Siren's Song [A Siren Sisters Anthology]

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Siren's Song [A Siren Sisters Anthology] Page 11

by Melinda Barron, Midnyte Dupree, Jade Buchanan


  The word rankled. When put so bluntly he didn't like the feeling when Gasby said the word. Flee. No. He could not flee now.

  A rush of renewed power flowed through him. Adara clung to his side as if sensing his change. Her touch infused him, causing some link, some connection to snap into place.

  "I will not flee, Gasby. I suppose it's time I face my father."

  Adara stepped away from him. Her eyes glowed with life and something else. Admiration? Yeah, maybe. And he liked it.

  "Nal? Are you sure?"

  "Shh. It really is about time Adara. I'm sorry I pulled you into this."

  She ran her hand down his arms. When she looked into his eyes, she smiled. He knew then he would do anything for her. Protect her from anyone.

  As he started to tell her how much he was willing to do for her, dark shadows, darker then anything else around them, stepped from the tree line.

  A deep chuckle sounded from behind him and Nal turned. He pulled Adara behind him to block her from any assault.

  "What a lovely sight. The King will be most displeased, Gasby. His favorite warrior, a secret friend to his son.” The creature laughed, sending spittle through the air. Nal hated those foul creatures, even though they were great fighters. Nal wished the Draka's had another realm to call home other than his own.

  With a wave of his hand the creature pulled Adara from Nal's grasp and into the arms of another creature, Adafo, who had one eye and a horn at the top of his head. The creature held Adara close, bent his head and inhaled. Adara cringed in his hold. Nal wanted to run to her and yank her free.

  The closeness of the creature to Adara's smooth skin sent his anger higher. Turning into his true demon form, Nal took on the persona of the regal man he was. He was a Prince and they should all remember that.

  "Gasby is a loyal servant to the King, Dalagar. You may run along now and report back to his highness.” The sarcasm dripped from his voice.

  "I will do no such thing, Prince. The King informed me to return you,” Dalagar looked pointedly at Adara, “and whatever else I think might interest him. She could be reason the God is here."

  Adara stopped fighting with her captor for a moment. Her eyes widened in horror before he saw her clear them. Then she began to struggle within Adafo's hold once more. Did she know that Zeus what out to get her?

  She turned her head to whisper in Adafo's ear. The warrior's eyes glossed over. His features softened, his grip on Adara slowly slid away. Nal couldn't believe what he was seeing.

  "Cover your ears, Nal, Gasby, Ra!” she demanded.

  Quickly he covered his ears, seeing the other two do the same, but the warriors turned to her voice. Just before he obeyed her warning, he heard her voice drop. Deep, musical, hypnotic.

  He held his hands to his ears knowing she was doing something magical, using her Siren gifts.

  Even with his ears plugged he could feel the pull of the Siren.

  She spoke of sunlight, colors, and happiness. Everything the Underworld was not. All around them the Drakas dropped their weapons and walked to her with eyes glazed, mouths open, drool dripping from their foul lips.

  Nal saw each one obey Adara's suggestion to tie the other up until only Dalgar remained. His eyes too were unfocused, but Nal could see the battle within him. Not many could escape a Siren's song. He knew that now. And although her voice did not penetrate through his hands, he knew it could if Adara wished it.

  Her exposure like this was exactly what he needed to give to the God. She had shown herself for what she truly was, what he knew she was from the beginning.

  With this new information, Zeus would help him defeat his father. But was that what Nal wanted?


  The answer was simple. But he knew nothing else would be simple from here on out.

  As Adara spoke her magical words, she became even more beautiful to him. Her dark hair flowed down her back in waves that sparkled with gold magic. The ends swirled against a breeze he could not feel. No fear clouded her vision. He found that very arousing. His cock jerked inside his pants as he recalled the smooth feel of her silken depths.

  Her stance was alert, yet relaxed. Adara was a woman who knew how to use her gift. Her voice died away. Still the Drakas all looked on her as if seeing a vision of heaven. Adara motioned to them to uncover their ears.

