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The Letters of Sylvia Plath Vol 2

Page 120

by Sylvia Plath

  S. S. Pierce (store), 46

  Sacramento, California, 343n, 347

  Sagar, Keith, Ted Hughes: A Bibliography, 269n

  Saint Botolph’s Review, 34, 72, 77, 85n, 86, 299, 375n, 431

  St George-the-Martyr (London), 38, 456, 849

  St George’s Gallery (London), 760n

  St Ives, England, 819n, 861, 904, 905n, 939

  Saint Lawrence River, 332

  Saint Marys River (Michigan and Ontario), 335

  St Pancras Council (London), 624

  St Pancras Hospital (London), 581–8, 594, 597, 872

  Saint-Céré, France, 631n

  Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de, The Little Prince, 653n

  Salt Lake City, Utah, 336, 341n, 342–3, 346

  Salter, Elizabeth, 63–4, 69

  San Francisco, California, 336–7, 344, 347–8, 351, 666

  Sappho (Greek poet), 889

  Sappho (Plath family cat), 293, 297, 302, 350, 359, 362, 366, 374, 379, 388, 401, 404, 416, 418, 435, 438, 453, 466–7, 469–70, 472, 477, 484–5, 505, 514, 517, 529, 569

  Saratoga Springs, New York, 296, 298, 309–10, 313, 354–7, 360

  Sarton, May, 621

  Sarraute, Nathalie, 690n

  Sartre, Jean-Paul, 278, 437, 503; Le Diable et le Bon Dieu, 503

  Sasek, M. (Miroslav), This is Venice, 676n

  Sassoon, George, 65–6, 91, 100, 115, 119–20, 140, 146

  Sassoon, Richard Laurence, 66n, 236, 798

  Sassoon, Siegfried, 66, 91, 120

  Sassoon, Stephanie Munro, 65–6, 91, 100, 115, 119–20, 140, 146

  Saturday Evening Post, The, 103, 161, 164, 169, 548, 566

  Saturday Review of Literature (‘SRL’), 75n, 112, 198

  Sault Sainte Marie, Michigan, 332–7

  Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, 332–6

  Savile Club, 885n

  Saxton Fellowship, see Eugene F. Saxton Memorial Fellowship

  Scandinavia, 261

  Scandinavians, 38

  Scannell, Vernon, 513n, 887, 890

  Schendler, Sylvan, 196

  Schober, Aurelia Greenwood (‘Grammy’, SP’s maternal grandmother), 37, 80, 90, 98, 116, 259, 358, 388, 516, 531, 536, 634, 707, 717, 725, 737, 746, 774, 831; cancer of, 37; death of, 37

  Schober, Elizabeth, 475, 734; SP’s correspondence with, 741–2

  Schober, Esther, see McCue, Esther Schober Schober, Frank (‘Grampy’, SP’s maternal grandfather), 28, 37, 42, 47, 52, 117, 139, 147, 193, 199, 237, 253, 270–1, 390, 453, 466, 496, 498, 502, 531, 640, 643, 652, 697, 725, 814, 949; SP’s correspondence with, 342, 531n, 543–4, 642

  Schober, Frank Richard (‘Frankie’, SP’s uncle), 29, 55, 113–14, 390, 453, 929, 949

  Schober, Louise Bowman (SP’s aunt), 29, 113–14, 453, 949

  Schoenhof’s Foreign Book (firm), 260n

  Schubert, Franz, Gretchen am Spinnrade, 611n

  Schumann, Clara, 531

  Scotland, 97, 214, 217, 432, 565, 757

  Scotsman, 968n

  Scott, Ira O., 46

  Scott, Ford & Co., 388, 391, 396, 404–5, 412, 419

  Scott, Zachary, 302

  Sears, Sallie, 188

  Seattle, Washington, 579

  Secker-Walker, David, 606, 941

  Secker-Walker, Joanna, 606, 630, 941

  Secker-Walker, Lorna M., 606, 630, 927, 940n, 941

  Secker-Walker, Sebastian, 928n, 941

  Segovia, Andrés, 218n

  Seidel, Frederick, 137n

  Selden, George, The Cricket in Times Square, 672n

  Selfridges (firm), 432, 634

  Sendak, Maurice, 328

  Seuss, Dr, 665n, 672n, 771n, 896n; The Cat in the Hat Comes Back, 672; Horton Hatches the Egg, 665, 856, 896n; One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish, 771n

