A Little Bit of Us

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A Little Bit of Us Page 16

by A. E. Murphy

  “Daddy,” Amelia whispers across the table. “I gotta go potty.”

  I wipe my mouth on a napkin, “I’ll take her.” Why are they both looking at me like that? “I gotta go potty too.”

  James and Lucas start laughing at my poor attempt of copying Amelia. Sylvia scowls at me as her friends watch her disrespectful daughter in law announce to a table full of stuck up posh twits that she needs a piss. I shrug, take Amelia’s hand and skip to the bathroom.

  “Auntie Maya,” Amelia says as she washes her hands and I relieve myself. “What you got?”


  “What you got?” she points to my lower region, which is covered by the way, I’m not just sat here flashing her my goodies, that would be weird. “Daddy don’t have what we got.”

  “That’s because daddy is a boy. Girls get boobies and moos and boys get man sticks.”

  Man sticks? Really?

  Hmm… man sticks.

  She nods seeming satisfied and dries her hands as I wash mine. Why do I always get stuck with the awkward questions? It sucks. “Will I get boobies?” Another one?

  “Yep, when you’re a big girl.”

  She grins excitedly and holds the hand towel out for me. I take it, dry my hands, take her hand and pull her out of the bathroom. No way in hell am I sticking around in there for her next question!

  “Don’t any of these people have families they’d rather spend thanksgiving with? Or are they using an actual holiday to network? I’ve had four people give me their card and say, our product will interest you. Blah, blah, blah,” I whisper to James as he sips on a glass of whiskey. The smell, mm, how I miss it.

  “Same here.”

  “I’m so taking him home tonight,” Marie points at the handsome dude from earlier. He waves over at us all and goes back to his conversation. “He’s yummy.”

  “You spending Christmas with us?” I ask around a yawn. Damn I’m completely zonked. She nods, of course she is. She does every year. James squeezes my thigh, “We’re spending it at my moms. It’ll just be us, and Marie, Lucas and Amelia.”

  “Whatever, as long as I can put a tree up.”

  This will be my first Christmas without my father, the first Thanksgiving, the first Easter, the first Valentine’s Day, and my first birthday without him. The New Year is going to suck. I need to go to my dad’s to get my decorations. As morbid as they’ll make me feel we’ve had them since I was a little girl. I can’t not put them up.

  James will surely come with me right? I hope so. Pretending to be strong and succeeding is one thing but actually being strong in a situation like this is another. If that makes sense, I do it quite often. Sort of like when you see a spider and everyone’s screaming, you’re like, ‘It’s just a spider.’ And then scoop it up but on the inside you’re all… ‘AHHHHHHHHHH’ and wanting to shake your hand and your entire body until that crawling feeling disappears from your skin. I’m not sure if anyone else has done this. I have… this is my example of pretending to be strong and succeeding.

  I should go to his grave again soon, I’ve just been so busy with work and such. The holiday season is so annoying. Amelia got permission from the doctor to have her sling off last week so that took up half of my day in the hospital, Lucas had to work. She only needed a couple of X-rays and such but hospitals can be really slow. Why do the worst accidents always seem to occur around Christmas?

  “Isn’t it your birthday like January third?” Lucas asks with a furrowed brow. I shrug, “No. My birthday’s not for another ten years.”

  “She’s scared of turning twenty four.” Another year and I’ll be twenty five which is a quarter of a century… just saying.

  Marie laughs and it’s loud, “Please, you were scared to turn twenty. And twenty one!”

  “I remember having to peel your drunk ass off the streets for your twenty first,” James chuckles and kisses our laced fingers.

  Ah what a night that was! I barely remember it, that’s why it’s so good. Marie and Jessica both joined me with a fair few of our other friends who we only see on a night out. Everyone has friends like these right? Anyway, we dressed up as characters from Disney to remember our youth. I was a slutty Rapunzel. Because my hair is freakishly long it worked well.

  “I love my birthday,” Amelia says with a tired smile. “Auntie Maya, you came to my birthday.”

