Book Read Free


Page 15

by S. W. Frank

























  Chapter Three









  The boy lay restless on the carpeted floor.  His glasses, which had cracked in one lens, sat an arm’s length from his battered face.  It wasn’t as bad as before though.  At least this time no bones were broken.  He stifled a scream as a heavy workman’s boot collided with his rib.  Okay, it was just as bad as before. Blood dripped from his lip to the stained rug.  There wasn’t enough soda pop in the world to renew the furniture to its once marvelous state.  His body ached everywhere and it hurt to breathe.  As frail and feeble as he was he still dreamed of fighting back one day. He dreamed of protecting himself against the bullies that made his life a living hell. But he knew, bullies at school were one thing, being abused by your father was totally different.

  “You’re useless.  You know that?” A tall man hovered over the boy.  He wore overalls, labeled with black thread stitched on the breast pocket.  It read ‘Keith’.  The suit was covered in oil stains and sweat.  The ceiling fan spun on a loose hinge above him spreading the smoke of a cigarette dangling from the corner of the work mans mouth.  He coughed, wiping the phlegm on to his sleeve. 

  “The computer is not going to put money into this house.  You’re on it all day! What are you doing?  Watching porn?”         

  The boy laughed silently.  Porn was satisfying temporarily but most of the time he was developing applications, websites, things of that nature.  The money he earned went to his personal account so that he could save up for college or better a place to live, far, far away.  But for now he would have to deal with it. 

  “You’re weak, Logan!  Don’t even bother to stand your ass up.  Your mother should’ve took you when she left.”  Logan’s father shook his head as he stumbled drunkenly out of the room. 

  The boy stood slowly, placing each hand on his knees as he exhaled deeply.  Finally, the pain subsided enough to allow him to stand erect.

  “I’m not weak,” Logan whispered to himself.  He clutched the edge of his desk and cautiously reclined into his wooden chair.  “I am not weak.”  He reached for the laptop. A sharp pain pierced through his ribcage and he doubled over onto his desk.  Logan’s cheek touched the surface.  He took two sharp breaths trying to avoid any more damage.  “I am weak.”  He closed his eyes and the cruel words of his dad echoed in his mind.  Why didn’t his mom grab him when she decided to run away from this broken home?  If she couldn’t bear it what made her think a little, defenseless boy could?  Logan didn’t know the answers to these questions but he could guess.  For years, the only sensible answer was that she didn’t want him.  His parents did not want him. 

  Tears escaped his closed eyes and the broken fan spun pathetically on the ceiling masking the silent whimpers of a broken boy.


  “Logan!”  The cute, round headed freshman exclaimed and ran awkwardly through the halls to reach the tall boy.  Her glasses slid down to the brim of her nose when she bumped into Logan at his locker.  Logan muffled a groan.  The light impact caused another sharp pain to his healing rib.

  “Hi Eliza.”  Logan stared at the annoyingly sweet girl.  Her long brown hair was tied in two pigtails as usual and her lips were lightly glossed with a rose colored balm.  Her everyday enthusiasm was a bit much but he loved the attention.  She smiled as he pushed her glasses further up the brim of her nose.

  “Thanks. So”, she said “I copied the notes from yesterday and got some of your friends to get me their copies from the other classes.  Trig is a breeze, obviously, but I wasn’t sure if you wanted me to do the answers or not so I just wrote them on a separate paper in case you were tired or wanted to solve it on your own, which I’m sure you can do…”

  As she spoke Logan cursed at himself.  The last thing he wanted was a freshman picking up his slack.  He was more than capable of doing the homework but the notes were extremely helpful.  He didn’t want Eliza to eventually resent him when she realized that he couldn’t fully return the feelings that she felt.  Not romantically at least.  Yet he couldn’t risk losing a great friendship by telling her just yet.  For now he would settle for being someone’s crush because he knew he could never be more.  Especially if she saw what his life was like.  He shook his head answering some question Eliza posed.  He could never give her what she deserved.

  “Hey, okay I must be boring you with homework talk.  I brought you some breakfast.  My mom made it.  I know how much you like sausages and we had a lot left over so let’s grab a bite before class okay?”

  “Why are you so nice to me?”  Logan stopped to look at his friend.  Her smile faded into a frown.  “I’m not trying to make you sad or anything I’m just curious.”  He grabbed the arms of his backpack and continued walking.  Together they slid down the tiled walls of an empty corner and opened their breakfast. 




