Siren's Song [A Siren Sisters Anthology]

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Siren's Song [A Siren Sisters Anthology] Page 12

by Melinda Barron, Midnyte Dupree, Jade Buchanan

  Things were beginning to fall into place. Everything changed; even the underworld was susceptible to it. His father would surely see that, even though they'd never seen eye to eye.

  Turning from Adara's sleeping form, Nal went to his window. The small opening was cut from the rock, but barely noticeable by anyone who might pass by. It was high off the ground and overlooked the forest. The dim moon cast its light over everything, highlighting the kingdom where his father lived.

  A gentle breeze blew through the trees outside, rattling the leaves together in a sound that both comforted him and sent a shiver down his spine. For some reason the night reminded him of earth's fall season; yet it was significantly warmer here. He didn't realize how much he'd missed being away from all this. The underworld had a strange beauty; dark, gothic, and stark, yet somehow appealing.

  Looking beyond the trees, Nal focused on his father's fortress. Zeus was probably spilling his guts to the king. Damn, he wished he'd never struck the deal with the God.

  Then again, if he hadn't, he wouldn't have met Adara.

  Nal went back to the bed and crawled inside. Weary after hours of discussing strategy with his men, Nal was glad to feel Adara at his side. Her smooth skin brushed along his. If she would stay with him, he'd create a pool where she'd be able to swim and stretch her fins.

  God, he loved her.

  Nal stiffened.


  Letting the thought bounce around for a bit, he realized, yes, he did love her.

  As the new revelation zinged in his mind, Nal drifted to sleep with Adara snuggled against him, her breath hot on his naked chest.

  * * * *

  Zeus couldn't believe the fool king! How could he allow his son to live knowing that Nal had conspired against him?

  "Zeus, I'm grateful you told me of Nalameir's plans. It would never have come to that. I want him to rule. I have sent my warriors, not to kill him, but to bring him home."

  The fool!

  With Zeus’ help, Nalameir would have ruled the underworld anyway and the King would be dead.

  "He wants you dead, Keranos,” he spat out, disgusted at the King's lack of concern.

  Keranos waved his hand as if his words meant nothing.

  "Zeus, I will deal with my son's ambitions. You may go now."

  If he could, he'd strike the smug bastard with a lightening bolt, but even Zeus new better than to mess with the demon King. Zeus continued to pace in front of Keranos’ throne.

  "He has information I need, Keranos. Information I plan to extract from him."

  "You know? I'm quiet pleased with my son actually. He has shown courage—or perhaps stupidity, but I choose to believe its courage—by risking the anger of a God with his plans.” Keranos’ smile sent Zeus’ anger soaring.

  If the King didn't want to take his son in hand, he'd do it himself. With a flash, Zeus left Keranos and zeroed in on the little siren.

  * * * *

  Keranos watched as his demon warriors relaxed now that the God was gone. Even in his presence, Keranos had felt no fear. Zeus was powerful, but put head to head, Keranos wondered who would actually win. It would be a tight fight he was sure.

  As for his son, the errant child would be in his rightful place soon. As a father, he had always hoped his son would rule after him. Keranos hated that Nalameir had misinterpreted his warriors when he sent for him. Although Dalagar could be a royal pain in the ass, he certainly hadn't been sent on a mission to kill Nalameir. Keranos chuckled thinking of what had happened to Dalagar and his men. Interesting that his son had found a Siren of all things.

  Even though Nalameir's belief that demons could live among the mortals was a crazy idea, Keranos had to acknowledge that perhaps it was time for a change.

  Since Nalameir's short time back in the underworld, Keranos felt his son's growing powers. And the Siren ... well, she'd make a good mate for his son. The underworld would never be the same.

  A grin spread over his lips at the thought. In one thousand years, change was bound to happen sooner or later. Now once the stuff with the God passed, which Keranos had no doubt it would, then he would tell his son it was time for him to take over.

