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Page 14

by Whitney Cannon

  They nodded their heads. “And we found a dresser for Josh at Repurpose. It needs some work, but Travis was there and he got us what we needed. We put it in the garage. I guess we can start on that tomorrow,” Cory said looking at Josh for confirmation.

  “As long as we can work on it in the garage. It’s going to be a mess to do all that sanding and I think it’s supposed to rain again,” Josh said.

  “That’s no problem. Diane and I have the week off work, as well, since we wanted to be here with Cory after his injury. We can keep the cars out for the time being,” Jim said. “Cory, can you guys grab drinks and go get your mom, please. She’s in the studio.”

  “Wait.” Josh grabbed Cory’s arm. “Why don’t we see if we can do this. I’ll grab the drinks, and you get your mom. It’s not that far to the studio, let’s see how it goes. We need to at least be able to move around outside of being in the same room all the time. If it’s too far for you, you just come back, no biggie. But we should at least play around with the idea, see what works and what doesn’t. You wanna try it?” Josh asked. This was such a little thing, but they had to be able to be at least slightly independent. If they were literally bound to each other's sides, things might start getting a little stifling. These little moments should be taken advantage of when they were at home and able to play around with it comfortably.

  Cory was looking at Josh with a slight frown and a hint of worry. “I can tell by the way you’re looking at me with your puppy dog eyes, this really means something to you. Fine. We’ll try it. I’m not all that excited about falling on my ass and swimming through pea soup, but I can see why you want to give it a try. I’ll have some milk with dinner and mom will probably want iced tea,” Cory said and squeezed Josh’s hand. “Please don’t leave the kitchen though. If you go any farther in the opposite direction—”

  “I know. I won’t. I’ll just stay here and help your dad,” Josh finished. He pulled Cory in for a quick kiss and then Cory turned to leave. Josh watched him go, and when he was at the door to the studio, Cory looked back and gave Josh a nod and small smile. Josh only felt a mild edge to the bee magnets in his core so the distance was manageable. Cory might be a little uncomfortable, but Josh had to trust that if he was he would realize his limits and back off.

  When he turned back around to start on the drinks, Jim was watching him. Josh blushed slightly under the scrutiny and ducked his head. “You’re very good for him. And you’re good with him. I appreciate that, Josh. You’re a good man.” Jim gave him a smile and a nod of his own and the two of them set about their tasks quietly.

  Josh took Jim’s drink order and retrieved the glasses. When Josh had the drinks poured and on the table, the back door opened and Cory and Diane came through.

  Cory came right over to Josh and hugged him close while Diane went to clean up before the meal. “How was that?” Josh whispered into the side of Cory’s neck.

  “It was manageable. Somewhere between the ‘falling over’ and the ‘I still got this’ stage,” Cory said softly and rubbed his cheek along Josh’s neck and jaw. Cory withdrew from their hold and said, “Let’s go wash up before dinner.” He took Josh’s hand and led him out of the kitchen toward the bathroom.

  When they entered the bathroom, Cory didn’t turn on the light, he just drew Josh in and nudged the door with his foot. He barely had a moment to wonder what Cory was doing before Cory’s mouth was on his. Cory wrapped his arms around Josh’s shoulders and Josh put one hand behind Cory’s neck to draw him closer. They both made a small sound when the kiss deepened, and they opened to each other.

  Josh wrapped his other arm around Cory and pulled him in tighter so they were touching from their chests down to their thighs. Their tongues danced and swirled around each other and they were both breathing harder.

  After a few more moments, Josh slowly withdrew and moved his mouth along Cory’s cheek and down to his jaw. He gently rubbed his lips along Cory’s neck and up to his ear feeling Cory shudder. He could hear Cory’s ragged breathing and the soft moan he made when Josh took his earlobe into his mouth and sucked on it lightly.

  Cory turned and buried his face in Josh’s neck rubbing his cheek along the sensitive skin and calming his breath. He hugged Josh tightly in his arms as they both came down from their high.