  Ra and Gasby stared hard at her. Then they looked around them at the tied up creatures. All still looked upon her as if waiting for her to bestow a wonderful gift. Yeah, Nal could just imagine what kind of gift they wanted.

  When he looked at Adara, his heart clenched. Her head hung low. Her eyes refused to look around her. Nal went to her feeling a strange pull in his chest.

  "Adara? What is wrong?"

  Nal felt Gasby and Ra approach at his sides.

  "I didn't know what else to do. I knew he wanted to kill me. I could feel his evil. Instincts kicked in."

  Nal wanted to hold her, tell her it was all going to be okay.

  "You did a great job.” Just as he was about to step to her, Gasby put his hand out to keep him from going to her.

  "What are you? No mere human can do such a thing.” Gasby's voice was cruel and hard. Then he turned his gaze on Nal. “What have you brought to our realm, Prince? She's dangerous to our ways."

  Gasby grabbed her then, placing one arm around her waist the other over her mouth.

  "Let her go, Gasby. Now!"

  "I cannot. She is a weapon. I wanted to help you against your father, my Prince. I had no idea you would bring such danger to us."

  "Gasby!” Ra chastised. “You will let her go now. If she had wanted to hurt us she would have. She didn't have to warn us. My brother did not bring her here as a weapon. We'll figure things out. Just let her go for now."

  Nal didn't like being questioned, but he understood Gasby's concerns. “I had to teleport us somewhere when the Drakas appeared in my home on earth."

  Adara's eyes found his. He saw shame and sadness within their depths. It pulled at him. He wanted to do anything and everything for her if he could.

  "Let her go, Gasby. Adara has no place in this fight with my father.” Nal tried not to look into her eyes again. Otherwise, he would want to hurt his friend for laying a hand on her.

  Adara pulled at Gasby's hands, wanting to get her mouth free. Nal wondered if she would use her voice on them now as well. He wouldn't blame her.

  Gasby's hands held her tight. “I have to take her to the King. They know she is here now anyway."

  Gasby looked to the sky and Nal felt his heart skip a beat. What light there was, was now consumed by the darkness of the flying figures that littered the backdrop. More Drakas. These in full battle gear.

  Their leader incapacitated, of course, they would have felt that.


  "Hurry, let her go Gasby. I can transport us somewhere else.” Nal held out his hand. He was shocked when Adara reached out to him, having given up the fight to free herself from Gasby.

  Gasby pulled her closer into his chest. Nal growled low in his throat, his demon pushing to the front of his personality. It wanted to rip out the throat of the one who held what was his. Nal knew his eyes were glowing and his claws were lengthening. The warrior's eyes widened. The fire blazed inside him, licking upon his mind. Nal raised his hand and immediately Adara was pulled from the warriors hold. Gasby stumbled back. Surprise registered on his features until he bent to one knee, lowering his gaze to the ground.

  "You're powers have grown, my prince. I am and will always be your loyal servant. Tell me what you wish and I will obey."

  Nal looked to his sister. Her eyes held shock as well, but her lips curved into a pleased smile before she too lowered to her knee.

  "As am I,” she stated.

  Power washed over and through him as he watched his sister and his friend bowing down to him. They were accepting of his place. It was something he hoped for, but never sought. It felt good to have their loyalty and
their friendship so firmly on display.

  The noise of the approaching Drakas filled the air, their wings batting against the nonexistent wind. Nal pulled Adara to his body. Her silence surprised him, but pleased him as well. She, too, would obey for now. He didn't fool himself into thinking she was scared though, because he gathered, not much scared a Siren.

  As the Drakas began to touch down beside them, Nal told Gasby and Ra to scatter, but meet at the The House. They would know exactly what he meant.

  The House was more like a mansion. But this mansion had a natural protective covering. Half was set inside a wall of a mountain. Not many knew of The House. Ra and Gasby were among the few who would know exactly where it was located.

  Before he transported them he leaned close to Adara's ear. Her fresh ocean scent consumed him, making his body yearn for what it had possessed earlier. He wanted more. So much more.

