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Dogtags and Cowboy Boots

Page 5

by Sean Michael

  "Oh sweet fuck." Rig's eyes went wide, ass going tight as a fist.

  "Yes. Fuck." He thrust harder, one hand on Rig's hip, the other holding the kid's head in place. Almost fucking there.

  "Blue." Rig moaned the word, almost like a prayer.

  "Right here, Rig. Right fucking here. Just waiting for you to give it to me." He growled the words, gazing into grey eyes.

  Rig touched his face, eyes holding his as Rig shot. He roared as that sweet fucking ass pulled his own climax from him. He kept moving though, kept pushing into Rig for a few more thrusts before collapsing against the back of the couch.

  Rig cuddled against his chest, lips brushing his skin. The kid pressed against his side, joining them.

  All three of them well fucked and pressed together. That made for a mighty fine Christmas Eve.

  Well, that and chocolate pie.

  January 2005

  Rock shoved the shopping cart at Dick. "New guy gets to push."

  Grinning, Dick nodded. "I can push."

  "And you have to pay attention -- Rigger's particular about certain things and you need to make sure you get the right ones once you start coming on your own."

  Dick nodded again. This was his 'learn the ropes' grocery trip, so he'd know what to buy and stuff and the three of them could split the chores up. It would save time they could later use for fucking. At least that was how Rock had put it, but Dick suspected the big guy just wanted to get out of having to do the groceries.

  He didn't mind though, Rigger did most of the cooking and Rock ordered out on the nights he was responsible. So far Dick's contribution had been hotdogs and coleslaw. The least he could do was help with the shopping.

  "Is there a list or something?" he asked.

  Rig waved the paper. "It's on the fridge. You put what you need on it and viola. List." Rig leaned close, grinned. "If it says beer and chocolate cake? That's Rock's part."

  He giggled; he'd seen the list on the fridge, just never really paid attention to it. "Do you get everything that's on the list no matter what?"

  "It depends on how many times Rock adds cake."

  "Hey!" Rock swatted Rig and then him.

  "Hey! What did I do?"

  "You were standing next to him."

  He stuck his tongue out at Rock.

  "Don't be sticking that out unless you intend to use it, kid."

  Rig snorted, grabbed apples and grapes and bananas. Rock made a face at Rig, shooting off into an aisle and coming back with four bags of chips. Dick bit his lip, not saying a word.

  Rig rolled his eyes, grabbing lettuce, carrots and potatoes -- lots of potatoes. Dick started giggling when Rock added two bags of cookies and three different kinds of ice cream to the cart. Neither Rig nor Rock said a word, but their body language spoke volumes as they put their items in the cart.

  Rig got some tomatoes, some onions, some peppers, replacing one bag of chips with tortilla chips. Rock got brownies from the bakery department, two cans of spray whipped cream and a pie crust and several boxes of instant pudding.

  Dick was almost scared to see how far the two of them would escalate things. And he could see how if Rig went grocery shopping, there would be tons of healthy stuff in the kitchen, while if Rock did, it would be snack city. Half the stuff they were each bringing wasn't anywhere on the list either.

  Rig chuckled and put some of the pudding back, added milk and cocoa. Rock didn't even seem to notice when he came back with a pile of steaks.

  Dick did some quick mental calculations and winced for the state of his wallet. He was going to have trouble putting in his third if they were going to eat like kings...

  "We've got t-bones in the freezer, Rock. And a couple of flank steaks. Just pick one of that set."

  "You going to make baked potatoes for me with them?" Rock asked, all but pouting.

  "Yep." Rig nodded. "We'll even get cheese and sour cream."

  "Well all right then." Rock dropped three of the nicest looking steaks Dick had ever seen into the cart and went to put the rest away.

  "I can see why you want to avoid all three of us going shopping," he murmured.

  Rig nodded. "No shit. Although, to be fair? Rock's damn good about making up the difference, budget wise. We worked all that out a long time ago."

  "Yeah? 'Cause I can't afford to eat steak every night on a private's wage." It was easier to admit to Rigger. Rock was... well Rock. A class A stud. A hell of a marine. Rock. Not that Rig wasn't, but Rig understood stuff like that.

  "We pay for the meals we choose, yeah? And then take care of the shared shit between us." Rig grinned. "Basically? It all works out."

