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The Soul of a Vampire #1

Page 10

by Rachel E Rice

In the shower I could lock out all the bad memories and the feelings of loneliness for fifteen minutes.

  In this secluded place, I didn’t have to worry about nosey neighbors peeking through the windows if I hadn’t bothered to close the blinds or curtains. The panoramic windows extended all around, but it was as if I was sitting in a forest with no one around.

  I could look out into the forest and see birds and squirrels scurrying about. As the water released a spray of warm water down on me, I watched out the window at a small colorful bird. It looked like a humming bird or woodpecker, but I couldn’t be sure. I wasn’t into birds or anything that had to do with nature, but now I think I will find the time because it’s giving me a sense of peace.

  The bird flew back and forward and hung around the window as if looking at me wanting to come in. I tapped on the window a few times and it zoomed away.

  It was time to get dress and surprise Sebastian. I didn’t care what he said, I needed to get out of the house. I called Ann. She mentioned that today was her day off.


  “Who is this?”

  “It’s Zoey.” There was a long silence. “Mrs. Sebastian. The new doctor’s wife, remember.”

  “Oh yes. What’s going on?”

  “Is it possible for you to pick me up and take me to the hospital?”

  “Sure, but it will take me a half an hour to get out to that hide-a-way of yours,” she said munching on something which made me hungry just listening to the sound. Food. I needed meat and vegetables.

  I thanked her, hit the red button and placed the phone down. I wondered why she used that word—hideaway. In actuality it was just that. Did she think we were in the witness protection program? Well close.

  I guess I’m too suspicious. Things were making me crazy. This house was making me crazy. My whole life had turned upside down since Sebastian barged into it, and he was making me crazy. I couldn’t help thinking that it was because of him that Terry died.

  Taking my time to dress, then I threw my coat on, and stood at the door. When I saw Ann’s jeep take the road to the front of the house, I stepped out and glanced around. There was that pretty bird again but with the brisk wind and rain, the little bird flew into the trees to take shelter.

  The door opened and I hopped into the jeep.

  “Thanks, you don’t know how much I appreciate this,” I said to her.

  “Why are you going to the clinic? The doctor doesn’t need you tonight. It’s the slowest time not that we were ever busy,” Ann said smiling at me.

  “But the beds in the emergency ward was full last time.”

  “And the doctor can handle it. I’ve never seen anyone who could work that fast. He probably wants you around him twenty four seven. But I say let’s go to the bar and have a drink,” Ann said with a ready smile.

  The last thing I needed was to go to a bar. For one thing because of Terry and because Sebastian said not to go out. But then that was the perfect reason to go.

  “Sure, let’s go. I was just going to surprise Sebastian anyway. He won’t know I’ve been out. We stay an hour, and you can drop me home,” I said with a sly grin.

  Ann made a u turn and headed down a street with two lamp posts. She passed the front of the clinic and a mile down the street set a bar with a large four leaf clover hanging above it. She parked in front under a lamp. That was good.

  When we walked into the bar everyone looked up. “Hey Ann where’s that boyfriend of yours,” the bartender said.

  “Left him home,” she said with a giggle. “He’s probably got bored and went hunting.”

  “Does he know you’re out without him?”

  “No. And I won’t tell if you don’t.” She grinned at me.

  He made a gesture with his hand to his closed mouth and twisted his fingers as if it was a key and he was locking a door and throwing away the key.

  “This is my friend, Zoey. She’s married to the new doctor.”

  He wiped his hand on his soiled apron and then extended his hand to me. “Your husband is a great guy. He came here years ago when we needed a doctor. Not many men would come to this secluded place, and there’s no money here. He said it wasn’t the money he was looking for but peace. Now he’s brought his wife back. You’re a cute one,” he said with a pleasant smile. “You must be a solid woman to follow your husband to a place like this.”

  I smiled and shook my head. “The drinks are on me,” the bartender said. And then he made a big announcement, “This here’s the doctor’s wife.” There came a cheer from the back and someone said, “I’ll drink to that.”