  “That was the day we met, wasn’t it Lucas?”

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Y’know what?” Lucas slurs and throws his arm around an equally drunk James. “I’m… I’m… (Hic) glad that you’re my brother.”

  “Aww, man I feel like, like I wish I knew you before. Y’know?” James slurs and pats Lucas on the back.

  Lucas gives him a drunken grin and slaps his shoulder, “And now you got your baby and your girlfriend and your job. I’d have nothin’ if… if it wasn’t for you.” Sigh.

  It’s shocking how alike they are…


  I’ve found if I ignore my libido she tends to leave me alone…

  “Aww, guys,” Marie staggers over and joins their group hug. “I love you guys!” She’s a loveable drunk. “You’re the best. And so gorgeous. Maya is so lucky. I wish I was lucky like Maya.”

  “I love Maya,” James says happily as if I’m not stood right behind him watching him act like an idiot. Am I this annoying when I’m drunk? “She’s the best. And god she is good with her mouth.” Steady on cowboy. “I just… where is she? Maya?” he spins to face me and gives me a heavy lidded gaze, his lips tilted up at the sides. “I love you. You know I love you. So damn much.”

  “Group hug!” Marie calls. James, Lucas and Marie all surround me. I’m officially a Maya wrap. Bump. Yeah, it’s pissing me off too. Wait, who the hell is that guy? And that? People we don’t know have joined in the fun.

  “Maya,” Lucas says in my ear, his breath stinks of alcohol, mostly whiskey. “Maya. Maya. Maya. Maya.”


  “I think you’re so amazing.” Right. “James is a lucky guy. Aren’t you James?” They’re still hugging me by the way.

  “Yeah, (hic) I’m so lucky.”

  “Get off her,” I hear Sylvia say. She starts throwing people out of the way before dragging me out of the center of the huddle.

  “Oh my god, we should totally do karaoke!” Marie announces causing the entire room to cheer. “I’m going first!”

  Oh dear. Sylvia pulls me over to the side, “Little legs is in bed. She’s fast asleep.” She glances over to Lucas and James and rolls her eyes. “If you’re tired, you head on up.”

  “Thanks Sylvia,” I sigh with relief. I’m knackered and I can’t leave without them. “I’ll make Lucas a pallet on James’ bedroom floor.”

  “Thanks dear,” with another eye roll aimed at the men she ushers me out of the room and into the dark hall.

  James old room is cute, it’s exactly how it was back when he was in high school with posters of football stars on the walls and trophy’s. He won a chess tournament. Nice. I pull off my dress and bra and pull on an old T-shirt of James’ and a pair of his boxers. That’s better. After pulling the chop sticks out of my hair I slide into bed and snuggle into the blankets. Ah, that’s better.

  It feels like only minutes later when I hear male giggling, yep, actual fucking giggling, and the bed dips as someone climbs in, James I hope. Shit, I forgot to do the pallet. Hell, they can do it themselves. Strong arms roll me over until my head is resting against a smooth chest. I smile and fall back to sleep.

  Snoring? I’m woken by snoring. The room is still dark, it can’t be more than six. Arms are wrapped around me from behind, I can feel their evident arousal pressing against my globes. That better be James. A warm body is in front of me too. The arms wrapped around me shift a little until one hand is wrapped around my breast. Ok.

  Man this is comfy!

  I don’t think that’s James groping you in his sleep. These hands are rough.

  I daren’t m
ove just in case my Conscience is right. Shit. I shift a little, trying to move without waking anyone. There comes that snore again, it’s from behind me. Double shit. James doesn’t snore. What do I do?

  Go back to sleep, it’ll resolve itself. Although I wouldn’t mind if it didn’t.

  Hello, boyfriend’s brother.

  Hello, ex-boyfriend. Big difference.

  The body behind me moves a little, his hips come forward and press into me. Eep. This is wrong on so many levels, I’m tingling all over, that feels so good and I really don’t want it too.

  Only human. Remember that.

  Need to escape. Like NOW.