  Sitting back in his chair, Keranos laced his fingers over his chest. Yes, a vacation would be nice. He heard it was quite warm in the Bahamas.

  He would fit right in.

  * * * *

  The heat was almost to hot to bear as Adara slowly came awake. Was she sleeping in the furnace?

  When she rolled to her side her arm brushed against smooth flesh. The scent of wood and earth drifted to her, bringing Nal's sexy image to her mind. So it hadn't all been a dream? She smiled. With all the craziness going on around her, Adara felt a strange sense of peace. Snuggling closer, Nal wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer before he kissed her temple.

  Two days now she had woken in his arms.

  "Good morning,” she whispered.

  "It is good, right now. How I would love to lock the world out so I could explore you further, Adara."

  His words sent a curious shiver from the top of her head to her toes. Nal maneuvered them both until he lay on top of her. His rigid cock pushed against her leg. Leaning in, he captured her lips. He kissed her like a man starved.

  Adara reveled in his possession. She rubbed his shoulders, his back before grabbing his hips to fit him where she wanted him. His hardened penis pushed against her panties, the action causing moisture to seep between her legs, readying her body for his invasion.

  "Please, Nal."

  He nipped her lips as he flexed his hips in a sensual imitation of lovemaking.

  Adara imagined his thickness sliding between her wet folds. Gods! She wanted him.

  "Nal, stop torturing me."

  "Mmmm.” He moaned against her neck, but he did not try to enter her. His lips traveled lower before finding on peaked nipple. He sucked it hard, sending her body arching towards him.


  "Adara, Adara, Adara,” he whispered.

  Looking up from his spot at her breast, something glittered in the depths of his dark demon eyes. “The things you do to me, Adara.” He nipped her nipple again. “I want to taste you all damned day."

  Yes! Yes! Her mind beckoned. She wanted him to forget whatever he needed to do with his father. She wanted him to make love to her again.

  As if he agreed, Nal slipped her panties off. Then he settled his cock at her wet needy entrance. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she pulled him forward until he entered her in one smooth stroke.

  They both groaned and tensed as the feel of coming together washed over them.

  Nal lay still for a moment, but Adara was having none of that. She arched her hips, pulling him out a little, then thrust upward, bringing him even deeper than before.

  "Adara!” he groaned, then he took over their lovemaking. He grabbed her hands and held them out the side as he kissed and licked her breast, her neck, before returning to her lips.

  Adara made little sounds of pleasure as she urged him on. She loved his confidence, his domination. A girl could seriously get use to this.

  His driving force quickened as he rubbed the spot to send her higher. Tiny jolts of electricity ricocheted throughout her body, centering where he pushed in and out.

  Nal let go of her hands, which allowed her to feel his flesh. Every sensation pushed them on and on, reaching for their crest of pleasure. She sank her nails deep in his flesh as she felt his body stiffen. His climax brought hers as they soared together.

  As they lay tangled together, their breathing slowing returning to normal, Adara realized she wanted this demon for all time. Before she got a chance to tell him, he gave her a quick peck on the cheek and he rose from the bed.

  "We have a lot to do this morning. I must prepare a few loyal warriors just in case my father does something stupid. I think I may be able to talk to him and let him know I don't want to fight him. Hell, Adara. He's my father.” Nal gripped the bridge of his no
se. Adara wanted to go to him for comfort, but wasn't at all sure how she would be received. Yes they had just made love, but what if he didn't share her feelings?

  Shutting down the need to go to him, Adara filled her eyes with his well-defined form. He was a handsome man, just having come from the bed after they made love. His eyes, now closed, but she knew they had turned back to his human blue. When he turned to her, she saw hope waiting there. Hope for what, she wasn't sure, but she hoped it would be for them, after this crazy fight with his father was done.

  "Why are you fighting your father, anyway?"

  Nal had started to put on his clothes, but stopped and turned to her.

  "My father and I have always had different visions of our world. I wanted a semblance of freedom to move about the mortal world. He wanted us to stay well and truly hidden away.” Once again he started to dress. “I don't hate my father and I don't want to kill him, I just want him to understand that my desire to be with humans does not make me weak."

