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King of Souls

Page 26

by L A Cotton

  “If anything... anything happens to her, I will hold you personally responsible.”

  “I would expect no less. But she will be safe. Knowing she’s back at her father’s estate will appease Fascini until we make our move.”

  I didn’t like it.

  I didn’t like it at all.

  But what choice did I have?

  Arianne had made her deal with the Devil and now we had no choice but to see it through.

  My father let out a heavy sigh. “You should go be with her. I’m sure you have much to discuss. She doesn’t need to leave immediately. Take the night, she can leave in the morning. And then you stay put at the cabin. Do you understand me?”

  The urge to defy him burned inside me. But this wasn’t only about me.

  It was about Arianne.

  “I understand.”

  “Good.” He gave me a swift nod. “It won’t be for too long, and then you can look to the future.”

  “About that... Do you have stipulations for the wedding?”

  “Once Fascini has been dealt with, I imagine Roberto will need some time to adjust to our new... arrangement. But I would prefer we handled matters sooner rather than later.”

  I winced at his crass words. This was my life he was talking about. Mine and Arianne’s future.

  Our wedding.

  But he wasn’t my father right now, he was the boss.

  “There is much to think about. Where you’ll have the ceremony, a honeymoon,” his lip curved, “where you’ll live, make a home for yourselves.”

  I sank back in the chair, letting out a heavy sigh.

  “It’s happening fast.” His expression softened. “I understand that.”

  “Do you?” It came out harsher than I intended.

  “You are my son. Arianne is to be my daughter-in-law. You will want for nothing. Just say the word and you will have everything you want.”

  “I need to talk to her.”

  He gave me a sharp nod. “Of course. Go be with her. I can handle things here.”

  “You’ll keep me in the loop?”

  I didn’t like taking a back seat, not where Scott was concerned, but Arianne needed me. And truth be told, I couldn’t trust myself to do the right thing where he was concerned.

  “Of course. You can trust me on this, Son, you have my word.”

  Draining the rest of my drink, I stood up and placed it on my father’s desk. He let me get to the door before he stopped me.

  “Niccolò,” he said. “One day you will understand what it means to sit in this chair. But I have faith in you. And I have faith that Arianne is strong enough to stand at your side. This is your legacy... and now it is hers. And maybe it was always supposed to be this way.”

  ENZO GAVE ME A RIDE back to the cabin. Arianne and Tristan were deep in conversation when I walked through the room. Luis caught my attention though, motioning for me to meet him in the kitchen.

  “How did it go?” he asked.

  “My father will handle it.”

  “And Roberto?”

  “Tomorrow, I need you to take Arianne back to her father’s estate and keep her there until this is all over.”

  “She’s not going to like that, but it makes sense. Antonio wants Fascini to believe Roberto is complying.”

  I nodded, glancing over at her and Tristan. She caught my eye, smiling. God, that smile. “You stay with her at all times. If anything, and I mean anything feels off, you get her out of there.”

  “I will protect her with my life.”

  “I know you will.”

  “You know, I never imagined I would grow up to call a Marchetti a friend, but you’re a good guy, Nicco, and I am happy for you both. Truly.”

  “Thanks. Can you take Tristan home and make yourself scarce tonight?”

  “Of course. I’ll come by first thing for her.”

  “What’s happening?”

  I sucked in a harsh breath, turning to find Arianne staring at us. “You’re not supposed to be listening, Bambolina.”

  “Did something happen?”

  “My father feels it would be best if you return to your father’s estate while he takes care of things.”

  “When?” She was a picture of composure.

  “Tomorrow morning.”


  “Good?” I frowned.

  “I should probably speak to my father face to face. It is long overdue.”

  “Come here.” Pulling her into my arms, I held her tight. She’d changed so much in just a few weeks. Arianne was no longer the shy naive girl I’d met in that alley, but a strong woman who refused to bend to the will of the men in her life.

  I was so fucking proud of her.

  So in awe of who she was... and who she would continue to become.

  Arianne commanded the respect of those around her, but she didn’t do it with fear. She did it with humility and compassion.

  “Luis will be with you.”

  “And I’ll be around,” Tristan said, approaching the three of us. His eyes locked on mine, mutual understanding passing between us.

  “It’s okay,” Arianne said. “I’m okay. This is going to work. It has to. And then,” she gazed up at me, “we get to put all this behind us.”

  “IS YOUR MOM OKAY?” I asked the second Arianne stepped into the room. After Luis and Tristan had left, she’d wanted to call her mother ahead of tomorrow.

  “I didn’t tell her everything, just that I’d be back tomorrow.”

  Done adding firewood to the open flames, I stepped back, holding out my hand for her.

  “What is all this?” Her eyes went to the pillows on the rug, the strawberries and champagne on the coffee table.

  “This is our last night together.” My voice cracked.

  “It’s only for a little while.” Arianne pressed her hands to my chest. “And then, when it’s over, we have forever.”

  “Now that,” I slid my arm around her back and dipped her, pressing my lips to the hollow of her throat, “I like the sound of.”

