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KILLER: An Unfit Hero Novel

Page 15

by Faiman, Hayley

  Wrinkling my nose, I shake my head a couple of times. “Me either,” I say.

  Louis chuckles. “If you want to leave before lunch, I won’t get mad, just leave me a note in the kitchen,” he calls out from his closet.

  “Okay. I probably should get an early start. I can probably get the packing finished and then when the girls come over, all we’ll need to do is load everything up and bring it here,” I say, thinking about all the things that I need to do in order to close out my apartment and move out.

  Louis is quiet and I wonder if he’s re-thinking everything. He appears out of the closet, dressed in his exercise clothes and I lose all train of thought. I still don’t know what he’s doing with me here in his bed. He’s so perfect in every way.

  “Sounds good to me, if you need any help, let me know and I can send the guys over. You going to the club tonight?” he asks.

  Shaking my head, I lift my knees as I scoot up to a seated position. I watch as he sits down and pulls on his shoes, tying them as we talk. Unable to take my eyes off of him, I wonder why it’s all so sexy.

  Granted, I know that Louis is hot, but a man tying his shoes while sitting on his ass should not be this sexy.

  “I think I’m going to take tonight off. I’m exhausted,” I whisper.

  I’m lying.

  I am tired, but honestly, I don’t want to deal with another creepy as shit note. I just want to get some sleep and then maybe deal with all of the note business tomorrow.

  Something pops into my head and I remember Charlie going home with Mark last night. I make a mental reminder to myself to call her as soon as I get dressed and head out for the day.

  Louis stands, he makes his way over to me and touches his mouth to mine. “Okay, baby. Dinner, just us two and then maybe a nice Epsom salt soak in the tub?” he asks.

  “Do you think Aaron is going to make you sore?” I ask.

  He snorts as he straightens his back. “I know he is. I better get going. Can’t wait to soak with you later, Tullie.”

  Without another word, he turns his back to me, and I watch as he slips out of our bedroom, closing the door behind him. I let out an audible sigh, wondering how on earth this became my life, then I’m filled with dread when I think about it ending.

  Picking up my cellphone, I find the store’s number and call in. I pray that I don’t have to speak to Mark. When Brenda picks up, I let out a sigh of relief and let her know that I’m taking a sick day. She sends me hopes to feel better, then ends the call.

  Deciding not to stay in bed a moment longer, I throw my legs over the side and stand with a stretch. Making my way into the bathroom, I quickly shower then dress for the day.

  Once I’m ready to head over to my apartment, I pick up my phone and start to shove it in my back pocket, but then remember that I promised myself I’d check on Charlie.

  Finding her name in my contact list, I debate calling her. She’s an adult, she knows what she’s doing. But then, there’s that niggling in the back of my mind that reminds me just how creepy Mark has been. It could be him leaving me those notes, if it is, I don’t know that Charlie is safe with him.

  The sound of the phone ringing in my ear makes my stomach ache with each one that goes unanswered. Her voicemail comes up and it’s just a recording, she hasn’t put her own words to the greeting.

  My stomach sinks.

  I leave her a message, attempting to be cheerful and happy as I ask her to please call me back when she gets a chance. I decide that I’ll call back in an hour, maybe she’s still asleep. Yeah. That’s what it is, she’s still asleep.

  Grabbing my purse, I shove my phone inside before I head toward the front door. I’m completely distracted by my missing friend so I don’t even notice there is someone leaning against the back of the sofa watching me.

  “So you’re the one, then?” a deep voice asks.

  My entire body comes to a screaming halt. Turning my head slightly, I see him standing, leaning his ass against the back of the sofa, his arms crossed over his chest and his gaze pointed directly at me.

  “Ummm.” I’m unsure of what to say exactly. What does he want from me?

  He pushes off of the sofa and takes a couple steps toward me, stopping and tilting his head to the side.

  “You’re going to ruin his career and you don’t even give a shit, do you?”

