Siren's Song [A Siren Sisters Anthology]

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Siren's Song [A Siren Sisters Anthology] Page 13

by Melinda Barron, Midnyte Dupree, Jade Buchanan

  "Yes. I do love him too."

  His eyes softened, and a smile formed on his full lips.

  "Excellent. He is a strong warrior."

  Adara could still hear the fighting between Nal and Zeus, but the man before her demanded all her attention.

  "I do not want to kill him. I just want him to come home. If he had spoken to me, he would have realized that.” The King turned to the fight. Adara saw longing and pain etched in his features. He loved his son. He missed his son.

  "But your men, the ones who you sent for us in the town, they acted as if you wanted him so you could kill him."

  "No. I don't want him dead. I'm tired Adara. I'm tired of the emptiness of not having my only son share in my rule of the underworld. He needs to take his rightful place."

  Although this was the demon King, she heard the loneliness in his voice.

  "What about the Drakas? They didn't act as if they would follow him."

  The King stepped up beside her as a loud crash rumbled through the room. She looked out and saw the amount of damage Nal and Zeus were creating, but both seamed to be handling the fight well. Zeus had a small cut on his head and Nal had one on his other shoulder now. It was taking everything not to go to him to make them stop this craziness.

  "The Drakas have served me for many years. It will be hard on them at first, but with my backing they will have to except this change. It appears change happens and even a demon King cannot stop it."

  Finally the fighting stopped. Adara feared looking to see who still stood. Zeus and Nal both stood tall, a little out of breath, but both still remained standing.

  "You have not heard the last from Nalameir. I will find another way to get the Siren. Count on it!"

  With a flash to rival the sun, Zeus disappeared from the House.

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  Chapter Twelve

  The warriors by the walls instantly relaxed. The swords were put away, but they remained alert just in case the God returned for revenge.

  Adara rushed to Nal's aide. He dropped to his knees, now back to his normal height. Wrapping her arms around him, she felt the pounding of his heartbeat through his veins as she pulled him as close to her as possible.

  "Adara?” He reached up cupped her face. His ran his thumb across her cheek and she felt the moisture there. She hadn't realized she had been crying. But she wasn't at all surprised.

  "I would not have turned the information over to him, Adara. I think from the moment I walked out of the bathroom and saw you sprawled across my bed, I knew then that I wasn't going to be able to give him what he wanted. I hope you believe me, but if you don't I will try for the rest of my life to make it up to you."

  Her heart pounded.

  "Nal what are you saying?"

  "I'm saying ... I want you to be a part of my life. My life here, now. Do you think you can handle that, Adara? I will build you a sparkling pool, I will give you anything you need or desire. Just stay with me."

  His thumb continued to stroke her cheek sending pleasure jolts dancing through her.

  She couldn't seem to speak. Her mind raced with images of them living in the fortress where his father lived. He didn't know yet, what his father wanted. How would he handle that?

  His father stepped up to them.


  Nalameir quickly got to his feet and faced his father. Adara worried for him. He didn't know his father didn't want to kill him. Instantly, his body stiffened and he pushed her behind him.

  "Stay back, Adara."

  "No, Nal, you don't understand.” But he pushed her behind him further.

  "Hello father."

  "Nal, I think there has been a small misunderstanding.” The King's lips turned up at the edges. “I don't want to kill you, son. I am ready to hand my kingdom over to you. And after your display tonight with the God, I realize I am doing the right thing."

  Adara couldn't believe the exchange between father and son. Two proud men standing eye to eye. She could tell that Nal would be a wonderful ruler.

  Nal rubbed his chin as if in thought. “I didn't think you liked the way I wanted to do things."

  "Well, son, I have realized with you being away for so long, that you are right. Change isn't so bad, and if you believe the demons can go exist with the humans then we'll give it a try. But remember, we are demons for a reason. There will be some who will misuse the humans."

  "Yes, sir. I realize that and I don't expect to open the realm right away. There will have to be rules set, and for those who do not follow rules, strict punishments."

  The King laughed. “Oh yes, my son. You will make an excellent King."

  Adara moved from around Nal and stood at his side. The King's attention went instantly to her.

  "Well, my dear Siren. You will definitely make things interesting around her. I hope we do not have to worry about your little gifts being used on us?” His eyes flashed a warning.

  "Oh, no sir. You don't have to worry about that."

  "Well then I hope to be invited to the wedding. Come visit me later, Nalameir. We have much to discuss.” With a misty gray fog, the King disappeared.

  The guards had all gone except for Gasby who stood off to the side. He watched them curiously and waited. Ra had come from the other room and stood next to him. Something was definitely there between them two, Adara thought.

  Nal grabbed her and pulled her into his embrace. Before she knew it, he covered her lips with his. His tongue slipped inside and caressed hers. His taste exploded along her taste buds making her moan. As he pulled away, she noticed the room had changed and they were once again in his bedroom.

  "I'll do whatever you ask, Adara. We don't have to be married right away, but I want you to stay her with me. I want us to explore these feelings deeper. I want to be able to give you everything you desire."

