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Truth Game : Ocean Bay #3

Page 10

by Chloe Walsh

  And there it was.

  Her words were the missing part of the puzzle I'd been chasing all of my life.

  Molly Peterson loved me.

  Really loved me.

  Loved me like I loved her.

  I was little more than a baby when I fell in love with her. She was my forever memory, my comfort blanket that I always went straight back to.

  "I fucking love you, Molly Peterson," I croaked out, feeling my heart beat furiously against my chest. "Always have and always will."

  Tugging on my bow-tie, she pulled my face down to hers. "Right back atcha, King Doofus," she whispered before crushing her lips to mine.

  32 Molly

  So, yeah, we totally skipped out on the dance after that. I couldn't control myself and I didn’t think Daryl could either. The fact that he had me pull his truck over three times on the ride home just to make out with me was proof of his lack of control.

  When we finally reached his house, the sheer level of want and yearning inside of me had reached boiling point.

  I couldn't take another moment of not touching.

  I needed to be with him.

  Feel him inside of me.

  Have his big body weighing me down, pushing me deep into his twin-sized mattress.

  Both nervous and excited, I followed him up the staircase of his house, not stopping until we were both standing in his childhood bedroom, the same room we'd built Lego castles and played kings and queens inside.

  Grinning, Daryl kicked off his shoes and socks before quickly yanking off his shirt.

  "Jesus," I muttered and then flamed with heat, eyes glued to his impressive chest. "You're so pretty, it hurts."

  "Boys are pretty, Dolly," he teased, reaching for the waistband of his slacks. Flicking the button open, he pushed both his slacks and his boxers down in one swift move. "Men are sexy."

  "Sexy," I breathed, mouth running dry as his impressive erection shot straight to attention. "That's a pretty big damn dick, D."

  "You weren't complaining the last time, Dolly."

  "Because I didn’t see the size of the thing you were inserting inside of me." Frowning, I studied his big dick. "That really fit inside of me?"

  "Yeah, baby," he purred, closing the space between us. "And it's really gonna fit inside of you again." Hooking an arm around my back, he pulled me flush against him. "And again." He leaned down and kissed me. "And again." Another teasing kiss. "Over and over."

  "Promises, promises," I shot back teasingly, kissing him back with just as much vigor.

  "You know we don’t have to do anything, right?" he said against my lips. "Whatever you want, Dolly."

  "I want you, D," I told him, pulling myself up on my tiptoes to wrap my arms around his neck. "And your big damn dick."

  Chuckling against my lips, his hands moved to the back of my dress, lowering my zipper. Moments later, I felt the fabric fall from my body. "Damn, King, you've got some serious bedroom skills."

  "I've got a condom," he whispered, intelligently dodging my loaded comment. "If that's what you want?"

  "That's what I want," I replied shakily, keeping my bare chest melded to his. Stepping back involved revealing myself to him – again – and the thought terrified me – again.

  "I love you, Molly," he declared in the darkness. "Every single part of you."

  I believed him.

  I truly did.

  But I was still stiff limbed and unable to physically step away from him.

  "I love you, too," I breathed, clinging to his big body for all I was worth.

  Keeping his arms wrapped around me, and my chest flush to his, Daryl walked me backwards until my legs hit his bed.

  "Spoiler alert –" Daryl paused to push me onto my back, "When it comes to this sexy body of yours, I'm gonna be doing an awful lot of touching and looking, tasting and feeling from here on out." Climbing onto the mattress, he settled between my legs and leaned down to kiss me. "I like to consider it the perks of being your man, Dolly. So, you might as well relax and start getting used to the feeling of having my eyes, hands, and mouth on you."

  Well shit…

  A little while later, I couldn't form a coherent thought, let alone worry about what I looked like as I writhed and squirmed in illicit pleasure beneath him.

  Boy made good on his word.




  I wanted it all on me.