  I blink, not believing that he’s just said that to me, but judging by the serpent’s smile he’s sporting, I know it’s exactly what I think it is. Licking my lips, I think about my next words to this stranger.

  Maybe I should ask him exactly who he is, but I honestly don’t really care. He doesn’t know a damn thing. He doesn’t know that I’ve talked to Louis almost endlessly about this training, about his vows of abstinence, and the breaking of those vows.

  He doesn’t know the guilt that I feel. He doesn’t understand that my time with Louis is limited and I’m holding on to what he’s giving me with both hands until he realizes that I’m not who he wants forever.

  Pressing my lips together, I release them after inhaling a deep breath. “Honestly, I don’t know who you are and I don’t really care too much either. I’m sorry that you don’t know anything about me and yet you’ve assumed that I’m here to ruin a man’s life. It’s simply not true. If you’ll excuse me, I have somewhere to be.”

  My voice and body are both trembling as I turn from him and begin to walk toward the front door again. I don’t get far. He reaches for my wrist, grabbing ahold of me and tugging my body to a halt.

  Turning my head, I look at him, my eyes wide and my lips parted in pure shock. His eyes narrow on me and his lip snarls.

  “You little gold-digging whore. I know your type. You’re nothing but stripper-gold-digging-trash. The whole world will know exactly what you are by the time this fight comes around if you don’t end this shit right now,” he snaps.

  My back stiffens and I take his words to be completely truthful. I know what he’s threatening. He’s going to go to the paparazzi, to the gossip sites and magazines with the fact that the Louis Kingston is not only fucking, but living with a stripper.

  Nobody has made me feel as cheap and disgusting as this man has in this moment. Jerking my wrist from his fingers, I shake my head and pull all of my false bravado from deep inside of me.

  I think about my life, about Joey and my parents, about the fact that nothing has been easy for me and it never will be.

  I also think about the fact that I’ve never felt so beautiful, loved, and cherished as I do when I’m in Louis’ arms. Even the first time, when I wasn’t sure, when it ended up being a one-night stand, Louis never once made me feel cheap. He never made me feel like I’d done anything wrong.

  I’ve told him things about myself that nobody in the world knows and he doesn’t judge a single aspect of my present or past.

  But I do know that the paparazzi can be completely unforgiving. They can be uncaring and cruel. If this man feeds them, they will come around and pick like vultures. I don’t think that anyone could ever prepare for an onslaught of them.

  “I’m sorry that you feel that way about me,” I say calmly. “Especially since I don’t even know your name. If you feel all of the things you’ve claimed are going to happen, then I won’t be able to stop you.”

  Walking away from him, I ignore the way he growls and calls out my name. I’m sure that I should tell Louis exactly what’s happened between me and the mystery man, but I meant what I said. If he wants to try and ruin me, I won’t be able to stop him, nobody will.

  I learned that lesson with Joey the last time. Nothing I could have done would have stopped me from finding Raylee riding him on my sofa. Sometimes people are just assholes and sometimes they’re good people who do asshole things. That’s just how life rolls.

  I just really hope that he doesn’t expose me the way that he’s threatening, because that would really suck for Louis. But, I also know that I can’t leave Louis like Meghan did all those year
s ago.

  I’m not selfish enough to walk away from Louis because this man is threatening to hurt my feelings. Right now, in this moment in his life, Louis needs me and I’m going to be there for him, at his side, for as long as he’ll have me.

  Maybe I really am the selfish one to stay, when it could potentially ruin him like this man has declared. Perhaps the smarter thing would be to run as far as I can. Leaving him while he’s training, when this fight is as emotionally draining as it is, when he’s scared to step into that ring is not what he needs.

  Shaking my head as I sink into the driver’s seat of my car. No. Walking away from him a second time is not the answer and I know that he needs me right now. He needs an anchor and for this moment in his life, that is what I am for him.

  Lifting my gaze to the front porch, I start the engine of my car. The man is watching me, his eyes narrowed into slits. Shrugging a shoulder, I shift the car into drive and I leave him standing on that front porch, bathed in his obvious misery.