  Her soft laughter rose above the crackle of the fire and the quiet background music playing out through the Bluetooth speaker on the sideboard. “Do you know what kind of wedding you would like?” I pulled her back up to me.

  “Honestly, I don’t care as long as you’re waiting for me at the end of the aisle.”

  “I thought all girls imagined their wedding day?”

  “I’m not all girls, Nicco.”

  “No, you’re not. My father asked us where we’d like to live... have you thought about that?”

  Her lips parted on a small gasp, and I knew then, she hadn’t.

  “It’s okay,” I said. “We have time to figure it all out.”

  “It all happened fast, huh?”

  “Does that scare you?”

  Arianne shook her head. “It should, I know that. But when I think of sharing my life with you... it feels right.”

  My hand glided up her spine, pressing her closer to me. “Because it is right, Bambolina. I have never been surer about anything than I am about my love for you.”

  “Maybe somewhere in the middle. University Hill or the city. I’d like to be close to Nora.” Her dreamy expression fell. “Oh God, Nora—”

  “Will be fine.” I kissed her forehead. “She just wants you to be happy.”

  “I know. I just feel bad. College was supposed to be this big adventure, the start of our freedom...”

  “You can still have a life, Bambolina. I will never clip your wings, Arianne.” I brushed my lips over hers. “I only want to make you happy.”

  “You do; so, so much.” She deepened the kiss, sweeping her tongue into my mouth and tangling it with mine.

  Need pulsed through me, and I picked Arianne up. She wrapped her legs around me as I dropped to my knees gently, before lying her down on the soft rug. “Are you hungry?”

  I plucked a strawberry from the container and hovered it over her pink swollen lips. “Open, Bambolina.”

  Her mouth parted letting me feed the fruit to her. “Hmm,” she moaned. “It’s good.”

  I pulled it away and juice spilled over her chin. Dipping my head, I licked the trail of sticky sweet nectar away.

  “Nicco.” My name was a whispered plea on her lips.

  “Tell me what you want, amore mio?”

  “You.” She twisted her fingers into my sweater, dragging me closer “I want you.”

  “You have me.”

  Possession flared in her eyes, making my chest swell. “Then show me,” she uttered.

  And I did.

  All night long.

  Chapter 28


  “How are you feeling?” Luis asked as we rolled to a stop at the gatehouse. The guard took one look at us and waved us through.

  “I’m okay,” I said, staring out at my father’s estate. The place that had once been my childhood playground no longer felt like home. Instead, it was a lingering memory, faded by time.

  “The last time I was here, my father sat me down in front of Mike and Scott and told me I was promised to him. I’ll never forgive him for that.”

  “And I don’t blame you.”


  Luis drove up the winding driveway and came to a stop next to my father’s town car. “People make mistakes, Arianne, but it doesn’t mean their mistakes should define them.”

  “You’re a good man, Luis. But I need time.” And even then, it might not be enough to forgive my father.

  “I try.” He gave me a wistful smile. “Ready?”

  I inhaled a deep breath and squared my shoulders. “As I’ll ever be.”

  He climbed out, coming around to open my door.

  “Arianne, sweetheart.” My mother came running from the house, wrapping me into her slim arms with such force the air whooshed from my lungs. “I’ve been so worried.” She held me at arm’s length.

  “I’m okay.”

  Her gaze narrowed. “You seem different.” She studied me.

  “We should probably talk. Where is my father?”

  “He’s in the sunroom. Since Mike’s... warning,” the word came out strangled, “he rarely leaves.”

  “You know about that?” My father had been shutting her out, so I was a little taken aback to find out she knew.

  “He finally broke down and told me everything. But don’t worry, sweetheart, he’s going to fix it.”

  I grimaced. She was still blinded by my father’s empty promises, and it made my heart ache. “We should go inside.” I glanced to the security men posted either side of the door.

  Luis followed us into the house, moving ahead of me, no doubt as a precaution. Restless energy flowed through me, making my stomach vibrate. Since discovering the camera feeds into the house, my father’s men had swept the place and eradicated them all. But I knew Luis and Nicco still had concerns. It was probably why my father was in the sunroom. It was one of the few rooms that hadn’t been bugged.

  “Father,” I said, stepping inside.

  The formidable Roberto Capizola was a mess. Dark circles ringed his eyes and his attire was unkempt. He reminded me of some of the clients at the VCTI; people who didn’t have the luxury of a hot shower and fresh clothes.

  “Arianne, mio tesoro. You are safe.”

  “No thanks to you.” My voice was flat.

  My mother inhaled a shaky breath. “Arianne, that isn’t—”

  “Fair, Mamma? None of this is. But it doesn’t matter.” I moved to one of the soft leather couches. “Everything will be taken care of soon enough.”

  “Whatever do you mean?”

  “She means... she sold me out.” My father’s voice held a trace of disappointment.

  “I did what is best. You made a deal with the Devil. With the man who tried to kill me and start a war between you and the Marchetti. When that didn’t work, he turned to more legitimate options. He wanted to control you, to use you... and you let him.” Indignation raced through my veins.

  “Roberto?” My mother’s mouth hung open as if she couldn’t believe it.

