Book Read Free

Chosen Child

Page 21

by Linda Huber

  A cup of tea calmed her, and she sat in the kitchen, trying to plan. If Rick didn’t come back… and if Gareth was in that shed… and if Ella involved Owen… it would all come out that afternoon. Rick should know about that. Amanda made the connection and sat willing him to pick up but of course, he didn’t. It was quarter to three, so in little more than fifteen minutes Ella would go to Owen, and sooner or later they’d investigate the shed. Amanda clasped her hands beneath her chin, feeling her knuckles tremble against her jaw bone. What would she do if Gareth was there?

  Sudden adrenalin shooting through her – this couldn’t be good for the baby – Amanda grabbed her bag and ran from the flat. It was no use, she couldn’t think straight so the best thing to do was go and see what was happening. The July heat made it impossible to run up the hill, but Amanda hurried as well as she could, thankful she had a good two hours before she needed to pick Jaden up. Turning the corner into Cedar Road, she slowed down. It wouldn’t do to arrive looking as if she was fleeing the devil himself.

  She was lingering at the fence getting her breath back when Ella appeared out of the shed, dusting her hands on her jeans. Amanda’s heart leapt into her throat and she felt the baby stir. It’s okay, baby, keep calm. And it was okay – still. Ella was no more het up than she was earlier on, so whatever she’d been doing in the shed, she hadn’t found Gareth. At that moment Ella saw her and for a second they stood in silence, then Amanda managed to speak.

  ‘I couldn’t stop thinking about you and Soraya – is there any word from Rick?’

  ‘No. Come and help me decide what to do.’

  Bingo, thought Amanda, following on into the kitchen and sitting awkwardly on what had become her chair. The baby kicked again.

  Ella poured two glasses of fresh orange and sat down opposite. ‘I can’t get away from the thought that Rick had a bang on the head and now he’s acting oddly,’ she said, rubbing her eyes. ‘I yelled at him for being slow to help with Dad – he was so slow and dazed – suppose he’s concussed? Amanda, suppose he has an accident while he’s driving around with Soraya?’

  The thought was sobering and Amanda could hear the doubt in her own voice. ‘I’m sure you’d have noticed if he had concussion. He’s probably, um… ’

  To Amanda’s dismay Ella pounced on her hesitation.

  ‘You see? I can’t imagine what reason he could have for not getting in touch. Heaven knows how many times I’ve tried to call him, and I’ve left so many texts I’ve lost count. He could be unconscious for all I know, and Soraya…’

  Amanda reached across the table and patted the other woman’s hand. Ella was worried about her child. She wasn’t thinking about the shed or about Rick; Soraya was the important issue here, and because of Soraya, they would need to find Rick even if it did mean involving the police, that was clear.

  ‘Have you been in contact with the adoption people?’

  Tears were shining in Ella’s eyes. ‘I’ll need to do that. We’re supposed to tell them about important stuff. What’ll I do if they take Soraya away?’

  ‘No reason they would, if Rick’s – ill, is there?’ Amanda spoke briskly. An idea was forming in her head. ‘Why don’t you ask your neighbour to help trace the car – the police can do that, can’t they? Then you’d have Soraya back home and you’ll see how Rick is and you can take it from there.’

  Amanda relaxed as she spoke. That was it. Perfect. Keep the focus on Rick’s condition and Soraya’s vulnerability, and no one would go near the shed. That would give her time to talk to Rick – she would make him tell her what he’d done with Gareth. And when she knew…

  Amanda closed her eyes. When she knew she would know, that was all. Would they be able to keep the deception a secret? But they had to. But another thought was – did she really want to spend her life with the man who had done heaven knows what with Gareth and was now causing all this grief? She massaged her middle, feeling the hardness of the growing bump. The baby. Hers and – whose? Oh, it was Rick’s, it must be, but a baby was no reason to stay with a man. She would never be able to trust him after this.

  Ella picked up her mobile. ‘You’re right. I’ll phone Owen.’

  Amanda sipped her juice as Ella made her call. It was a brief conversation. Ella said, ‘I’m worried about Rick, Owen,’ and listened for a few seconds before breaking the connection and sagging in her chair. ‘He’s coming over.’

