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Sky War Soul 2

Page 5

by Tuoba Liuyun

  "We can join hands and eliminate these demon beasts, and then we can distribute the ownership of the treasure. There are only a few days left until the deadline. If we continue to argue, I'm afraid that all of them will be teleported out before we can kill all the demon beasts! "

  It had to be said that Yin Hanwen's words were very provocative, and immediately, many sect disciples nodded their heads in agreement.

  "No!" Our Aoyun Sect and your Tian Dao Sect are not on good terms, who knows if you, Yin Hanwen, will do anything to harm us! "

  The handsome and long-haired man snorted, his beautiful eyes staring straight at Yin Hanwen.

  "Aiya, why are you still discussing this when you want me to say it? "We have joined hands to kill all the demon beasts. Everyone has the possibility to get the treasures. If we don't join forces, no one can!"

  Zhu Fusi's voice was very soft, making people's bones go weak.

  Du Yuqing stood at the side with the longsword in hand, still as expressionless as before.

  "You're right!"

  Many sect disciples stood out to show their support.

  He was obviously going to say more but was stopped by the person beside him, "Don't say anymore, she's right. If we don't work together, no one will be able to get their hands on that treasure!"

  His longevity was extremely helpless, but he could only nod his head.

  Zhong Nan and Ao Xue were both missing, so she couldn't be considered close to the other disciples of the sect.

  "Good!" In order to set an example, I am willing to take the lead and hope that everyone can keep up! "

  Yin Hanwen stood up as if he was prepared to die, but in reality, he had thought up a good plan. Other than him, no one else knew that the treasure here was the Dao Understanding Platform, because he had obtained many benefits from Yu Hang. Therefore, he had to obtain this Dao Understanding Platform, otherwise, Yu Hang would not let him off!

  After killing all these demon beasts, Yin Hanwen still had other tricks up his sleeve!

  If nothing unexpected happened, this Dao Understanding Platform would definitely be his!

  When the others saw that Yin Hanwen dared to take the lead, the nervous atmosphere became a lot more relaxed. Aoyun Sect even had a disciple who stood out and expressed: "Yin Hanwen, although our Aoyun Sect and the Tian Dao Sect are irreconcilable, if you are willing to be upright, we will definitely not hold you up! The hatred between the sects can be put aside first and we can talk about it after we kill these demon beasts! "

  Yin Hanwen nodded his head, a burst of sword light appeared in his hand and with a flash, he rushed in.

  "Chi chi chi!"

  The sword light slashed out in all directions, directly splitting the Qi tornado at the entrance. His figure flashed as he rushed inside the tornado of Profound Qi in a blink of an eye. (TL: Qi tornado = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi = Qi)))

  Many sect disciples were moved, it seemed like Yin Hanwen sincerely and sincerely wanted to join hands with everyone!


  The other sect disciples also quickly rushed in.

  Yin Hanwen's entire body was surrounded by countless of sword lights. As his figure flashed, the sword lights slashed at the surrounding Spirit Demon beasts at an unbelievable speed. The Spirit Demon beasts let out miserable cries as they were forced to retreat.

  For the sake of being able to charge in, Yin Hanwen really did his best.

  Du Yuqing's figure floated over. He was dressed in white, the longsword in his hand was like a mist, likoem, oainting. It streaked across the sky, leaving behind a trail of white light.

  Under the white light, demon beasts continued to fall.

  Although the more than thirty of them harbored disagreements in their hearts, they had all temporarily put aside their prejudices and engaged in battle with the demon beasts.

  When the sect disciples joined forces, the arrogance of those demon beasts was immediately suppressed. The casualties were severe, and it was only a matter of time before they would be completely annihilated.

  Just at this moment, three figures rushed over from the distance.

  They were Chu Yun, demon night and the Great Sage.

  Chu Yun stood at the entrance, listening to the rumbling coming from below, he laughed: "We are not late, looks like they haven't gotten that thing yet!"

  "Then are we going down?"

  demon night's eyes shone with excitement.

