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Page 4

by J. H. Hayes

  The collective meat from the hunt would be given to those in charge of preparing the night's communal meal. As was tradition, a giant hare stew would be prepared and the participants would be honored for their contribution to the feast.

  After Luzon had passed, Azaria’s family turned their attention back to her. "Azaria, that was amazing! I think you might have won," her father said.

  "You killed eight rabbits!!" Quzo was yelling over and over, jumping up and down, too young to understand the rules completely. With seven spears each, it was only possible to bag seven.

  "Azaria, I'm so proud of you," her mother complimented. "I had no idea you were so talented with the light spear."

  Azaria was overwhelmed. She wasn't comfortable with this much attention, but the praise from her family felt nice. She allowed herself to bask in it. "Thank you, mother. But I only did what father advised. Father, your strategy was very effective."

  Azerban rewarded her modesty with a broad grin, asking, "Do you know how many you got?" He seemed preoccupied with figuring out if she had a chance at the title. "I counted at least five."

  "I'm not sure, father. I guess four, maybe five?" she said, shrugging her shoulders, not confident of the final count.

  "She killed eight rabbits!" Quzo insisted adamantly, looking back and forth between his sister and father, frustrated they weren't listening to him.

  "You two, leave her alone. She needs to rest," Zephia said, feeling overly protective. Now that she knew her daughter was safe, she was noticing the wounds some of the other contestants had suffered. She realized her mate's strategy had not only been effective - it kept her daughter from the bloody pandemonium. Had that been his plan all along?

  While listening to the squabbling Azaria noticed Dogahn not far off with his parents, a big smile on his face. He must have done well also, she concluded. The thought made her smile and then she felt the skin on her face warm. She knew she was blushing and wondered why. Thoughts of him had never produced that kind of reaction before. She had a sudden urge to go talk to him, but wasn't sure how to get away just yet. Instead, she turned back to her family, where Zephia was still lecturing her mate and son on giving her some space.

  "It's okay, mother. I'm all right," she assured her. She surveyed the field of contestants, noticing some of the other competitors also had blood dripping down their legs or arms. She couldn't tell if it was rabbit blood or not, but a few were grimacing in pain. "Better than some, anyway," she added.

  Just then, Daneel came running up. "How did you do, Azaria? Tiriz thinks he got four and everyone is saying Dogahn got six. Luzon is claiming he got seven. But I don't think he's allowed to count the spear in his leg," she laughed.

  "Daneel!!" Zephia said. "That's not a laughing matter. That's a serious injury. I'm sure he'll have to sit out the Long Race now."

  Azaria hadn't thought of that. Suddenly she was thankful she’d not been injured. The Long Race was the event she’d really been looking forward to, the one she most wanted to do well in. Although Luzon was not her greatest competition, his absence would increase her odds at least a little. She contemplated the rest of the field. There were a couple slightly older girls from Fox Camp whom she didn't know very well, but were rumored to be strong runners. There was a boy her age who was considered a favorite and of course there was Dogahn. She'd been racing against him her entire life.

  After a moment her attention was brought back to an argument unfolding between Daneel and her mother. "...I know, but he's laughing about it. He's telling jokes," Daneel was saying, struggling to defend herself. Azaria smiled, knowing her friend wouldn't have much luck in an argument with her mother.

  "Daneel, it's okay. But you should have more respect for the injured," Zephia harped. "They are the only ones who have the right to laugh at themselves."

  Azaria thought her mother was being a little harsh and decided to save Daneel from digging a deeper hole. She grabbed her hand and interrupted before her friend had a chance to reply, "Mother, I need to wash off before the next games. Come on, Daneel!"

  Azaria and Daneel watched the rest of the sun’s competitions with Dogahn and Tiriz. The boys were especially interested in the wrestling matches. Tiriz had high hopes for his older brother Tilik, who did well until he met Dizon, Luzon’s massive eldest brother.

