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Siren's Song [A Siren Sisters Anthology]

Page 17

by Melinda Barron, Midnyte Dupree, Jade Buchanan

  Damon surged above her, pushing her thighs up and holding her in place. His cock brushed against her quivering flesh and she gasped around Pythias. He reacted by tightening his hold on her hair, bucking into her mouth before he got himself under control again.

  They were all hanging onto their control by a thread. It would only take a single movement and she would lose herself in these men. She wasn't sure if she should fear it or embrace it with everything in her.

  Damon slowly pushed into her, fitting their bodies together. Aella tossed her head, Pyth's cock slipping from her mouth. She cried out, overwhelmed by the sensations.

  Every nerve in her body was on fire, all centered on the quivering flesh between her legs. Damon's cock was massive, stretching her body, straining the walls of her sex. She gasped, unable to move until his pelvis bumped into hers.

  Pythias tapped the head of his cock against her lips.

  "Please, Princess."

  She opened her lips, licking the drop of precome that was weeping from his slit. Swallowing, she licked along the head, moving down the shaft.

  Damon groaned, tucking his head against the side of her face, drawing deep breaths.

  "Gods, you feel good. Tight and wet. I'm not going to last long."

  I do remember saying the same thing not a few hours ago. Pythias’ smug voice was loud in her head.

  Smiling to herself, Aella sucked up the skin at the base of his shaft, bringing up one hand to cup his sac.

  Enough talking, boys. Fuck me, now.

  Damon snapped his hips, pulling out and driving deep within her. She couldn't concentrate. Gasping for breath, she tossed her head again. Keeping her hand on Pythias, she stroked his shaft, desperate to give him some kind of pleasure. She didn't want him to be left out. It wouldn't be long before she lost it entirely and she wanted both men with her when she went. She was close...

  Pythias’ hand joined hers, his thumb running over the hole at the tip of his cock, gathering moisture and slicking it back over his shaft. She gasped, her eyes drawn to the sight.

  Damon surged into her again, crying out.

  Oh, gods, soon.

  Aella tensed, deep contractions starting in her belly. Her pussy clamped down hard on Damon, hampering his powerful strokes. She screamed out her pleasure, tightening her grip on Pythias. He groaned, bending forward, swallowing her cries with his mouth on hers.

  She felt the splash of heat on her hand a second before Damon tensed, jerking once more, releasing his seed within her.

  Aella let her head drop to the pillow beneath her, sucking weakly at Pyth's tongue. He released her mouth, sitting up. The sounds of hard panting echoed around the room. Damon pulled out, sliding up to lay on his back to her right. Pythias maneuvered her until she was draped across Damon's chest. He followed her down, curling his arms around her and resting his face against her shoulder.

  Her brain was muddled, clouded with passion.

  What had just happened? She hadn't been expecting that ... that level of intensity.

  Sighing, Aella burrowed deeper into Damon. Her throat closed up and her eyes watered. She was suddenly afraid that she couldn't give up these men. They'd touched her deeply. But they worked for her father. There was no hope of a future with them. Their duty wasn't to her, and she wouldn't—couldn't—come between them and one of the most powerful gods in the world.

  What was she going to do?

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  Chapter Seven

  "I don't like this at all.” Pythias scowled at her, his arms crossed over his burly chest.

  "I don't see that we have much of a choice. Do you really want to wait around until Linos decides to move against you? If we strike first, and set him up in a place where we have control, the two of you can defeat him. I know you can."

  They were currently sitting in her dining room, having just eaten breakfast. The sun shone in brightly, lighting the room until it seemed like they were outside.

  She'd woken early, with the sudden knowledge that she couldn't afford to wait around, growing more and more attached to these two men. The more time she spent with them, the more she fell in love with them, and if that wasn't crazy enough, she didn't know what to do about it.