  “Oh, he didn’t tell you?” She’d implied she knew everything, but I should have known he would still keep secrets from her. “It wasn’t Antonio Marchetti who tried to kill me, Mamma, it was Mike.”

  “No,” she gasped, “that’s not—”

  “It is true.” He hung his head in shame. “Mike wants to destroy me, to destroy us.”

  “I did what you could not,” I said. “I went to Antonio and asked for his help.”

  His eyes slid to mine, burning with contempt. “That man is—”

  “Willing to save your life.”

  “At a cost?” he scoffed. “I would rather...” My father swallowed the words.

  “Die?” My brow raised. “Nobody is going to die. Antonio is willing to hand Mike and Scott over to the authorities and in exchange he will become your partner.”

  “Absolutely not!” He shot up.

  “It is done. I am the Capizola heir. I am eighteen now. One day your empire will be mine.”

  “I won’t do it. I won’t just hand over the business to that... that criminal.”

  “That criminal took me in after Scott, the man you wanted me to marry, raped me. He promised me protection when my own father wouldn’t believe my words. That man is going to one day be my father-in-law. So yes, Father, you will do this. Otherwise, I will be dead to you.”

  “Arianne!” My mother’s face went as white as a sheet, but I kept my attention on my father.

  “I am marrying Nicco. You can either get on board with it, or not.”

  “You cannot trust them...” he murmured, scrubbing a hand over his face.

  “Trust is earned, Father. And Nicco and his father have done a damn sight more to earn my trust than you ever have.”

  Devastation etched into his expression, but he needed to hear this. He needed to understand how deeply his betrayal had hurt me.

  My eyes stung with unshed tears, but I would not cry.

  Not today.

  Not in front of the man who had broken my heart one too many times.

  “I may never forgive you, but this is a start to you righting your wrongs.”

  He slumped down in the chair, a pained whimper leaving his lips. “I guess I don’t really have a choice, do I?”

  “No, Father.” I looked at the man I’d once worshipped. The man I thought could do no wrong.

  We were like strangers now.

  Two people bound together by nothing more than blood and bad memories.

  “You do not.”

  THERE WAS A KNOCK AT my door. “Come in,” I called.

  “It’s only me.” Mom slipped into my room. Although it didn’t really feel like my room anymore.

  “I just wanted to check and see how you are?”

  “I’ll be glad when this is all over,” I admitted.

  “I still can’t believe...” She took a shuddering breath, moving to the chair in the corner of the room. “You must hate us.”

  “I don’t...” I let out a weary sigh. “It isn’t hatred I feel, Mamma. I just don’t understand how we ended up here.”

  “I find myself asking that same question a lot lately.” Her lips quivered as she inhaled a shaky breath. “Your father has always been overprotective, but he had his reasons. And then after the attempt on your life at the school... well, he changed after that. Became obsessed with protecting you. Despite all your father’s faults, his actions came from a place of love, Arianne.”

  “I can’t forget... I won’t. What Scott did to me... it changed me, Mamma.”

  “Oh, sweetheart, I know. I know it will take time.”

  “It will take more than time. They say sons are born in their father’s image. Well, I am my father’s daughter. If he taught me anything, it’s that everything comes at a price. This is mine.”

  “You’re so young though. I knew things between you and Nicco were serious, but marriage, mia cara? That’s very.
.. permanent.”

  “You married Father when you were barely twenty and you were more than willing to give me away to Scott. You weren’t worried about my age then, Mamma.” Disbelief coated my words.

  “Arianne, please...” She inhaled a shaky breath. “You’re right, you father and I were young, but we had been together for almost four years by then.” She gave me a weak smile and it wasn’t lost on me that she’d chosen to ignore my dig about Scott. “This is all so new... and he’s—"


  She flinched.

  “Nicco would give his life for mine. Do you understand that? He would risk everything... for me.”

  “I know, but—”

  “No, Mamma. I am eighteen. I can make my own decisions, and I choose him. I choose Nicco.”

  Nothing would come between us. Not my father, my mother, or his family.

  “You need to talk to him.” I lifted my chin in defiance. “You need to make him understand that this is happening. It would make everything a lot smoother if he gets on board.”

  “Very well.” She gave me a small nod and stood. “I will let you get some rest.”

  I waited until she was almost out of the door. “Mamma?”

  “Yes, sweetheart?” Her voice was laced with sadness and regret.

  “I would really like it if you were at the wedding. Father should be there too, but I’ll understand it if he’d prefer not to come.”

  “I will speak to him,” she said.

  They were my parents. To not have them there felt wrong. But they had to decide what they could live with, just as I’d had to decide.

  And if they couldn’t come to terms with me marrying Nicco, then I wouldn’t beg.

  AFTER SPENDING THE rest of the afternoon and evening in the fragile sanctuary of my bedroom, I’d fallen into a restless sleep. I didn’t want to be here, but I knew it was the only way, for now.

  I showered, taking my time to wash away the lingering pain of yesterday’s meeting with my father. When I went back into my room, my cell phone was ringing. My heart swelled at Nicco’s name flashing across the screen.


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