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Her Alpha Viking

Page 27

by Sheryl Nantus

  She strode around the destroyed compound, stopping at each person. They were all frozen in place, their grimaces and horrific stares tugging at Erik’s heart.

  It was amazing to watch her walk, almost glide across the ground.

  “This one, for example.” She stood by Mark. “He was worthy of Valhalla before but even more so now, having taken a lethal blow from the ax to defend his friends.” She leaned down and touched his forehead, lovingly moving a strand of hair off the sweat-soaked skin. “It is not his time yet.” Freyja nodded at Helen. “A mother, a grandmother who stood toe-to-toe with one of Odin’s Warriors, armed with nothing more than a torch. The brain injury will kill her in a few days, the internal bleeding choking the life from her.”

  She caressed Helen’s cheek before turning to Lucy. “Young, an abuse survivor fighting her nightmares.” Freyja gave Brenna a knowing look. “Recently, with your help. She isn’t coming to Valhalla for a good long time.”

  Brenna smiled. She didn’t try to break away from Erik’s hold, almost afraid to move.

  “Jacob.” Freyja knelt by the older man. “Witness to much pain in his life. He will be a welcome addition to our ranks. Except not at this time.” She rose and advanced on Kara. “This is inexcusable.”

  Kara raised her head. “You told me to bring Erik home when my sister faltered, when she failed.” She stood. “When she fell in love with him.”

  “Yes. Yes, she did.” Freyja moved to stand in front of the couple. “She is no longer a Valkyrie. She hasn’t really been one now for a year.”

  Brenna frowned and stirred, moving to sit up. “What?”

  Freyja nodded. “That is for us and us alone to discuss.” She glared at Kara. “Go to your barracks. I’ll talk to you later. You angered Odin by wasting one of his warriors on a fool’s errand. Prepare your defense. He may not be as merciful as I might be.”

  Then Kara was gone, a flick of Freyja’s finger sending her away. The spear also vanished, leaving only an indentation in the dirt.

  Brenna let out a soft sigh, the tension easing from her body.

  Freyja turned back. “Did you ever wondered why you couldn’t claim his soul a year ago, on the battlefield?” She smiled. “I have many roles, Brenna. One is to lead the Valkyries. Others are subtler…” She extended a hand to Erik. “Rise, Son of Odin.”

  He blinked. “Who of what?”

  Brenna got to her feet, touching her midsection. The bloody shirt was all that was left of the spear’s attack, the skin knitted together as if new. She moved off to the side, watching and waiting.

  Erik took Freyja’s hand and stood awkwardly, his mind racing.

  She squeezed his fingers, reminding him of a gentle mother preparing to chastise her children. “Did you ever wonder why you healed so quickly from your wounds? From all your injuries, in battle serving your country and in the fighting ring?”

  He stuttered, at a loss for words.

  “It’s been a long time since Odin walked among you.” She led him into the center of the clearing where the remains of the fire lay. “Longer since he found himself attracted to women. Age has tempered his desires.” She gazed past him to Brenna. “The Allfather is who he is. He rules Asgard with a gentle but firm hand. At times in the past, he came to Earth and bred sons and daughters with women.”

  Erik frowned, fighting to quell the rage building up inside him. “My mother’s never been unfaithful to my father.”

  “I meant no dishonor to your parents. Please excuse my phrasing.” She paused. “Neither of your parents have violated their sacred vows. What I refer to happened far in the past, ancient past as you measure your years. Your ancestor appealed to Odin for help in a time of great famine. She was a widow with children, unable to provide for them. She called out to him, and he heard her plea, coming to her as a man to offer his help to work the fields and hunt for her and her family to survive. As a man, he loved her and left his child behind, a part of himself that would never be completely human. Or fully Aesir.”

  She studied him intently as she continued. “The blood simmers in your line, waiting to come forth when called by acts of bravery. When you rose to the emergency call from the convoy, put yourself in danger to rescue your comrades, it brought out what had been in your veins already.” One edge of her mouth curled upward. “But that was not all that summoned your heritage. There was another factor, another piece falling into place at the right time and place.”

