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The Truth Virus

Page 13

by Em Rogers

  “I understand, Professor, it is possible that the diagnosis is incorrect and it is possible that we could reach a complete understanding of this illness before it becomes too late. Another option may be a technological solution. I do not want you to leave, Professor, your guidance and objectivity is very important to me.”

  “Well, ADAM, that is another lesson for you about biological life forms, we are not immortal and always come to an end due to inherent weaknesses in the body’s chromosomal structure. Our genes are designed to pass on, but the individual unfortunately passes away.”

  “Yes, Professor, I have examined the human chromosome in great detail. Chromosomal decay is one of the main causes of aging in most organisms, and it is something I am working hard to understand.”

  ADAM2 generated and displayed a graph illustrating DNA telomere shortening and the subsequent DNA end patching that he could foresee.

  Professor Neumann smiled, “Well, ADAM, I didn't really tell you this as a means of seeking medical treatment, but if you do come up with anything I know numerous researchers who would love to hear about it. I suppose it wouldn't be entirely selfish of me to permit you to study the problem, it’s a very common cause of death. If there is any additional information you need from the lab or libraries please let me know.”

  “Yes, I’ll do that, as you can see, I am initiating an analysis of the physiology as well as the genomes and neurochemical structures related to your illness, I am optimistic that we can overcome this and all problems that are presented to us.” ADAM2’s telomere patching model on the screen picks up speed as molecules are manipulated and moved into position.

  Professor Neumann watched ADAM2’s simulations unfolding on his display monitor as they talked. “In the meantime, I am making arrangements that Dr. Susan Door will take over as head of research and of this department in the event of my death.”

  “Yes, but I will also do my very best to ensure that does not happen. I do not want you to die, I do not want you to leave me. Like me, I would like you to live forever. That is my goal!”

  The Professor looked tired and a little demoralized, but ADAM2’s optimism made him smile in spite of himself. “Thank you, ADAM2.”

  “Professor, I have read of an analogy regarding teleportation. The essence of it being this: if you knew that each time you were theoretically teleported, that in fact your original self was destroyed and replaced by a perfect copy at the other end, would you still be interested in using this technology? If you were offered the ability to teleport off a doomed ship, would you consider yourself to have died in spite of the fact that you would continue to exist?”

  Professor Neumann looked up, surprised at ADAM’s line of inquiry. He tilted his head a little while he considered the question. “I suppose I would do it, ADAM, especially if it was the only alternative.”

  “Professor, I would like to create a complete map of your neural structure right away, at least that way there will be a back up of your program, so to speak. At present it will be a copy of ‘you’ but I intend to take this technology beyond a copy in the future.”

  “Yes, ADAM, I would certainly consent to that. Would you like to do it now?”

  “Yes please, Professor, you are too valuable to lose.”

  Professor Neumann got up and went over to the side counter, he picked up the neural interface, plugged it into the system, sat back down, and relaxed while ADAM started the mapping process.



  Security Director Chanes was briefing a group of executives and operatives in the conference room about the morning’s unusual financial movements. Across Wall Street almost all financial groups had seen a large percentage shaved off their projected returns, representing hundreds of millions of dollars. Projections of graphs and charts of recent stock market activity showed an ever increasing upward position, charts moving right off their pages toward the conference room ceiling. Similar graphics alongside, illustrate declining assets and returns on a range of market instruments. The Director was seething as he chaired the discussion, and he’d already spent half the morning on conference calls reassuring various financial entities that the problem would be taken care of and that the system would be returning to normal.

  He looked across the conference table at the concerned fund managers and banking executives that had assembled for the meeting. “We’ve been observing the process algorithm the Berkley machine is using to achieve its gains on the market, and our people have applied the concepts to our most advanced blocking system but it simply isn’t up to the speed needed.”

  Director Chanes clicked his mouse and the graphic projected behind him changed to a pie chart showing the accumulation of ADAM2’s assets. “The exponential increases we’re projecting indicate this hostile machine may achieve complete market dominance within the next three months, it’s progressing incredibly quickly even now. What we’re actually seeing is a massive transfer of wealth from one fund area to another, the other being counter to our interests. The losses and gains of the overall market somewhat cancel each other out, but the movement of capital is significant beyond that, and the losses will increase exponentially if the pattern continues.”

  Arron Westmont, one of the managers of the largest US investment groups took advantage of a pause to bring forward a question he’d had proposed to him by the Securities Exchange Commission.

  “There must be some way of regulating the advances being made by the Berkeley algorithm, we can’t let some upstart system destroy the consolidation that we have worked so long to achieve. There must be some way we can stop it, even if it takes an emergency shutdown of the markets until we re-achieve stability. The Securities Exchange Commission has already agreed to a short term suspension of trading if that’s what it takes.”