  Seven Lively Arts, The, 272n

  Seventeen (‘17’), 16, 89, 319

  Sewanee, Tennessee, 273, 311, 337, 349, 427

  Sewanee Review, The, 112, 156, 164, 187, 207, 217, 270, 286, 328, 349, 372, 375n, 427, 475, 526, 818, 819n; SP’s correspondence with, see Spears, Monroe Kirk; SP’s work in, 270n, 325, 424–5, 475n, 526, 660, 718; TH’s work in, 156n

  Sex, 791, 798, 804–6, 852, 876–7, 879, 968

  Sexton, Anne, 303, 596, 682; All My Pretty Ones, 812; ‘The Black Art’, 812; ‘The Image’, 303n; ‘Elegy in the Classroom’, 575; ‘Elizabeth Gone’, 303n; ‘Flight’, 812; ‘For God While Sleeping’, 812; ‘Kind Sir: These Words’, 627n; ‘Lament’, 812; ‘Letter Written During a January Northeaster’, 812; ‘Letter Written on a Ferry While Crossing Long Island Sound’, 812; ‘Old’, 812; ‘The Road Back’, 303n; ‘Some Foreign Letters’, 303n, 627n, 682; ‘The Sun’, 812n; ‘Sunbathers’, 303n; To Bedlam and Part Way Back 575; ‘Water’, 812; ‘Woman With Girdle’, 812; ‘You, Doctor Martin’, 303n; SP’s correspondence with, 575–6, 812

  Shahn, Ben, 163, 316

  Shakespeare, William, 36, 186, 253, 279, 281, 292, 581, 799, 950; As You Like It, 95; The Complete Plays and Poems of William Shakespeare, 950n; Coriolanus, 186n; Hamlet, 950n; Romeo and Juliet, 609, 614; The Tempest, 581

  Shapiro, Karl, 94

  Sharpeville Massacre, South Africa, 1960, 462

  Sheraton, 323

  Sheets, Madeline Redmond, 388, 468

  Sherwood, Joan M., 536n

  Sherwood, John, 536n

  Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, The, 40

  Shorthand, 268, 301, 309n, 499, 542, 571, 573

  Siberia (Russia), 111, 118

  Sigal, Clancy, Weekend in Dinlock, 482n

  Sigmund, Elizabeth, 581n, 767n, 777n, 796, 814, 839; SP’s correspondence with, 820; Sylvia Plath in Devon, 777n

  Sigmund, William, 581n

  ‘Signs of an All Too Correct Compassion’, 509n

  Silkin, Jon, 902n

  Sillitoe, Alan, 429n, 440, 592, 641, 647, 653, 659, 676, 686, 737, 769, 772, 775–6, 822, 845, 859, 863, 880–2, 915; Key to the Door, 647n; The Loneliness of a Long Distance Runner, 592n; Saturday Night and Sunday Morning, 592n, 641; SP’s correspondence with, 761–2, 766; SP’s dedications to, 915

  Sillitoe, David, 737, 761, 769, 772, 775–6, 822, 882, 915, 947; SP’s dedications to, 915

  Sillitoe, Ruth, see Fainlight, Ruth

  Silvers, Robert B., 393n, 513n; SP’s correspondence with, 753

  Simmons College (Boston, Mass.), 56

  Simpson, Louis, 305n, 666–7, 712n; ‘Carentan O Carentan’, 627n; ‘The Dream House’, 627n; ‘My Father in the Night Commanding No’, 667n

  Sinclair, Andrew, 362

  Singer sewing machines, 514, 527, 535, 538, 545, 644, 657, 663, 675, 693

  Sitwell, Edith, 305, 857n

  Skelton, Robin, 385n

  Skidmore College, 362

  Skjold, Anita, 777n

  Skunky-Bunks (Hughes family cat), 856, 860–1, 929, 934, 956, 958

  Slug Death, 740, 743, 770

  Slugit, 740, 743, 770

  Smith, Alison Vera, 114

  Smith, Constance see Whitman, Constance Smith

  Smith, Cythina Sanborn (‘Big Cynthia’), 431

  Smith, Janet Adam, 218n

  Smith, Stevie 907n; Not Waving But Drowning, 907n; A Novel on Yellow Paper, 907; SP’s correspondence with, 907