  "No rush, we'll stay here and wait for them!"

  Chu Yun laughed.

  Chapter 107 - Waiting for a Rabbit

  No matter who took the treasure in the end, they were going to come out anyway. Rather than going down to fight with dozens of people, it was better to just wait.

  "Great Sage, you've been on the Jade Emperor Island for a long time. Do you know what the underground treasure is?"

  Chu Yun asked with interest.

  The Great Sage acted as if he was lost in thought, then he stared below and nodded: "I remember there is a stone platform inside that emitted a strange aura and attracted a lot of demon beasts to stand guard by the side. I took it away for a few days and realized it was useless, so I threw it back. "

  "A stone platform?"

  A flash of doubt appeared in demon night's eyes. What exactly was this stone platform that could attract so many demon beasts?

  Chu Yun was startled, could it be such a coincidence?

  Back then, when Yu Hang tried to rope him in, he had clearly indicated that he wanted the Dao Understanding Platform. From this, it could be seen how much importance he placed on this thing. Although Chu Yun did not know what the Dao Understanding Platform was, but combined with what the Great Sage said, there waigh chance that the Dao Understanding Platform was gone.

  "If this is really a Dao Understanding Platform, then Yin Hanwen is definitely inside!"

  Chu Yun sneered. He finally found a chance to clear this guy out.

  "What kind of stone platform could cause so many disciples to fight over it?"

  demon night was still thinking hard, but then he slapped his head and shook his head: "Forget it, we'll find out after we snatch it from you!"


  Yin Hanwen stepped on the flowing light, with sword light revolving around him, he very agilely rushed to the front.

  Along the way, he encountered many demonic beasts. If he could fight, he would fight; if he couldn't fight, he would retreat; he didn't feel any reluctance to stay.

  His goal was clear, and that was the Dao Understanding Platform!

  As for the so-called "let's join forces and wipe out the demon beasts"? Hehe, who would join hands with you! From start to finish, I, Yin Hanwen have only one goal, and that is the Dao Understanding Platform!

  Yin Hanwen replied with a bitter smile.

  He purposely provoked the anger of the demon beasts and then slipped away. Those demon beasts had nowhere to vent their anger on and could only desperately attack the sect disciples that had rushed up from behind.

  At first, when these disciples saw Yin Hanwen take the lead and take the initiative to attack the demon beasts, they more or less admired him a little in their hearts.

  But now, each and every one of the disciples was madly speeding up, afraid that they would fall behind. They were even cursing nonstop.

  "Yin Hanwen, you are shameless!"

  "Despicable scumbag, you actually ran away without fighting!"

  "I knew I shouldn't have trusted you!"

  Amongst the disciples who were chasing, Aoyun Sect scolded her the most fiercely out of all of them. Her martial soul waed ribbon that was wound around her body. Her pretty face was ice-cold and her almond-shaped eyes were filled with killing intent.

  "Hahaha, a bunch of idiots!"

  Yin Hanwen laughed out loud, he was also far ahead in the chase.

  When the disciples behind him were chasing after him, they had to constantly be
vigilant of the surrounding demon beasts. It was also an unspeakable suffering.

  Wearing white clothes, Du Yuqing silently followed behind. No matter what kind of demon beast it pounced at him, he would hold onto a long sword in his hand and force it back with a single move. After chasing for a while, he followed behind Yin Hanwen with his life on the line, and the distance between the front and back kept at less than a hundred meters.

  Yin Hanwen turned around and coincidentally saw Du Yuqing's figure. He couldn't help but gnash his teeth: "Du Yuqing, if you don't want to die, hurry up and go back the way you came!"

  Du Yuqing said expressionlessly: "I'm very curious, what exactly is it that made you so nervous."

  "I will only say one thing, this is not something you can covet!"

  Yin Hanwen sneered.

  "I am not fit to covet it, but you, Yin Hanwen, are worthy? How did you all lose to me so quickly? "

  Du Yuqing remained calm, without a single emotion.