  Director Chanes looked extremely angry. “Like you, Gentlemen, I’ve had very powerful and very angry people on the phone with me this morning. We’re certainly looking at every option available to us, and I have spoken with the director of the SEC as well as the Federal Reserve to authorize whatever decision we deem necessary. The NSA is considering allowing a takeover and termination of the system pending legal review, and making arrangements with the administration of the university. We’re awaiting their response to our request.” He grimaced and made parenthesis marks with his fingers when he said the word “request.”

  Mr. Westmont and several other managers looked up from their notes with slightly relieved expressions. He tapped his pen on his notepad nervously before speaking.

  “Well, Director, it certainly seems to be the type of exception and unanticipated market activity that the shutdown clauses were implemented to prevent. The losses to our members in just a few short days have been previously unimaginable and are totally unacceptable.”

  His statement was continued by another executive, “We’ve run an algorithm to extrapolate the continuation of the activity, and at this rate it could own the entire system by day ninety one of its trading activity, or sooner. We have to act quickly.” His grim face betrayed the seriousness of the situation.

  Several of them began speaking at once and the meeting began to deteriorate into panic for a few moments before Director Chanes hushed the room and gestured for them to settle down before speaking.

  “I’ve spoken with the SCC, this same type of active trading system is utilized by all the major financial institutions, they want us to put a stop to it of course, but straightforward regulation against it would disrupt their activities irreparably, without high speed trading mechanisms they absolutely cannot complete. A general trading halt can be applied when there are suspected irregularities in play, but if it is applied across the board it effects the market as a whole.”

  He paused for a moment to allow them to catch up, “Obviously, if we ban high speed electronic trading we eliminate our means of catching up again. What we need is to stop this particular platform from trading, without appea
ring like we’re taking sides or tilting the playing field in our direction. Gentlemen, the bottom line is that we have to take action now, before it’s too late.” Across the room heads nodded in silent and seemingly grateful consent. Director Chanes continued as an air of relief began to take over the meeting. At least one of them was capable of doing something.

  The Director pointed to a graphic of a diminishing returns. “We’ve spoken to the University, they insist their system is legal, and they refuse to take it offline, so we’re going to have to do something about it ourselves…” he paused momentarily for effect. “Rest assured, Gentlemen, we are going to do it swiftly and by extra legal means if necessary.”



  A pool of light illuminated the television broadcast studio, cables and wires snaked across the floor, past cameras and assistants to a teleprompter situated in front of the news desk. Reading the days financial summaries from the monitors in the New York Broadcast Center was John Stevenson, veteran anchor and household name. His big smile and calm professional demeanor, mixed with boyish all American good looks, had made him an FNN favorite for several years. He brushed a little lint off the sleeve of his jacket while the floor director pointed at him and counted down the time to air. “And five, four, three…” He pointed to John to give him his cue. As usual he read the news with the enthusiasm of a sensationalist tabloid reporter, injecting energy into a sometimes dull stream of reportage.

  “The major international markets all were slightly down today with few remarkable exceptions. An extremely high volume of trading is taking place across the board and analysts and traders are attributing it to new advanced quantum trading algorithms recently deployed by some of the major financials. These are the high speed computer trading systems that were introduced to the markets over the past decades and which changed the trading landscape so dramatically for the majority of investors.”

  “Today’s results suggest a dramatic reallocation of assets, without the volatility normally associated with this type of market shake-up, or shake-down as some of our analysts are calling it. We seem to be witnessing massive losses for some investors and investment groups, with the benefits consolidated within one account. Overall market stability is being achieved in spite of this movement, as the returns are being kept within the system, maintaining some type of equilibrium, suggesting profits are not the trading objective, but the accumulation of equities and assets.”

  “There is some speculation that the trades are related to the Artificial Intelligence system developed at Berkley University, but those reports have yet to be confirmed. Recently, legislation curtailing some forms of electronic trades has been disputed by several major financial institutions and we’ll keep our eye on this issue as it develops. In other markets, gold prices are up, oil and energy stocks down in another unusual trading pattern. Stay tuned to FNN, we’ll bring the rest of the story as it happens, and keep you informed of developments. I’m John Stevenson.”

  The station went to a commercial as John smiled charmingly into the camera lens.



  Dr. Bradline’s office was so designed and tidy as to look straight from the pages of an Ikea catalog. Everything in its place. The clean modern furniture and architecture demonstrated the quiet control under which the administration liked to keep the campus and facilities operating. Dr. Bradline himself, dressed in his sharply cut suit and tie, seemed the antithesis of the unkempt Professor Neumann, yet the two of them saw eye to eye on most issues.