  Smith, W. Roger, 660; SP’s correspondence with, 423, 436, 664, 908

  Smith Alumnae Quarterly, 87, 425; SP’s work in, 425n, 660

  Smith College, 8n, 11, 17n, 22–3, 25, 32–3n, 37n, 39, 43, 45, 47, 51n, 52, 54, 56, 58, 61–2, 70, 77, 87, 88n, 89–90, 92–4, 96, 99, 107–8, 110, 113–14, 128n, 129–31, 133, 135, 137, 144, 147, 149, 153, 156, 163, 165, 174n, 175, 181, 187, 188, 196, 200n, 206, 208, 212, 216–17, 219, 234, 236, 255, 266, 271, 274, 277–8, 283, 300, 306, 310, 315, 3u25, 371, 408, 429, 472, 492, 512, 519, 526, 620, 656, 684, 701, 723, 767n, 781, 897, 905, 911–12, 930n, 951; administration of, 61; Alumnae Association, 619; buildings: Art Library, 212n, 215, 222; Elizabeth Mason Infirmary, 45; Hatfield Hall, 174n; Haven House, 33n, 37n; Hillyer Hall, 212n, 215, 222; Hopkins H
ouse, 114n; Lawrence House, 45n, 51n, 128n, 457n; Museum of Art, 215, 222; Sage Hall, 204n, 206n, 209n; Seelye Hall, 174n; William Allan Neilson Library, 174–5, 181, 234, 248; courses: Art 315 (modern art), 212, 215, 220, 222; see also Van der Poel, Priscilla Paine; Courses: English 11 (freshman English), 39, 88, 108, 110, 131, 149n, 155, 156n, 181, 184, 216, 220, 312, 315n, 325; see also Smith College (SP as teacher at); English 39 (Milton), 926n; English 41b (special studies, poetry), 92n, 781; English 220 (practical writing), 315n; English 314 (English novel), 174n; English 321b (American fiction), 208n, 215, 220, 240, 249; English 417b (20th century novel), 54n; Government 11 (introduction to politics), 17n; Faculty Club, 206; memorandum paper, 210, 216, 218, 220, 222, 223n, 226, 248, 258, 267, 270, 331, 356, 358, 362, 364, 413, 781, 907n; Paradise Pond, 216, 255; Phi Beta Kappa, 13, 42; Purchasing Office, 171; Relief Committee, 204n, 209n; SP as teacher at, 87–90, 108, 110, 131, 149, 151, 174, 181, 183–4, 189, 195, 197, 200–2, 204–6, 208–9, 213–14, 216, 218–19, 222, 226, 229, 236, 238, 240, 278–80, 312, 325; Vocational Office, 76, 277, 315, 492; SP’s correspondence with, 76; see also Davis, Alice Norma

  Snodgrass, W. D. (William De Witt), ‘The Marsh’, 627n; ‘Operation’, 627n

  Snyder, Donald, 123n

  Sobiloff, Hyman J. (‘Hy’), 235, 241

  Socrates, 9, 135, 685

  Soho (London), 409, 414–15, 431, 461, 464, 622, 657, 958, 961, 965

  Solomon, Hyde, 357n

  Somerset Maugham Award, 307, 441–2, 444, 448, 451, 454, 471, 474, 476, 479, 502, 513, 520, 524, 532, 539, 547, 561, 569, 571, 574, 591, 593, 610, 623, 634–5, 705, 822

  Somerville, John, 923n

  Sonnenberg, Ben, 632, 822

  Soo Locks, Michigan, 335

  Sophocles, 188, 214, 215, 312; Antigone, 214n, 279, 473; Oedipus Rex, 214n, 279, 281

  Sotheby’s (firm), 553n

  Sound News Recordings, 908n

  South Africa, 217n, 429, 444

  South America, 703

  South Devon, England 589, 825n

  South Yorkshire Times, 560n

  Southampton, England, 150n, 367n, 372, 374

  Spain, 20, 38–9, 86, 306, 318, 591, 813–14, 822, 829n, 833, 844, 958, 965, 968

  Sparks, Nevada, 344

  Spaulding, Annabelle, 167n

  Spaulding, Lesta, 167n

  Spaulding, Lester, 42, 80, 82, 155

  Spaulding, Myrtle, 42, 74, 80, 82, 155, 158–9, 161–2, 166–7, 169, 270–1, 416, 462, 505–6, 531, 545

  Spaziani, Maria Luisa, 519

  Speare, Elizabeth George, 310; The Witch of Blackbird Pond, 310n; The Bronze Bow, 310n

  Spears, Betty Greene, 349n, 427

  Spears, Monroe Kirk, 112n, 270n, 475n; SP’s correspondence with, 311, 427

  Spectator, The, 160, 168, 164, 263–4, 269, 304, 325, 425, 461; SP’s work in, 325n, 425, 660, 718; TH’s work in, 263n

