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Siren's Song [A Siren Sisters Anthology]

Page 14

by Melinda Barron, Midnyte Dupree, Jade Buchanan

"Wait...” she gasped.

  "I don't really think that's what you want, Aella,” Damon replied, a smile finally curving his full lips.

  Pythias slid his hands up, covering her breasts with his palms. Damon moved to grasp her hips, holding her in place. Two very clever thumbs brushed over her nipples, causing them to peak—hard.

  "Stop ... I need to ... oh God, I don't even kn-know you,” she panted, pressing back into Pythias despite her words. “I-I think we should just talk..."

  She broke off, moaning when both men brushed the lengths of their tails against her. The feel of the slick scales caressing her body was enough to send her crawling closer to an orgasm.

  What are they doing to me?

  She panted, lost to the feeling. Damon growled, snapping her out of her haze.

  "I need to know how you know my father,” she said, resolute.

  "If she can still think, you aren't doing your job, Pyth,” The words were a low murmur.

  Pythias snarled softly in her ear, pinching her nipples hard. “I'll have to rectify that mistake."

  She arched up, crying out.

  He bumped into something behind him, jarring Aella in his hold.

  He must have hit the edge of the pool.

  With a powerful heave, he hoisted himself out of the water, bringing her up to land in his lap.

  Her backside tingled, heating for a moment, before two tanned legs appeared to either side of her tail. She flicked her fin, concentrating to bring up the image of legs in her mind. It took longer than usual, she couldn't concentrate when Pythias kept running his fingers over her breasts and down her stomach. He stroked the spot where her skin melded into scales and she twitched in his arms.

  Finally, she managed to hold the image in her mind. Looking down, she watched the coppery emerald scales dull in color, shrinking and splitting until she was looking at milky-white skin. She wiggled her toes, dropping her head back at the exquisite feel of Pythias’ muscled legs along her own.

  Damon heaved himself up beside them, the muscles in his forearms tensing and bulging in the most interesting ways. He had already shifted, his own tail replaced with powerful legs. This close to them, she saw that Damon was larger than Pythias. Not by much, but enough that it was noticeable. She figured if they were standing up, he would probably be a few inches taller, but she couldn't tell for sure.

  Damon leaned in close to them, bringing his right arm around to effectively trap her in Pythias’ arms. He sniffed at her neck, unerringly finding the spot that Pythias had been mouthing earlier. It was still sensitive, the skin just shy of bruising. He licked along the mark, opening his mouth to scrape his teeth along her skin.

  Aella gasped, opening her mouth but unable to form any words. She was trapped in place, but strangely, she didn't want to be released any time soon. They could keep doing whatever they wanted if they kept making her feel this way.

  "Do you still have questions you want us to answer, precious?” Pythias whispered in her ear, before grazing his lips along the opposite side of her neck.

  She panted, blinking to bring the cavern into focus. Wait ... focus? Phocas! Where was Phocas?

  She whimpered, trying to shift her mind. Damon was smoothed his palms along her hips, dipping between her thighs to tickle along her sensitive flesh. She was completely bare, open to his perusal when he looked down to where his fingers played. Teasing touches danced above her clit, so achingly close but not quite there. She shifted in place, trying to beg wordlessly for him to touch her where she ached.

  Aella moaned, tilting her hips, pressing into Damon's hand. Pythias was intimately close to her below. She squirmed in his lap, causing him to groan.

  "Yeah, I think she's into it now, Damon,” Pythias grunted.

  Damon lifted his head, staring past her to look at Pythias behind her. He lifted his free hand, bringing it past her head.

  Turning to the side, she shifted to keep them in focus, Damon's hand playing so close to her clit forgotten for the moment. Damon had placed his other hand behind Pythias’ head, the two men staring intimately at each other. They locked eyes, both men panting harshly. They didn't make any other moves, obviously content to stare deeply at each other. She was sure they were communicating in their minds; they had a look of deep concentration. What were they saying that they didn't want her to hear?