  They would leave her when this was all over. They were promised to Poseidon, and he wasn't likely to give them up so they could spend time with his daughter. No, the only way she could protect her heart was by forging ahead and helping them to defeat Linos.

  Her heart clenched in her chest. Linos would pay for what he did to her seals, but she couldn't afford to dwell on them now. Later, when she was past this threat, she'd probably fall apart. She would miss them terribly. They'd been her constant companions in the last decade. Sure, she was close to her sisters, but the seals were her responsibility. They'd become her children and she wanted to rip the spleen out of the man who murdered them.

  Aella shook her head. She wasn't the type of person who normally condoned bloodshed of any sort, she was more apt to believe in the innocence of every creature until proven guilty. But that was before her babies had been harmed.

  Phocas and the other two seals were hidden in her private pool at the moment. They hadn't been happy about being taken out of the sea, but she had no choice. The small colony near Foca had been relatively tiny compared to the colonies established elsewhere around the Mediterranean and West Africa. There had been about twenty of them in this area but she still couldn't believe there were only three survivors. This was almost as bad as when 150 seals off North West Africa had died back in 1997. Within a month, almost half of the seals in the area had passed away because of an algae bloom in their territory.

  The seals were extremely sensitive to disturbances in the environment. If it wasn't bad enough that they continually got caught in fishermen's nets, causing the fishermen to shoot them despite their protected status, she didn't need some madman coming after them to enact his personal revenge.

  "I see her point, Pyth. If we can lure him to a particular spot, we can even the odds a bit and try to ensure we come out the victors here. I don't trust Linos, he's always had something up his sleeve."

  Pythias paced in front of them, scowling. You risk her life by doing this!

  We risk her life by doing nothing.

  Aella ignored them, or at least she tried to. They may care about her in some way but it still didn't change the fact that they were beholden to her father. Poseidon wasn't one to let go of his possessions easily. And that's exactly how he'd see the two men. They had served him for millennia, doing his bidding.

  Oh, she knew all about the things her father demanded of his warriors. They were all immortals, some of them were even her siblings. They did a number of duties ranging from spying for him, to killing for him.

  Some merely protected his sanctuaries, but she had a feeling her father wouldn't have sent untrained men to watch over her. He was a little too protective of her sisters and her for that. No, he'd send men that he knew would be able to meet any threat. It made her respect the two men even more. For Poseidon to trust them with such a task meant he valued them highly. She knew exactly how hard it was to impress her father.

  "Fine. I understand the need to do something now. I'm not exactly happy about the idea of waiting to see what his next move is either.” Pythias rotated his shoulders, stopping to look at Damon.

  She turned to the other man as well. This might have been her plan but she had no idea how to execute it.

  "We have to get him into one of the temples. It's the only place I can think of where we might have the advantage. Even if Zeus tries to help him in any way, we'll still have the advantage of home ground. Poseidon would know the instant we stepped onto one of his temples."

  "So it wouldn't matter if Zeus is trying to block us from communicating. Even he can't block another god from hearing what goes on inside his own temple. He doesn't have the power to do that.” Pythias grinned. “We may just be able to pull this off after all."

nbsp; Turning to Aella, Pythias lifted her off her feet, causing her to squeal. He planted a smacking kiss on her mouth, before releasing her to walk out of the room. She touched her lips, staring after him.

  Damon laughed. “Don't mind him, he gets like this when he's excited about something. He'll be planning strategies all day, going over them and over them until he has every angle worked out."

  She glanced at him, looking away. “So, what do we do now?” She was starting to sound like a damn recording, but she had no clue what step to take next. Ask her to look after animals, or where the best place to get bargain shoes in Athens, and she was your girl. Find and dupe an insane immortal? Not so much.

  "We figure out which temple is the best location. Your father has his fair share of places where people came to seek him out, but they aren't all appropriate for what we need. The biggest temples are damn tourist attractions today, and it would be almost impossible to stage anything within them without having the police breathing down our necks within minutes.

