “What should I expect?”

  “It’s not something I can explain,” Kalkin said. “It’s not even something any wolf can describe. You have to experience it.”

  “So, it’s different for everyone?” Jefferson couldn’t believe what Kalkin said.

  The Alpha nodded. “Yes. Since you’re one of us, I can impart a little wisdom on you. There are certain Alpha-potential wolves who can knot outside the full moon.”

  “Wait, slow down.” Jefferson held up his hand. “How is this possible?”

  “Genetics,” Kalkin answered. “Myself, Caden, and most recently we found out Bodhi could as well. I suspect when Colin mates, he’ll be able to do the same, maybe Nicolas. Although, he has more beta potential than Alpha.”

  “Their fertile fuckers,” Rapier grumbled, joining them. “Assholes could wear a condom and still knock up their mates.”

  Kalkin shrugged. “It’s what happens when you wait forty-plus years for a mate.”

  Rapier laughed. “Did Jochi tell you about felines?”

  Jefferson glanced at Jochi. “About?”

  “Bèndàn,” Jochi stated. “Felines who mate as a shifter couple can have sex as their feline.” His cheeks turned a bright shade of pink, something Jefferson had never seen before—outside of when his mate was flushed from arousal.

  “You’re kidding right?”

  Jochi shook his head.

  “W-what does that mean for us?” Jefferson swallowed hard. The idea of being a wolf taking his snow leopard down to the ground and fucking him until the knot Jefferson didn’t know about until five minutes ago inflated, tying them together, sent a bolt of yearning through him.

  “Not sure,” Rapier answered for Jochi who appeared uncomfortable. “We’ve never seen a feline mate with a wolf or any other species besides a dragon.”

  “So, the potential is there?” Jefferson prodded.

  Kalkin grunted. “Yes.”

  “I don’t know if I should laugh or cry or throw up right now,” Jefferson muttered.

  “Do it all,” Rapier said. “This is a lot of bullshit to be taking in at the moment. I don’t blame you for being messed up in the head.”

  “Once you’ve got it out of your system, get to work,” Adrian said, entering the room. “I have the photo and the story retracted and I have a list of names to go after.”

  Jefferson glanced up when Adrian placed the list in front of him. “Good job, my boy.”

  “Thank you, sir,” Adrian replied. “Congratulations as well.”

  Kalkin peered at the list from across the table. “Well, what do you want to do first?”

  Jefferson grinned and for the first time, he understood the feral feeling coursing through his veins. The river of blood he yearned to see flow could be paid physically or metaphorically, he didn't care, for the damage, those on the list tried to inflict on him and his family. "It's time to plan. I think for this to go down properly, I have to make a few phone calls and have my replacement in place.”

  Kalkin knocked on the table. “Let’s get to work.”


  Jefferson paced the conference room of Vigilante. He stared down at the rough draft of his retirement speech along with a statement about the photograph taken of him and Jochi. The word blurred together. It’d been at least two hours since he arrived at the office after he received the official word on his wolf status and was handed the list of people who’d been stupid enough to come at him.

  To no one’s surprise, Mr. Davis’ name had been at the top of the list. He didn’t even have a stake in PBH. His loyalty to Senator Brawborn, however, had driven him to go to some underlings within the agency to ask for assistance. Adrian, as soon as he’d given Jefferson the list, had been back on his phone. The boy had settled into his role as the new faux boss of PBH. In a way, it unnerved Jefferson. Adrian had the potential to follow too closely in his family members' footsteps, so much so, Jefferson worried, God forbid, what would become of the boy in ten years, if they couldn’t shut the agency down.

  Jefferson made another circuit of his path he paced and stopped. He was going to drive himself insane. He had to go with his gut. Whatever happened once he gave the speech, would be the end of his era as a Senator and begin his life as a private citizen. The door opened once again and Jochi joined him, carrying a baby carrier and a diaper bag. The soft look on his mate's face settled the nervy edge flowing through Jefferson's veins.

  “Look at you, being a daddy,” Jefferson whispered.

