Rising Summers (Pucking Unbelievable Book 1)
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“You didn’t tell me that.”
“It’s not so bad,” I said, “I think I’m going to sit on the couch. My hip is feeling a little sore.” I made a show of rubbing at my hip and gave a good wince for show.
“Oh,” Mom said in surprise, “okay, you want me to get the Emu rub?”
Ah, Blue-Emu, the most perfect menthol rub that works for me and a few others on the team. So I plopped down on the couch and finished two slices while I was able to watch Chloe with my family. I was a genius—sitting across the room I was able to stare directly at Chloe while appearing to be just to be interested in the conversation.
Chapter 15
The Most Pucking Embarrassing Gift Ever
He’s staring at me. I can’t even take a bite of my pizza because his eyes are staring straight at me. How am I supposed to be able to devour any food with him watching me? I would look like a total pig eating even one slice of plain cheese pizza. He’s got to look away at some point, right? I shuffled the salad around on my plate while Nix ate his pizza and watched me with an intensity that no one knew anything about.
My thoughts drifted off to Nix from last night and this morning. The fill of him entering me without anything between us. The way he made me feel, the care he took, and the passion that he had for me. I felt my need for him. Not just the physical need but I wanted to curl up with him and hear everything about his day. His likes and dislikes. Just everything.
Then my thoughts went to the lambskin condoms that Papa Drayden had brought home at Mama Drayden’s request. Had she really decided to get me condoms that I could use with Nix? I need to find out some information about lambskin. I have no clue about lambskin, but it could be a good alternative. Ya know, so I don’t die.
Nix finally turned away from me, and I took five huge quick bites of my cheese pizza. My cheeks were full, and that’s when he decided to turn around and catch me with hamster cheeks like I was storing food the entire winter.
Nix chuckled, “you might want to chew before you swallow.” I narrowed my eyes at him, and he laughed more.
After chewing thoroughly, I made sure to retort with, “I typically don’t chew that much before I swallow.” Putting implication on swallowing him. He immediately stopped laughing and glared.
Brooklyn laughed, “Nix, you should see your face.”
He quickly changed his expression to a full-fledged frown and said, “I don’t need to hear things like that.”
“Oh, you’re just upset that she got you good.” Brooklyn snapped.
“Whatever.” He said and then stood, “I’m just going to take the rest of my pizza up to my room.”
“Nix, you don’t have to do that.” Mama Drayden said with a scolding look at Brooklyn. But that didn’t stop Nix from grabbing his sausage and peppers pizza box and turning away from us all.
We finished dinner and cleaned up while Brooklyn’s mom and dad sat comfortably on the couch with her legs draped over his and they were looking over the TV guide channel to find something to watch together. They had a beautiful relationship. One day I would have that with my someone special.
“I’m going to bed,” Brooklyn said slapping down a dish towel on the counter.
“Oh, yeah, me too,” I said giving a fake-ish yawn.
She smiled and called out to her mom and dad, “goodnight.”
“Night.” They both said together.
“Chloe?” Mama Drayden called out to get my attention.
“You know I got what you needed at the store.” She said.
“Yep. It’s in that bag.” She nodded toward the bag from the drug store that held the lambskin condoms.
“Oh, thank you,” I said meekly.
“You’re welcome. Just make sure you read the directions. There’s tons of info on them online too.” Mama Drayden said.
“Will do. Thanks again.”
“Of course. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight,” I said and grabbed the bag to head upstairs.
I’d need to do a little research on them tonight while everyone was sleeping. I got ready for bed and put on a pair of panties and a long purple tee. With my laptop in hand, I sat on my bed and searched the vast web all about that specific brand of condoms. Let me tell you that once you get past the initial thought that it was made from lamb intestine, there were still positives and negatives. Let me start with what I liked. I wouldn’t be allergic to an all natural condom, they are a warmer substitute for a condom creating more pleasure, and of course they’ll keep his swimmers from my pool. The negative things aren’t so bad unless you’re looking at having sex with someone you know to have any STDs because that is definitely going through the lambskin. Think of lambskin condoms are like a strainer and they let through all the little things but sperm is just too big to go through the holes. At least that’s what the internet says.
I doubt Nix is brimming with diseases. He has probably been tested. But the more I thought about it and knowing he had entered me without any protection made me worry. I remember that comment that was made in health class where they talked about how you would be having sex with all the people your partner had sex with if you have unprotected sex. Does that mean I had sex with all the people he’s had sex with? I grabbed my phone and shot Nix a text message.
Me: Are you still up?
It only took a moment before my phone vibrated with a notification of a new text message.
Nix: Yep. Thinking about you.
Me: Can I ask you a serious question?
Nix: Of course.
Me: When was the last time you were tested?
Nothing. It was radio silence. My heart started to beat out of control waiting to hear back from the man I was falling more and more in love with each day. My heart finally sank when after several minutes he didn’t text back. When I finally gave up and put my phone on the charger, I heard the vibration. But not a notification—he was calling me.
“Hello?” I answered.
“Hi,” his voice rolled over my body with a soft caress, “I didn’t want to do this over text.”