  As Adara looked upon his beautiful form, her heart slowly began to mend. Love and devotion were mirrored in his eyes. All she wanted to do was return it. She would have never met him, if he hadn't struck that bargain with Zeus, so how could she be angry with him for that?

  "I don't know if I can stay here, Nal. My family, my sisters and father, will miss me. I'm sure they do already."

  He cut her off, “I'll let you visit them anytime you wish. You can go to the human realm whenever your heart desires. Or they can come here.” He cupped her jaw as he leaned in and placed tiny kisses next to her mouth working his way to her ear.

  "We're fantastic together, Adara. No other has ever made me feel what you've made me feel."

  And she felt the same for him.

  "Yes. Nal. I will stay with you and see where this fantastical ride will take us."

  Nal smiled and laughed. He yanked her close, covering her lips, her neck with kisses that soon turned into deep passionate embraces. Soon he had tumbled her to the bed.

  She had needed to feel wanted and loved, had despaired of every obtaining these things. But now she had. And though Adara never would have guessed that her needs would be filled by a demon, she could not be sorry for it.

  Things were definitely looking up.

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  Jade Buchanan

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  Thanks to my fellow Sirens, Mel and Midnyte. It sure was a pleasure plotting this out with the two of you! I couldn't have asked for two better people to work with

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  Chapter One

  Aella paused, catching sight of a small face peaking out from the entrance to the cave ahead of her. He was covered in a black woolly coat, a white patch on his belly. She smiled, ducking quickly behind the outcropping beside her. She swished her coppery green tail—silently counting to ten—idly flicking her tail back and forth.

  Tilting her head, she waited another five counts. The rock against her back was silky smooth in the water. She pressed against it, waiting for
the right moment. Darting out, she gave a heave of her tail, powering through the waters toward the small body. He reared back, moving his flippers to sink into the cave. Giving chase, she squeezed her body through the opening, wincing at the pull on her hip where it scraped against the wall. She flexed her muscles, bending and twisting to follow the small, black body through the narrow passageway.

  Reaching forward, her fingers grazed his backside, just missing him. She laughed, her voice ringing out inside the cave. He turned his head to look back at her, flitting away when she made to grab him again. Aella shook her head, determined to catch him this time. She was going to catch him—if it was the last thing she did.

  The cave walls rushed past her. The ledges and crags would normally capture her attention, but she had different prey on her mind today.

  He flicked his tail at her, mocking her attempts. She laughed again. A bright, cheerful sound. He twisted around to watch her for a moment. She knew he was always drawn to the sound of her voice. She would have him in a minute; the path opened up ahead of them, and her bigger body would have the advantage.

  Suddenly, she sensed a larger presence in front of them. She looked up, crying out a warning seconds too late. He slammed into the figure in front of him, his small body taking the brunt of the impact.

  She swam toward him, reaching him in seconds, running her hands down his fragile body. She ignored the large male hands that tried to get her to let go of her bounty.

  "Easy, easy now,” the man crooned.

  "Is he hurt? Oh gods, my father is going to be so mad at me if he finds out we were playing tag in the caves."

  "He's fine, just a little stunned."

  Aella stroked the body of Phocas, crooning softly to him. He couldn't be injured; she didn't know what she would do without her little seal.

  Phocas jerked, blinking his large, soulful eyes. She cried out, hugging him tighter to her. He wriggled and she set him loose.

  "I apologize, I didn't see him until he was already upon me."

  Aella finally dragged her attention from Phocas and directed it at the man in front of her. She barely managed to stifle her gasp. He was gorgeous! Tall and leanly muscled, he towered over her. His chest was chiseled, his arms corded with muscles. His raven hair was pulled back from his face with a tie, the style highlighting prominent cheekbones and a narrow, aquiline nose. He should have been intimidating, but she couldn't stop looking at him. Every new feature was like another piece of a puzzle, fitting into an altogether breathtaking picture.

  His lips curved, and she finally noticed that he had been making his own leisurely perusal of her. Her cheeks heated. Against her will, she raised her arm, bringing it up to cover her breasts. He chuckled darkly, and she ducked her head in embarrassment. She should have just stayed still. Now she looked like an innocent.

  His tail was larger than her own, covered in silvery black scales. The rest of his body was deeply tanned. He held out his hand, waiting until she placed her slender, milky-white fingers within his own.

  "You haven't accepted my apology yet, my lady. Was it not acceptable?"

  "Oh no, I just ... I accept your apology, of course,” she stuttered. “Do you have a name to go along with it?"

  He grinned, showing off even, white teeth.

  "Only if you share your name with me. And who is this little one here?” He smiled at the small body that had crept back up to his side. Phocas peered up at him, moving closer to rub against the man's scales.

  "This is Phocus, and I'm Aella. Your turn now,” she teased.

  "My name is Damon, and the man behind you is Pythias."

  Aella tried to turn, suddenly hampered by a set of powerful arms that wrapped around her waist. She caught a glimpse of a strong profile, before Pythias lowered his head. Dark, chestnut brown hair wafted over her shoulder, mixing with her coppery red strands.