  Jochi hummed in satisfaction. “He’s sleeping. He ate more with me than he has with Danielle.”

  He joined his mate. “Is that so? Well, I guess he needed the right person caring for him.” He glanced into the carrier and found the small kitten laying on his side, sleeping. “Do you have a name for him?”

  Jochi nodded. “Déshì Abraham Zhao-Winters.”

  “Déshì.” The boy’s name rolled off Jefferson’s tongue with ease. “I like it. I can’t believe I have a son.”

  “We have a son,” Jochi said. “We have four beautiful children and four beautiful grandchildren.”

  “We do,” he agreed. “However, we don’t have furniture for this tiny being.”

  Jochi laughed softly. “Danielle said things will be delivered later. They have an open account so when situations like this arise, they can help the new parents.”

  “I suppose all that’s left is introducing him to his siblings,” Jefferson said.

  “We’ll be together on Thanksgiving. I think until then we should be selfish.” Jochi stared up at him. His emerald green eyes were filled with love and adoration.

  Jefferson nodded. “Fine by me. I’m sure this family gets off on surprises anyway.”

  Jochi grinned. “Thank you, bèndàn.”

  Jefferson kissed him. “You never have to thank me.”

  “Yes, I do. Every day.” Jochi pressed his lips to Jefferson’s. “Are you okay with recent developments?”

  “You mean the fact I’m going to knot you at some point and again at another point I might shift and fuck you as a wolf?” He cocked a brow.

  “Well,” Jochi said, giving a breathy laugh. “When you put it that way. Yes.”

  “Can’t say I’m not nervous or excited to experience it,” Jefferson said. “Not sure how I feel about animal sex, but I guess we’ll take it as it comes. Who knows, I might be one of those wolves who can’t shift.”

  Jochi nodded. “Maybe. We’ll see on the full moon.”

  “Perhaps,” Jefferson agreed.

  “There’s more though, isn’t there?” Jochi placed his hand over Jefferson’s and squeezed. “You’re worried about the girls.”

  “I am,” he answered. “This is something I never thought in a million years would happen. They're mated to a wolf and a coyote, yet nothing has happened. The naive part of my brain wants them to continue to be in the dark about this development, however, I also don't want to cause any harm by not telling them.”

  If he thought about it long enough, he’d allow the guilt to seep in. If only he’d have been a wolf sooner, could he have saved Susanne? If he did save his wife, what would have become of Jochi? Every new question brought with it another hard answer, he wouldn’t even consider. Because, the ‘what ifs,’ would eat him aliv
e. Susanne wouldn’t want that for him. She’d want him to be happy and she’d remind him, everything happens for a reason. Now, he had to live for whatever the reason might be.

  “Betrayal.” Jochi nodded. “It's easier to accept those around us as being shifters. Being one ourselves sometimes muddies the water. I think Charisma and Penelope will take it harder if you keep the truth from them instead of enlightening them from the get-go.”

  “You’re right. When we tell them about Déshì, we’ll tell them about the other, in private though. They’ve already been through enough in the past year.”

  Jochi inclined his chin then tied back his hair. For the last few days since they arrived, he’d been letting his hair flow freely. It came down to his rear and drove Jefferson insane. “Now who you do think should replace you once you’ve given your retirement speech?”

  “I’ve been thinking about it since I realized I wanted to retire.” There was one person—woman he could count on to have his back no matter what happened. Emersyn Lake, the Mayor Pro-Tem of Phoenix. For the last ten years, she'd worked alongside the mayor and the state's legislature assuring all shifters and humans in Arizona had their rights protected. Some of the literature he'd read about her lately said, if she decided to run for governor, she'd win. Taking Jefferson's place would better suit her and allow her to run the whole damn country if she chose to one day. “Emersyn Lake.”

  "Good choice," Jochi stated. "She's mated to a mountain lion, I believe and has two children. She understands the difficulties facing shifters in a volatile environment. She also knows how to compromise and meet in the middle as well. She will use your seat for the greater good."


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