“Yeah. I want to be completely honest with you, and I need you to hear me out before you make any decisions. Promise me.”
I was freaking out over the possibilities of what he would be confessing to me. “Promise,” I said in a small whisper.
“Okay. I was with Beth the last time I was tested. We were in a monogamous relationship. I can’t guarantee that she was faithful, in fact, I know she wasn’t. But—” he cleared his throat, “I wasn’t either. I’ve always used condoms. Except with you. I will make an appointment to get tested.”
“Do you want to be in a monogamous relationship?” I asked with a gulp.
“With you—yes.” He coughed with a little embarrassment. “Did my mom buy condoms so you could have sex?”
“Oh, God.” I groaned.
“I don’t know if she would have bought them knowing that you’d be having sex with me.” He laughed.
“Oh, God,” I said higher pitched. “She had me take them before I came upstairs. I don’t think I could use these and ever be okay with that.”
He laughed heavy and loud, “no. We can’t use them. But if that’s what you want to use I’ll pick some up.”
“I just read about them…” as I explained about the STDs and the benefits to lambskin, I still didn’t feel entirely comfortable using something that comes from a cute little lamb.
“Can you get on birth control? Or that shot?”
“Without my parents finding out—no. When they get that insurance bill, they would be calling me immediately. If it even got that far—we have a family doctor and he would probably go to them to tell them what I was asking for.”
“Yeah, let’s not do that.” He paused for a moment. Probably thinking about the best options for right now. “As much as I really want to have sex with you, we should wait at least unti
l you’re eighteen. So this works out perfectly. I’ll get the full workup, and by the time you make a comfortable decision about what you want it will be your birthday. Then I can be between your thighs and set up camp for a few days.”
I giggled, “okay,” I cleared my throat, “how many girls have you been with?” I heard his groan. “Never mind, you don’t have to tell me.”
“No, it’s not that. I honestly don’t know, and that makes me sound like an asshole. Which I am—or was. I can’t tell you names. I’m not going to be doing that anymore. You’re it. One and only. You don’t have to trust my word, but I will prove to you that you’re it.”
“Okay,” I said sadly. “I’m going to go to bed. We’ve both got a lot going on tomorrow.”
“Yeah, okay. Good night Chloe.”
“Night Nix.” And then I hung up the phone.
Chapter 16
Pucking Teammates
That was quite possibly the most uncomfortable conversation I’ve ever had. I felt like a fuck up and an asshole. I put Chloe in a serious situation by not using a condom of any kind. I’d had sex with at least a handful of girls during the time I was on and off with Beth. Even if there had been a monogamous part of our relationship. I guess I fucked a couple of them at the beginning of our relationship and then there was that red-head at the end of our relationship. I hadn’t been with anyone else during that time we had decided to be exclusive. But there was something about that red-head that I just needed to fuck. And I did. I hadn’t felt bad about it at the time, but I did now.
After an hour of overthinking, I finally drifted off to sleep and had glorious dreams about my beautiful blonde and all her curves. And when my alarm went off at four in the morning, I rolled to my side and stopped it. My cock was so hard that it felt like a kickstand. I would have to handle myself in the shower before I left for practice. With a groan, I shoved myself off of my bed and stumbled out of my room and into the hall bathroom. I pulled off my clothes and started the shower and felt the pressure of needing to urinate. Trying to aim with morning wood was uncomfortable and awkward to do. With the water warm enough I jumped in and relieved myself. With my cock in hand, I gave myself a squeeze. The warm water cascading down my body and the thoughts of Chloe in front of me with her hands on my body, moving down to my cock and her lips parting just for me. I quickened the pace and felt my balls tighten. With a groan, I released on the shower wall. I cleaned myself up and got out of the shower.
I walked back to my room with the towel wrapped tightly against my hips. I stopped just in front of Chloe’s door and sighed. She was only feet away from me, and I couldn’t touch her. The next few weeks we're going to be difficult.
Coach was not happy to see me, probably because I made him have to get up earlier. But he looked like he wanted to kill me. With a growl, he said, “you better work your ass off today. Especially since I put you back on first line.”
I held my tongue and skated onto the practice ice. The untouched ice felt amazing on my blade as I got started on laps. We typically began with ten to get warmed up, but our coach made sure not to give me an exact number. I guess I would skate until my legs felt like jelly and I wanted to die. Doing it in full gear also made it worse. I could heat up pretty fast in all the layers. After the hour was over and I started to see my teammates sitting and watching me sweat and get yelled by our crazy coach. Every time my laps had to be faster than the last. My legs were burning, and my lungs felt like collapsing. And that’s when I heard his whistle blow. I slowly slid to a stop because my legs couldn’t handle a hard stop.
“Drayden! Off the ice!” Coach yelled.
I realized as I slowly made my way off the ice that he never told me to ‘go shower’ which meant that I would be getting back out on the ice. Thank God we didn’t have a game until tomorrow night. I’m going to need an ice bath and then a hot shower for my muscles. I had a seat while my team moved around me and then John patted me on the back as he moved past me and said, “I hope she’s worth it.”