                        END OF SNEAK PEEK


















  S.W. Frank Novels


  The Sisters of Cain and Abel

  Missing Person

  Dr. Nebojsa

  Man-Made: A Novella

  Luzo: Reign of a Mafia Don

  The Serano Brothers

  Evelyn’s Cross: Trilogy



  The Alfonzo Series


  Alfonzo: Volume I

  Ascension: Alfonzo Volume II

  Anarchy: Alfonzo Volume III

  Atonement: Alfonzo Volume IV

  Awakening: Alfonzo Volume V

  Annihilation: Alfonzo Volume VI

  Aftermath: Alfonzo Volume VII

  Affirmation: Alfonzo Volume VIII

  Associates: Alfonzo Volume IX

  Animus: Alfonzo Volume X

  Adversary: Alfonzo Volume XI

  Avarice: Alfonzo Volume XII

  Affliction: Alfonzo Volume XIII

  Armored: Alfonzo Volume XIV

  Atavus: Alfonzo Volume XV

  Amoroso: Volume XVI







  Greek Words and Phrases


  Hello- yasa


  Good morning- kalimera

  Good afternoon- herete

  Good evening- kalispera

  Good night- kalinihta


  Thank you- efharisto

  Yes- ne

  No- ohi

  Sorry- sighnomi

  How are you? Ti kanete

  I’m well thanks- kala efharisto

  I don’t understand-katalaveno

  Do you speak English? Milate angika?

  Today- simera

  Tonight- appose



  Italian Words and Phrases


  Fretta! - Hurry!

  Stiamo bene- We’re fine

  Basta! - Enough


  L’alta Protezione- The high Protector

  Boss- Capo, Borchia, Padrone

  Buggiaru- liar

  Buttighia –bottle



  Amichevole-friendly Buona bello- Good handsome

  Angry- arrabiato

  Dog- cane

  Ma, che sei grullo? - Are you joking?


  Sicilian/Sicilianu Words and Phrases


  Bona sira- Good Evening


  Bona notti- Good night


  Cori- heart

  Comandare a bacchetta! - Stop bossing everyone around!

  Comu ti chiami? –What’s your name?

  Comu va? - How are you? How’s it going?

  Dai- Oh come on!

  Diavulu- Devil

  Di nenti- It’s nothing, you’re welcome

  Diu- God

  Duci- Sweet

  Dumani- Tomorrow

  Dutturi- Doctor

  Che succede? –What’s happening?

  Che palle- What balls!

  M’ammanchi- I miss you

  Mi chiamu- My name is…

  Parrami n Sicilianu- Speak to me in Sicilian

  Pi fauri- Please

  Parra come la babba- Talks like the idiot.

  Salutamu- Hello, Greetings, Bye

  Scusa- Excuse me

  T’amu – I love you

  Ti vogghiu- I want you

  Veni ca- Come here

  Deshi- Asian male name meaning virtuous man




  Bésame – Kiss me

  Lo siento- I’m sorry

  Perdóname- Forgive me











































  Thank you for reading and supporting the arts. Share a book find with friends. If you would like more updates on my new releases, visit my website or follow me on social networks. It is always a pleasure to hear from fans. I hope you enjoyed the first three chapters of Bloodlines, by my daughter. Of course, I will share on social media when her novel is available. And for the riders who want to know is there more to come of Alfonzo. The answer is yes. Volume 18 has to answer several questions. Like, who the heck attempted to steal from a Don and what is the prognosis for Selange among other things.

  Until we meet in books, stay safe!



  S.W. Frank








  Book Club Discussion Questions




  Is Nico too hard on Giuseppe in your opinion?

  Should Giuseppe have allowed Nicole to restrain him, although he was aware of her previous instability?

  Did Giuseppe demonstrate he is more than capable of more responsibility?

  Do you think Ari will adjust to her new role as stepmom? Do you think Nico will adjust to being home more?

  Lorenzo and Chocolate’s relationship is unorthodox. However, do you friendship can lead to love?

  Should Alfonzo have allowed Nico to go to Lorenzo’s aid or was he right to send others?

  Has Alfonzo’s attention on other family members caused him to miss signs that Selange was not well?

  Should Darren take his daughter when he leaves for college in the states?

  Do you believe Maria and Alfonzo have finally come to terms with Domingo’s death? Why or why not?

  Do you think Bruno’s family might contest his will? Why or why not?



















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