  "Don’t stop," I cried out, pulling and tugging on Daryl's hair as he lapped and suckled at my clit. "Fuck, please don’t stop, D."

  "Ain't got no plans on stopping," came his hungered response. "Fuck, you taste so damn good, baby."

  My eyes rolled back in my head.

  Hearing those dirty words come out of his mouth was too much.

  Every time I opened my eyes and looked down at his head between my thighs, the pulsing in my clit increased to the point where my entire body shook with tremors.

  Coming hard and fast for the second time in a matter of minutes, I yanked on his poor hair like it was a horse's reins and rocked my hips into his face, riding out the wave of unfathomable bliss ricocheting through every inch of my body.

  Like the absolute trooper he was, Daryl worked my body over until I was nothing but a tremoring mess beneath him.

  Only then did he resurface, lips finding mine once more, his warm hands fanning the length of my side, gentle caresses that caused a tingling sensation of pleasure to roll through my body.

  I couldn't breathe from exhaustion, and still, I wanted nothing more than to open my legs and have him take me with the body part of his choosing, trusting that this boy knew far more about my body than I ever could.



  Breathing hard and ragged, I felt my body move of its own accord, legs falling open to accommodate his narrow hips, my arms coming around his neck, fingers tangling in his dark mess of hair.

  Feeling his sheathed cock pulse and prod against my pussy, my breath hitched and we groaned in unison when he pushed deep inside of me.

  My mind had zero experience with what was happening and yet, at the same time, my body seemed to know exactly what to do. Either way, Daryl certainly wasn't complaining as he pounded me deeper into his mattress, fucking me hard and rough, looking at me like I was the only person in his world, looking at me like I was beautiful.

  Our lips collided then, right along with our bodies, flesh bruising flesh in the most primal of ways, hearts forging and bodies aching to be joined.

  Rough, raw, and desperate for more, our hungered mouths collided in insatiable unison as our hips ground hard in the unmistakable rhythm of raw, animalistic fucking.

  This was it.

  This was human connection.

  Dirty and twisted as it seemed, I felt so connected to him in this moment, so deeply entwined in all he was and all he would ever be.

  Our pasts were merged, our futures entangled.

  I didn’t want to lose this boy from my life.

  Never again.

  33 Daryl

  When I woke the following morning, it was to the sound of an obnoxiously loud alarm going off in my ears and the feel of a naked female draped on top of me.

  "D," Molly groaned, slapping at my shoulder as she burrowed her face deeper into the crook of my neck. "Make it stop."

  "I ain't going," I mumbled, reaching an arm out of bed to grab my clothes from last night off the floor. "Fuck Coach."

  "You have practice?" Molly's voice was raspy and thick from sleep. "The morning after homecoming? What kind of a sadist monster is your coach?"

  "The worst goddamn kind, baby," I grumbled, sifting through the pockets of my wrinkled suit pants until I found my phone. "Ah, for Christ's sake," I growled when I glanced at the screen and realized that it wasn't my alarm going off. I had an incoming call. "It's Rourke," I announced, frowning at the screen. "The hell?"

  "Ignore him," Molly coaxed sleepily, nuzzling my throat with her lips, and cau
sing my already hard dick to turn to fucking steel. "Leave the world outside for a little longer."

  No goddamn problem.

  Dismissing his call, I tossed my phone on the nightstand and gave the naked girl in my bed my undivided attention. "Morning, Molls." Pulling her close, I pressed a kiss to her swollen lips.

  "Morning, boyfriend."

  Two words that I had never expected to hear directed at me, but there they were.

  And from Molly's lips, no less.

  Jesus Christ, last night felt like a dream, but here she was, naked and draped around me in the flesh.

  "Wait – was that weird?" she asked, looking a little apprehensive with those big brown eyes of hers. "Calling you my boyfriend?"

  "Only if you didn’t mean it –" I paused to lean in and kiss her, "girlfriend."

  "So, we're really doing this?" Her eyes danced with excitement and affection. "We're dating? Exclusively." She swallowed deeply. "You don’t regret last night?"