  "As you said, that was back then. The current me is different from the past! If you fight with me, I promise I will take your head within a hundred moves! "

  Yin Hanwen clenched his teeth, obviously he was still brooding over the events from before.

  "Then let's give iry!"

  Du Yuqing raised his hand and condensed the Spirit Qi onto the sword, causing the sword blade's body to suddenly increase in size, and powerfully thrusted at Yin Hanwen.

  Yin Hanwen clenched his teeth, he was not afraid of fighting with Du Yuqing, but at that moment in time, he could not delay even a second. If he did not obtain the Dao Understanding Platform, Yu Hang would definitely not let him off!

  "I don't have time to play with you, Du Yuqing, take care!"

  Yin Hanwen suddenly turned around, and his eyes shot out two bright beams of light mixed with a dense amount of spirit force. In a blink of an eye, it had covered a hundred meters and entered Du Yuqing's eyes.

  While Du Yuqing was caught off guard, he felt a sharp pain in both his eyes. All sorts of emotions flooded his mind, and he felt like his head was about to explode.


  Witainful cry, the spirit energy in Du Yuqing's hand could no longer gather even the slightest bit, and was dissipating with a swish.

  His chasing position was also thrown back by five hundred meters.

  "It's actually a spiritual attack. He even possesses such a method …"

  Du Yuqing's face finally revealed a look of shock and anger, he and Yin Hanwen could be considered as well-informed old rivals, never did he expect that the other party's body would suddenly undergo sucuge change. He remembered that in the past, his speed had never been Yin Hanwen's specialty, but now, even if he chased after his at full speed, he could only maintain his speed and not lose her!

  How many cards had he left unplayed?

  After Yin Hanwen passed through a large part of the ruins, he finally found the Dao Understanding Platform at the top of an inconspicuous place.

  The Dao Understanding Platform was very ancient. It was forged from bronze and didn't have any excess color or makeup.

  It quietly stood there. It seemed calm, but in reality, it was shocking to the point of even distorting the space around it. The essence energy of heaven and earth began to emit pu pu sounds.

  Upon closer inspection, there seemed to be a few mysterious patterns floating on top of the Dao Understanding Platform, giving off a profound aura.

  "It completely matches the characteristics that Senior Brother Yu told me!"

  Yin Hanwen was overjoyed, he immediately increased his speed, extended his hand out and grabbed towards the Dao Understanding Platform.

  All the Goblin Beasts were blocking in front of him. This place was unexpectedly not dangerous at all, and the Dao Understanding Platform was easily grasped in Yin Hanwen's hands.

  "So heavy!"

  Yin Hanwen's face instantly paled. He lifted it with force, but actually did not manage to lift the Dao Understanding Platform up.

  The Dao Understanding Platform that did not seem to be big was at least several tens of thousands of kilograms in weight. To Yin Hanwen whose physique was not strong, lifting it without using spirit energy was simply a pipe dream.

  Helpless, he could only use his spirit energy to form a giant palm and held the Dao Understanding Platform in it.

  "He got it!"

  "Don't let him get away!"

  It was at this time that a clamorous noise came from afar. Aoyun Sect disciples, led by their long-term feelings, were rushing over.

  "A bunch of idiots! I'm eating meat, but you guys can't even get enough to drink soup!"

  Yin Hanwen laughed out loud, then patted his head with one hand, the Spirit Qi that was more than 10 metres thick crumbling the ground, following that, he leaped up and drilled out from the ground.


  The ground in the distance suddenly collapsed, following that, a figure came out from within, beside him waalm formed entirely from spirit qi, holding onto the Dao Understanding Platform.

  "Hahahaha, you think you can compete with me? I won't keep you company anymore!"

  Yin Hanwen was so excited that his face was flushed red. When he thought about how he could get all sorts of benefits from Senior Brother Yu when he returned to his own residence, he couldn't help but feel ecstatic.

  Yu Hang was the strongest core disciple in the Tian Dao Sect, his battle power surpassing most of the elders. If she could get along with him, wouldn't he be able to do whatever he wanted in the Tian Dao Sect in the future? And that Chu Yun, after he gets out, he must ask senior brother Yu to help him get rid of that annoying Chu Yun!