  James murmurs something in his sleep and turns over. I squeeze my eyes shut as his arms go around me and hit the person behind me. He stiffens. Uh-oh.

  Pretend you’re asleep!

  Well duh.

  “What the fuck?” James hisses and moves his hand down my body until he comes into contact with the hand on my nunga. Uh-oh. The hand is ripped away and I’m yanked forward away from the warm body that had me surrounded. I pretend to jerk awake and blink my eyes open sleepily. James isn’t looking at me, he’s dragging Lucas out of bed.

  “I’m so sorry,” Lucas stands with James’ hands fisted in his shirt. They both look down at his tenting boxers. “Fuck.” I can see Lucas look at me in the dim light from between the curtains and wall. “I’m so sorry Maya.”

  “Sorry for what?” I grumble, feigning sleepiness. “What’s going on?”

  “Nothing, go back to sleep.” James says. Phew, dodged a bullet. “You fucking ass hole!”

  “I’m sorry James, I was sleeping.”

  This has to be the funniest sight I’ve ever seen. Imagine this, two tall, broad, rather handsome men stood facing each other with certain parts of their body sticking out.

  And they’re both for me. Gimme.

  If you weren’t a figment of my imagination I’d flick you on the nose and send you outside like the dog you are.

  Don’t say it… don’t you… “Are you two hot for each other or are you trying to find north?” I hate you. So much right now. I start giggling, then I start laughing which turns into cackling. And then I start taking pictures. “Oh my god. Best wake up ever!”

  James glares at me, “Mind not taking pictures of my brother.”

  “Chill out James, shit happens.” I shrug dismissively and climb out of bed. “I’m a sexy girl. He’s a man. He can’t help me being so damn irresistible.” I pat them both on their cheeks. “Come on. Let’s go get an early breakfast.” Once you’ve calmed your mini men down.

  “Lucas, can you please give me a moment alone with my wife?” ex-wife, but whatever. Am I in trouble? Looks like it. Oops.

  Lucas stomps out of the room mumbling under his breath. James grabs me forcefully by the arms and slams me up against the door. Oh dear god. Then his mouth is on mine. He kisses me like he’s never kissed me before. His usual soft, teasing kisses are now a force to be reckoned with. His tongue enters my mouth and presses against my own.

  “Fuck,” he growls and pushes my boxers down until they drop to my ankles. “You’re mine.” James with a back bone and a bite. Oh my fucking god yes. His green eyes are almost black with desire, his pupils fully dilated. I can almost hear his heart pounding.

  I just came a little.

  “I never want to see that again, ever.” He rips my top from my body and drops it somewhere behind him before dragging me over to his desk. “See what?” I manage to say as my body is overcome with tingles and excitement. I think he’s going to lift me to sit on it. He doesn’t. He really fucking doesn’t. What he does do is so much better. He roughly spins me so I’m facing away from him and slams me none too gently onto the wooden surface. My cheek hits the cool wood but not hard enough to cause pain.

  Oh my.

  “You with another man…” He bites out and literally tears my panties off before sending the ripped lace to the floor. Gulp. “You drive me crazy.” I did nothing wrong but whatever, I’m certainly not going to tell him as such. Mainly because I really don’t want him to stop. “I can’t stand it. I can’t lose you.” His hand is at the back of my neck pinning me to the desk, not that he needs to. He doesn’t need to know that I’m not moving an inch because he’s in control and effectively losing his self-control. Not to mention the fact it’s the hottest thing I’ve ever experienced. His finger slides in making my entire body tremble. I groan and it’s loud, he gasps when he feels how ready I am. “Fuck,” he hisses. My body instinctively pushes back, wanting to feel him further inside of me to the point of quivering need. Instead he moves his finger in and out whilst his thumb circles my little hood. I squirm and writhe under his torment, so damn close.

  I feel that perfect warm head poised at my entrance. His body shakes as he slides it up and down my wet folds, catching my sensitive nub every fucking time which causes me to cry out. If I thought it couldn’t get any hotter I was wrong, he clasps his hand around my mouth to silence me and wraps his other in my hair. The head of him sinks in less than an inch.