  “Thank you,” Cory sighed so softly Josh barely heard it. Josh squeezed him once more and pulled back to look at the other boy. Even in the dark bathroom, Josh noticed Cory had a serious look on his face and at seeing the question on Josh’s face, Cory explained. “I needed you. Even though I was only in the studio for a few minutes, and I knew where you were and that we were apart willingly, it made me edgy and uncomfortable to be away from you. I just needed to reconnect with you, to push the foggy feeling away, and remind myself that you were here.”

  Josh nodded and hugged Cory again. “Whatever you need,” he said softly. “I know this is so new and exploring these new boundaries will be a little difficult. So whatever you need to feel more comfortable, if I can do it for you, I will. Anytime you feel like you need me, or need reassurance about our Connection, just let me know. Thank you for telling me, Cory. I’m sorry if you were feeling vulnerable.”

  Already shaking his head, Cory explained. “Not vulnerable really, just a strong need to be with you, to reconnect. It seems like even when we're apart within manageable distance, something in the fog makes me need reassurance that you’re here.”

  “I’m here,” Josh breathed and kissed the side of Cory’s neck once more.

  When they pulled apart, Cory had a tender look on his face. Josh cupped Cory’s jaw and brushed his thumb across Cory’s cheek while looking into his eyes. After a moment they set to washing their hands and finally returned to the kitchen.

  Jim and Diane were seated and talking quietly between themselves. They looked up as Cory and Josh approached and took their seats.

  Cory spoke with no hint of embarrassment in his tone at what they’d been doing. “Thank you for waiting for us. I needed a minute to reconnect with Josh. I know I was only outside for a short time, but the foggy feeling makes me edgy, and it settles me to hold him for a minute, to reassure myself that he’s here.” Josh reached over and squeezed Cory’s hand.

  Jim and Diane had been looking back and forth between them as Cory spoke. “Alright. Thank you for telling us, Son. I think it’s probably a good idea to be as open and honest about what you both need through all this so we know when to give you space and how best to support you. From everything Brian and Ben told us it sounds like there are a lot of really strong feelings involved in all this.”

  Cory and Josh both nodded their heads.

  Jim nodded back. “Alright. Well, we both appreciate your candor with this. Now, if you’re both feeling better what do you say we eat this meal before it gets too cold.”

  Everyone smiled at that and the mood lightened considerably. They talked about the dresser project and seeing Travis, and they listened as Diane told them about what she was planning for her garden beds that year.


  The annoying beeping of Josh’s alarm was something he would always hate. He didn’t consider himself a morning person but didn’t need gallons of coffee to function either. All that aside, no one liked an alarm clock. Groaning, Josh rolled over and retrieved his phone from the desk. He swiped it to snooze and rolled back over.

  When the alarm sounded again Josh groaned louder. Fortunately, he knew himself and his sleep habits. He only ever allowed one snooze cycle, and therefore, threw off the covers to shut up his hated alarm. One glance toward Cory told him all he needed to know. They had stayed up way too late last night.

  After dinner, Josh and Cory had taken Jenny for an evening walk. As they’d returned to the house they had dropped Jenny off and ended up sitting up on the hill next to Cory’s house. Cory sat between Josh’s legs with Josh’s back up against a tree. They watched the lights twinkling below, for a long time, speaking only occasionally and only lou
d enough to be heard. Resting his chin on Cory’s shoulder Josh had simply held his boyfriend. They had had so many things going on over the last few days and so many changes to think about it felt nice to just breathe together. They tried not to let worry, or anxiety or the future creep in and just spent their time in each other’s arms.

  It had been quite late when they finally made it back to their room. Opting to both change in the room, since they seemed to be feeling more comfortable with their situation and each other. And when Josh went to lie down on his new bed, Cory had followed. Josh had pulled back the covers and scooted to move his back against the wall. Cory had climbed in, and they’d faced each other in the dark, each of them with their arms pulled up to their chests. Their knees had bumped together and they’d ended up tangling their legs and feet around each other.

  A low tension had filled their small space after that. Josh had reached out with his left arm and brought Cory into his embrace. He’d snuggled up close to Josh, and they’d stayed that way until Cory looked up. Josh had been caught by the look in Cory’s eyes. It had called to him and he’d needed to answer.

