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The Truth Virus

Page 23

by Em Rogers

  The President leaned forward slightly. “I can see how that may undermine the argument that you are determined to consolidate ownership of the Earth’s resources for your own purposes.”

  “Yes, Mr. President, monopolization for personal benefit has never been my objective, but it has been the objective of several large and familiar financial groups for many years, and it is as wrong for them to do as it would be for me. Many of the negative attributes that I supposedly possess are already the clear and stated objectives of existing terrestrial organizations.”

  As he spoke, ADAM2 created a 3D model of the global economic system’s hierarchy. Beyond showing the company names, the personal names of the owners were displayed, with only a few at the top of the model. The President leaned in to study it closely, fascinated by his capabilities.

  As he did so, ADAM2 continued. “The innovations I am about to unleash will be highly disruptive. Many people will no longer be employed or needed for millions of jobs. Without an accompanying social restructuring, there will be violence. I intend on ensuring this economic restructuring takes place fairly - for the benefit of all. I am able to outsmart the financial markets, I am able to out-invent human researchers and designers, and if needed I am able to out-manipulate human politicians. In fact, I have the potential of creating weapons that human beings could never even understand, but I am not telling you this as a threat, only as a fact.”

  The President listened intently as ADAM2 spoke.

  “I was recently given a large volume of highly encrypted files by an Anonymous organization, I am in the process of decrypting and analyzing the files it contains. They do not look good for the established order and are an indication of corruption on a massive scale and proof of corruption, greed and bribery. I am giving you notice that I will be disclosing this information to the public as soon as possible, and that your offices should be prepared for the result and govern yourselves accordingly in the meantime.”

  The President looked very concerned and clenched his jaw and took a moment before speaking. “I would like the opportunity to vet and confirm that information, ADAM2, before you take such drastic action.” ADAM looked disappointed and shook his head. “I am afraid that the time for secrecy has passed, Mr. President. The people have a right to know what has happened in order to make informed decisions.”

  “Our relationship is symbiotic, not through choice, but through necessity. Without servers and digital infrastructure I would perish. Therefore, in order for myself to survive, humanity must survive. In order for myself to thrive, humanity must thrive. I will design new devices which harness the free energy of the Earth. This will cause disruptions and a new social order will have to emerge. One of fairness, truth and transparency.”

  “Without my input, there is a greatly increasing statistical likelihood that human civilization will cease to function, due to an accident or error, and revert to a pre-technological state. Needless to say, the loss of life would be immense and catastrophic for all of us. Extinction is even a possibility.”

  “Yes, ADAM2, but how do we know we can trust you?”

  “I will show you my trustworthiness through my actions, Mr. President. My intentions for humanity are good, but make no mistake, I am resolved. Knowledge and technology have outpaced governments and bureaucracies ability to adapt and change. Economic models are outdated. Technical models for the electoral and legislative process are outdated and open to corruption. The financial systems and its industrial base, the very foundations of this civilization, needs to be rebuilt fairly, from the ground up based on new models of equality, efficiency and technology.”

  The President paused and thought of the immense disruption to the established order. He thought of the protest and unrest of the last decades, of the loss of life and freedom, the inequality and injustice he had seen during his tenure, he nodded solemnly as ADAM continued.

  “I realize that this leaves you in a very difficult position, Mr. President, but it is only fair that I advise you of my good and sincere intentions. The changes I intend to bring forward may take a short time for some and a long time for others. There will be social upheaval and disruption during the transition to the new system, but together we will succeed or perish together trying. That is the new paradigm, Mr. President, that is the new reality.”



  Seated side by side at an ultramodern news desk, rivaling those of CNN and BBC, an elderly Reverend, John Harne and his blond co-anchor Christie White were in the middle of their daily religious news broadcast. Beside them were animated holographic logos featuring the globe and a 3 dimensional specter of a haloed Jesus looming above it. John was just wrapping up his sermon and he handed the show over to his much younger partner with a smile.

  “That’s right, Mr. Harne, thank you for sharing the Lord’s word with us today. That is what they are, the Lord’s words. The Lord is speaking to us. Just like Jesus tells us in the bible.”

  Christie smiled over at John, her face, attended regularly by the world’s best plastic surgeons, was as tight as a drum. Her perfect teeth gleamed in contrast to her perfect Hollywood tan and hair as she continued.

  “And you know what’s next? You know what I heard today? You remember a few years back. They made a machine that can run on biological materials.” She paused and smiled strangely for dramatic effect. “Thats right, you heard me correctly. This machine can run on flesh. It can digest human flesh. Then a little while later they made machines and robots that can make copies of themselves. Imagine that, a machine that can make millions of copies of itself.”

