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Page 19

by Whitney Cannon

  For lunch, they decided to reheat some leftovers from their previous dinners over the week and sliced up some apples with peanut butter. They took Jenny on a walk and stretched their legs before they settled back into another couple of hours of school work.

  Josh looked up from his notebook after a while and caught Cory staring at him. Cory blushed slightly and smiled at being found out.

  “What? You’re cute. A guy is allowed to stare at his own boyfriend, isn’t he?”

  Josh chuckled at that and set his school work aside. “I should certainly hope so.” He got down off his bed and crossed the short space to Cory’s bed. Grabbing the text out of Cory’s hand, he lay the book down on the desk with the pages open to hold his place. He climbed slowly and deliberately onto the bed and over the top of Cory’s lounging figure.

  Cory had a sexy little smirk on his face and moved his arms up, clasping his hands behind his head. “I like where this is going so much more than the book I couldn’t concentrate on,” he said and settled in to observe Josh more comfortably.

  Josh hovered over Cory’s slightly smaller frame and ran his eyes over all of the minute details of his Complement; the delicate arch of his brow, the ever so faint dusting of freckles across his high cheekbones and nose, the way his golden hair seemed to lay in just the right place after Cory had run his hand through it all day, and the alluring shape and color of Cory’s lips. Josh was caught between wanting to focus on Cory’s tempting mouth and the wide blue eyes that had captured his heart from the first day he’d laid eyes on them.

  “How did I get so lucky to find you?” Josh murmured, staring into Cory’s eyes.

  Cory’s expression softened from the playful smirk to a tender loving look that Josh would do just about anything to keep on his face. He brought his right hand up and cupped Josh’s cheek, slowly rubbing his thumb along its slightly stubbled surface.

  “I don’t know, babe, but I will be forever grateful. The way you look at me makes me feel like there’s nothing else in the world except me. Like I’m the most wonderful thing you’ve ever seen and the only thing you need. A guy could get pretty addicted to that look.”

  “You are the only thing I see and need,” Josh said and leaned down to kiss Cory sweetly on the lips.

  Cory wrapped both arms around Josh as he lowered his weight down to Cory’s side. Josh broke the kiss and wrapped his arms around Cory as well, simply enjoying the feel of his Complement in his arms. He pressed kisses to Cory’s neck and shoulder and breathed in the familiar scent of his boyfriend. Cory repositioned them slightly so he was less underneath Josh and they were more on their sides, simply holding each other. They stayed that way for several long minutes, both of them running their hands up and down the other’s back, or arms; whatever they could reach. Josh held the back of Cory’s head in his hand and enjoyed the tickle of the fine hairs at the base of his neck, as he gently carded his fingers through Cory’s hair.

  “I’m really looking forward to our date later,” Josh murmured into Cory’s shoulder.

  “Mmm, me too.” Cory pulled back and looked Josh in the eye. “Thank you for coming to the game with me. I’m excited to see the guys play, and even though I can’t play, it’ll be awesome to cheer for the team.”

  “Of course it will. They’re your boys, your team. Just last week you were a part of that. You still are. Even if you can’t play.” Josh pecked Cory on the lips. “What time should we head over?”

  “Probably soon. Even if the game doesn’t start for a while yet, it will be nice to talk to the guys before the game. Is that cool?”

  “Of course. I think my brain is fried for the day anyway.” Josh shifted to sit up on the edge of the bed and Cory followed suit. “Let’s grab a snack, huh? Or will they have a snack bar at the game?”

  “There should be a snack bar, although I’ve never eaten at it. Probably just chips and stuff. What sounds good?”

  “Do you think they’ll have those soft pretzels there? I love those with mustard.” Josh groaned a little just thinking about them.

  Cory shook his head with a laugh. “I’ll have to remember your weakness for soft pretzels,” he teased. “Yes, I think they have those there if that’s what you want.” He patted Josh on the thigh and stood up. Josh pulled him in between his spread knees.