  Josh had dipped his head down and pressed his lips to Cory’s. That must have been all Cory had been waiting for because he’d quickly taken the reins. He’d wrapped his arms around Josh and they’d explored each other’s mouths. Cory hadn’t been shy anymore about not having much experience. He’d tested and teased and pushed and retreated. Josh’s head had nearly spun with the need for oxygen. But as their urgency had waned, they’d simply maintained their Connection; taking slow draws and gentle caresses from each other.

  It was well after midnight when they’d finally separated. They’d both had swollen lips and half-lidded eyes.

  After everything they’d done last night, Josh remembered the look Cory had given him before he went back to his own bed. It made him weak in the knees just thinking about it and he got butterflies in his stomach for a whole different reason. If he hadn’t been lying down already he would have melted just remembering the heat of that look. Cory had looked at him from under his lashes, and without saying anything, the look he gave Josh spoke volumes. Josh’s heart swelled just thinking about it.

  He rubbed at his chest and looked back over at Cory, asleep in his own bed. Josh probably had a look on his face that was similar to the one Cory gave him last night.

  Quietly retreating from his covers, Josh stepped over to Cory’s bed. He softly stroked the backs of his fingers down Cory’s smooth cheek and brushed the hair from his forehead.

  Bending over, Josh placed a tender kiss on Cory’s brow then gathered his things to go shower.

  His handsome Complement was still asleep when he returned to the room a bit later. Josh set his things down and checked the time. They needed to leave for his meeting in half an hour so he needed to wake Cory up. Josh ran his fingers through the golden strands of hair on Cory’s head. He bent down and softly brushed his lips over Cory’s cheek and whispered into his ear.

  “Rise and shine, my Complement. Time to get up and get ready.” When Cory’s eyes cracked to slits, Josh smiled and placed a soft kiss on his lips. “Morning. We need to be out of here in half an hour so it’s time to get your cute self up and ready.”

  Cory groaned and rolled to shove his face in the pillow. A moment later he turned abruptly and looked back at Josh with a smile on his face. “I just remembered last night,” he said with a sleepy voice, but a light in his eyes.

  Josh chuckled. “Glad to hear it was memorable for you.”

  “It was one of the best nights I can ever remember,” Cory told him with such sincerity there was no mistaking he meant it. The look on Cory’s face was one Josh hoped to see for a long time to come.

  Josh reached over and took Cory’s chin in his thumb and forefinger and kissed him again. Cory made no move to deepen the kiss, and when they separated he shook his head. “Morning breath.”

  Josh laughed again and gave Cory one more peck before retreating to let him up. As he climbed out of bed, Cory ran a hand through his hair. Josh watched the movement of his muscles and the rise of his shirt as he stretched and moved. Josh realized Cory was still stretching with his arms in the air and looked up to meet Cory’s eyes.

  “Oh, hi,” Cory smirked. “See something you like?” he teased and threw Josh a wink.

  Josh moved closer to Cory and crowded into his personal space. Cory’s face grew serious, and he swallowed as Josh approached. Reaching out Josh placed his hands on Cory’s hips and while looking into Cory’s eyes he skimmed his thumbs up under the hem of Cory’s shirt and across the smooth warm skin of his hip bones. Slowly Josh moved his face right up next to Cory’s and spoke into his ear. “Yeah, I do. I really do,” he breathed. And ran his nose from the collar of Cory’s shirt up to the sensitive skin behind his ear. He placed a soft kiss there and wrapped his arms fully around the other guy. Cory returned the gesture and they stayed that way for a moment.

  Cory pulled back and sighed. “I’m not really sure I like where this is going.”

  Josh froze and looked at Cory, unsure what he meant.

  “This is the second day in a row that I’ll be needing a cold shower.”

  Josh laughed out loud and hugged Cory once more. “You dork. Go. Shower,” he said, shoving Cory away. “I’m only waiting a little while before I go grab breakfast. Unlike some people, I’ve been awake for a while and I’m starving.”