  Spender, Harold, 531

  Spender, Natasha, 464, 469, 480, 486, 533, 554, 576

  Spender, Stephen, 17, 22, 71–2, 77, 83, 98, 108, 110, 132, 136, 185, 428n, 464, 469, 480, 484, 486, 488, 491, 531, 533, 537, 539, 554, 576; ‘Oxford and Cambridge Poetry’, 83

  Sphere, 968n

  Spier, Peter, The Fox Went Out on a Chilly Evening, 707n

  Spock, Benjamin (‘Dr Spock’), 410, 463, 465m 472, 496, 771n; Baby & Child Care, 410n, 465; Dr Spock Talks with Mothers, 771n; ‘You Can Have Fun With Your Children’, 397n

  Springfield, Mass., 229–30, 357, 476

  Stafford, Jean, 323n

  Stafford, William, 618, 627n, 712n; ‘In the Oregon Country’, 618n, 627n; ‘A Survey’, 618n, 627n; ‘The Well Rising’, 618n, 627n; West of Your City, 618n

  Stanford-Binet Test, 688

  Stanford University Press, 105

  Starbuck, George, 303, 328n, 420, 576n, 596, 812; ‘Ab Ovo’, 627n; Bone Thoughts, 328

  Starbuck, Janice King, 303n

  Starbuck, John Edward, 303n

  Starbuck, Margaret May, 303n

  Starbuck, Stephen George, 303n

  State University of New York at Buffalo, 263–4, 485n; Poetry Collection, 263n 264

  Statler Hotel, see Boston Park Plaza Hotel Statue of Liberty National Monument, 25, 85

  Steel, John, 791n, 793, 798, 835

  Stein, Joan Workman, 348

  Stein, Roger B., 348

  Steinberg, Peter K., 17n

  Steiner, Nancy Hunter, 51, 89, 236

  Stendhal, 107

  Stern, Ernest, 33n

  Stern, Marcia B. (‘Marty’), 114, 171, 229, 266, 300, 361, 445, 453, 456, 497, 514, 516, 522, 530, 531n, 572, 580, 599, 738, 809, 814, 859, 863, 942, 948, 963; marriage of, 35n; SP’s correspondence with, 33–8, 109–11, 162–4, 409–13, 447–9, 692–5, 950–2, 964–6

  Stevenage, England, 923, 927n; Arts Centre, 923

  Stevens, Wallace, 94

  Stevenson, Adlai E. (Erving), 10; ‘Text of Stevenson Speech of Welcome to Convention’, 10n

  Stinson Beach, California, 348

  Stobbs, William, 771n

  Stompanato, Johnny, 228n

  Stonehenge (England), 476, 632

  Stoughton, Mass., 103

  Strauss, Harold, 770n

  Stravinsky, Igor, 469

  Strindberg, August, 121, 178, 214–16; A Dream Play, 214n; The Ghost Sonata, 214n; Miss Julie, 214n, 279

  Sudbury (Ontario), 332–4n

  Suez Canal (Egypt), 6, 9

  Suicide, 327, 368n, 567, 684, 849, 851, 861, 868, 871, 878; see also Plath, Sylvia (suicide attempt of) Sultan, Florence Lehman, 188

  Sultan, James Lehman, 188n

  Sultan, Sonia, 188n

  Sultan, Stanley, 188, 239, 579n; ‘The Art of Ulysses’, 239n; ‘The Fugue of the Fig Tree’, 239n

  Summers, Hal, ‘Songs from a Revue’, 577n

  Sumner Tunnel, 131

  Sunday Telegraph (London), 606n, 968n

  Sunday Times (London), 95, 112, 117, 134, 136, 385n, 473n, 488, 491, 581, 592, 595, 607, 609, 614, 640, 653n, 777n, 788, 890; TH’s work in 581n, 653n

  Sunday Times Rose Bouquet, The, 777n

  Superior, Lake, 335, 338–9

  Surrey (England), 434, 514n, 809, 961

  Sussex (England), 515

  Sutcliffe’s Inn, 506, 628

  Swarthmore College, 56, 58, 70

  Swedish translations, 732, 739, 764

  Sweeney, John L. (‘Jack’), 192–3, 229, 231n, 237, 244, 510, 531n, 638n, 801, 816, 821, 833, 885, 893; SP’s correspondence with, 231, 638–9; TH’s correspondence with, 639n

  Sweeney, Maíre, 192n, 229, 231, 531n, 801, 816, 833, 885

  Sweet Home, Oregon, 944

  Swenson, May, 305, 357n, 621; ‘Almanac’, 621n, 627n, 639; Another Animal, 621n; ‘At Breakfast’, 621; ‘By Morning’, 621; A Cage of Spines, 621n; ‘Frontispiece’, 305n; ‘The Garden at St. John’s’, 305n; ‘The Key to Everything’, 305n; ‘Question’, 305n