  "Molly, the only thing I regret about last night is that it didn’t happen sooner," I told her. "That and the rum."

  Her lips tipped upwards. "Well, they do say that rum is the devil's drink."

  Keeping an arm slung around her back, I kept her chest welded to mine as I sank back into the mattress, needing a shower, painkillers, and a shit ton of water, but needing to keep this girl right with me that little bit more.

  "Are you really hungover?"

  "Yeah." Yawning, I nodded. "But it's my own damn fault for drinking half the bar last night."

  "Are you going to tell your mom and Wretched about us?"

  I stiffened, fucking horrified at the thought. "No," I forced myself to answer honestly. "It wouldn’t be a good idea."

  "Because of that dumb fight our parents had back when we were kids?" she asked, sounding sad. "They still don’t want you to hang out with me?"

  "Pretty much," I muttered, scrubbing a hand down my face.

  "What was that fight even about, did you ever find out?"

  Yes. "Nope. Are you gonna tell your dad about me?"

  "Yeah." She nodded. "The next time he's back, I'm gonna tell him."

  "He might forbid you from dating me."

  "He wouldn’t do that, D."


  "No," she whispered, chewing on her lip. "He already knows we spend all of our spare time together. Dad might not like it, but he would never intentionally try to keep us apart."

  Wanna bet?

  "Hmm," was all I could muster in response.

  "Promise you'll remember me, D."

  I frowned. "What?"

  "No matter what happens from here on out, or what happens after high school, promise that you'll never forget me."

  "Can't forget my future, Molls."

  "I'm being serious."

  "And so am I." Pulling myself into a sitting position that forced her to straddle my lap, I gave her my full attention. "I love you, okay?" She had the sheets draped around her frail shoulders, subconsciously concealing her burns. "All of you. Every piece and every part." Leaning in close, I pressed a kiss to her collarbone. "That ain't changing." Reaching up, I stroked her cheek with my thumb. "The rest of it, we'll figure it out along the way."

  "Wow." Her breath hitched and a shiver rolled through her tiny frame. "I don't think I'll ever get used to hearing you say that."

  "Well, you better start trying," I replied, nuzzling her neck with my lips. "Because I plan on telling you frequently."

  "What time is your family due back?" she asked then, our lips touching, as she leaned in close to me.

  "Not until later tonight."

  "So, we have the day?" A smile ghosted her lips. "Here? In your bed?"

  "We have all the time in the world, Dolly."

  34 Molly

  Several hours – and several make-out sessions later – and we were still sprawled out in Daryl's twin bed, eating dry cereal from the box, and watching funny blooper videos on YouTube.

  "What are you talking about?" I exclaimed, wrestling my body into a sitting position. "That cat video was way funnier than that British kid biting his brother's finger!" We'd been having this very conversation for twenty minutes, and he still wouldn’t back down, even though the video I found was way funnier. "Admit it."

  "Whatever you say," Daryl shot back with a laugh. "You're wrong, but whatever…"

  "Oh my god!" I threw my hands up in the air. "I swear I give up."

  My reaction caused Daryl to laugh harder. "You're adorable."

  Narrowing my eyes, I shoved the cereal box at his chest. "And you're annoying. I'll bite your damn finger and let's see how funny you find that."

  "If you wanna put your lips around one of my body parts, you might wanna start with my dick, baby," he laughed. "No teeth, though, ya hear?"


  A shiver rolled down my spine and I beamed down at him.

  Last night really happened.

  I didn't fantasize or make it up.

  We were here.



  A couple!

  Grinning like a dope, I took in my surroundings, familiarizing myself with a bedroom that I already had memorized by heart. "I got my first period in this bed," I destroyed the moment by blurting. Seriously? What the hell was wrong with me? "Ugh."

  "I know." Instead of being disgustingly grossed out by my comment, Daryl threw his head back and laughed. "And you blamed it on me! You ran downstairs and told my mom that I tried to kill you."