  Moving his hands up to Cory’s hips, he looked up at his sweet and very tempting boyfriend. Cory rested his hands on Josh’s forearms as they looked at each other silently for a few moments. Josh moved his thumbs up under the hem of Cory’s pink unicorn shirt, lightly caressing the soft skin on his hip bones.

  “I want you, Cory, but,” he paused, then continued with a solemn tone. “Soft pretzels are a very close second.”

  Cory threw back his head and laughed and Josh wrapped his arms around Cory’s waist, loving the sound of his Complement’s happiness.

  “I’m not sure that I like being in such close competition with a soft pretzel,” Cory said when he finally stopped laughing. He bent down and kissed Josh on the top of his head as they both chuckled again. “Why don’t we head out? The sooner we get there the sooner you can get your fix.”

  Josh nodded his consent and lowered his arms to wrap tightly under Cory’s butt and hoisted him up in one quick move as he stood from the bed.

  Cory screeched out in surprise, arms and legs flailing around. He finally wrapped his legs around Josh’s waist as he laughed and laughed. Trying to maintain his hold on Josh, Cory clambered about, grabbing onto Josh’s hair. Josh maneuvered them under the door frame and out into the hallway determined to keep his laughing Complement laughing.

  As they passed through the kitchen, Diane chuckled at them as she filled a couple of water bottles. “Off to the game?”

  “Yup. Apparently, Josh has a thing for soft pretzels, and he thinks carrying me will get us to the snack bar faster,” Cory teased.

  Josh swatted him on the butt and dropped him down to stand on his own. “Hey, what can I say? Mostly I just wanted to hear you laugh, but that came with the added benefit of having your arms and legs wrapped around me,” Josh teased back and waggled his eyebrows at Cory, throwing a wink over to Diane, who smiled as well.

  “Alright, well you boys have fun on your date. We might pop over to the game ourselves just to watch for a few. If we do, we’ll see you there. Otherwise, enjoy your night. You’ve both been through a lot this week and deserve your first date to be really memorable.”

  “Thanks, Mom,” Cory said and wrapped an arm around Josh’s waist. “You and Dad have been pretty great this week, too. Thanks for helping us get settled into this crazy Connective thing. It’s been an interesting week for sure.”

  “You’re welcome, honey. It has been a bit out of the ordinary, but things are finally settling down now that we know what’s going on. You two just focus on each other and finishing the school year and we’ll help you out with whatever needs sorting.” Diane smiled kindly and half-hugged them both as she took the water bottles out the back door.


  An hour later, Josh and Cory sat together on the bleachers, each with a small popcorn, soft pretzel, and soda, as the game got underway.

  After talking to Diane, they had gone back into their bedroom to change their clothes, realizing they wouldn’t be coming back home after the game and wanting to be dressed a little nicer for their first date. Josh had grabbed a fresh, tight-fitting white shirt and threw on a brown and green button-up that he left open, all paired with his best jeans and white low-top sneakers.

  Cory had put on skinny jeans rolled up at the bottom, paired with a tight navy blue shirt patterned with flamingos. He threw on a gray cardigan and some low-cut brown boots to finish his adorably hipster look. Josh may have even asked if he would get to unwrap Cory after their date, to which Cory may have given a tempting “maybe.”

  As they devoured their snack bar goodness, the baseball game progressed. All the guys had come over to Cory when they’d first arrived and said how sorry they we
re that he couldn’t play and they’d do their best to get him a win. Josh noticed that Nick had been noticeably cool toward them both, and even though he had said a stilted hello to Cory, he’d hung in the background not participating much in the conversation.

  Around the fifth inning, Jim and Diane showed up and had a quick sideline chat with the coaches regarding Cory. Josh found the game more exciting than he expected given that he was on the side cheering with Cory. Cory decided they needed to make up cheers for the team and even tried to get Josh to coordinate some choreographed moves. It had been a fun couple of hours seeing his Complement let loose and enjoy something as simple as a baseball game. He wondered if Cory would be that much fun at an MLB game, especially if it was one that he saved up his own money to get to. He could picture them traveling together, taking road trips, Cory enjoying checking each park off his list, and Josh taking pictures of their adventures. Maybe they could even start a blog or vlog or something to document their journeys.