  Adara left the bed to act on her earlier desire to go to him. When she reached him, she wrapped her arms around him and pressed her cheek to his chest. At first he didn't move, then finally he pulled his arms around her.

  "Maybe your father will see reason when you speak to him."

  Nal stepped out of her embrace. Adara dropped her arms, feeling the sting of his rejection.

  "My father is set in his ways.” Nal yanked on the rest of his clothes. “You'd better get dressed too. I'll wait and we'll go down together."

  A loud banging on the door interrupted them.

  "Sir!” Someone called loudly. “You must come quickly. The God! The God is waiting for you downstairs!"

  Nal's eyes flashed to black as he looked at her. Her pulse quickened. Who could it be? Maybe her father?

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter Eleven

  Adara saw Nal's body stiffen.

  "Nal, what is going on?"

  "Get dressed.” He ordered. She hurriedly pulled on her clothes. Curious at who had come, Adara tried to reach out with her mind to find that connection she had with the Gods and Goddesses.

  She encountered nothing but emptiness.

  She didn't have time to analyze it before Nal was rushing her out the door.

  Together they strode down the stairs into the mass of hysterical people. Loud voices echoed off the rock walls bringing the tension in the air higher. She could feel it like a heavy blanket.

  Four warriors, including Gasby, stood around Zeus with their massive swords drawn and pointing in this direction. Zeus stood above seven feet tall and looked down at all the demons. A smile curved the corners of his lips.

  "Tell your men to back off, Nalameir. I have to collect the information you have gathered for me."

  Adara gasped as Zeus stood in the middle of the warriors with his large arms crossed over his chest and his penetrating gaze aimed at Nal. Nal looked back at the God with hate-filled eyes.

  Zeus’ white tunic hung loosely around his body, but Adara knew it would not hinder him in any fight. Gold leaves adorned his waist, making him appear every bit the God everyone knew he was.

  Panic now set in her veins as she watched the anger flash from Nal to Zeus and back again. She quickly sought out the connection to her sisters, but again she came up with nothing. Even being in the underworld she should be able to contact them. Only another God could block their paths. She tried again, this time harder, seeking some connection, any connection to the human world.


  She pushed her way through the crowd to reach the God in the center of the room. Why would he block her? There seemed to be dozens of bodies all of sudden blocking her path, but she pushed on, determined to get to him and ask him why?

  When finally she worked her way closer, Zeus’ eyes glowed as they caught her gaze. He bowed his head slightly.

  Nal came up behind her. His arms settled on her shoulders before he spoke. She sought his calm and made it her own. It was hard to do in a room full of frantic people. But with their arrival, the people had calmed down some.

  "I don't have what you need Zeus.” Nal said through gritted teeth. His hold on her shoulders tightened.

  Zeus moved his gaze away from her landing it on Nal. They flashed silver then narrowed.

  "Don't you, Nalameir? Don't you have the information I sought? Should I tell the pretty siren what you bargained for my help?

  Adara stiffened at his blatant claim of what she was. The room took in a giant breath at his declaration. She turned to Nal.

  "What is he talking about? Why would I care what you bargained with?"

  "No. I do not need your help any longer and I can not deliver what you need.” His grip on her shoulders felt comforting, yet she knew he was holding something back, something that might devastate her.

  "Ahhh, so you haven't told her. Well, I'm sure you've got what you need whether you say you do or not. She's bound to have shown her true colors in this world. Why would she hide? Especially in the face of your charms.” Zeus laughed shaking the walls.

  Confusion clouded her mind. What was Zeus saying? Looking into Nal's eyes, she saw the pain evident there now. His hands had dropped away from her shoulders. The loss of his touch allowed her skin to cool.