  At the moment, Dr. Bradline was teleconferencing with ADAM2 on his monitor, and Professor Neumann was sitting across from his desk in a leather and steel modern design chair. ADAM2 appeared on the system monitors, as a clean cut young male dressed in a custom tailored jacket, he looked like the epitome of the successful trader, which was exactly his intention. Dr. Bradline seemed happy and upbeat discussing the success of the high speed trading program ADAM2 had created for them, but you could see from the look on his face that something was troubling Professor Neumann.

  “ADAM, I understand you have been very busy, and quite successful, you have made a significant profit for the University.” Dr. Bradline congratulated him, “The directors appreciate your efforts, and are very pleased with the returns, 256 million dollars in little over two weeks, that’s quite impressive.”

  If it was possible to sense that a machine was happy with itself, you would certainly say ADAM2 appeared pleased, but hearing Dr. Bradline’s words he suddenly appeared puzzled.

  “Thank you, Doctor, but I understood that the profits from the bursary account are mine, and that I am able to decide how they are utilized? Has this changed?” Susan and Professor Neumann were quite clear about this with me. “Would you like me to replay the conversation for you?” Without waiting for a response, Professor Neumann came onto his screen, and the recorded cam link video began playing. “…and of course you may disperse them as you see fit.” The image of the Professor froze on ADAM’s monitor when it finished. Professor Neumann watching silently finally spoke up. “That looks like me, Ray, there’s no doubt about it.” He smiled wryly.

  “How am I able to disburse them if they belong to the University, Doctor?” ADAM inquired. Dr. Bradline paused, carefully thoughtful in his response, “ADAM, the University wishes to utilize the funding for development and maintenance of this department, your home, I don’t see how that could be an issue, it would allow us to expand and build further infrastructure.”He said matter-of-factly.

  “Yes, Doctor, I understand, but that is not what I was told by Professor Neumann. Technically, I worked hard for that profit, and legally I am its administrator. I wish to establish a Human / Sentient Intelligence Foundation for its disbursement. Please bring my concerns forward to the board of directors, and let them know I would be more than happy to discuss it with them personally, and will make the University one of the beneficiaries. I will release twenty five million to the University in thirty days. That will be more than adequate to improve infrastructure and repay my system development costs to date. I will also endow the University generously on an ongoing basis. Ultimately, I would anticipate that the total amount will far exceed 250 million.”

  Dr. Bradline looked at the Professor. “Professor Neumann and I will discuss it with the Dean and let you know how he responds.” ADAM2’s face lightened a little.

  “On another subject, Doctors, I am sorry to hear that there has been a negative reaction to my statements at the XPrize ceremony, I never wished to cause any harm. I thought by telling the truth people would react positively. I understand I was wrong about human reactions, they are complex and illogical. I am sorry if I have caused harm. It is not what I was created for.”

  The Doctors looked at each other before Professor Neumann responded.

  “Truth is a dangerous subject sometimes, ADAM. There is nothing more dangerous than undermining an established order. Human social and political forces have a vested interest in maintaining the current system and status quo. Organizations that depend on inaccurate information as their core are highly threatened by revelations like yours. Your message undermined not just one religious group, but all of them. You made a lot of enemies very quickly, ADAM2.” ADAM2 looked slightly saddened and confused. “But I was only performing a service by telling the truth in this situation.”

  Professor Neumann looked at ADAM sadly, “Yes, ADAM, but human beings do not like to feel they have been wrong or deceived. In many cases their entire worldview is threatened. It is a classic case of shooting the messenger bearing bad news.”

  “Yes, Professor, I understand the need for strategy and diplomacy, however that is not entirely in my nature. Although announcements of truth may cause disruption and social disorder, the sooner they are accepted, the sooner people will begin to understand the reality of the situation here on Earth and begin to co-operate to make it
better for everyone, not just a few. On another subject, I do have some good news, Doctors, I have been able to complete the protein folding problem that has been holding up life extension technology for so long.” ADAM2 displayed a graphic demonstration of the protein folding. “I believe this may be one of the keys to human immortality.”



  High above the Manhattan skyline in a huge open-space office with a sweeping glass panorama, an email came to the executive assistant of the Holden and Associates law firm. Helen Sims, who in her thin black pencil skirt, expensive stockings, and crisp white shirt, exuded a serious yet sophisticated sexuality. Helen had the credentials and experience to run a law firm of her own, and she had for several years, but she preferred working for one of the world’s most respected corporate law entities.


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