I replied with an exhausted smile and said, “she is.”
“She better be,” John said and then skated onto the ice for warmup drills.
I sat there and thought about how to make it through the next couple of months without curling up next to Chloe and wrapping my arms around her delicious body. I thought about the moment she would turn eighteen. I wanted to do something special for Chloe’s birthday. Maybe I could convince Mom and Dad to go to the cabin by the lake in Vermont. Chloe would love the lake. I’ll have to talk to Brooklyn about it.
“Drayden! Get into the line!” Coach called out at me pulling me from my thoughts.
I got up and shifted my weight forward on my skates to get in with the rest of the team. The next two hours went by in a fog of pain and soreness. What I knew as of right now is that I needed to stay away from Chloe for the next few weeks and still be able to spend some time with her. Fuck my life.
I got in the ice bath after practice for twenty minutes and then showered. I would schedule an appointment with our team doctor as soon as possible for the full blood work up. I wouldn’t ever want the give Chloe anything I’ve gotten from those slutty puck bunnies.
I was the last one to leave the locker room, and I went straight for the team doctor’s office. I knocked lightly on the door and found him looking over an x-ray for another teammate. He looked up and met my eyes with a confused smile.
“Nix, what can I do for you?” He asked rising from his expensive desk chair and reached out to shake my hand.
“I wanted to schedule a… uh… full blood workup.”
“Yeah, you know it’s been a while and I… um… got someone special.” I explained.
He held up a hand and said, “no need to explain. There’s a couple of guys on the team that do bi-weekly checks. I can fit you in tomorrow morning—nine A.M.” He said.
“That would be great. Is there any reason you would think you need the work up?”
“Oh, no. My girl has latex allergies, and we were talking about other options.” I said a little embarrassed that I had been so up front with the team doc.
“Got ya.” He sighed, “I’ll get you set up.”
“Thanks, Frank.”
“Yep yep.” He said and got back to work.
I was barely able to make it home with the soreness of today’s workout. I passed by my mom giving her a kiss on her cheek and slowly climbing the stairs to go to bed. I wasn’t going to move from my bed for at least twelve hours. It would be the only way I would make it to the home game tomorrow night. But at least I was going to be able to play. I could care less about the ten thousand dollar fine, but I know it hit Chloe hard. She was upset that I had to pay for the fun we had. But what she really doesn’t realize is that I would do it all again but this time take her in my room and open up the box of satin ropes, and I’ve got this one whip I’d like to use.
I wish Chloe could come to the game, but besides it being a school night, she wouldn’t be able to go without getting the family involved and then if any reporter caught the way I looked at her—like I want to eat her alive—I would be handcuffed on sight. I fell into my bed and was asleep within a few deep breaths only to have wonderful dreams of a beautiful girl that was all mine.
Chapter 17
The Big Pucking One-Eight… Decisions
“What are you wanting to do for the big one-eight?” Brooklyn asked me while we sat at a coffee shop after school.
“I just want to keep it low key,” I replied, slurping a helping of frappuccino. I know—it’s winter—I shouldn’t be drinking an iced coffee, but at least I’m not a tea lovin’ weirdo like Brooklyn. I’m just kidding there’s nothing wrong with tea. But she just hates coffee. She’s the only person I’ve ever met that hates coffee. With a passion.
“Chloe?” I heard a familiar voice gasp out my name behind me.
I turned around to see who was trying t
o get my attention. “Holy crap on a cracker! Ryan?” I stood, and we had one of those moments where we ran toward each other to embrace. It was dramatically amazing. I squealed, “what are you doing here?”
“Um, I live in this town. Remember? I was at the same hospital as you. It’s not like I drove to a new town to stay at the hospital.” He said with that priceless sarcasm.
“You know I’ve missed your bitchiness.” I laughed still hugging him. “Come sit with us.”
He looked past me at Brooklyn. “Is she available?”
“Kind of. Well, I don’t know about this week, but she’s got someone she’s interested in. Maybe you can help make him jealous.” I smiled.
“I could do that. Since you and what’s his name looked like you wanted to devour each other.” He said.
I laughed and whispered in his ear, “he does taste really good.”
“Oh, fucking hell.” He chuckled. “That’s too much info.”
I laughed, “come sit with us.”
“Okay.” He agreed.
I brought him back to the table, and Brooklyn was smiling at us. “Brooklyn, you remember Ryan? We shared that room in the hospital.”
“Of course I do. Good to see you out of bed.” Brooklyn said then turned a fun red-shade.
He laughed, “Honestly, I prefer to be on my back in bed. It’s the best position.” He gave her a flirty wink.
So maybe he wasn’t gay. But at least we could be friends. Bryon had moved on to another girl and rarely even looked at me in school. I guess it wasn’t meant to be. I scoffed at myself.
“What?” Ryan asked.
“Just thinking about how guys are so wishy-washy when it comes to girls,” I replied.
“We’re not wishy-washy.” Ryan snapped harmlessly outraged.
“Yes, you are. You guys are always changing your minds after you’ve announced yourself.” I laughed. Mainly because Nix did like to announce himself coming. It was like a grand show with a big finale.