  "I don't have the proof you need. Now go from my realm, God! Be gone, now!” The echo of Nal's words bounced around the room, but it did nothing to Zeus. His silver gaze bore into Nal's body, making Adara physically aware and worried for her lover. Not remembering her link to her sisters severed, she reached out again. This time she got a faint reply, but she couldn't understand them before it was once again broken away.

  "You will have no contact, Adara!” Zeus’ voice boomed. “I have made sure of it now. Ask your boyfriend what it is I need from him."

  Not wanting to, but knowing she had to, Adara sought out Nal's eyes. She barely noticed the people now filing out of the room, leaving only the guards taking up posts by the walls.

  Just as his mouth started open, Zeus interrupted.

  "He knew from the beginning you were a Siren, Adara. He needed to you to admit you were one. But he got even better proof. You worked your power in front of many demons. Now the underworld knows of your kind. They do not look kindly on something so powerful coming into their world. They will kill you, Adara."

  As he spoke, Adara knew the ache in her chest was her heart slowly breaking. The pain was like a spear into an already open wound. Twice in such a short time. Only Nal's betrayal hurt ten times more than Jace's.


  He had cheated on her, but he had not hung her out to dry. He did not betray what she was.

  Zeus was now at her ear, his breath foul across her skin.

  "He does not deny it, Adara. He was going to use you to gain the power to take over the underworld."

  "Don't listen to him, Adara.” The pain clear in his Nal's voice broke her heart even more as her eyes sought him out.

  Her body shivered, with rage or hurt, she couldn't tell, but she shook all over. Nal's demon eyes locked on her own, not allowing her to look away. She wanted to turn away, to flee this man who had healed her heart in such a short time only to rip it apart.


  Please deny it, she begged in her mind. Deny that you used me.

  "I love you, Adara. I was never going to give him the information.” He reached out to her making her realize she had moved away from him. Her mind wishing her legs would move so she could run away from the pain.

  His words stopped everything.

  He loved her?

  As if Zeus knew those words would help ease her anger, he stood tall and roared into the room. His fists clenched, his head arched back. Chunks of rocks rained down on them.

  "Nooooo! You idiot! You were going to allow—"

  Adara felt the magic engulf the room just before lightening flashed bright in the room. Nal turned completely into his demon form. The marks across his face shimmered with light. Ad
ara couldn't help being aroused at seeing his true form. What he was he did not have to hide, like she did. He was power in demon form, and knowing that sent her body in to hypersensitive mode.

  His obsidian eyes turned to her. He stood a few feet taller now and could look at Zeus, eye to eye.

  "Adara, Believe me. I would never have allowed him to harm you. I do love you!"

  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the God pull back his arm readying for a strike. It was too late when she cried out Nal's name.


  Zeus threw a lightening bolt about that time, striking Nal in the shoulder. The blow knocked Nal back a few steps, but only made the demon turn his black gaze on the God. He gave no sign that the bolt hurt him. Her stomach clenched wanting to go to him anyway, to make sure he was okay.

  Nalameir put his hands close together, allowing a small space of air in between. A dark red orb appeared in the middle before he aimed it at the God and let it fly.

  It was all so quick, Zeus had a moment to think, but the orb still managed to hit his thigh, causing a black spot to form on his tunic.

  "I love you, Adara and I. Will. Not. Let. Him. Harm. You!” Nalameir shot another orb, hitting the God again.

  Zeus returned another lightening bolt just missing Nalameir. Adara screamed at the explosion hitting the wall close to where she stood. As she looked at the destruction on the wall, dark red eyes glowed from the shadows, catching her attention.

  Adara put her hand over her mouth to keep from screaming again. The eyes moved closer as if disconnected from any sort of body. A foot away from her a dark image began to form. The mist slowly turned into a male form.

  The man standing in front of her held confidence and authority. She wasn't sure how she knew, but this was the Demon King. Nalameir's father.


  Just great.

  "So you are the Siren."

  Adara nodded.

  "My son stated to the God he loved you. Do you feel the same for him?"

  Although Adara knew she should be shaking in her boots, she did not feel truly threatened in the King's presence.


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