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KILLER: An Unfit Hero Novel

Page 32

by Faiman, Hayley

  I moan as he finally, finally, sinks inside of me. My head flies back as he buries himself to the hilt. He stretches me, so full that I thought I remembered, but I didn’t. I’d forgotten, though I don’t know how.

  Then before I can rear back, before I can even wiggle, his hands at my breasts flex and he brings my upper body up so that my back rests against his chest, the backs of my thighs against the fronts of his and his mouth finds the side of my neck. It’s one fluid, smooth as shit move.

  “Jesse,” I breathe.

  He hums against my skin. I feel that hum sliding over my entire body. One of his hands leaves my breast and cups my pussy, while the other pinches my nipple and tugs.

  “Fuck me, Laurel,” he grunts.

  I don’t waste even a second. Lifting up, I slam down—hard. Both of us groan. Jesse throws his head back and I take that moment to do the same, turning slightly so that I can touch my lips to the underside of his jaw.

  Jesse’s fingers don’t hesitate against my clit. He plays, expertly, as I ride his cock. My lips rest against the underside of his jaw, as I move, as he plucks, swirls, and plays. “Yes,” I breathe as I climb, higher and higher.

  I’m close. So damn close. “Come all over me, Laurel. Fucking take that shit, own it, just like you own me,” he says on a rumble.

  That rumbled demand is all that I need to push me over the edge. I come. It’s huge, the biggest I’ve ever experienced and it takes my breath away. All I can do is open my mouth against his jaw and let out a whine.

  “Fuck,” he growls.

  His hands leave my breast and center at the same time, curling his fingers around my hips. My breath hitches when he uses my body to fuck himself. The move prolongs my orgasm so much so, that all I can do is lean back against him and enjoy the delicious ride.

  Jesse comes. His orgasm is equally as hard as mine, I can tell in the way he roars, his body stilling and his cock growing before it fills me, twitching inside before he wraps his arms around me and hugs me tight against his chest, his breathing labored behind me.


  “Talk to me,” I urge when Laurie is pressed against me.

  We’re beneath the sheets, in my bed, the room bathed in darkness as I hold her close, trying to pry information out of her. There is something so much bigger working behind her eyes, things that I need to know.

  “What do you want to know?”

  “Why are you so scared?”

  She’s silent and I don’t think that she’s going to answer me, like maybe this isn’t really going to work, but then she does and when she speaks, my fucking heart breaks for her. No, it shatters into a million pieces.

  It’s here and now that I vow to always be her protector. I will watch over her, not just her body, but her heart, too.

  “My father hit me the first time when I was five. I remember the moment clearly. He’d knocked my mother to the ground. She was unconscious. He looked at me with fire in his eyes and told me that I was an ungrateful little cunt. I didn’t know what that meant, but it sounded really bad.”

  Squeezing her against me, I try to absorb the hurt that she has to have built up inside of her. “Throughout the years, he broke me. Slowly, but surely. I watched my mother wither away. Until one day, she just vanished. Her body was there, but there was nothing left behind her eyes. My father had done that to her. He was on the verge of doing it to me, too. Until the day that I turned eighteen.”

  “What’d you do, babe?”

  “I followed Hutton, like I always do. She thought that she was always following me, probably because I’m louder, but that wasn’t the case. I was always louder, larger than life, because it was easier to hide my hurt. I followed her to cosmetology school. I have always followed her. She’s been the one bright spot in my life, the only constant.”

  “You have me too, now,” I inform her.

  She’s quiet for a moment, then I hear her soft voice whisper. “I hope that I do, Jesse. The thought of losing you terrifies me.”

  Touching my lips to the top of her head. “You do, babe. Not leavin’ you two. Not ever.”

  “We’ll see,” she whispers so low that I don’t think she even realized that she’s voiced the words.




  “I want him out. Out, I tell you,” I snap.

  Jesse chuckles, placing his warm palm on my bare belly. I moan, enjoying the way his warmth feels against my skin, almost like a heating pad. It’s so perfect, so soothing, but it doesn’t change the fact that I want him out.

  “He’s not ready yet,” he murmurs, touching his lips to the side of my stomach.

  Tilting my head down, I narrow my gaze on him. “He needs to get ready. Consider this child evicted.”

  Jesse doesn’t laugh this time, instead he shakes his head from side to side, looking at me like I’m nuts, but wisely doesn’t voice that little opinion.