  He rubbed his cheek along her sensitive skin, tightening his hold around her waist. His arm brushed against her own where she had it wrapped around her breast. She shivered. He smoothed his palm down her side, brushing against the scrape on her hip. She winced when he probed the area with gentle fingers.

  "You should be more careful with such delicate skin. It seems a shame to mar it,” he rumbled.

  Pythias released her slowly, caressing her body. Her mouth opened, she tried to speak but her mind was blank. Who were these men?

  "I don't think you are supposed to be here,” she said. “If you leave now, I won't mention it to my father."

  She was trying to regain the upper hand. She had no idea how the tables had been turned so neatly on her. This was her home. She shouldn't let them intimidate her.

  "And why should we be afraid of your father? Did you think we didn't know who you were, daughter of Poseidon?” Pythias’ deep voice vibrated the waters around them.

  These men weren't normal. They seemed too powerful to be normal. She shivered again, trying to move away imperceptibly. Too bad Phocas—the traitor—chose that moment to brush up against Damon again, wriggling in pleasure when Damon stroked him with one strong hand. She tried to squash the thought that she wouldn't be so mad if only he would stroke her like that.

  "My father could eat the two of you for breakfast. You should be afraid of him."

  The two men shared a glance, Damon with a smile and Pythias with a fierce frown.

  "Careful, little one, you don't know who you are playing with,” Damon replied with a grin.

  "We aren't afraid of your father, and yes, we do know him personally,” Pythias added.

  Aella sniffed, entirely unimpressed despite her attraction for them. They may be incredibly appealing, but she wasn't going to be threatened. She was the daughter of Poseidon, and her father would do anything to make sure she was happy.

  Phocas swam up to her, placing his nose close to her own. With a snort, he jerked his head up.

  She lifted her chin. “I need to go to the surface with Phocas. He's afraid of the humans around here and doesn't like to be alone."

  Pythias nodded, moving back to allow her more room. She caught a glimpse of his scales. They were a deep chocolate brown, highlighted with rusty accents. They glistened under the water.

  Damon moved in front of her, swishing his tail to glide forward. Phocas immediately abandoned her, swimming beside Damon. With a huff, she followed him.

  "How is it that you swim with a monk seal? I was under the impression that they are nearing extinction.” Pythias appeared beside her.

  She glanced over at him, sensing his interest. Looking ahead again, she answered him.

  "Monk seals were placed under the protection of my father centuries ago. Poseidon favored them because of their love for the sea and the sun. I don't think he knew how much they would be hunted and decimated. There are less than five hundred where there were once thousands in antiquity. Father asked me to take care of them, and so I do."

  He nodded, lost in thought. She glanced over at him, puzzled by the frown on his face.

  "What, you didn't think I had a brain in my body? I may seem flighty sometimes, and I may be a dreamer but that doesn't mean that I'm not passionate about things."

  He mumbled something under his breath. It sounded a bit like, “I'll give you something to be passionate about” but she couldn't be sure. Shaking her head, she swam for the surface, following the silvery black tail in front of her.

  "You never did answer my question,” she said. “What exactly are you doing here?"

  She knew her sisters would kill her if they found out she was swimming with two men she knew nothing about. They always said she acted before thinking.

  They broke the surface, entering the small pool deep within the labyrinth of caves. It was highly unlikely that any human would be able to enter this pool unless they could breathe underwater, although it was still possible that they could enter it from above if they were exploring along the Island.

  With that thought, she glanced above her, raising her face to the sun shinin
g down on them. Phocas swam circles around her, dancing in the waters. In front of her, the two men stayed silent, floating with the help of their tails moving under the water. It was time to get some answers. Who were these men, and what were they doing in her home?

  "Technically, it wasn't a question, it was a statement. And it doesn't matter what we are doing here, Aella,” Damon said with a smirk.

  Pythias swum up behind her, pulling her into his arms again. She squirmed to get free. She would never admit it, but she loved the feel of his arms around her. She had been a tad sheltered growing up—between her sisters and their father, she never got to do anything.

  "But that does bring up a new question.” Pythias breathed in her ear. “Now that we are here, what are we to do with you, little one?"

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  Chapter Two

  Aella wriggled in place, attempting to dislodge the strong arms from around her waist. His hot breath blew in her ear, freezing her for a moment, before he bit down—ever so lightly—on her earlobe.

  She couldn't hide the moan, her body tensing. Pythias chuckled darkly, tightening his arms and holding her closer. She closed her eyes, unable to keep them open.

  Pythias released her ear, nibbling down her neck. She couldn't stop herself from arching toward him to allow easier access. He placed his mouth firmly against her neck, sucking up what was sure to be a mark against her pale skin. She shouldn't be doing this; she knew she should tell him to get his hands off. Unfortunately, the minute he touched her with his lips, she was lost.

  The sun shone brightly down on her face, providing a crimson tint beneath her eyelids. Her lips curved and she relaxed back into his arms. Suddenly, the bright light was muted, and she sensed a presence in front of her.

  How could she be so stupid, forgetting about Damon? Her eyelids popped open. She peered up at Damon so close to her. He didn't say anything, just watched while Pythias licked a path along her shoulder.


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