  "No, it will have to be something small, out of the way, unknown to the general population. Any ideas?"

  Aella thought about what he was describing. She hadn't been to all the places dedicated to her father. As Damon had said, there were a hell of a lot of them. But she'd done her fair share of exploring when she went through a phase a while back. She had attempted to learn as much as possible about her father so she could discover where she came from. She supposed it wasn't all that different from the way humans studied their genealogy. Granted, it was a lot easier for her to get information on her immortal family, but there were still places that weren't covered in any history book or website dedicated to Greek mythology.

  "One. There's a temple not far from here that isn't on any map you'll ever find. Father took me there once when I tried to get him to tell me more about his past. It's no secret that this area is plagued with deep focused earthquakes. More than one has been the cause of some ancient building disappearing or cities lying in ruins. Well, that's what happened here. The temple was hit by an earthquake before your time, and the entire section of land it was sitting on slid into the sea. It had once been one of Poseidon's favorite spots so he preserved it, letting it sink underwater but not letting it decay as it normally would."

  "How far away is it?"

  "We can swim there in a few hours. I think. I haven't been in a few years, but I know where it is."

  Did you get all that, Pyth?

  Got it. We leave in an hour. Make sure the Princess is ready.

  "I heard that, you ass.” Aella scowled, desperate to hide her smile. Pythias’ deep laughter rang out from the next room.

  "Little eavesdroppers never hear what they want to."

  "I can't help listening in when you're broadcasting so loud."

  Damon drew her attention back to him. “I don't like leaving the seals unprotected here but we can't bring them with us. Will Phocas and the others be safe?"

  Touched that he'd think of her seals, Aella thought about it. “I have my own protections set up around my home. I don't think anyone short of one of the Olympian gods could enter here and destroy anything. I don't want to leave them either, but we don't have much of a choice. I can't think of anywhere we can put them for the moment and I don't even think I could contact anyone to come and look after them."

  "What about your sisters? They live nearby, don't they?"

  "I already told you I can't reach them."

  "You can't reach them through your mind, but that doesn't stop you from trying to reach them with more modern means. Surely even Zeus won't destroy phone lines."

  Aella slapped her forehead, feeling immeasurably dumb. Why hadn't she thought of that? She skipped over to the phone against the wall, quickly dialing Iaha's number.

  "She should be home. It's not that early, but sometimes she goes out to the water in the mornings, or she may be in town. I can't believe I didn't ... oh, hello? Iaha?” She paused, listening to the recorded greeting that answered her.

  Gods be damned phones.

  Why did voice messages always sound like someone real had answered? She constantly felt the fool for speaking as if someone had actually picked up. It had happened more than once.

  Hanging up the phone without leaving a message, she bit her lip. Shrugging her shoulders, she tried Adara. Dialing her number in Palma, she listened to the rings. Damon came up behind her, massaging her shoulders with his big hands. She nearly purred.


  Aella paused at the masculine voice that picked up.

  "Uh, I'm looking for Adara,” she said, confused.

  "Obviously, she's not here.” The man's voice held a hint of contempt. A dial tone sounded in her ear.

  "Well that was rude.” Aella put down the receiver, frowning.

  Kissing the side of her neck, Damon gave her one last pat on her shoulder. “I take it you couldn't get a hold of either sister."

  "No, and now I'm even more worried about them. It's probably nothing, but I can't help but think Zeus is meddling again."

  "Trust me, if Zeus is meddling, there isn't a whole lot you can do about it. Your sisters are smart, if there is something wrong, I'm sure they can handle themselves. Besides, your father isn't likely to leave them to face his brother alone."

  "What if they're trying to reach me? They must be worried by now. I mean, we don't talk all the time, but every once in awhile we check in with each other. I'm sure one of them must have tried by now."

  "What if they're being blocked like we are?"

  Aella paused, frozen by the thought. “If they are, then it's even more important that we stop Zeus and Linos."