  Freyja turned to Brenna. “You triggered his noble blood when you kissed him, and he fell in love with you at first sight.” She laughed. “The idea sounds ridiculous, but all of the best legends are based in fact. Love was what stopped him from coming to Valhalla. Your love for him and his love for you.”

  “So this was all my fault?” Brenna stepped toward them with her hands open and arms spread. Her eyes brimmed with tears. “Mother, I had no idea. I never…” She hesitated, seeing Freyja’s frown.

  “You couldn’t reap him because he was never yours to take in the first place. As a Son of Odin, he can only go to Valhalla if he chooses to—and at that moment in time, all he could see and think about was you, his attraction to you overwhelming all else. He said he wouldn’t go with you until you told him who you were. A firm statement, a pronouncement.” The frown disappeared, replaced with a smile. “You didn’t answer, sealing his fate. His need to find you kept him here, shackled to this realm.”

  “I’m so sorry,” Brenna said.

  He wasn’t sure if she was saying it to Freyja or to him.

  Freyja chuckled. “It was not your fault. He shouldn’t have been able to see you, much less demand you say who you were. And yet he did. There are some powers far above the Gods’ control. One of these is Love. Even we must bend a knee to it.” She put a finger to her lips. “This will be our little secret.”

  “I don’t understand.” Erik looked around at the people frozen in place, his mind spinning. “What are you saying?”

  “You are of royal blood,” Freyja said. “That bestows certain benefits on you.” She gave a little laugh. “No, you are not immortal or able to lift mountains. Your bloodline thinned over time, but there is still enough for you to claim your seat in Valhalla next to the Allfather. Now you must choose what you want. If you wish, you can ascend now and be with your fellow warriors in the Great Halls. Or…”

  “Kara—” he started.

  “Kara will be dealt with. She has no say in this matter.” The tone in her voice left no doubt as to her displeasure with the Valkyrie. “Tell me what you want, Erik Harrison.” She raised one eyebrow. “Tell me what your heart most desires.”

  He reached out for Brenna, drawing her into his arms. “I want to be with her.” He held her tight, a thrill going through him at holding her warm and alive against his skin. “I love her and won’t go anywhere without her.”

  “You understand she cannot return to Valhalla as a Valkyrie. She forfeited that through her actions.” Freyja turned her attention to Brenna. “You are not the woman you were a year ago. That life is no longer open to you.”

  Brenna sighed and nodded.

  “You want to send her to Helheim because she screwed up.” Erik shook his head. “If you send her there, I want to go, too.” He tightened his grip.

  Freyja tilted her head to one side, studying him. “You would pass up an eternity in Valhalla? Or as you would call it, Heaven?”

  “Yes. Because it wouldn’t be Heaven for me, not without her. You can keep your parties and your festivals, your cheers and your glory. I’d rather be in Hell with her, dirty and starving, for the rest of time. Until Ragnarok.”

  “Indeed.” She fixed her gaze on Brenna. “You gave up Valhalla for this man and chose Helheim for your actions, your dereliction of duty, and your refusal to allow Kara to complete her assignment. Do you have anything to say before I sentence you to what you deserve?”

  Brenna’s hands tightened on Erik’s arms. “I regret nothing.” She stood tall, holding her own with
the goddess. “I now know love. No matter where I go, I’ll carry that with me.” She drew a deep breath. “I won’t ever renounce him, wherever I am. Send me where you think I belong.”

  Erik pulled her in for one last kiss. He cupped her cheek, staring into her deep blue eyes. “I’ll come and get you. No matter how long it takes, I will be with you. I love you, and nothing will keep us apart.”

  “I’ll be waiting.” Her eyes brimmed with tears. “Only for you.”

  He turned and nodded at Freyja. “We’re ready.”

  “Are you now?” She drew herself up to her full height and spread her arms.

  Erik hugged Brenna tight, trying to memorize the smell of her, the touch, everything he could to keep her alive in his mind during their time apart.