  Oh great. That’s all I needed for Sebastian to discover that I went to a bar when he warned me and then cautioned me about my standing in the community. Looking around at the men and women, I figure if this is the community, then my position didn’t take a hit.

  “Thanks Charlie for the drinks,” Ann said as he set two beers in front of us.

  “I pay for the next round,” I said and then I reached for my purse, and I didn’t have it and if I did there wasn’t enough in it to pay for a coke-a-cola. I would have to take money from my vampire and come back to pay for the drinks. I wondered if he had any, but of course he does. I wondered how much.

  In the corner of the bar stood an old fashion juke box, and two couples were dancing to Dolly Parton’s “I’ll Always Love You.” I looked at Ann as we sat at the bar.

  “Now what?”

  “This is all there is on a weeknight, but there is a bar on the edge of town that me and my boyfriend goes to and there’s always action there. Remind me to take you there on a Saturday night.”

  “I think I’ll pass for now because Sebastian has to work. He works seven days a week.”

  “Does he ever get tired?”

  “Yeah. Every morning,” I said with a closed smile.

  We drunk the beer we ordered, and as usual, I was ready to go when David walked into the bar. He stood at the entrance as if looking for someone and when our eyes locked he smiled at me and strutted over. He wore a dark jacket and leather pants.

  “That’s a strange look for a doctor,” I whispered to Ann.

  “Well he is strange. We hadn’t seen David since he was a teenager and he was always a strange kind of person. The whole town is full of strange types. My boyfriend for example...” She looked up and didn’t finished her sentence, “Oh hi, David. I was just telling Zoey how strange and unusual this town is.”

  “Why would you want to do that? I suspect she will find that out on her own one day, if she hasn’t already.” He sat down on the stool near me.

  He put his hand over mine and I pulled it away. Ann watched as I leaned away from David and moved closer to her.

  Looking at Ann I said, “Don’t you think you should drop me at the hospital? It looks like David will be late another night.” He looked at me and raised his hand for the bartender.

  “I can drop her at the hospital. I need to be on time. After this drink. Don’t worry Ann, stay here with your friends.” Ann watched at me and then David, not knowing what she should do. I could see she was eager to stay.

  “I’ll have David drop me home,” I said to Ann, “There’s no need for me to go to the hospital now. You’re going to relieve Sebastian.”

  “Of course,” he said. “You have my word.”

  Chapter Seventeen-Zoey

  “I thought you were taking me home,” I said glancing over to David. His face a new gloominess, a clenched jaw, no emotion. His body language signaled to me he was dangerous. He didn’t say a word, he kept his eyes straight and hands on the wheel, and stepped on the accelerator and the car zoomed down the dark road. I didn’t get upset until a few minutes had passed, and he turned down the highway that took us by and pass my home.

  Then the car drove three miles to a secluded area with a large fence and a decorative black iron-gate. I planned my getaway if I were ever kidnapped again. There wasn’t any plan for friends and acquaintances. Only strangers.

  People who are upstanding and appeared to be leaders in the community had been left out of my plan.

  It was too late to think about that now. I hushed a moan and pushed back a tear. Wanting to cry for Sebastian, I realized it was too late. He was the one who warned me to stay in the house and don’t let anyone in. I didn’t take him serious. How could I because he didn’t tell me what I was up against, and if he had, I probably wouldn’t have payed attention to him anyway?

  I had to blame but myself.

  David stepped out and opened the gate. My plan was to get out and run but when I looked around, I didn’t know where I could run to. Where the hell was I anyway? So I sat there like a fool thinking I could reason with him.

  “Where are you taking me?” My voice was calm and light. Not like before where you could hear panic.

  “Didn’t your parents tell you never to get into a car with a stranger?” And all the nightmares of my childhood came rushing back to haunt me. I was five years old and all I had to do was walk around the block to school, climb the stairs and walk through the doors, and I would have been safe.