  Amanda swithered. Should she offer to leave, or stay on and hear what Owen had to say? She had no time to consider; Owen was at the door already. She would wait. It didn’t seem to have entered Ella’s head that the conversation with Owen should be private, and Amanda sat waiting to steer them away from the shed if they started talking about it. Hopefully Owen would get straight onto putting a search out for Rick’s car, and nothing more. They needed to find Soraya; poor Ella’s voice was growing unsteadier by the minute.

  ‘Owen, I’m more and more worried that Rick might be concussed after Monday. He’s supposed to be back here now with Soraya, and he’s not answering his phone. Could the police find the car?’

  Owen’s eyes were searching and Amanda was suddenly glad she hadn’t had him to deal with when Gareth ‘disappeared’. The way he was looking at Ella was direct to say the least.

  ‘Yes, that would be possible. Have I got this right – you didn’t know about the head bang, and you didn’t notice anything in particular about his behaviour afterwards?’

  Two tears trickled down Ella’s cheeks, and Amanda reached out and touched a shaking shoulder. Be a friend, Amanda, that’s why you’re here, remember?

  ‘My dad had collapsed – none of us were behaving normally. Thinking back, Rick was very hesitant, very shocked about Dad, and he said nothing about bringing him from the shed.’

  Owen was frowning. ‘What did he say?’

  ‘He said he’d seen Dad collapse on the grass and told me to call an ambulance. But I noticed Dad wasn’t breathing and started CPR, so Rick called 999.’

  Amanda thought back to the call she’d had from Rick. He’d told her Ella’s dad had collapsed in the garden too. It was the shed, it must be…

  ‘Okay. How late is he?’

  ‘He said he’d be here this morning, and when he didn’t turn up I texted him to be back by three or I’d get the adoption people involved.’

  ‘So he’s only a few minutes late, if we go by three o’clock. Let’s give him another ten minutes. Why are you so uneasy?’

  ‘Oh, I don’t know. We’re in a rough patch and I feel he’s gone off with Soraya to get back at me and now I’m worried he’s not well. Why else would he lie about where he found Dad?’

  ‘That is odd, yes…’

  ‘I even checked the shed after you said about him banging his head but apart from a wobbly floor it’s fine, and – I want Soraya back here.’

  Tears were running down Ella’s cheeks, and Amanda passed her a tissue, her own gut cramping at the sight of Owen’s set face. This was getting dangerous, this was about the shed as well as Rick and Soraya now, and there was nothing she could do about it. Resignation filled her. She knew what Owen was going to say, and she was right.

  ‘Tell you what, Ella. We’ll get the police started on a car search, and then we’ll have a look at the shed. Okay?’

  Amanda stood up. She couldn’t, she simply couldn’t stand by while this policeman rootled round in the place Gareth might be hidden. Even if he wasn’t there any more, a pair of trained eyes might notice something. What had Rick done?

  ‘Ella, I’m sorry, but I have to collect Jaden. Will you be all right?’

  Ella took her to the door. ‘Thanks, Amanda, you’ve been a life-saver this afternoon. I’ll be fine, don’t worry.’

  Amanda almost ran down the hill. Nothing good was going to happen here, she could feel that all the way down her gut.

  Chapter Four

  Friday 1st August

  Ella opened the shed door and stood back to let Owen enter, but he stood on the th
reshold for a long moment, just looking.

  ‘So what’s the story here?’ he said at last.

  Knowing the police were out looking for the car and Soraya was a huge weight off Ella’s mind. How good it felt now to unload the bad feeling she’d had when the adoption became stressful and Rick retreated to the shed. But she couldn’t remember exactly when he’d decided to lay concrete. And why he hadn’t got someone in to do it for him was another mystery – he was usually such a perfectionist about things like that.

  Owen listened without interrupting, then pressed his foot on the loose board covering the mess of stone. ‘So there’s still concrete under here?’

  ‘Yes. Dad was chipping it away, and I think that must have been when he was taken ill.’

  ‘Right. So who replaced the floor afterwards?’

  Ella shrugged. ‘It must have been Dad or Rick. Owen, when will we hear if they’ve traced the car?’