  ‘Sylvia Plath Is Betrothed to Mr. Hughes’, 20n

  ‘Sylvia Plath Wed in England to Mr. Hughes’, 14n

  Symmons, Robert, 146n

  Synge, J. M. (John Millington), Collected Works: Poems, 846n

  T Wharf (Boston, Mass.), 550

  Tabernacle (Salt Lake City,), 344

  Tabor, Stephen, Ted Hughes: A Bibliography, 269n

  Tahoe, Lake (California and Nevada), 344, 347

  Tangier, Morocco, 822n, 859

  Tanis Brothers, 704n

  Tarcy, A., 908n

  Targett, May Collacott, 180

  Tarot (game), 4, 378, 888, 905, 924

  Tate Gallery, 510n

  Taw, River (England), 639, 681

  Taylor, Eleanor Ross, SP’s correspondence with, 572

  Taylor, Elsie, 689, 765, 826

  Taylor, Peter, 572n

  Teddington (London), 580n

  Television, 24, 33, 41, 47, 50, 119, 153, 188, 194, 212, 239, 244, 279, 419, 464, 536, 538, 542, 552, 554, 599, 606, 609, 614, 739, 783, 788, 792, 836, 856, 871, 874, 892, 919, 951

  Tennant, Susan Goodall, 963nr />
  Tennessee, 351

  Terrell, Texas, 353n

  Teton Basin, Idaho and Wyoming, 342

  Texas, 216, 354

  Texas Quarterly, 502, 769; SP’s work in, 502n, 660; TH’s work in, 502n

  Thames River (England), 496

  Thanksgiving Day, 22n, 54, 81, 88, 141, 192–3, 198, 354, 359, 363, 366, 699, 918

  Theater Guild, 303

  Themerson, Franciszka, 33n, 40n

  Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota, 336, 339–40

  Thérèse de Lisieux, Saint, 288; Autobiography of St Thérèse of Lisieux, 288n

  Thomas, Dylan, 17, 35, 38, 77, 92, 94, 135, 186, 211, 235, 241, 263–4, 279, 303; ‘After the Funeral (In Memory of Ann Jones)’, 279n; ‘Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night’, 279n; The Doctor and the Devil, 303; ‘Fern Hill’, 279n; ‘The Hunchback in the Park’, 279n; ‘Over Sir John’s Hill’, 279n; ‘Twenty-Four Years’, 279n

  Thomas, R. S. (Ronald Stuart), 536n, 577n, 672n; ‘Not So’, 577n; Song at the Year’s Turning, 672n; Tares, 672n

  Thomson, Alastair W., ‘Date Palms’, 638n

  Thoor Ballylee Castle, 846, 905, 910, 914, 924, 951

  Thoreau, Henry David, 280

  Thorgerson, Karin Sonja, see Galmarino, Karin Sonja Thorgerson

  Thornton, Elena, 302n

  Thornton, Sir Peter Eustace, 434n

  Thornton, Rosamond Myers, Lady (Luke Myers’ sister), 434

  Thorverton, England, 783n

  Thwaite, Anthony, 493n, 638n, 657n, 744n

  Tiber River, 420

  Tibet, 566

  Tiger-Pieker (Hughes family cat), 856, 860–1, 929, 934, 956, 958

  Time, 164, 190–1, 459–60, 462–3, 477, 487, 552, 775, 778, 796, 822, 860, 865, 914, 929, 931, 938, 950, 953

  Time, 108, 754

  Time and Tide, 274, 968n

  Times, The (London), 108n, 283, 542, 581, 653, 677, 968n

  Times Literary Supplement, 164, 186, 329n, 334–5, 385n, 423–5, 468, 509, 700, 968n; SP’s work in, 335n, 423–5, 660, 718; TH’s work in, 164n, 509n

  Tintagel, England, 648

  Tobin, June, 909n

  Tolkien, J. R. R. (John Ronald Reuel), 302, 533; The Hobbit, 112, 302, 533; The Lord of the Rings, 302, 533

  Tolstoy, Leo, 283n; Anna Karenina, 283n

  Tong, Gail, 236n, 241

  Topcat, 934

  Torero! (motion picture), 218n

  Toronto, Canada, 468

  Totnes, England, 825n

  Tourneur, Cyril, 121, 214–15; The Revenger’s Tragedy, 214n

  Tower of London, 632

  Townsman, The, see Wellesley Townsman, The Toynbee, Philip, ‘From Virgil to Kingsley Amis’, 764n


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