  Aella wrinkled her brow, jarred from her sexual haze. She didn't know any thing about these men, and here she was, letting them touch her. They hadn't even answered her questions. What was wrong with her?

  She looked up to the opening of the cavern, blinking quickly to clear her mind. She must have made some kind of noise because Damon started, turning his head to look at her.

  "Hey, hey, what's wrong? What just happened here?"

  Damon backed up, letting both Pythias and her go. Pythias froze beneath her. She didn't know what to do. Should she move off of him? Would that be awkward?

  Snorting inelegantly, she realized that things couldn't get any more awkward than they already were.

  Phocas chose that moment to surface beside them, peaking his little nose above the water to study her.

  Well, looks like I was wrong.

  She huffed. Things definitely could get more awkward. Phocas was way too much like a little brother for her, and there were certain things that she wasn't exactly comfortable having him see.

  A second and third head popped up beside him, two of the other monk seals. Aella struggled to shift off Pythias, but he held her in place. Heat flushed up her neck, blooming on her cheeks. She was ready to bury her face in her hands when Damon stopped her.

  "There's something wrong with them,” he said, his voice tight.


  "The seals with Phocas. Look at them. They don't look right,” he clarified.

  Aella wiggled forward, ignoring the long, drawn out groan from Pythias. Studying the little faces beside Phocas, she realized he was right. There was something off about the seals.

  Pythias grabbed her around the hips, thrusting her into the water, following her in. She treaded water, clumsily trying to move her legs. With a grunt, she shifted her lower body, bringing back the vibrant scales.

  Aella studied the seal closest to Phocas. He looked sick, his skin dull and almost lifeless. Concerned, she threw out her hand, grasping the fingers that reached out to meet her. Glancing to the side, she realized that Damon had grabbed her hand. He squeezed, comforting her with his presence.

  "What's wrong with them? Phocas has been here the whole time."

  Damon studied her. “Not quite. He left after we arrived. You mustn't have noticed."

  She turned her face, feeling the blush heat her cheeks. Of course she hadn't noticed. She'd been crawling all over them at the time.

  "I need to know what happened to them."

  "We'll find out what happened, Aella. Together,” Pythias murmured, brushing aside her hair.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter Three

  "Where would they have gone?” Damon asked, staring at the little ones in front of them.

  The seals in question were bobbing in the water, blinking large, soulful eyes at Aella and the two men.

  "I don't know,” she whispered, moving away from Pythias and Damon to swim closer to the small creatures. “Where did you find them, Phocas? Where are the rest of them? Can you show me?"

  Phocas blinked, a long and slumberous movement, strangely quiet. He nodded his head, diving under the water. She immediately followed him under, conscious of the men's larger bodies behind her. This had nothing to do with them, but she was glad they were there. If she had been alone ... well, it didn't bear thinking about.

  She had never seen the seals like this. Their coats were dull and they seemed so listless, hardly moving at all. This wasn't how they normally acted. There had to be something wrong with them. What should she do?

  It wasn't that she didn't know how to handle issues when they came up, but she was more used to hav
ing her father and sisters take care of her. She wasn't sure she wanted Poseidon to pop in here when she was with both Damon and Pythias, though. He may have his share of women, but Aella was still his baby. He'd never approved of any man she'd even thought about being close to.

  One of her sisters could help her though. She brought up an image of her eldest sister in her mind.

  Iaha? Are you there? I need to talk to you.

  She continued swimming behind Phocas, waiting for her sister's voice to answer her. Iaha would know what to do. She had a quick mind and would be able to figure out what was wrong with the seals. Aella tilted her head to the side, curious when she was greeted with silence, instead of familiar tones.

  Iaha, please ... this is really important. I need to talk to you.

  Huffing out a breath, twitching her tail in agitation, she tried to figure out why Iaha would ignore her. Maybe she was busy with something and didn't want to be interrupted.