  Yin Hanwen had even planned everything in his heart, and hadn't noticed in the slightest that there were three figures standing not far in front of him.

  "It's actually him?"

  demon night frowned, obviously not like Yin Hanwen.

  "That's right."

  After seeing Yin Hanwen, Chu Yun's guess was immediately answered.

  The stone platform in his possession, was definitely the Dao Understanding Platform that Yu Hang wanted!


  Yin Hanwen suddenly raised his head and saw three figures in front of him. He was furious. He let ouoar and spat ouay of sharp sword energy. His speed was very fast as he charged forward.


  A fist came smashing over, easily smashing apart Yin Hanwen's sword aura.

  The one who did it was the Great Sage.

  Its furry fists seemed light, but in reality, they were extremely powerful. On this point, Chu Yun had the upper hand. In more than two months of time, Chu Yun's bones had nearly been completely smashed by the Great Sage's fist.


  Yin Hanwen was shocked. He obviously did not expect his attack to be so easily neutralized.

  "Is this your martial spirit? A mutated martial spirit and a sword light are indeed interesting! "

  Chu Yun smiled, and said indifferently.

  "Chu Yun!"

  Only now did he manage to clearly see the true appearance of the three figures in front of him.

  Chu Yun!

  demon night!

  And a hairy monkey.

  "Let's put down the Dao Understanding Platform. I'll consider letting you die a little faster."

  Chu Yun said calmly.

  demon night snorted coldly, his eyes full of ill intent.

  "Hehehe, if you want to kill me, all of you are not enough!"

  The killing intent on Yin Hanwen's face surfaced, his body suddenly releasing waves of biting cold aura, he raised his hand and pointed, following that, a ray of sword light suddenly appeared, and in an extremely short amount of time, it transformed intundred or more sword beams, forming a vast and mighty sword array, waves after waves of Spirit Qi even caused the space to tremble.

  "Great Sage, you don't have to do anything, just let me do it!"

u Yun took the initiative to step forward and crooked his finger at Yin Hanwen.

  Yin Hanwen was startled at first, but soon revealed an evil sneer. This Chu Yun was really full of himself, if the three of them stood together, using his own strength, it would be difficult to defeat them all. But Chu Yun actually dared to stand out and fight with him!

  Who gave him that confidence?

  "This sword array of mine is a bit difficult to deal with the three of you. Killing you alone is easy!"

  Yin Hanwen laughed out wildly, with a wave of his hand, ovehousand sword lights rushed forward, whizzing towards Chu Yun.

  This scene was extremely gorgeous and shocking!

  "It's too flashy!"

  Chu Yun curled his lips, there was no fear in his expression, he then raised his hand and struck out with his palm, the Hand of the Flipping Cloud released a huge palm print that released a majestic aura, like a giant barrier that engulfed the mountains and rivers.

  Chapter 108 - God of Death Chu Yun

  "Chi chi chi!"

  Thousands of sword lights fiercely smashed into the big palm, accompanied by a series of crackling sounds, and all of them turned into streams of light. Such a vicious attack, was actually unable to break Chu Yun's Hand of the Flipping Cloud.

  Yin Hanwen's pupils suddenly contracted, he never thought that Chu Yun's fighting strength would actually become so powerful!

  With just one move, he had broken his killing move!

  Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to Chu Yun, there was a barrier in front, and pursuers behind him. Yin Hanwen also threw caution to the wind, witoar, his face twisted, and he suddenly shot into a burst of sword light, following that, his entire body actually turned into a sharp blade light, fiercely thrusting towards Chu Yun!


  Its speed was as fast as lightning, not giving anyone the time to react.

  Chu Yun's pupils contracted slightly as he instinctively stretched out his hand and placed it in front of his body.


  Chu Yun felt a white light flash before his eyes, and the sword light that Yin Hanwen had turned into was extremely sharp, as it actually pierced through his own palm.


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