  "I will keep you safe, Adara. Trust me.” She nodded her acceptance, then stiffened in his arms the moment the world around them burst into darkness as he transported them to The House.

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  Chapter Nine

  Adara once again felt his smooth lips cover hers as they flew through space to wherever this mysterious House was. She was so tired of this. Her body was meant to push through waves of water, not waves of time. Surely she would soon feel the effects of the heat around her. The heat was bound to dehydrate her. She needed something stable. Damn, her mind felt so muddled as her body softened in Nal's hold.

  Now there was something stable, the feel of his muscles against her body as he held her tight, making her feel safe. Nal was a demon, but just in the short time she'd known him, there was something more pushing at her. A deep feeling that told her they were meant to meet and be together.

  Her mind jumbled with all sorts of thoughts. One in particular jumped out at her. Dalagar had mentioned a God in the underworld. Just for the briefest of moments she felt Zeus. But what would Zeus, of all Gods, be going down there. Was he trying to find her? She doubted that very much. What would he want?

  Nal's lips coaxed her mind in a different direction. A much better direction, if she did say so herself. He was sin in the flesh. The way he worked his lips across hers felt like magic. She could breathe cool air through him. Adara was grateful. She knew she would suffocate without the exchange.

  Nal's body felt naked against hers. His hands slid across her flesh, under her shirt until skin met skin. One hand came around her front until he cupped her breast. She arched into him letting her body fly.

  If she wasn't careful, his kiss alone would send her sailing over the edge of a climax.

  With a small thump they landed on solid ground. Adara swayed as Nal held her close and pulled his lips from hers. Looking in her eyes, she saw the blue of his iris twinkle. It reminded her of the sea. Pulling from his gaze, Adara steadied herself before she stepped away from him.

  Large trees loomed over her as if they could bend and snatch her away. She shivered at the thought. What a horrible image. But she was in the underworld. Who was to say those trees didn't come to life. Turning her eyes away from the creepy trees, Adara could see the shape of a castle in the distance just past the tree line. A dark fog hung heavily around it. She could make out some activity going on around the large fortress.

  "Welcome to my home away from home, Adara.” His voice skittered across the skin of her neck as he held her shoulders. With one hand he gestured to what could no doubt be The House. The massive structure set into the side of mountain leered over her. Columns the same color of the rock stretched high to support an arched roof. It was almost like a temple she had seen many times in Greece.

  Closing her gaping mouth, Adara stared in awe.

  "It's fantastic, Nal. I can't wait to see inside."

  Nal grabbed her hand, which slid easily within his, and guided her forward. The inside of the house turned out to be a lot more modern than what she thought it would be. Beautiful couches set neatly in an L shape over a carpet full of colorful pictures. Nal brushed his hand down her arm, sending the familiar jolts through her body. He pulled her back to his chest.

  "Do you like it?"

  All Adara could do was nod as she relaxed into him. Going from the drab grey outside to the rich full colors inside was a little overwhelming, but she love it!

  Shivering, she reached around and pulled Nal's arms more tightly around her.

  "Are you cold? Surely not in this heat?” When he laughed, she felt a small fissure of happiness. Images began to form in her mind of the two of them in the wonderful home, happy and loving as a small, laughing child ran between their legs. Quickly she shook her head to clear the picture.

  "I'm fine. It's been a long day."

  "I understand, Adara. I'm sorry for getting you so caught up in everything. Come. Let's get settled. Gasby and Ra should be along shortly."

  Nal guided her away from the main room up a winding marble staircase where he took her into another vast room. A bedroom from the looks of it. A large, heavy four-poster bed sat in the middle of the room, as if it were there for all to watch the couple upon it. She could feel like a queen there, she had no doubt. Dark red curtains were pulled back to the sides making Adara wonder what it would be like to be within when they were pulled all the way closed.

  "You can freshen up in here.” Nal opened a door on the far side of the room allowing Adara a glimpse inside. She thought she had gone to Siren heaven. A deep pool was filled with clear sparkling water. Steam danced across the top, beckoning her inside.