  Closing her eyes briefly, she tried to think what Adara would be doing at this moment. If Iaha wouldn't be able to help her, Adara might be able to offer some suggestions. Hopefully she wasn't with that jackass, Jace. It wasn't that there was anything in particular wrong with the guy, but Aella didn't trust him. He seemed shifty. Nope, she didn't like him at all.

  Besides, Adara deserved better.


  Silence was her only answer.

  Adara, come on, I need to talk to you. There's something wrong with the seals and I need to ask your opinion. I can't get hold of Iaha.

  Why weren't they answering her? Had she done something wrong? She tried to think back and see if she had missed something important. Was it someone's birthday? No, she tended to be flighty on occasion, but she wouldn't have missed something that important. Besides, they were used to her by now.

  Should she call her father after all? She really didn't want to talk to him about this. He had entrusted the care of the monk seals to her. If she couldn't do this without his help, he might decide to take them away from her.

  Fine, you two can ignore me all you want, but just know that I'm in the presence of two gorgeous men who want to fuck me all night. Did you hear that? Two! Two men! Wanting to do all sorts of nasty things with your baby sister.

  She frowned, huffing when they remained silent.

  You're being jerks! I need your help. Please ... this is really important. I need you.

  Nothing. Absolutely nothing from either one of them.

  What was going on here?

  "If you huff any harder, you're going to blow yourself out of the water,” Damon commented, swimming up beside her. “What's the matter now?"

  "Nothing,” she replied, trying to smooth out her features.

  "It sounds like more than nothing. Don't keep secrets from us, Princess,” Pythias grumbled.

  "Don't call me that!” She returned, throwing a glare in his direction.

  "Then tell us what's wrong."

  "I can't reach either of my sisters. They've never ignored me when I've called to them before. I wanted to ask their help with the seals, but they won't answer me. I don't know what I did wrong."

  The two men halted, Damon throwing his arm out to stop her in place. They exchanged a glance, full of hidden secrets.

  "What makes you think you did something wrong?” he asked, watching Pythias closely.

  "Well, why else would they be ignoring me? I must have done something or they would be answering me. They always help me out when I need something."

  "Have you tried contacting your father?"

  "I'm not calling my father just because I've messed up with the seals. It wouldn't take much for him to come in here thinking he was riding to my rescue. Trust me, Poseidon would take over everything in a matter of minutes and he'd never let me leave my room again. I'd be locked up forever, and he would say he couldn't trust me outside. Besides, there's the little matter of the two mermen who'd he probably try to kill just for looking at me naked."

  Pythias frowned, looking off to the side. He looked back at the two of them, shaking his head.

  "I can't reach anyone, Damon. There's something else going on here."

  Damon closed his eyes, obviously trying to send a mental call.

  "Fuck. I was afraid this would happen."

  "What? You were afraid what would happen?” she asked, confused.

  Pythias shook his head, pointing their attention back to the seals. “We don't have time to figure this out right now. One thing at a time, okay."

  "No, it's not okay,” she said, resolutely. “What did you think was going to happen?"

  "There's more going on here than you realize. When the gods are involved, things are never as easy as they appear. When we were sent to come here and see you, we knew this was a possibility. We knew we could get caught up in something bigger."

  "What're you saying? That this has something to do with my father? Why would he block the three of us? And what do you mean you were sent?” She swished her tail, furious, as she stared Pythias down.

  Damon sighed heavily, moving off to the side, watching Pythias and her square off. She just hoped they didn't notice how hot the exchange was making her. She'd never had anyone try to challenge her before, but then again, she'd only ever been attracted to men who already knew who she was. She'd never been interested in human men the way her sisters were. Most demigods were too afraid of angering Poseidon to handle Aella the way she wanted to be.

  She wanted these two men, men who actually had the gall to stand up to her, to put their hands on her. Aella couldn't believe how much that though excited her. Even if they were acting like jerks by hiding the truth from her. There was something bigger going on here, and she'd eventually get to the bottom of it. Adara always said she could needle a god into giving up their immortality just to get her to shut up.