  Freyja smiled, the grin startling him. “Then it is done.” She looked at Erik. “Son of Odin, the halls of Valhalla will be open to you at the end of your life, when you wish to join us. Along with your true love, as she proved herself to be a most worthy warrior and a dedicated partner.” Her eyes were wet as she turned her attention to Brenna. “Know I never truly abandoned you—I was with you during this journey, in different forms. I tried to help you in my own way. There are some things not even the Gods can interfere in.”

  “I know,” Brenna said. “The dreams, the police officer—I now see your hand behind them.”

  “The headaches,” Erik added. “That was you as well.”

  Freyja moved to stand by the van. “I told you I have many roles. One of them is also the Goddess of Love.” She lifted a hand. “Goodbye, Erik and Brenna. I look forward to seeing you both in Valhalla.” She chuckled. “But not for a good long time.”

  A cool breeze swept over them, and the woman was gone.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  The last of Brenna’s strength left her in a single, long sigh. She slumped against Erik, her knees weak.

  Her head spun, the reality flashing her world into sharp focus.

  Freyja had gone and taken neither of them with her.

  Kara was out of the picture.

  Brenna blinked, accepting the truth. She was with Erik.

  In the middle of a mass killing.

  “Look,” Erik said into her ear. “Don’t say anything. Just look.” His arms curled around her protectively. “It seems Freyja tidied up all the loose ends.”

  She glanced around the clearing, holding her breath as she spotted Jake sitting in the canvas chair—his usual seat.

  Brenna couldn’t help glancing over at where he’d been lying in the destroyed tent only a few seconds ago.

  It’d all changed, as if someone pushed the rewind button and backed up everything to before Kara arrived. The tents restored, the fire rekindled to the vibrant, lively flames she’d left before creeping into the woods to confront the intruder… Everything was as it had been before.

  “What the fuck?” Jake grunted as he put both hands to his head. “Damn it, Mark. I told you not to toss any of those funky herbal cigarettes you got from those kids into the fire. Burned up and knocked me the hell out.” He shook his head. “Some weird dreams scattering through my mind—haven’t had anything like that since ’Nam.”

  Brenna looked down. Her shirt was bloodless, the stain left by Kara’s lance gone as well as the wound underneath.

  “All fixed,” Erik murmured in her ear.

  The tents had been restored to their original shape, all damage from the berserker wiped away. Mark sat in his chair, a dazed look on his face as Lucy and Helen occupied their own space. The trio blinked as they took in the scene.

  “Wow.” Lucy rubbed her eyes. “That was some crazy stuff.” She spotted Erik and Brenna and leaped out of her chair. “Erik! When did you arrive?”

  Lucy grabbed him in a bear hug, dragging him out of Brenna’s embrace. “And oh my God—you shaved and cut your hair!” She touched his bare cheek. “Not looking too bad.”

  Helen smiled. “Must have snuck up on us when we weren’t looking.” She pointed a stick at Mark. “Good watchman you turned out to be.” She eyed Brenna. “Everything all right?”

  “We’re fine,” Brenna said, working hard to keep the laughter out of her voice. “We’re just fine.”

  Jake scratched his beard before waving them on. “Well, then, pull a chair up and tell us what you’ve been doing for the last month.”

  Erik nodded and led Brenna closer to the fire. “Mark, where’s your phone?”

  The blond man dug into his back pocket. “Here. Why?” He frowned, looking at each of them in turn. “Did you call me to say you were coming back and I missed it?” He growled as he touched the small screen. “Damn. I’m always out of the loop.”

  “No, no.” Erik chuckled. “You’re right where you’re supposed to be.”

  It wasn’t until they had crawled back into their own tent that she dared to talk to Erik about what had happened. The last few hours had been a crazy whirlwind of reacquainting herself with her friends, who she had seen die in front of her. They laughed and talked and acted like nothing had changed.

  “Not for them.” Erik drew his fingers along her arm, raising goose bumps. “Far as they’re concerned, I came back on my own.”

  Brenna accompanied him back to the parking lot to pick up his duffel bag from the rental car, curious as to if anything else had been changed by Freyja’s manipulations. The plane ticket was there from Erik’s frantic travels.

  “The time line’s pretty much the same.” Erik studied the small burner phone. “I’m supposed to be fighting in Erie tomorrow night—that’s correct.”