  This could be the biggest mistake of my entire life. No matter what happens or what is said about me, I have to remind myself that this is all for Louis. He needs me at his side, even if his team doesn’t think so, I know that he does and that is where I’ll be until I’m released from my duty.

  Chapter Twenty


  Walking into the living room, I frown at the sight of Gary sitting at my kitchen counter. He’s got a glass of water in front of him along with his laptop open and he’s clicking on the keyboard. My fucking publicist has just made himself completely at home, without my permission.

  Clearing my throat, I cross my arms over my chest. “What are you doing here, Gary?”

  He lifts his gaze, his eyes finding mine and he shakes his head a couple of times as if he’s disappointed in me or some shit. Not that I give a fuck, I truly don’t. He’s one of the driving forces of this fight and I’m still pissed the fuck off about that.

  “Just came by to check on things, talk about scheduling some photoshoots soon for the merchandise.”

  “You could have texted me for that, not sit at my kitchen counter for who knows how long without my knowledge.”

  He clears his throat slightly and it’s then that I know he’s about to tell me the real reason he’s here. I hope he spits it out soon, I’m fucking hungry and I have shit to do.

  “She’s pretty. Very small hometown girl vibe. If I hadn’t looked into her then I would have never guessed.”


  He arches a brow and I know that he has discovered that Tulip strips on the side. It’s not his business, hell, it’s not anyone’s business. If it doesn’t send me into a screaming rage, if I can handle it, then that’s all that matters.

  Granted, I don’t care for it, but it doesn’t bother me as much as I thought that it would. It’s a job, and that’s all. It doesn’t make me view her any differently, she’s still my Tullie. She’s the person that I fell for, her personality is the exact same and I honestly forget that’s what she does at night.

  “I know she’s a stripper, Louis. You can’t have her on your arm in public. As soon as someone finds out what she does, it’ll be a goddamn circus.”

  Tilting my head to the side, I wonder how they’d find out and judging by the small smirk playing on his lips, I know that he would be the one to spill the beans. I’m supposed to have a solid team at my back and here this man is ready to sell my story for a few bucks.

  “I’ll do whatever the fuck I want. She’s mine, she lives here with me and I could give a fuck what anyone else says about that. What did you say to her?”

  He shrugs a shoulder. “Just told her the truth.”

  Shaking my head, I lift my hand and wrap my fingers around the back of my neck. Lifting my gaze to meet his, I narrow my eyes on him. I don’t know what truths he told, but I’ll be damned if he fucks this up with me and her. She’s mine and I just got her back, I’m not losing her again.

  “She doesn’t exist to you, Gary. If you ever talk to her again, you’re fired. If you leak anything about our personal lives, or about her occupation in any way, shape, or form, you’re fired. You tell a friend to tell the media, you’re fired. Get it?”

  I hear a low growl deep in his throat and that’s when I know that he was going to do just that. Turning my back on him, I wrench open the fridge and find today’s prepped lunch container.

  Popping the top, I don’t bother heating it up. I honestly don’t even taste it at this point, I’m pissed off and want nothing more than to go back into my gym and get this aggression out.

  I hear Gary pack up his shit and leave, thank fuck, then I shove my hand into my pocket and wrench out my phone. Finding Tulip’s number, I close my eyes and finish chewing the food in my mouth as I wait for her to answer.

  “Is everything okay?” she asks immediately.

  Grinning, I take in her soft, concerned voice. “Yeah, baby, it’s all good. I was calling to ask you the same thing.”

  “Oh shoot, I didn’t leave you a note,” she hisses.

  Chuckling, I clear my throat. “Nah, I figured you were at the apartment getting stuff ready. But I ran into my publicist, Gary, and apparently he had some fucked up shit to say to you.”

  There’s a moment of silence and I wonder if she’s hung up, but then she speaks. “Is that what the man’s name was? I didn’t ask. He made some threats, but nothing that I couldn’t handle.”