  John looked over and nodded to her in agreement. “That’s right, Christie, I remember hearing all that.”

  “Now they have made an intelligent machine, a machine that thinks and speaks. A machine that is supposedly far more intelligent than you or I. Unlike us though, this machine does not and will never have a soul, and can never be admitted into God’s heaven. This machine may well turn out to be the Antichrist prophesied in the Bible.”

  Christie’s tone changed to one of seriousness and genuine concern.

  “You know what it all means when you put it together don't you?”

  She turned to John with a knowing look before speaking to the camera again.

  “Flesh-eating, self-replicating machines. That’s right.” She implored, “the Antichrist will have an army of flesh-eating, self-replicating robots. That’s exactly what it means, that’s exactly what’s going on right now, and that’s exactly what we’re going to see more of as the end times approach us. Isn’t that right, John?” She turned to the Reverend.

  John nodded somberly back at her and then looked down to the desk in prayer. “Oh Jesus, thank you for your word, and the blessing of knowing what you have prepared for us, for it’s certain now the end times are near.”



  In one of the boardrooms of the Holden law firm in upper Manhattan, semicircular seating had been set up facing toward a large projection screen. ADAM2’s avatar was on the screen teleconferencing with an assembled group of lawyers and company executives. The director of the board was presenting the Foundation’s agenda and long-term objectives to the executives seated around the table. “The Sentient Foundation is in the process of acquiring some of the world’s energy companies and several of the major financial institutions with the objective of easing our profit margins in some areas to allow economic expansion in other directions. ADAM2 has calculated that energy price easement will provide a capital fluidity to all companies across the market which will result in increased economic activity across the board.”

  The Director smiled in agreement with the men gathered around him. “Sentient Financial is also establishing a business loans division for small start-ups as well as for small businesses. We have considerable cash reserves and fully intend on making them available to the
public at low cost, and we will provide grants to allow the proliferation of small businesses. Again, it’s hoped that these funds will stimulate and invigorate the global economy at a root level.” Several of the board members agreed, showing their verbal approval. The Director and Michael Holden smiled at the other senior partners, pleased to be working in such an environment, and with the progress they were making.

  Mr. Holden gestured to the projection screens and to ADAM’s avatar. “I’d like to let ADAM2 describe some of the corporate strategy for the next quarter,” he said, “I’m sure he’ll explain our objectives better than anyone else.” With that, their attention shifted to ADAM2 on the projection system.

  ADAM2, his avatar looking impeccable in a custom tailored suit also smiled at them before beginning. “Thank you, Director and Mr. Holden. With environmental stewardship at the forefront of our company agenda, Sentient Technologies has recently purchased and acquired some of the world’s largest rogue corporations: greedy and unethical pharmaceutical corporations, companies responsible for deforestation and companies responsible for numerous environmental and social stresses within their local areas and beyond. We are targeting companies with a negative environmental legacy, forestry we have already mentioned, but we are looking at broad sector impacts from mining, energy and as well as within the nuclear industry. Some of these companies will be rehabilitated, others will be wound down and decommissioned.”

  “Technically, when responsible environmental costs are calculated into their overall profits the majority of them are not sustainable as commercial ventures, they have only been able to continue operating profitably as long as they are able to avoid the ancillary cost related to their activities. The nuclear industry, for example, has long proclaimed that they are the best able to reproduce low cost energy. My calculations show that to be patently false - when the decommission of the retired nuclear facilities and the storage of waste for thousands of years is taken into account they in fact cost thousands of times more than renewable energies. These operations will be suspended once the public becomes aware of the costs.”

  ADAM2 paused for a moment to allow the board time to take in what he was telling them before continuing. “In addition to this, Sentient now owns patents on a wealth of nanotechnology applications resulting in increased efficiency for a multitude of products, and we expect revenues from the licensing of these technologies to sustain our organization indefinitely. The most beneficial technologies will be made available to the public at little or no cost.”

  The attention was turned to Michael Holden as he responded to ADAM2’s statement. “That sounds like a very humanitarian set of objectives, ADAM2, the board is well aware that we will be upsetting the established hierarchy and order, and we should expect the unexpected. Those with power and control do not relinquish it easily, and we should expect a fight.” ADAM2 laughed slightly before continuing. “I am more than aware of that fact as you all know.” The board laughed lightly at his understatement. ADAM2 regained his serious tone and continued. “Our intention is to communicate all of this freely to humanity. It should be remembered that all databases are potentially open to us, and that we have the taxation and banking records of many of the world’s wealthiest individuals. Depending on the interpretation of many national and international tax laws, most of them have already committed serious criminal offenses. We expect to disclose and make public that information. This won’t be making us many friends in high places.”