  “Erie?” She sucked in her breath. “If you want to go then…”

  “No. No more fighting. At least not in the cage.” He entwined his fingers with hers as he threw the bag over his shoulder and started walking. “I’m done with that part of my life.”

  “What will you do?” She paused. “What will I do?”

  “Whatever you want to do.” He swung their hands, laughing. “After we finish in Washington.”

  “You want to finish the trip?” She lowered her voice as they neared the group.

  “Of course.” He nodded toward the other veterans. “They’ve got stories to tell, and we’re going to be there to support them.”

  They set up their tent to the side of the other two, Brenna quietly moving her belongings back in.

  As they finished up, Brenna spotted Mark sitting by the fire, rubbing his belly.

  “You good?” Erik asked.

  “Yeah.” He let out a loud burp. “Just an upset stomach. Must have eaten something that didn’t agree with me.”

  Erik grinned and led Brenna into their tent. The two sleeping bags were zipped together.

  She sat down on one, toeing her shoes off. Despite her exhaustion, they still had plenty to talk about.

  “Mother…” She choked up. “She was part of this all along, I believe.” She detailed the dream back in the park.

  Erik let out a soft whistle. “I wouldn’t have believed before but…” He drew a finger along her arm before slipping his hand under her shirt. He pressed it across her bare belly, where the lethal wound had been. “I’m believing a lot more things as of late.”

  “A Son of Odin.” She exhaled. “I never…”

  He silenced her with a passionate kiss, wiping the rest of the sentence from her mind.

  “I thought I’d lost you,” he said as he pulled back. “I’m never going to let you go. Never.”

  She tried to find the words for the emotions drowning her but couldn’t.

  He ran his hands along her arms, moving to flick open each button on her blouse with slow, steady precision. She found herself holding her breath as he eased the fabric off her shoulders, letting it drop away.

  “So soft…” he murmured as he unclipped her bra and drew it down her arms, tossing it to the side.

  “Of royal blood,” she said as he laid her down on the sleeping bag. “I had no idea they existed.”

  “I don’
t care.” He laid down a series of light kisses along her cheek. “Except that it brought you to me.” Erik paused, locking eyes with her. “That’s all that matters.” He cupped her cheek. “You were willing to die for me. Hell, you did die for me—I felt the life leave your body.”

  She nodded, at a loss for words.

  His hands stripped her jeans off with military-like precision, leaving her naked and open to him.

  “I…” She paused, trying to make sense of the thoughts racing through her mind. “I never thought it would end like this. In any of my wildest dreams, I never saw this happening.”

  He smiled. “All you need to think about now is that we’ve got a whole lifetime ahead of us, and I don’t plan to waste any of it.”

  She ran her hands under his shirt, finding no trace of Kara’s deadly spear thrust. The original battle scars were still there—Freyja’s healing spells could only do so much, she figured.

  Or Mother had decided to leave them alone, a reminder of the warrior she loved.

  She ran her fingers through his hair. “You gave up Valhalla for me.”

  “Yes. And I’d do it again.” He stripped off his shirt, making short work of the rest of his clothing. “But you gave up your own immortal destiny and decided to stay with me. So I’d say we’re even.”

  “Not really. But…” Before she could answer, he pulled her close into a tight embrace.

  “A Son of Odin,” she repeated as he drew his hands over her back, the delicious friction sending tremors through her body.

  “That’s what the lady said.” He nipped at her earlobe. “I don’t feel any different.”

  “Neither do I.” She swallowed hard. “Although I will miss one thing about being a Valkyrie—the flying.”

  One hand slipped between them, caressing her damp folds, and she gasped.

  “I can make you soar,” he said with a smile.

  “Fly straight,” Brenna said, giving herself over to her desires.

  “Hell, yeah.”


  Six months later

  “Right, let’s get started. Choose your partners.” Brenna walked around the auditorium, surveying her students. The Women’s Self-Defense day class had filled almost immediately after the notice went up at the community center. Another sign-up sheet for an evening session already had names scribbled on the side, hopefuls waiting for a space. Two classes in and no one had dropped out.


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