  When the game ended, with a score of two to one, Cory’s team celebrated their victory and, as was tradition, discussed meeting up at Tony’s for their after game hangout.

  Cory and Josh were wolf-whistled and hooted at when they had to beg off due to their date. They both blushed and Josh just about melted when Cory wrapped his arm around him and pecked him on the cheek, which of course, garnered another obvious round of catcalls.

  As they climbed into Cory’s Jeep, they took a moment to discuss where they should eat dinner. It was still relatively early, but it was Friday night. Cory suggested going to the Japanese restaurant and sitting at the Teppanyaki table. There was a small wait, but not too bad since they were just a party of two. The chef was really great and put on a fun show, keeping everyone at the table entertained; Cory and Josh both caught a piece of chicken the chef flipped into the air.

  When dinner was finished, Josh suggested something active to work off the big meal. Cory thought for a minute and then got a ridiculous grin on his face.

  “What is that look for? What are you thinking?” Josh asked suspiciously.

  “Nothing. Just something I’ve done a couple times. Come on, Josh. It’ll be fun. You’ll see.”

  Josh just threw Cory a skeptical look but grabbed his hand as Cory drove them wherever it was they were going.

  Fifteen minutes later, Cory turned into the parking lot of Lucky Strike.

  “Bowling?” Josh asked with a grin stretching across his face.

  “Blacklight bowling,” Cory corrected with a matching smile. “Okay?”

  “Oh my God, I haven’t been bowling in so long,” Josh enthused. “Thank you, Cory. This is going to be so awesome. What’s blacklight bowling though?” Josh questioned as they got out of the car and headed toward the entrance. Cory took his hand and just grinned and soon enough the question was answered as Cory opened the door to the bowling alley.

  All the regular lights were off, and the only light over the lanes was coming from long stripes of blacklights running throughout the building. Loud pop-rock hits were blasting from the overhead speaker system and the sound of the loud pins crashing could be heard in the background.

  Josh was overwhelmed with the feeling of the party atmosphere and the nostalgia from long forgotten birthday parties and the occasional bowling trip with his dad and grandpa. The smell of oil and old worn carpet along with the sounds of laughter and pins crashing, made Josh turn immediately and hug Cory tightly.

  “Thank you, Cory. I love it. This is so fantastic. I can’t believe how long it’s been. I never would have thought of bowling. You’re the best,” Josh said and pecked him on the cheek as he released Cory and they joined the line to get a lane. “Are you any good? I’m sure I’m going to suck, but I don’t even care,” Josh effused. He knew he was probably glowing with happiness and it had nothing to do with the blacklights.

  Cory squeezed his hand. “It’s been a while since I was here, but I’m not terrible. We could put the bumpers up if you want?” Cory teased, and Josh just laughed, feeling so carefree as he took in all the various sensations of the both new and familiar atmosphere.

  Once they were assigned their lane, they put on their awesome bowling shoes and went in search of bowling balls.

  Cory programmed in their names, and Josh didn’t even care that he wanted bumpers for his first game. He hadn’t bowled in years and wanted to get a feel for the game again on his first round.

  The blacklights gave them both that strange neon glow when they smiled and Josh’s white undershirt stood out like a beacon. The glowing pink flamingos on Cory’s shirt seemed to come to life every time Cory took his turn, or danced to the music, and Josh found the allure of Cory’s figure and the darkened interior extremely compelling. Even with all the loud music and crashing of the pins, everything was just background noise to Josh. He was captivated by Cory.

  Cory wasn’t great at bowling, but he had a natural energy and enthusiasm that melded with the environment causing Josh to literally swoon and want to spend all his time with his arms wrapped around him instead of bowl. But throughout the first game, when he did concentrate, he gradually saw an improvement in his own score. Remembering his footing and approach, Josh found more often than not he didn’t need the bumpers. The next round would definitely be without.

  At the end of the first game Cory had scored one-hundred and twenty-seven points with two spares and two strikes and Josh had ninety-three with only one strike and a couple of spares. They had both most definitely been a bit over-enthusiastic with their cheering, but Josh didn’t care in the least.