  “James,” I beg, I need him now. “Please.” It’s muffled but he understands.

  He doesn’t wait a moment longer, his hips surge forward and his hand brings my hair back as he slams inside. Little James was large before but now it’s growing inside of me, becoming so thick, filling me completely. I want, no, I need more. My body is screaming for him to move. I’m shaking, trembling like I’m connected to an electrical circuit, every single nerve ending in my body is burning. Yet he doesn’t move.

  “No, what the fuck?” I hear him splutter, his tone laced with annoyance and disbelief, he tenses to an almost concrete state. “No, no, no, no. Ah!” He presses his chest to my back and wraps his arms around me, his entire being becomes stiff and then comes that familiar throbbing inside of me, he cries out his release, still stiff as a board.

  Once he calms he curses again and again. “Shit! That didn’t just happen.”

  “Did you just?”


  “Oh my god!” I giggle as he pulls out and slumps to the floor, looking like he’s just run a marathon. He rests his back against the end of his bed. “But you…”

  “I lost it.”

  Oh hell this is fucking hilarious, I burst out laughing as his member slowly shrinks from use.

  You call that use?

  “I am so sorry,” he says looking a little angry at himself. “I completely lost it. That’s… that’s just…”

  By this point I’m laughing so hard I have to grip onto the desk to stop my knees from buckling beneath me. “Talk about a premature ejaculation!”

  “Stop it!” he moans and buries his face in his hands. I see his neck go all pink and splotchy. He’s blushing! That’s just the cherry on top of this hilarious event.

  “Maybe this room is magic and has transformed you back into a thirteen year old boy. Or maybe you’re just getting old.” I cackle and pad into the bathroom to clean myself.

  He follows me in and switches on the shower, I watch his muscles bulge as he pulls his top over his head. “It’s not funny. I’m a grown man, that shouldn’t have happened. I have better control than that.”

  “It’s fucking hilarious baby, I’m sorry but that was something I’ll be relaying to the females during girls night.” Oh my lord. Marie will love this.

  He curses and slaps me on my bare ass cheek making me squeal. “Stop being a bitch.”

  “Ok fast blast.”

  He grabs me around the waist and drags my kicking, screaming and laughing form into the shower. “Give me a minute and we’ll try that again.”

  “The sexy spontaneity of it has kind of gone now, don’t you think quick stick?”

  “Fine then,” he smirks and pushes me so my back is against the shower wall, I squeal as my warm flesh meets cool tile. “I guess I’ll just have to bring it back.” And then he’s on his knees and my leg is over his shoulder. Fuck yes.

  My sentiments e

  Its breakfast time and the place looks like there was no party last night. Sylvia and Amelia are sat at the dining table with a very hung over and embarrassed looking Lucas, eating an array of different breakfast foods that are spread out along the table. Woman cooks good.

  I sit down beside James and thank him as he pours me a glass of orange juice. After grabbing a couple of croissants I butter them and bite into one whilst the others chatter. I have some research to do on my phone. Evil laugh commencing.

  Five minutes later, “Hey James.”

  “Yes babe?”

  “How is a man like a snowstorm?” I ask innocently and watch his fork stop midway between his mouth and the plate. His mouth freezes open, he knows I’m about to say something he won’t like. “Because you don't know when he's coming, how many inches you'll get, or how long it'll last.”

  He narrows his eyes at me and fills his mouth. Lucas laughs, he thinks it’s funny.

  And again in the car, with the window open, “Attention: for all men who suffer from premature ejaculation, there will be an anonymous meeting at the local pub tomorrow... Be sure to come early!”

  “I loath you.” James presses a button and the windows go up. Yet again Lucas laughs seeming oblivious to the reason for my jokes.

  “I love you too baby,” I flutter my eyelashes innocently.

  Now we’re back home, James is in the living room watching movies whilst working on his laptop. I’m in the small office. Doing naughty things, the non-sexual version of naughty I mean. Got to love google and free apps. So many awesome apps out there.


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