  The favored fighter was a giant of a man, once and half again as massive as his younger brother – a preview of what Luzon would soon become. His dome was shaved clean in the customary style of the family men. Black, tattooed stripes covered much of his skull, beginning just above the back of the neck and tapering to converging points at the top of his forehead. Ugly scars were visible on his face, limbs and torso, trophies of earlier victories. Spread across his upper back were a pair of tattooed eagle’s wings, another family identification. They claimed an ancestor had bred with one of the Birdmen, providing explanation for their astonishing physical prowess. Most believed the claim. The eagle’s wings reminded those who didn’t.

  The match started out surprisingly well for Tilik, but he ended up being no competition for the champion, who beat him so badly he had to be brought off the pitch on a stretcher.

  Despite Tilik’s savage defeat Azaria enjoyed the wrestling matches, but her real interest was with the boy she’d always thought more of as a goofy brother. Her altering perception was confusing. She didn’t understand why she discovered herself suddenly unable to talk to him. She kept quieter than usual, unwilling to join in light conversation out of fear she’d say something stupid or uninteresting. It was perplexing to be caught by this seizure when he’d always been one she could open up to.

  Dogahn also was quieter than usual. He’d hardly said more than a few words to her the whole afternoon. Luckily for them both, Daneel’s mouth was always full enough to keep any awkwardly silent moments at bay.

  However Daneel couldn’t protect Azaria from everything. Later that evening when the results of the Hare Hunt were announced, Azaria and Dogahn found themselves standing awkwardly close together in front of a cheering audience. Fahim announced Azaria had bagged five hairs, as her father had maintained. It was good enough to ensure a second place finish, tied with several other young hunters. The trouble began when Fahim next declared that Dogahn shared first place with Luzon, each with six kills. The massive boy insisted someone must have miscounted. He’d impaled seven hares, was sure of it. Fahim finally explained - one of Azaria’s spears had finished his seventh coney off. Incredulous and belligerent, Luzon’s malevolent glare sent shivers cascading down Azaria’s spine.

  Dogahn didn’t appreciate the icy stare. He’d never much liked the other boy anyway, but was also feeling protective of his friend. He raised his chin and glared back, hoping the fear in his heart was well hidden. Luzon didn’t miss the challenge, but wasn’t about to strike right in front of Ta’araki. He flashed a murderous snarl before stalking off, bumping Dogahn hard in the shoulder on his way past. Dogahn barely contained himself, harboring ominous thoughts of slamming his fist into the back of Luzon’s shaven head. But he also knew nothing good could come of it and held back, wrapping an arm around Azaria instead and whispering in her ear. Despite his anger he managed a smile, "Looks like I owe you one."

  Azaria met his gaze. Beneath his headband his long, straight hair was tucked behind his ears, which made them protrude out a little. She wondered why he always did that, instead of keeping his ears covered like most men did. He stood tall for his age, a forehead taller than Azaria, who herself was above average height for a girl of fourteen winters. Whenever she saw him lately, she seemed to find a new thing she liked. She couldn’t ignore her draw to those vivid, hazel eyes, eyes that made the shimmering, golden wheat fields look pale in comparison. Those same eyes fixed on her as he smiled down, producing a tingling down the back of her neck.

  "Really? What makes you think I was trying to help you?" she teased. She offered a flirtatious smile, trying to perform the trick the way Daneel did whenever she greeted someon
e she thought was cute. In fact, Daneel seemed to do it with practically every man, boy or crawling creature she came across. Azaria threw her shoulders back a little, another trick she'd seen Daneel begin to do. She hoped it was subtle enough. "Maybe I was just trying to make sure Luzon didn't win."

  "Ha ha... Well his head is already big enough!" Dogahn replied with a silly grin. They laughed together before parting awkwardly, having become uncomfortable in each other's arms.

  "Umm, so what are you going to do now?" Azaria asked as Daneel approached with a couple of girlfriends, a devilish smile wrapped across her face.

  "Uh, well..." Dogahn stuttered. He wasn't really sure but didn't want to admit it. Tiriz was still with his brother Tilik so he didn't know what he was going to do next. "Oh, I need to go visit Tilik and see how he’s doing. I'll bring them some stew," he finally said, happy he’d thought of something.