  It felt amazing to be out with Cory, not only because it was nice to finally be doing something, but because they were on their first date of what Josh hoped would be a lifetime of dates. Cory, who in the course of a week, had become the most vital thing in Josh’s life, was his person. The person who danced to the Macarena and wasn’t so great at bowling, loved baseball, and had a zest for life, was going home with him, was his to show off to the world, and Josh found that knowledge to be a heady thing.

  The second game was a little better, and when the Chicken Dance came on they both stopped to goof off a bit. Josh was able to get a better score, even without the bumpers, and Cory improved as well.

  They took a break between games to grab some sodas from the small café, and when they came back they heard Cory’s name being called from several lanes over. They headed down and Cory introduced Josh to a group of four girls from his school.

  One girl, who Josh thought might be named Vanessa and was in Cory’s English class, was talking loudly to Cory about how sorry she was to hear about Cory’s accident and how she was so glad to see that he was okay. She gushed about how cute he and Josh were as a couple and how she would love to have a gay best friend. All the other girls chimed in with similar sentiments remarking on how “adorable” they were. Josh lost interest as their insincerity rang out loud and clear. It was quite obvious these girls were not actually friends with Cory, they just wanted to be by association.

  When they finally extricated themselves, Cory had already started the apologies. Josh waved him off and they decided they would only play one more game in hopes of making it to the ice cream shop before it closed.

  Their last round they both chose to be silly and added bumpers in a small bet that the person with the highest score would get to choose the ice cream flavors for the person with the lowest score. Which granted, it was still ice cream, so not much of a threat, but it was fun.

  With both of them having a bit of practice from the first two games, but slightly sore arms and fingers from the unfamiliar strain, they both managed to get their personal bests. Cory got one-hundred and seventy-nine and Josh got one-hundred and sixty-three.

  Cory threw his arms around Josh as his final score came up and hugged him tightly. “Nice job, babe. I hope you had fun.”

  “Are you kidding me?” Josh exclaimed. “That was the best thing I’ve done in forever. It was really fun, Cory. Thanks for
bringing me. I loved it. Plus,” Josh said speaking into Cory’s ear, “I got to be with you and watch you shake your cute little butt the whole time.”

  Josh winked when Cory smacked him on the arm. “Josh! Oh my God,” Cory exclaimed laughingly. Josh could envision the blush that had risen to Cory’s cheeks hidden by the darkened interior of the bowling alley.

  “What? You’re my boyfriend, and if you’re going to shake your cute little butt to Bruno Mars and Katy Perry, then I’m going to watch. You looked pretty sexy in your skinny jeans and bowling shoes,” Josh teased. He thought Cory might have groaned at him, but it was too loud to be sure. Josh just hugged his Complement and laughed with him.

  They returned their shoes, and once they left the pounding sounds of Post Malone behind, they walked hand in hand to Cory’s Jeep.

  Josh gave a cursory glance around the parking lot and satisfied they were alone, caged Cory into the driver's side door, bracketing him in with an arm on either side of his shoulders.

  “Josh.” Cory gave a half-hearted protest and tried to look around.

  “Cory,” Josh returned. “It’s fine. I checked.” Then he lowered his mouth to Cory’s who met him with equal enthusiasm.

  They both groaned at their first taste of the other in hours and being in a public parking lot where they could be seen or caught, seemed to heighten the intensity of their pairing. Their passionate kiss was fairly short-lived, however, as neither of them were willing to be that bold for very long.

  Josh moved his lips down to Cory’s neck and half growled at the sweet spot behind his ear. “Do I get to unwrap you when we get home? I think I’ve been half-hard since you started shaking your ass in that bowling alley.”

  Cory moaned a sensual sexy little sound that Josh knew he needed to hear again. “God, Josh,” he rumbled as Josh lavished his neck with attention.

  “I know we’re not ready for sex, but maybe a blowjob or at least some serious frotting. God, I wanna see you so bad, Cory,” Josh groaned as he stole another plundering kiss.


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