  Pythias returned, throwing a small bundle to Damon. “We should leave now, to make sure we don't tip him off. It won't take long to get to the temple but still, I don't like leaving anything to chance."

  She angled her head, trying to see what Damon now held but he turned it away from her. Hmph.

  Aella led the way down to the shoreline. She would have loved to take her boat partway, but the Whirlwind was too noticeable, and if anyone watched them, they'd be able to follow easily. She wasn't sure what powers this Linos had after living for centuries but she figured she would be able to out swim him any day. This was her territory.

  Looking around for any surprise visitors in the area—it wasn't unheard of for fishermen to set up nets near her home—Aella quickly shed the robe she had donned this morning. She walked into the waves, quickly moving through them until she was chest deep. Here, she dove under, swimming under the sea and calling forth her tail.

  Before long, two powerful shapes shadowed her on either side. They were letting her lead them but Damon and Pythias were definitely in protector mode. There were no smiles or teasing glances being sent her way. They were utterly focused.

  Now, why did that serve to make her hot? Gods, she was starting to act like a sex-starved ninny. Absolutely everything was making her wet these days.

  Pythias cracked a smile at that, turning to pierce her with smoldering eyes. He'd obviously caught that thought. She ducked her head, embarrassed. His dark chuckle surrounded her for a moment, joined by the smoky tenor of Damon.

  I can see things will never get dull around you. Damon whispered to her.

  Enough of that. We have a madman to catch. She shot out, flicking her tail and daring them to catch her.

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  Chapter Eight

  Studying the pile of rocks in front of them, Pythias considered the idea that his little Princess was lost.

  "I'm not lost, and stop calling me Princess!"

  He smiled, turning his head so she couldn't see his amusement. He loved riling her; she was so damn cute when she got agitated. He wouldn't grow tired of her, that was for sure.

  Damon looked at him, obviously catching the tail end of his thought. They'd been together for so long that sometimes they didn't even need to communicate in their minds to understand what the other was thinking. R
ight now, they were both thinking the same thing.

  They'd challenge Poseidon himself to stay with Aella. There wasn't anything that could stand in the way of claiming their mate.

  Pythias could hardly believe it, but he couldn't imagine a world without her in it. Within a matter of days, she'd squeezed her way into his heart—the gods damned organ that he previously thought only had room for Damon. The love the two men shared was a product of centuries spent together, of trusting only each other through rough times. He sometimes thought he knew Damon better than he knew himself. It was certain that Damon knew him better than Pythias did.

  Poseidon once accused them of sharing one mind because they so often shared the same opinion. It had been no different when they saw Aella through Poseidon's mirror. He'd known instantly she would be his and Damon's. He'd known when his body had hardened, his cock stiff enough to drill through solid rock. He'd never been so affected in all his years.

  She was different, special, and he wanted her. As stupid as it sounded to a man accustomed to being alone with only Damon for company, he wanted to wake up beside her for eternity.

  He wanted to smell the sweet fragrance of her hair, watch the play of emotions across her face, and see the joy as she raced through tunnels chasing after a seal. He wanted to see the rapture on her face as she came for them, over and over again.

  He just didn't know how to tell Aella. He wasn't any good at emotional stuff. He usually relied on Damon when it came to talking about the important things. He didn't have the way with words his friend had been born with.

  Aella swam back and forth in front of them, studying the rocks. “I know the entrance is around here somewhere. Father buried it so curious divers wouldn't happen upon it by accident."

  She tapped her chin, wrinkling her nose in thought. Damon waited patiently, flicking his tail occasionally to stay in place. Pythias angled his neck, trying to relax his tense shoulders.

  "Here it is!” Aella crowed with glee, rushing headlong toward a crack set near the bottom of the rocks. Pythias immediately thrust forward, putting his larger body in front of hers. Damon came up behind him, holding Aella by the hips while Pythias explored the crack, studying it.


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