  He stepped into the shed and lifted a pair of gardening gloves. ‘Shouldn’t be long. Ella, I’m going to have a very quick look under here if that’s all right.’

  Something about his manner made argument impossible. Ella stood in the doorway while Owen heaved the wooden slab up then wielded a spade.

  He managed to free several chunks of concrete, and laid them on the other half of the floor. ‘The earth here’s pretty loose,’ he said, prodding it with the spade, his brow furrowed.

  Ella stood tapping her foot. Digging up the shed floor wouldn’t bring Soraya home. But at least the police were out looking for the car now.

  All at once Owen dropped the spade and seized a trowel from the shelf behind him. Crouching, he scraped earth to the side, looking for all the world like an archaeologist at work.

  Ella leaned forward to see what he was doing. There was something plastic, and something grey and white in the hole. But – no! Oh God. It couldn’t be… Her gut twisted.

  Owen rose, gripped her elbow and led her firmly towards the house. Ella was shaking, shivers painful across her chest, her heart thudding at twice its usual rate.

  ‘Were those – Owen, were those bones back there?’ Her stomach churned at the thought.

  Owen’s mouth was a tight slash. ‘Don’t worry, finding Soraya will be top priority.’

  Ella gazed at him, then felt her stomach move. She ran into the downstairs bathroom and was sick. How could there be human bones beneath the shed? Was this the reason Rick wanted to lay the concrete? What was going on?

  She wiped her face with a washcloth and stared into the mirror. The woman looking back at her was pale, wide-eyed, and shocked. She’d thought the situation couldn’t possibly have been more complicated but oh, how wrong that was. She trailed back to the kitchen to find Owen on his phone. He ended the call and turned to her.

  ‘They’re on their way. Are you all right?’ He poured boiling water into two mugs.

  Ella accepted a mug of tea and warmed her hands on it. ‘I don’t know what to think.’

  His expression was grim. ‘Could Rick have been trying to hide something?’

  Ella’s legs were shaking. What was he getting at?

  Two police cars arrived, and Ella sat in the kitchen with a WPC while Owen took the other officers round to the shed. Her teeth chattered on the rim of the mug when she tried to drink, but the tea was lukewarm now anyway.

  Time passed in a horrible blur. Ella remained in the kitchen, trying not to watch, but it was impossible to ignore the large tent being erected over the shed. Like something from the TV. The sound of drilling and hammering filled the air for a long while before subsiding into the odd scraping noise or dull thud. Rick’s concrete was being removed.

  Owen was still out there, speaking to the investigating officers. He must be pretty high up in his profession, thought Ella. The other officers were including him in the discussion even though he didn’t belong to the St Ives force. She’d never asked him his rank, but then up until today he’d merely been a nice man, her new neighbour. Ella leaned her arms on the table and buried her head in them.

  It was unbelievable. Bones in the shed – her shed. And – Rick’s shed.

  ‘Hey.’ Owen sat down at right angles to her. ‘Are you okay?’

  ‘How long has that – whatever – been under the shed floor?’

  ‘I can’t talk about it, Ella. But – unofficially, only a few weeks.’

  Ella’s hands floated to her mouth. If the bones had only been there a few weeks, then Rick must have put them there. And then tried to hide them better with the concrete… Whose bones were they?

  Fear for Soraya was heavy in Ella’s gut; it was all she could do not to be sick again. And oh no – she’d have to call Liz. She could put that off no longer; the police were looking for Soraya. But it would be the beginning of the end for her as Soraya’s mother. She massaged her temples, gathering strength, then lifted her phone.

  ‘Oh, Ella, I’m so sorry.’

  Tears shot into Ella’s eyes. At least Liz wasn’t blaming her, and it wasn’t her fault, was it – but it felt as if it was.

  ‘What’ll happen when they find her?’ Ella held her breath waiting for the reply. It wasn’t confidence-inspiring.

  ‘I don’t know. We’ll see when that happens. I’ll be in touch. Oh, and I’ll contact the police about the search, too.’