  "You do know that we're all on the same side, right? Why don't we just figure out what's going on and then you two can go at it,” Damon said, rolling his eyes when Pythias sent a glare in his direction.

  "I'm not going to sit around and listen to the two of you. For all I know, you're the one who's blocking me."

  "You know that's not true,” Pythias gritted out between clenched teeth.

  "Do I? Prove it,” she shot back, flicking her coppery green tail back and forth. She was playing with fire, but she desperately wanted one of them to make the first move. If they kept up this bantering back and forth she might just give in and bend over for one of them. Gods, they were driving her crazy. Good thing she had a tail at the moment. They'd surely be able to tell how wet she was if they saw the telltale clenching of human thighs.

  A growl rumbled up from Pythias’ chest. He threw back his head, the chestnut strands fanning out in the water. He looked like an avenging angel come down to capture her. She hesitated, her heart catching in her throat.

  He reached forward, pulling her close to his body with one arm. She went willingly, meeting his lips when he took her mouth in a searing kiss. Someone moaned, she had no idea who. She shifted, the scales flowing down her fin and splitting into two legs. She wrapped them around his hips, arching her pelvis until she was pressed flushed against him.

  Damon came up behind her, surrounding her with his heat, pushing her hair to the side so he had full access to her neck. He bit down on the sensitive tendon there, pressing his teeth deep into her skin. Whimpering, Aella ground her pussy into the slick scales along Pythias’ tail. Heat blossomed along her groin, Pythias shifting his scales just enough to expose his thick shaft. He lifted his tail, supporting her comfortably.

  She didn't want to be comfortable. She wanted to be fucked. Fast and furious ... right now.

  "Now, please Pythias. Don't make me wait.” She bit down into the plump flesh of his lower lip.

  He growled, a fierce animalistic sound. The head of his cock bumped her clit, causing her to throw her head back. Damon was there to meet her, capturing her lips with his own, swallowing her gasp when Pythias began to fi
t his thick length into her. He stretched her, filling her with every inch of his shaft. He rocked his hips in the water, steadily, back and forth. Driving her mad. Aella wound her arms around his shoulders, digging furrows into his back with her nails.

  "Fuck, I won't last long, Damon. She's so damn tight I can't stand it."

  She whimpered, caught up in her own headlong flight, she needed to come. Her body flushed, so close...

  Damon palmed her breasts, squeezing the two globes and adding another sensation to her overloaded senses. He ground himself into her back, the hard press of him insistent against her flesh. He moaned into her mouth, pinching her nipples between thumb and forefinger. His lips moved languidly, so at odds with the rough treatment of her breasts. She gasped, the noise swallowed by Damon.

  Pythias kept a firm hold on her hips, keeping her in place for his hard thrusts. She peaked, crying out her orgasm into Damon's mouth, whimpering when she clamped down on Pythias, milking him with her contractions.

  Damon and Pythias both cried out, releasing their seed seconds apart. She was held tight between them, held securely in place.

  When she was able to think, she realized she still had Pythias’ hard shaft inside of her. He hadn't even gone soft. She froze, unable to believe she'd actually had sex with two men she'd just met. Oh, God, Iaha was going to kill her. She winced, her involuntary motion surprising the two men still holding her close. Pythias withdrew, lazily kissing her shoulder, licking along her neck and tonguing Damon's bite mark.

  She whimpered again, hating the betraying noise, but wanting more from both of them. Her pussy spasmed, aftershocks running through her. She needed to think. Backing up, she managed to wiggle out of Damon's hold, evading both men while she concentrated and released her tail again. She couldn't look at them, couldn't believe she'd just done that. What was wrong with her? She'd never acted this way before. She didn't have sex on the first date. Technically this couldn't even be called a date, since she'd only met them hours ago.

  Oh, gods, she had it bad.

  Damon reached out a hand, halting when Phocas threw himself between them. Shaking his head, he butted his nose against Damon's chest twice in rapid succession. She pulled Phocas to her gratefully, hiding behind the small body.


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