  “He’ll come when he’s ready, babe.” Growling, I close my eyes. “You’ve got a good home for him there. He’s happy.”

  “He’s doing somersaults inside of me and stretching me in ways that should be illegal. I’m tired, I want to be done,” I whine.

  Jesse hums, his lips still pressed against my skin. “I know. He’ll be here soon. Just gotta bake him a little while longer. You’re a fucking survivor, babe. You can do this.”

  Lifting my hand, I sift my fingers through the strands of his hair and tug on them slightly so that he’ll look up into my eyes. He lifts his gaze to meet mine and his eyes soften on me. I hold my breath as he shifts so that his face is just inches from mine.

  “Laurel,” he murmurs. “You got this. You are so fucking strong and you’re going to bring my boy into the world. I know you’re tired, but you are so fucking perfect.”

  Tears had filled my eyes, but they’re now falling down my cheeks. I’ve been having Braxton Hicks contractions for two weeks, painful ones. I’ve gone to the hospital twice and my doctor four times, begging, pleading for relief. I’m exhausted and nobody is taking this baby out of my body.

  “I love you, Jesse,” I whisper.

  It’s only the third time that I’ve said the words to him. He smiles, his teeth showing bright and white. He always looks so fucking excited when I tell him that I love him, it’s not a phrase that I use often, because to me, it’s not something that I’ve experienced much in my life and I’m still scared when it comes to him and us.

  His lips touch mine and he lets out a soft sigh. “Love you, babe.”

  My chest swells at his words. Jesse, unlike me, is liberal with his declaration of love and each time is a gift that I cherish and adore. He doesn’t just say the words to me, either. He shows them each and every day.

  The first thing he did when I practically went back to him on my hands and knees was to buy a house in Gallup for us. Weirdly enough there was one for sale just a few miles up the road from Beaumont, Louis, Wyatt, and Ford.

  All we need is for Rylan and Channing to get something on that road and we’d practically have a family compound. The only thing that sucked was that the house needed to be gutted and remodeled, so we’re still in my little place until it’s finished.


  Standing in what will soon be my new family’s home, I lift my gaze up to the ceiling and realize there is something missing. Next to me, Beaumont grunts and I look over to him to see that he’s looking at the ceiling too.

  “It’s missing something,” I point out.

  “Beams. You need some wooden beams.”

  Frowning, I lift my gaze up to the ceiling again and realize he’s right. Taking my phone out of my pocket, I call my contractor. We start talking about beams. Do I want them to be solid wood, or faux? Do I want them made out of knotty alder like the cabinets in the kitchen or a different material?

  My phone beeps with an incoming call, but I ignore it, wanting to get this beam shit ironed out before it’s too late. A few seconds later, it beeps a
gain. I ignore it again and continue talking to the builder.

  Beaumont’s phone rings and I turn from him, walking away to finish up the conversation that I’m in the middle of.

  “Jesse,” Beaumont shouts. Turning to him, I lift my brows, confused as to why he would interrupt my call. “It’s Laurie. It’s time.”

  My entire body freezes. The builder asks me a question, but I don’t hear him. The phone falls from my hand and clatters to the concrete pad that is my living room floor. I can’t move, I can’t breathe, I can’t think… I fucking can’t do a goddamn thing.

  It’s time.



  Beaumont walks over to me, picks up my phone, I hear him tell the builder that I’ll have to call him back, but it sounds like he’s a million miles away. Then he grabs my shoulders and gives me a hard shake.

  “Your fuckin’ baby is comin’, get your ass moving. I’m driving,” he snaps. I don’t move right away, my feet are fucking stuck to the ground. “Laurie needs you,” he barks and that is when my entire body jerks.

  I run. Both of us run. Beaumont drives toward the hospital, but he’s not driving fast enough. Laurie needs me, my Laurie. Guilt crawls up my throat at the thought of her not having me at her side.

  Thankfully, when we arrive at the hospital, Beaumont doesn’t search for a spot. Instead, he pulls up to the front and lets me out. I throw the door open and run. I know where the maternity ward is because Laurie made me go with her on some boring ass tour.

  My feet carry me toward her. Exeter is standing in the waiting room and her lips curve up into a smile at the sight of me. I’m sure I look like a fucking mess, but I don’t care.