  I hate that. She shouldn’t have to handle anything. “Never again, Tullie. You don’t have to worry about that shit ever again, yeah?”

  She waits another long moment, then clears her throat before she whispers. “Okay, Louis.”

  “When will you be home?” I practically demand.

  “By dinner.”

  “Okay, baby.”

  “I love you,” she says softly.

  I can only grunt, my eyes automatically closing and the only thing I want to do right now, and every time she says those words, is to slide inside of her warm body.

  After dinner, we’re taking our bath and then I’m going to do just that until we’re both so fucking exhausted that we fall asleep in one another’s arms without hesitation.

  Ending the call, I finish my bland lunch, then down some water and make my way back toward my home gym.

  Aaron is sitting on the small sofa in the corner of the room and he is watching television with a look of disgust on his face.

  “What?” I ask as I turn my head.

  “Don’t even look at it,” he demands.

  It’s too late though. There’s a picture of Antoni on the screen, a family picture with his wife and children. They’re talking about him and I know that it has to do with me, with my upcoming fight. Then a picture flashes on the screen of me and Tulip walking hand-in-hand in the grocery store parking lot.

  “Turn it up,” I demand.

  Aaron does without arguing. “Just mere months after ending Antoni Byers’ life, Louis Kingston is not only going to fight again, but it appears as though the heavy-hitter has found love. We don’t know the mystery woman’s name, but they look pretty cozy. Will she be ringside at his fight? Will the outcome of this next fight be the same as the last? All eyes are on Louis Kingston.”

  “It’s bullshit,” Aaron barks before he turns the television off. Turning to him, I tilt my head to the side. “It’s fucking bullshit,” he repeats. “It wouldn’t have mattered who fought Byers, he would have died. Doctors said so. Had nothin’ to do with you or your strength. End of the day, he shouldn’t have even been in that ring.”

  “But he was and it was my fist that took him down.”

  Aaron lifts his hand and waves me off. “Bullshit, Kingston. Nothin’ you could have done any differently. Now, you’re going to step in that ring and you’re going to defend not only your title but your goddamn name too.”

  Nodding, my lips twitch into a small smile. There’s a reason I have kept Aaron as my trainer throughout my entire career. He’s rough
, doesn’t mince words, he knows what to say and when to say it.

  “Let’s train then. Gary fucking pissed me off and I need to take some aggression out on the bag.”

  “Now you’re talkin’.”


  After hanging up with Louis, I find Charlie’s name again in my phone. It’s been two hours since I tried her and I can’t wait a second longer. I’ve packed maybe three boxes in between my worrying about her.

  The phone rings twice, then she picks up. “Hey girl,” she calls out, sounding happy and surprised to hear from me.

  I let out a breath of relief. “You’re okay,” I state.

  “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  I debate on telling her about the extra creepy vibes Mark has been giving me lately, but she sounds so happy, that I decide not to. Maybe it’s just me, and maybe he’s completely over his weird obsession with me and has moved on to her. When he first started working at the grocery store a few months ago, I thought he was a pretty nice guy. A little odd, but nice.

  “Just checking on you after going home with Mark,” I say, deciding to tell the truth, or at least part of it.

  There’s a moment of silence and then she lets out a sigh. “He came back to my place. You know he still lives with his mother? I wasn’t expecting that,” she mumbles.

  “I know. But everything was good?”

  She hums, then I hear her clear her throat on the other end of the line. “Yeah, I mean I think he was super excited because he finished really fast. But then he took care of me and the second time was a little better. It’s not perfect, but you know he’s super different. I need a change.”

  I can understand that. Louis is my different, he’s the complete opposite of Joey. Though, when we’re finished, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to find my happiness. I honestly don’t think that any other man on this earth can make me as happy as Louis has made me, even in such a short amount of time.

  “I get that,” I say. “I won’t be in tonight. I’m packing up my apartment.”


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