  "Oh... okay, well tell Tilik I hope he's okay. And we're proud of him," Azaria said.

  As Dogahn fled, Daneel couldn't resist commenting, "Well, you two certainly look cute together."

  Azaria should have known better than to hope Daneel wouldn't remark on the wonderful, but somehow clumsy embrace with Dogahn. However she was quite annoyed just the same. It’s bad enough she always has to tease me. But does she have to do it right in front of everyone? She felt like lashing out, but didn't want to embarrass herself in front of the other girls.

  "What do you mean?" she asked, deciding on an innocent approach instead. Before the question was fully out of her mouth, she realized playing dumb with Daneel was unlikely to be the most direct escape from an unwelcome situation. But it was too late now – she could only hope she’d go easy on her.

  Daneel knew her friend well. Although Azaria's tone was calm enough, she could see her tensing up, her cheeks reddening. She's angry. I should have waited until we were alone. I know how private she likes to be. She's looks angry...

  Daneel thought quickly. "You and that lovebird ogre, Luzon. I saw the look he gave you. I thought he was going to rip your head off for stealing that last hare."

  Azaria's agitation evaporated as she played along. "Oh yeah. What's his problem, anyway?" She was constantly amazed at how nimbly her best friend could talk herself out of a mess.


  Azaria turned in early that night, although Daneel did her best in keeping her out. She knew Dogahn and Tiriz were going to stay up late with some of their friends and a secret bag of poison - the favored fermented drink. As much as she wanted to, Azaria resisted. She’d worked too hard in the preceding moons training for the Long Run to imperil her chances on a frivolous night.

  As she approached her shelter, wondering if her mother had retired early also, she heard hushed voices inside.

  "I agree with you, Azerban. But there's nothing you nor I can do," she heard Hadir, her father’s acolyte say. Azaria instinctively drew her hand back, afraid to interrupt.

  "And now the precedent has been set, Hadir. I fear what we've allowed to happen once will now continue. How can we foresee the effects of our inaction? I should never have allowed myself to be a part of this."

  "Azerban, listen to yourself. It is you who are not thinking clearly now." Azerban started to object, but Hadir interrupted him, "Let me just finish, Ta'araki. Had you not taken part you would have alienated yourself. They are already suspicious of you. What good can it do to further distance yourself now?"

  "You may be right, my friend," Azerban said. "Except I'm not sure Takur completely agrees with Fahim either. He is intimated by her. Perhaps my objection would have emboldened him to stand up to her. We need to gather those who agree with us, and then we can confront her when she next tries something like this, with or without Takur's blessing."

  "Your talk is dangerous, Azerban, and it has little chance of success. There are too many loyal to her, whether they agree with us or not. You know as well as I do that she hand-picked many of the Ta'araki, pushing camp leaders to accept them. There are more Ta'araki now than ever and many of them would never have joined the Order if it were not for her. Some camps have four or even five because of her. It seems now any idiot can become Ta'araki, if they just appease her."

  Azaria became aware she was eavesdropping and felt guilty. Pushing the flaps aside, she ducked her head inside. “Oh, hello Hadir. I didn’t know you were here. I didn’t mean to interrupt. I can come back.”

  “No, Azaria, come in,” her father said, eyeing her suspiciously. “Hadir was just leaving. And I need to find your brother.”

  As she pivoted to let them pass, Azaria nodded and smiled but kept her head down, sure her father somehow knew she’d been lying.

  Sleep proved elusive that night. Her mind kept turning back to the conversation she’d overheard. It was gratifying to know Hadir and her father didn’t completely approve of the act she’d seen them carry out at the Temple, but she wasn’t completely placated. The agitation in both their voices was obvious. It was scary to discover her father, whom she’d always known to be so sure in his path, was now so distressed.