  But just as I turned the corner the school gate was there when someone, I think it was a man, strode up to me smiling and said that my father was sick, and I needed to go with him, and I climbed into the van and that’s all I remember.

  However this time, I’m not a five year old, I’m tough, and I won’t let him control me and make me afraid of the dark anymore.

  “What do you want with me? Is it sex? Then you don’t have to kidnap me to get that. I will give it to you freely. You’re handsome enough man, and my husband is always working. Not like you. I will gladly fuck you. And I won’t tell my husband,” I said soft and low.

  I looked at him and shot him my most seductive smile. Who was I kidding? Seduction wasn’t my strong suit. I was more the timid type who tried to act tough by throwing a fuck you out to make me fit in. And seduction, I wore blouses that button up to my chin to keep men from looking at me.

  Everyone except Sebastian because he doesn’t count. He’s dead anyway.

  I told David everything I thought he wanted to hear, and still he didn’t respond. He just drove on and didn’t say a word or turn to look at me.

  He drove up to a rundown mansion. There were no lights in it when he stopped the car and got out and walked around to my door. I sat looking at him through the window.

  “Get out,” he shouted with a hoarse cold and unfeeling voice. Not like Sebastian. Sebastian voice remained warm no matter how he tried to harden it. David extended his hand and gave me a heartless smile. He didn’t smile with his eyes. They appeared lifeless and just as unfriendly as his voice.

  He glanced at me with a raised eyebrow, “I don’t want any bull shit from you. Now get out.” I didn’t say much because he appeared capable of hurting me. It was then I decided to cooperate. Stepping out on the rain soaked leaves, all I heard was the beating of my heart, and my shoes crunching through piles of wet dead leaves.

  “Is this your place?” I said with a tremble of my lips. I had to try to get him to warm up and talk to me.

  “Yes, my father left it to me and mountains of debt,” he said scowling. His eyebrows meeting and slanting downward.

  He opened the door and we walked inside where candles were lit and I saw a house in disrepair. Thrown to the side was mountains of newspapers and wood near the fireplace. He walked away from me as I watched at him. He left me standing in one spot as I tried to gage should I run. He looked back at me when he picked up the logs and threw them in the fire place. He lit them and stepped back.

  “Sit over there.” He pointed to a large old brown worn leather wingback chair. There were two of them and he sat across from it and stared into the fire. “Are you hungry?”

  “No,” I said. What an absurd question. He behaved as if we were on a date. What did he expect from me? He takes me against my will to his home and now he’s offering me food.

  “It’s not like I’m your guest.” He watched at me. I shouldn’t have said that.

  “But of course you’re a guest.” He smiled. “And there are other guests who will come to get you and all my worries will be over. I can leave this forsaken place and never have to see it again. Maybe I’ll burn it down.”

  “What guest are you talking about?” My voice showed my panic. Not anger.

  “The ones who will bring me money and take you.”

  “Who are you?”

  “Someone who needs money,” he said.

  “If you’re looking for money, we’re rich. I mean Sebastian is rich and he will pay whatever price you ask.”

  “He doesn’t have enough money for what I need.”

  “How do you know?” I said to him. I had to talk him out of this insane idea. “I can get the money from him. Whatever you need. Just tell me what it is you need.” Now my voice showed panic.

  “Why would I take your word for anything when Samantha promised me a fortune?”

  “Samantha, did you say Samantha, she’s a witch.”

  “I don’t give a fuck what she is, she promised me the world, and I’m taking her up on it.”

  “The only thing she will give you is nothingness. She will suck the life out of you,” I said looking at him with horror because he didn’t realize who he was dealing with. I didn’t know if she had money, but I did know women wouldn’t give up a dime if they didn’t have to.

  “What Sebastian will do you will be far worse.” He laughed at the notion. “Did you ask Samantha why she wants me?”

  “I don’t care. Stop talking. You make my head hurt.” And his eyes began opening and closing and he rubbed his head. He stood and wavered. His legs appeared weak as he strode near me. “I’d better tie you up.” I jumped up and started to run and he caught me and held my hands behind my back and forced me down to the chair.