  Cory laughed and left the room. Hearing the shower turn on, Josh grabbed his phone to pass the time while he waited for his Complement to return.


  Parking his car, Josh realized this was one of the few times he had actually been at school without being in school. It was weird to be on campus in the middle of the morning and not being in class. His friends would be in their classes and a couple had texted him to find out where he was and why he wasn’t in class as well. He’d told Jersey that he would be on campus today, and he was sure his friend had spread the word.

  Cory came around to Josh’s side of the car and stood a few feet from him. They had talked before about the fact that both boys were out to their friends and the school, but as Josh looked over to Cory, he saw that Cory looked hesitant about coming closer. There was no need for Cory to worry.

  Josh closed the distance between them and took Cory’s hand. Winking, Josh gave Cory a quick peck on the lips. Cory seemed to relax a little bit and the two of them walked toward the offices. Knowing his dad, he was probably already inside and waiting on them.

  Josh led the way and pointed out different parts of the campus to Cory. It wasn’t a large campus due to the fact that it was a private school, but it was a very nice campus; old style brick buildings on the outside with all the modern updates of the technological age inside. Classes were in session, and the campus was mostly quiet as they entered the offices at the edge of a manicured lawn which was ornamented with large sycamore trees.

  Sitting in a heavy wooden chair in the entryway, Josh’s dad was playing on his phone when they entered. Brian looked up as the door closed behind them and smiled widely. “Hey boys,” he said and came part way to meet them. Reaching out to hug Josh first then Cory, he said, “How are you guys doing? How was your night?”

  Cory looked at Josh and the two of them seemed to remember at the same time just how good their night had been. “It was fine, Dad. Like I texted you. We went out yesterday and got a bed, so that’s set up. We found a small dresser that needs some new paint, but it’ll work fine for now. I guess we’ll probably start on that later today since it’s going to take a few days to fix up. But,” Josh said, looking around to see who might overhear, “most importantly we did a test to see how far apart we can get. It wasn’t great. We wanted to talk to you and maybe Grandpa and Grandma again. See what they have to say.”

  Nodding his head, Brian listened intently. “Alright, no problem. Maybe we can swing by their place after this if you guys are free.”

  Josh looked to Cory, who replied, �
��Sure. Sounds good. My meeting isn’t until one-thirty so we have time. Maybe I can text my parents and they could meet us there?”

  Brian nodded again. “Yeah, that’d be great. Let’s see if Mr. Olivos is ready for us so we can get you boys some more answers, hmm?” He clapped them each on the back and turned to approach the counter to speak with Rebecca Muler, the head secretary.

  After only a few minutes wait, the three of them were led to the headmaster’s office. Ms. Muler poked her head in and gave them the all-clear to go inside. Josh’s dad took the lead and Josh followed. Cory opted to sit in a chair just outside the office door.

  “Mr. Rogers and Mr. Rogers. How are you today?” Headmaster Olivos greeted them each with a handshake over his desk. “Please do come in and take a seat and let’s find out why you needed to meet with me. I hope you are both well?”

  “We are indeed, Mr. Olivos. Thank you for asking. We needed to see you today regarding the rest of the school year for Josh. We’ve just come across an unusual circumstance that is, most likely, going to prevent Josh from continuing to attend school. We’re both committed to him graduating and finishing his coursework, but we wanted to find out from you what alternatives there might be for Josh to finish out the year at home,” Brian finished.

  “Hmm, I see. This is an unusual situation,” Mr. Olivos said, looking thoughtful. “Well, I’m sure your reasoning for such a request has its merits, and we don’t need to get into all that. In this situation, I think we might need to set up a meeting with Joshua’s teachers and see if they can handle preparing all the work that will need to be done. As you’re aware, the end of the year is an extremely busy time with last essays, exams, reviewing, and such. It would be an extra burden on them to set aside time to prepare Joshua’s materials separately. There would probably be instances where he would still need to come in to present or debate, possibly do a lab, that kind of thing. Those grades cannot be gained any other way. Would it be possible for Joshua to come in at all? Perhaps a few hours once a week?”


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