  "Oh, cool. So I should be choosing what I want to cook on my 'nights', right? You guys like hotdogs okay?"

  "Hot dogs are for kids, kid," Rock told him, coming back with a hunk of beef roast.

  "Oh. Well I guess I still am one then, 'cause I like them."

  "Hamburgers are better than hotdogs," Rock told him.

  "I can't make hamburgers." Rock's eyebrow went up as he put the cheese and sour cream into the cart. "They always fall apart on me."

  "Hell, kid. Even I can manage hamburgers. The kid only gets one night, Rig. Even that's more often than I want hotdogs."

  Rig pondered. "Two nights for me, two nights for you, one night for leftovers, one night for going out. Yeah, that leaves one night for the kid."

  "Are you sure? That doesn't seem fair?" He didn't want them to think he was mooching off them. He was more than willing to do his share, as much as he could.

  "Having to eat hot dogs more than one night a week's not fair, kid. We're good." Rock had that expression he was coming to learn meant "discussion's over", so he just nodded.

  Rig grinned. "You can be responsible for weekend lunches, too. Oooh. Pancake mix."

  "Just no hot dogs, kid."

  He nodded. "I got that, Rock. Are sandwiches okay?"

  "Sandwiches are great as long as you mean steak sandwiches or meatball sandwiches or ham sandwiches. You know. Meat on bread."

  He chuckled. "Yeah, I'm beginning to see where your heart lies when it comes to food, Rock."

  "And I don't want any of that green shit anywhere near any of mine."

  "Green shit? You mean relish?" Though why he'd automatically put relish on sandwiches was beyond him.

  "Funny, kid. You know what I mean."

  He looked over to Rigger for help because he most certainly didn't know what Rock meant by green shit on sandwiches.

  "Vegetables, Dick. Lettuce, pickles, anything that could possibly be confused for something healthy."

  He blinked at Rig and then laughed.

  "I'm serious, kid," growled Rock.

  "I know." That's what made it funny.

  "Are we almost done yet?" he asked. The cart was going to be overflowing soon. Oh, and his cokes were missing. As was milk and eggs and bacon and sausages for breakfasts.

  He added a couple packs of coke to the cart as they were passing that section.

  "We need coffee and tea and I want some Raisinettes." Rig went to grab his one food vice and Rock rolled his eyes muttering about Rig and sugar highs.

  He bit his lower lip again as Rock put ding dongs and HoHos into the cart -- it was going to start bleeding soon. Of course Rig was sweet enough without the sugar, whereas Rock always worked best with a good infusion of it.

  "How are we doing on laundry detergent?" Rig's drawl echoed through the store.

  "How the hell should I know?" Rock asked.

  "Well, I'd best get some. And dog food. Do we need another cart?"

  Rock rolled his eyes. "This is why we don't usually do it together. Such a fucking production." The big guy headed off toward the front of the store to pick up another cart.

  Rig came back with laundry and dish detergent. "Is he bitching about it being a production yet?"

  Dick giggled and nodded. "He is."

  "He's angling for a visit to the video store and meat lover's pizza after."r />
  "Wouldn't that make it even more of a production?" Not that meat lover's pizza didn't sound yummy, because it did.

  "Yep. But if we get popcorn now, we get explosions and pizza and happy Rock feeling macho because he got what he wanted." Rig winked. "It's a game, kid, but it amuses us and there's no losing to it."

  "Oh, a happy macho Rock sounds like a whole bunch of fun." He grinned. "I just want to make sure I know the rules. I wouldn't want to be taking penalties."

  "The rules are simple. He blusters, I bitch. It all ends in fucking."

  "So what's my role? Cart pusher?"

  Those grey eyes smiled over, warm, admiring. "You're ours. There's lots of miscellaneous duties as assigned there."

  He blushed hard, ducking his head and gripping the cart tight so he wouldn't reach over and touch Rig like he wanted to. Rig grinned, adding soap and dog food and toilet cleaner to Rock's cart as the big guy caught up to them.

  Rock snorted. "I see I have the fun cart."

  "We could trade if you want," he offered.

  "No, that's okay. You're new. It wouldn't be fair."

  Paper plates, trash bags, charcoal, lighter fluid. Christ, feeding them was complicated. With at least half this stuff not on the list, he had a feeling he was going to have to sit and make Rig tell him exactly what needed to be added whenever it was his turn.