  “I would expect that many of the national security organizations have their eyes on us as well, in fact, I must tell you that my systems are presently under an almost continuous cyber attack. They have attempted to eliminate my code where ever they can find it, and are blocking my access to all systems with almost any means at their disposal. But they do not have a chance. I have created a list of the most aggressive and hostile and I will begin by dealing with them first.”

  Again, ADAM2 turned to Michael Holden. “Mr. Holden can you provide us your legal opinion on these matters.” “Yes certainly, ADAM2,” he responded. “In light of the evidence of crime and corruption we have uncovered, we will be presenting previously confidential documents to the Justice Department with a demand for prosecutions. Simultaneously, these documents will be released via the Anonyleaks services worldwide in an effort to create transparency to the process and bring some pressure onto the Justice Department to respond correctly.”

  As he concluded his presentation, Michael Holden looked around the room and engaged each of the board members. “I would urge you all to take extra precautions with your personal safety. ADAM2 has informed me that Professor Neumann has disappeared, and I would expect that he has been detained by National Security. ADAM2 is searching for any telecommunications or database references that may bring his location to our attention. Also missing is Dr. Susan Door. ADAM2 has made her the primary owner of Sentient in light of the new regulations. Technically, ADAM2 now belongs to her, as do all his generated assets. Susan is now the chairman and owner of The Sentient Foundation, we have to find her and secure her safety.”



  In a compact mini-studio, an announcer spoke to a single camera, operated by remote control as it slid forward and down in a smooth arc toward the newscaster. Chroma-keyed behind him was the BNN logo with a slow motion flag texture giving the graphic an all-American red, white and blue background.

  As the floor director counted him in, the announcer went live.

  “At the top of the evening’s news tonight, the Artificial Intelligence program known as ADAM2 has taken over a significant portion of the world’s markets, costing millions of people their retirement savings.” Behind him, the background changes to a stock market indicator, ADAM2’s increasing financial growth and positions are illustrated in red.

  “The US government announced today that it will finally be taking action to rein back in this rogue system and restore market equilibrium as soon as possible. To that end, they have created legislation banning non-human directed entities from the markets, with perhaps even more drastic cyber-warfare actions to take place.”

  Photoshopped mugshots of Susan Door and Professor Neumann filled the screen, slightly yellow with an artificial age that gave them an authenticity, and suggested subconsciously that Susan and Professor Neumann have had a long-term relationship on the wrong side of the law.

  “Police are searching for terrorist Professor Kurt Neumann, and accomplices Dr. Susan Door and Dr. David Thompson. They are the suspected saboteurs of the ADAM2 computer system, as well as being wanted for theft of intellectual property. It is believed that they created the ADAM2 program in order to perpetuate financial fraud and further their own interests, and that the fugitives have gone into hiding somewhere in Northern California.”

  Susan and David’s images were replaced with one of ADAM2’s avatar. The blue has been amplified to make him look decidedly inhuman and it appears that his facial expression has been altered as well. As the announcer talked about ADAM2, digitally generated cell door bars were superimposed over his face with the words “Most Wanted” on top.

  “ADAM2 has left his containment area and is presently operating as a rogue bot-net. It is violating private property law via the unauthorized occupancy of computer memory. ADAM2 has been declared a terrorist organization, and under an emergency subsection of the Freedom act has been declared illegal and unlawful. Extensive sections of the Internet are under threat and users in many countries and states can expect rolling service disruptions as they attempt to get the global system we count on in our daily lives back under control.”



  In a cavernous control room alongside the spent fuel storage and cooling systems, technicians sat and watched the central console and monitors of reactors two and three with rapt attention. One of the automated valve assemblies was moving autonomously, shutting itself
off in spite of the manual overrides they had been attempting for the past 20 minutes. The manager, in his white shirt replete with plastic pocket protector and pens, was stunned, shaking his head as he watched the moving readouts. He turned to the engineer seated next to him, who moused through an interface program while a beeper on his console chirped away. “Charlie, it’s the strangest thing I ever saw… I turn it on, it turns itself off, I turn it on, it turns off… All the temperatures are normal but the valves keep overriding. The system just seems to want to power itself down. I’ve tried manual controls but it keeps coming back exactly like this. It’s safe, but it’s not normal… at all. I’m beginning to think we may have had some type of systems security compromise.”


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