  Azaria’s people called themselves Natu and consisted of a collection of many camps ranging in size from tens up to two hundreds of members each. They'd once been a nomadic culture, but with the construction of the Great Temple, a requirement for greater permanence was created. They were still primarily a hunter-gatherer society and were just beginning to domesticate certain varieties of grain - mostly wheat and rye - but they experimented with almost every species they came across. Although canines had already been domesticated and incorporated fully into many cultures, they hadn't yet tamed any of the Earth Mother's other beasts. In the suns leading up to the Summer Solstice, several camps would congregate at a predetermined camp's location for the Summer Gathering, the purpose of which was once to renew ties but now also involved supporting the summer's Temple work. Other Natu camps would come together at different spots for their own Summer Gatherings and most camps would send members to the Great Temple complex to work together on the various construction projects. The First Temple had already been finished by their forefathers, but adjoining temples were under various phases of completion.

  Natu individuals and even parts of a family sometimes emigrated from camp to camp for one reason or another, the most prominent being new tyings. The makeup of each camp was therefore somewhat fluid. This intermingling, and the Summer Gatherings, helped prevent dangerous concentrations of related genes which could lead to excessive inbreeding.

  Azaria's camp, formally known as Boar Camp of the Natu, but in practice just Boar Camp, was hosting this summer's gathering. Fox Camp, located to the northeast and Swan Camp, which was due south, were joining them. The Solstice and accompanying games marked the beginning of the Summer Gathering.

  The Long Run course would be announced shortly before the opening whistle. As Azaria readied herself that morning she hoped it would be relatively flat. Inclines had always been her greatest weakness. She knew she should've practiced them with more diligence in the moons leading up to the race, but she’d always hated running uphill. And she hadn't seen the point, not seriously thinking she could win the Long Run until recently, when she'd practiced with some of Boar Camp's runners and realized she could easily keep pace with them for long distances. Her reputation as a long-distance runner was growing and she was now widely considered one of Boar Camp’s strongest. Even if she didn't win this race, she was sure she'd eventually be called as a Runner, a position which would furnish her with her first uninherited status.

  As she walked up the gentle incline of Sunset Hill, the predawn light still dim, Dogahn walked down to meet her. "Azaria, I'm sorry you'll be finishing second," he grinned. "But I'm sure you understand I can't throw the race for you."

  She placed her hand on the side of his midsection. "But Dogahn, I've already won. Don't you know? I know all your faults." She squeezed his side, knowing just how to make him convulse.

  He squealed, fending off the attack w
ith one arm and enclosing her in a hug with the other and said, "May the best MAN win!"

  Azaria detected a faint trace of brew on his breath and guessed he must have stayed out late. Her confidence rose. She twisted out of his hold and laughed, "You think you're so great... We'll see who's happy they didn't stay out drinking last night!"

  Dogahn recoiled slightly at the direct jab. "I'll be okay," he mumbled back. "You just worry about yourself."

  "Hi Azaria," someone behind her said. Azaria turned to see a girl she didn’t initially recognize. She knew she’d seen her before, but just couldn’t place the face. The new girl was tall and her lengthy, slender limbs had perceptibly toned muscles running down them. She smiled brightly and stood absolutely straight, not crouching over as many lanky girls tended to do. Azaria could tell from the way the girl held herself that she was shy, but not in any sort of inferior way. In fact she looked quite proud. She wondered what she was so proud of. She also wondered how she knew her name. Had they met before?

  “Uhhh... hi!” Azaria responded.

  "Hi," the girl repeated before turning to the handsome Boar Camp boy, her pleasure in seeing him obvious in her wide smile. "Hi Dogahn!"

  "Good morning, Yumineh!" he said with what Azaria felt was overly enthusiastic fervor.

  Azaria was considered tall for her age, but the other girl stood slightly higher. She kept her long, straight, dark brown hair down, with two thin twisting braids wrapped around the back of her head keeping her locks in place. Her lips were slightly thicker than usual for Natu woman but she had the same fleshy nose. Her dark green eyes were unbalanced, one of the lids sitting slightly lower than the other. It makes her look unusual, maybe even foreign, Azaria thought, unconsciously assessing her. She's definitely Natu. But those eyes make her look different - not ugly - but not the same. She's actually very beautiful. Her uneven eyes make her stand out.


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