  "I know you're tired, sweetheart. You deserve a moment to relax. I need to speak with my men to see what we can do before I go see my father tomorrow."

  Adara heard Nal, but not really. The water was magnetic as it pulled her forward. Her hand went to her mouth to stifle a scream of excitement.

  "Oh my goodness, Nal. This is the most beautiful bathroom ever.” The pool was in the shape of a strange design. The magic snapped and popped in the room.

  "It's a symbol. A demon symbol to renew power and life.” Nal said coming up behind her. The need to step back and feel him was strong. Where these feelings were coming from, she didn't know, but now seeing his home, imagining it as her home, drove her emotions higher.

  Adara shivered.

  "I don't think it will effect you,” he whispered next to her ear, sending the warmth of his breath flitting across her skin. “And if it does, you'll just feel a slight tingle throughout your body. It won't hurt,"

  She turned to him, to see his eyes. What reflected back at her made her breath catch in her throat. Lust darkened his irises. Her own passion spiked and the pool no longer held the same appeal. Oh she still wanted to sink into it, but now her thoughts turned to another type of sinking within.

  "We cannot now, Adara. As much as my body calls to yours, I have to discuss strategy with my men. We must be prepared for my meeting with my father.” He bent forward. His lips met hers with the slightest caress. She knew he had only wanted to give her a small comforting peck, but when she opened her lips to him, he covered hers more thoroughly. His tongue dipped inside, rubbing next to hers.

  Finally he pulled away, leaving her feeling bereft.


  "No, Adara. Not now. We also have much to discuss."

  Reminded about her incident earlier, she turned away from him. His arms dropped away from her. All she wanted to do was turn to him and make him take her again. She wanted to experience his body inside hers again and again ... and again. She didn't want to have to answer questions about what she was or what effect it would have on his people. She didn't want to destroy them or hurt anyone in anyway.

  Her arousal now gone, she felt the sting of his rejection, but tried to push it aside.

  "Go, then."

  "Don't be that way, Adara. I'll be back shortly. We'll talk then. Okay?"

  Keeping her gaze averted, she nodded. She heard his footsteps across the floor, then the door opened an
d closed softly behind him.

  What was she going to do? She had told herself she would never allow another man to know her true nature, and now, not only a human but a demon knew what she was.

  Stupid, stupid, stupid.

  The water sparkled, drawing her attention back to it. How could she have forgotten such a pleasure?

  It would serve many purposes for her tonight. She needed water to re-hydrate. Already her skin was not as soft as usual. Stripping off her clothes, she slipped into the warm water.

  Like a hot spring, the water instantly rejuvenated her body. Her legs shifted into her blue shimmering tail. She flopped it once, twice before she lowered into the deep water. Maybe it was the design that made her feel better, or maybe it was the water, she didn't know. All she could think about was how good the waves brushing across her skin felt. It was like tiny fingers playing across her skin. Like Nal, touching her, bringing her to new heights. It seemed so long ago he had walked out of his bathroom in the human realm and caught her pleasuring herself.

  She should have been embarrassed, but even then she'd felt something for him. Fate had played her hand now and it was up to her and Nal to see what they made of it. Granted, with the added fear of his father and the God's visit to the underworld hanging over their heads, she wasn't sure how any relationship would turn out, but she wanted to try. Nal was special.

  Sleepy now, Adara pulled herself out of the water. Going into the bedroom, she found one of Nal's shirts and slipped it on before she pulled the covers back on the bed and slid beneath. She was half tempted to drop the curtains, but decided against it. Sleep called her.

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  Chapter Ten

  Nal knew that the time had come. His life was no longer in the human realm, but down here, below, in the underworld. Looking at Adara's sleeping form tucked within the covers of his bed, his cock twitched. If he could, he would slip in the bed with her and love her like he longed to do, without all the stress of his father, and now Zeus.

  Damn, Zeus. Why couldn't the God have waited until he was ready to come to him? There was no way now he would turn Adara's information over to him. She had become precious with her unusual gift and her large eyes that could melt his heart in an instant. He would fight the God if it came down to it.


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