  “You’re not going anywhere. I could kill you, but she wants you alive.”

  When he was trying to hold me to tie my hands, I bit his shoulder and kicked him and then bit his hand as he held me. “Stop being difficult. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “What do you expect me to do? Sit there as you sell me to someone. Do you know what she will do to me and you?”

  “As long as she brings me my money, I don’t give a fuck. I don’t want to hurt you now shut up and stop trying to get out of the ropes because you can’t. All you’re going to do is bruise your body. She doesn’t want you bruised.”

  “If you don’t want to hurt me then let me go. I promise I won’t say anything about this and I’ll get you the money Samantha promised you.”

  After he tied my hands behind the chair, my feet were still flailing around. I wished he would stand in front of me so I could give him a swift kick in the balls. But he knew that trick.

  “I can’t let you go. I’ve gone too far,” he said breathless.

  “When are your guest coming for me?” I needed to know how much time I had left. I didn’t know the time, but the way he was acting he expected them soon.

  That’s when I got the bright idea of mental-telepathy. If I could focus on Sebastian then maybe he could find me. I calmed my body and placed my head down and breathed soft and low. I tuned out everything and everyone and I focused on Sebastian in the hospital.

  Find me Sebastian, I’m in trouble. Help me Sebastian. Come for me. Then I repeated it in a low voice. “Find me Sebastian. I’m in trouble. Help me Sebastian. Come for me. And I threw in what I thought would make him find me if he was a true vampire. “I love you, Sebastian, only you can save me,” I murmured.

  “What are you whispering about? No one knows you’re here but me and Samantha, and she should be here soon,” David said with a light happy airy tone.

  As the time grew near for Sebastian to get home, I began to realize that things may be futile with my rescue. Then I began to doubt Sebastian’s story about the vampire, werewolf, and witch thing.

  A small bird like the one I had seen outside my window, fl
ew into the large dusty room and flitted over where David had fallen asleep, near my chair, as he held tight on to the rope. Whenever I twisted around in the chair, he woke.

  It had been an exhausting few days and it became hard to keep my eyes open. I teetered between asleep and wake. When my eyes focused, standing before me was Samantha. This time she stood in front of me close where I saw her dark eyes. She was dressed in black and smiling.

  “What’s with the black dress Samantha and who died?” I figured she was a woman like me and I still didn’t buy in to the witch thing.

  “The question is who is about to die. You have summoned Sebastian and when he comes for you, he will die with you. Two star crossed lovers, but instead of committing suicide together, I will kill you and cause his demise at the same time.”

  “You can’t kill a vampire,” I said not too sure of that but still holding on to my notion that Sebastian isn’t a vampire because if he had been he would have been here by now. And how did Samantha get in here? I thought maybe David left the door open.

  “Yes I know I can’t kill him that easy, but you can, and you just did with your mind games. I never could contact him, but you managed to do it.”

  “Huh? Why are you talking when I’m trying to sleep, Zoey?” David said as he wiped the sleep from his eyes, then looking up at Samantha with a ready smile.

  “Because you’re important guest has arrived.” David stood up and passed his hand over his face and eyes and then wiped the drool from his mouth with his sleeve.

  “Samantha, how did you get in here?”

  “A little bird let me in,” she said. I glanced at David and he gave me a slanted confused look.

  “She’s a witch you dummy and no one is walking out here alive,” I tried to get him to understand, but he was like me until now—a non-believer.

  Samantha walked up to David, and put her hands to his face to kiss him as he stood directly in front of me. He leaned in ready for the kiss of a lifetime with a beautiful receptive woman, and they locked together in a heated kissed.

  It was erotic. Their bodies meld together and his tongued extended into Samantha’s mouth and his breathing became intense. At one moment I thought David would lay her at my feet, rip her clothes off, and fuck her in front of me as I sat bound in that chair. His mouth roamed over her shoulders, down her breasts, and back to her open mouth.


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