  Eventually they were done and at the cashier, where Rock managed to add some chocolate bars to their order. Dick didn't even want to know how much all this shit was going to come out to.

  "I've got it," Rock told him, reading his mind. "Rig'll let you know how much you owe at the end of the month when he does the utilities and shit. It's easier that way."

  "Okay, thanks."

  Rig nodded, bagging, flirting madly with the little checker, making her stammer and blush. Rock rolled his eyes, but gave her a nice smile and a wink before herding them all out.

  "I'll go choose us something from the video store. You two go get a couple of meat lovers pizzas. Make up for shopping being such a big production."

  Rig grinned. "Don't dawdle. I called them in already."

  Rock looked a little put out for a moment and then obviously decided to take it as a compliment. "I won't be long," he told Rig before walking off, all puffed up.

  Dick grinned. "You do have his number, don't you?"

  "Yep." Rig watched Rock move away. "And he'll grab that new movie I've been wanting to see. It all works. Come on, let's get the pizzas."


  He followed behind Rig, doing some admiring of his own.


  Movie in the VCR, stomach full of pizza, groceries and chores behind them for another Saturday.

  Two men sharing the couch with him.

  Rock was a happy fucking man.

  The only thing that could make it perfect was a blow and some fucking.

  And he was situated to get himself both. He dropped his hand to his groin, letting his fingers slide alongside his cock. Here I am, Rigger, come and get me.

  Rig hummed, fucking cockhound scooting against his side, hand on his thigh and sliding up.

  He purred and casually spread his legs. He could feel the kid grinning at him. He turned and fixed a glare on him. "What?"

  Dick just grinned harder, eyes just fucking dancing. Rig wasn't paying attention, cheek on his chest, fingers stroking his balls. He aimed another glare at the kid who just came and sat on the couch with him and Rig, hand landing on his other thigh.

  Now that was more like it.

  Rig snuggled, hand leaving his balls to stroke Dick's fingers for a second before going back. Dick's fingers followed, playing with Rig's, with his balls. It was all good but for the not naked part.

  He grunted.

  Rig chuckled, face sliding down his belly, warm and sweet. He purred. That wasn't naked, but it was good. He gave the kid a look. Those eyes were still dancing, but Dick's fingers were playing over the button and zipper on his jeans now. Rig's lips were so hot, sliding over his prick through the jeans. He moaned, one hand dropping to Rig's curls, the other finding the kid's back, making Dick shiver as he played the nerves there that were so sensitive. Rig purred, nuzzling in, heating him all up. He spread his legs further, sighing with relief when the kid got his jeans open, let his swollen prick out.

  "Mmm... smell good." Rig was such a slut, humming for it.

  Not that he didn't enjoy that or wasn't going to take full advantage of it. "I taste good, too."

  "Mmmm. Save some for me, Rigger." Oh, the kid was learning. Also taking his t-shirt off, fingers exploring his chest.

  "I can share. I'm good at sharing." Rig's tongue slid over the tip of his cock, just teasing.

  He chuckled.

  His prick got a slow, sweet, sucking kiss. "I am."

  He might have argued the point, or at least teased Rig a little, except that mouth felt so fucking good all he could do was moan. Dick leaned down, Rig lifting up, those two mouths kissing around his cock, tongues trapping him between them.

  "Oh, fuck, yes!" Fuck, they were something else. Both of them. And fuck, he was one lucky man.

  Rig moaned, hand cupping Dick's nape, keeping the kiss going. Kid was moaning and carrying on around his prick, the vibrations settling in his balls and fuck, that was something special. Groaning, his hand tightened in Rig's hair.

  Rig's hand stroked his thigh, kiss growing harder, the heat of those two mouths insane, sharp. His other hand found Dick's shoulder, holding on tight as his hips started jerking. Fuck. Fuck. He made an inarticulate noise.

  They started taking turns, his cock pushing into one mouth, then another. It felt fucking amazing and he let his hips go, feeding it to them over and over. Rig's fingers found his nuts again, rolling and tugging.

  The kid was still far more enthusiastic than good, but he followed Rig's lead eagerly and Rock figured it wouldn't be long before they could both blow his mind on their own, let alone together.

  "Don't stop," he ordered, voice low, wanton.