  “She’s in room four. Through those doors and to the right,” she states.

  Lifting my chin, my feet move quickly toward that room. I hear Laurie cry out and I push the door open to see Hutton standing at her side, her eyes wide.

  “You made it,” Hutton mutters.

  “I’m here,” I say, but my eyes are on Laurie.

  Hutton walks away from the bed, toward me and touches my shoulder before she tells me to go to Laurie’s side. I hurry over to her side and slide my hand in hers.

  “I’m so tired, Jesse,” she whimpers.

  Nodding, I gulp and squeeze her hand, looking directly into her eyes. “You’re a fucking warrior, babe. You got this.”

  The doctor walks in, his eyes shifting from me to Laurie and then he sits down at the end of her bed. “Let’s check you, how far apart are your contractions?” he asks.

  “Two minutes,” Laurie groans.

  The doctor lifts his gaze to me and he nods once. I don’t know what the fuck that means. I need to know what the fuck it means though. My heart starts to race as he puts his hands between my woman’s legs. She grinds her teeth together and throws her head back.

  “Well, who’s ready to have a baby?” he asks.

  I gulp, my eyes shifting from him down to Laurie. She smiles up at me with her exhausted eyes. Lifting my hand, I cup her cheek. “You got this. I love you, Laurel.”

  She nods once, her gaze shifting to the doctor. “Let’s do this,” she grinds out.

  Dipping my chin, I touch my mouth to Laurie’s forehead. This is the moment that I decide without a doubt that I’m going to make this woman my wife. She is mine, this is my family, and I can’t live without them.

  “Let’s get ready to push, he’s ready to make his grand entrance.”

  Laurie licks her lips, and I hold her foot and her hand as she bears down and pushes. It doesn’t take long, in fact, it’s so much faster than I ever thought possible, but my son enters the world. I stare at his sweet little body as he is laid on Laurie’s chest, in complete awe.

  “Fuck,” I whisper. Lifting my hand, I touch his head at the same time my lips touch Laurie’s temple. “Thank you, babe. Thank you for giving me this beauty.”

  Laurie’s body shakes and I look down at her as tears stream down her face. “I just can’t believe it.”

  “Marry me,” I blurt.

  Her gaze shifts from the baby on her chest to me. “Yes. Of course, yes. I love you.”

  Touching my mouth to hers, I grin against her lips. “Nothing on this whole fucking earth could make me happier than I am in this moment,” I breathe.

  “Me either,” she sighs.

  The nurses test the baby and do everything that they need to, then we stay just the three of us for at least an hour. It’s absolutely fucking bliss.

  Stay Connected









  About the Author

  As an only child, Hayley Faiman had to entertain herself somehow. She started writing stories at the age of six and never really stopped.

  Born in California, she met her now husband at the age of sixteen and married him at the age of twenty in 2004. After all of these years together, he’s still the love of her life.

  Hayley’s husband joined the military and they lived in Oregon, where he was stationed with the US Coast Guard. They moved back to California in 2006, where they had two little boys. Recently, the four of them moved out to the Hill Country of Texas, where they adopted a new family member, a chocolate lab named Optimus Prime.

  Most of Hayley’s days are spent taking care of her two boys, going to the baseball fields for practice, or helping them with homework. Her evenings are spent with her husband and her nights—those are spent creating alpha book boyfriends.


  I always say a special thank you to my husband, my best friend, truly he is the man who supports every single dream of mine and works to make them all come true.

  My mom is everything. She’s the kindest, most loving, and most supportive mom in the world. Thank you, Banana Boots.

  Ellie McLove, this book would not be without you. This cover is the BEST. The content clean and crisp. Thank you so much for being my friend, Jeremy’s sister, and for generally being a badass.

  Rosa Sharon, thank you so much for proofreading, you always add that finishing touch that makes my books sparkle!

  Celia one of my biggest fans and supporters. You’re the best. Thank you for always being there for me.

  Tammy Cole, thank you for always being there for me. I truly appreciate our friendship! Thank you for alpha reading for me!!

  Crystal Snyder, thank you for being a friend, always, and for alpha reading for me!!

  Thank you to my reader group, Hayley’s Asshole Alphas, you ladies always brighten up my day!!! Love you!

  To all the Blogger babes that have taken a chance on me…

  Thank you from the bottom of my heart.




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