  That was it, then. Hot tears brimmed up in Ella’s eyes and trickled down to drip off her chin. They would hardly let a child come here while bodies or skeletons or whatever were being unearthed in the back garden, even if there hadn’t been the small matter of Rick’s behaviour to consider too. It would be back to Auntie Mel’s for Soraya if she was lucky, and Auntie Stranger’s if she wasn’t. Ella pounded a fist on the table. How she hated Rick now.

  ‘Ella, can I do anything?’

  Owen’s voice was perfectly neutral. Was she a suspect? But of course she was, she was living in a house where bones had been discovered.

  ‘I should call my mother too. She’s at her cousin’s. What can I tell her?’

  ‘Why don’t I call the cousin for you, let her know a minimum of what’s going on, and tell her to keep your mother away from news reports in the meantime?’ he suggested, and Ella closed her eyes in despair. Was this going to be in the news already?

  He patted her shoulder. ‘There are reporters out the front already.’

  Ella couldn’t answer him. She called up Mary’s mobile and handed over her phone. Owen described what was going on very briefly, and warned against watching news bulletins that evening, then slid the mobile back across the table.

  ‘Ella, the police need to search this place. They’ll take you to the station to make a statement, and after that you can come to mine until you’re allowed back in here, but that won’t be today. Unless there’s anywhere else you’d rather go? Amanda’s?’

  ‘No,’ said Ella immediately. ‘I don’t know her that well. Thanks, Owen. I want to stay nearby until Soraya’s found. I know it’s not logical because after this I don’t think I’ll get her back.’

  ‘I’m sure – I hope you will eventually,’ he said heavily.

  Ella felt her head droop again. Tearful, confused thoughts swirled around her mind. Impossible to imagine whose bones Rick would conceal in the garden. And when would they find him and was Soraya all right?

  She’d thought the worst had happened, that the day could get no blacker. But the moment the head of the investigating team appeared in the kitchen doorway Ella sensed there was more bad news coming, and she was right.

  ‘We’ve found your car in Newquay,’ the man said. ‘It was parked outside a B&B and apparently Mr Baxter and your little girl were there for a while today, but they left about five o’clock, leaving the car behind.’

  Ella’s lips started to tingle. Without the car, there was no easy way to find Rick. The man went on. ‘We’re checking CCTV cameras and we’ll try to track his phone, too. We’ll put out an appeal for the public to keep their eyes open. If you have a recent photo of Soray
a that would help.’

  The world was spinning round, no, no, she mustn’t faint. Rick was on the run with Soraya. And the officer hadn’t finished yet.

  ‘We’re removing the remains now, Mrs Baxter. We’ll take you to the station after that, and then bring you back here to Detective Chief Inspector Fife’s home.’

  Ella gaped at him. So Owen was one of the big shots.

  ‘Ella. I’ll come with you. Go and pack an overnight bag, and try to stay calm.’

  Owen’s voice was kind, but the other officers’ faces were grim. Ella lurched to her feet, and the WPC appeared at her side. There would be some tough questions asked at the police station – she was the woman who hadn’t noticed when her husband went so far off the rails that he’d buried a – but he wouldn’t have buried a skeleton, would he, he’d have buried a body, and the biggest question of all was still there, unanswered in front of them.

  Whose body?

  Chapter Five

  Friday 1st August

  ‘Wake up! I want to go to Mummy.’

  Someone was shaking his arm, but weakness and dizziness were pinning him to the bed. A couple of deep breaths helped, and he forced his eyes open. Soraya’s blurry face swam into view and he remembered. Hell, he’d left her in the bath.

  It took a huge effort, but a moment later he was sitting on the edge of the bed, propping himself up with fingers splayed on the mattress. Soraya was fully dressed, though her hair was a damp, tousled mess.

  ‘Right. I’ll clear the bathroom.’ His legs didn’t belong to him but he managed to lurch along the corridor. A splash of cold water on his face helped, then Rick wiped up the mess Soraya had made on the floor and rejoined her in the bedroom. To his horror she was sitting with his phone, and he snatched it back. Shit, it was half past four.

  Apprehension rising, he checked his calls. Nothing had come from Ella since the three o’clock deadline she’d given him, but there were several missed calls and a text from Amanda. He opened the text and the world swayed, nauseatingly, like an of out-of-focus horror movie. He could almost hear the music, discords heralding approaching disaster.


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