  My face reddened. "Only because I thought you stabbed me in my sleep!"

  "With what?" he snickered "A tampon?"

  "I was only nine, you jerk," I growled, pushing him down on his back. "Way too young for it to happen – and I had no freaking clue. That was a very traumatizing milestone in my life."

  "Not nearly as traumatizing as it was for me," Daryl countered. "Imagine waking up to your best friend bleeding all over your favorite Batman pajamas, said best friend telling your mom that you tried to stab her, and then, when that failed, her telling all of your friends that you were the one who got a period!"

  "I didn’t tell the guys that you got your period…" I blinked hard before choking out a laugh. "Oh wait, I did!"

  "And Mason believed you, remember?"

  "Yes!" I squealed, cackling now. "I remember."

  "He was a bundle of nerves for weeks," Daryl filled in with a chuckle. "Waiting for his damn period to arrive –"

  Daryl's phone went off for what had to be the twentieth time, distracting us both, and causing me to bite back a groan.

  I didn’t want to leave this room.

  I didn’t want anything to change.

  I had a horrible, niggling feeling that once we were back in the real world, it would.

  "It's Rourke again," he muttered, frowning at the screen. "I should probably answer him."

  "Yeah, okay," I replied, trying to keep my tone upbeat, as I moved to climb off his lap.

  "No." Clamping on hand down on my hip, Daryl held me in place as he dialed Rourke's number and put the call on loudspeaker. "Stay."

  "Dude." Rourke answered on the third ring, sounding like his usual asshole self. "So you are alive! Sending my calls to voicemail? What the actual fuck?"

  "Yeah, sorry about that," Daryl replied in a lazy tone as he drew small circles on my thigh with his finger. "What's up, man?"

  "Oh, nothing out of the ordinary," came Rourke's sarcastic response. "Except that Daniel Westbrook and his band of merry pricks decided to goad me into fighting them at the homecoming dance last night."

  "The fuck?" Daryl demanded, sounding furious.

  "Meh, I rearranged the fucker's face before I got tossed out of the dance," Rourke continued. "Could have done with my best friend having my back, though. Where the hell were you, D?"

  "Shit…" Closing his eyes, Daryl leaned back against the headboard and sighed. "I'm sorry, man. I skipped out early and went home."


Daryl didn’t answer.

  "Yeah, well, good for you," Rourke replied, sounding agitated. "Meanwhile, I need your help with a sticky situation that I'm after getting myself into."

  "What did you do?"

  "It's not what I did," Rourke shot back. "Hell, there wouldn’t be any damn problem if good old Gabe hadn't decided to cruise by my hotel room this morning and catch me buried to the damn hilt inside his stepdaughter!"

  "Holy shit," Daryl gasped, at the same time as I mouthed the words.

  Our eyes widened in unison and I clamped a hand over my mouth.

  "Oh, but it gets better," Rourke growled in an acidic tone. "He brought the human incubator with him."

  "Mercy's mom?" I mouthed in horror.

  Daryl shrugged helplessly. "Cassidy?"

  "The very one," Rourke growled. "Talk about a fucking train wreck of a woman. Dude, you would swear that I tried to stick my dick inside of her from the sheer level of screaming. Fucking drama queen."

  "Where are you now?" Daryl demanded, choking back a laugh.

  "At home," Rourke bit out. "Grounded, apparently. Like they can ground me under my own damn roof that I own – wait a minute. Are you laughing at me?"

  Daryl shoved his fist in his mouth to hold in the laughter.

  "Is my love life some sort of big joke to you now?" Rourke continued to accuse. "Do you find it humorous that my father caught me fucking his wife's daughter?"

  "No, dude, of course I'm not," Daryl managed to wheeze out as tears of pure freaking laughter filled his eyes.

  "Do you know what he called her? My father? He called Six my sister! Dad actually accused me of fucking my own damn sister!"


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