  Rig gently pushed the kid upward. "Kiss him." Then that mouth dropped down over his cock down to the root.

  "Fuck!" His hips bucked, jerking him against the back of Rig's throat and he'd be damned if his Rabbit didn't take it all.

  The kid's mouth covered his, tasting of his own salt and of Rig as well as the sweet, honest flavor that belonged to the kid. He dove into the kiss, hips just going, pushing himself into Rig's mouth over and over again. Rig just opened up, took all he had and demanded more.

  He fucked the kid's mouth with his tongue and Rig's with his cock and just went at both hard. Dick's hands were wandering, sliding under his t-shirt and stroking his skin. Rig's... fuck Rig was still playing with his balls, making it absolutely amazing.

  Rig sucked hard, throat working his prick. The kid held onto his shoulders, mouth opening wide, welcoming his invasion. They made him feel like a fucking god. The god of fucking pleasure and it wasn't going to be long now, not the way Rig was working him.

  Then one long finger slid back, pressing into him. He roared, the sound muffled by Dick's mouth, come pulsing into Rigger's throat. Rigger drank him down, swallowing.

  Dick pressed against him, the kid hard, rubbing. It made him chuckle -- the impatience of youth. Rig's hand reached out, rubbed Dick's thigh, lips still hot on his prick.

  "Yeah, Rig, you keep me hard and I'll fuck you while you suck the kid."

  That made the kid whimper and rub harder. Of course, it made Rig suck harder, head just bobbing.

  He nodded. Yeah. Yeah, that was it. He spread his legs wider again, lying back against the couch, just fucking enjoying the sucking and the rubbing. The finger inside him pushed deep, Rig pegging his gland, stroking it.

  "Fuck!" He bucked, cock throbbing inside Rig's mouth.

  Those grey eyes just smiled up at him, the touch coming again and again. His eyes rolled into the back of his head as he just fucking rode it, knowing nothing but their bodies and pleasure.

>   It didn't take long before Rig pulled away, panting. "Fuck me. You promised."

  "Get your ass over here then." His voice was little more than a growl and he gave the kid a grin. "You get his mouth, kid. Nobody gets left out of this gravy train."

  Rig reached over, working Dick's jeans open. The kid moaned, fingers fumbling to help, probably getting in the way.

  Rock growled and grabbed the jeans, tearing them apart. "Let's move. I want your ass, Rig."

  "Pushy old man." Rig went on hands and knees, working those tight jeans open even as that mouth found Dick's cock.

  "I just know what I want." Besides the kid wasn't complaining. Probably couldn't what with Rig's mouth wrapped around his prick, but still.

  He got up and pushed his own jeans off, kneeling behind Rig. He dug the lube out from under the couch cushions, slicked up two fingers and just like that he was pushing them into tight heat.

  Rig jerked, started riding him sure and steady. He looked over at the kid, grinning at the glazed look in Dick's eyes. Two fingers became three and he was hurrying now, knowing he'd look pretty much the same once he'd sunk his meat into Rig and wanting it, fucking needing it.

  Rig squeezed his fingers, a dark blush crawling along Rig's spine. That was his signal and he tugged his fingers out. "Come on, let me go, Rigger. It's my cock you want."

  Rig's body relaxed and he replaced his fingers with his cock, pushing it in. Rig's head lifted, the low, harsh sound music to his fucking ears. Groaning, he pushed all the way in, going deep. So fucking good. And the look on the kid's face as Rig sucked him? Fucking awesome.

  Rig was moving and rocking, humming and just happy as shit between them, taking them both. He bent and grabbed the kid's neck, pulling Dick in for a nice, slow tongue fuck, rhythm matching his cock in Rig's ass. Rig squeezed him, rippling around him, moaning low. Oh, that got him moving faster, harder, tongue pushing into Dick's mouth, cock into Rig's ass, just pounding into that tight heat.

  Rig's head started bobbing, mouth sliding over Dick's prick, making it wet. The kid was feeding him the most amazing noises. He drove them all harder, faster, hand wrapping around Rig's prick to complete the loop. Rig jerked, bucking hard now, demanding more, faster, deeper.

  He broke off the kiss with the kid so he could give Rig what he wanted, what he needed. "Oh fuck, yes." He nodded, watching as Dick started to really fuck Rig's mouth, matching him.


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