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Recipe for Lust: An Alpha Billionaire Romance Novel

Page 12

by Ward, Alice

  I stifled a laugh as I realized how much I would have to make if I were using the Four Seasons as my trick pad.

  “No, he’ll be booking his own room,” I said quickly.

  “I’m afraid we’re completely booked. Mr. Reynolds booked the last two available suites,” he said with a fake frown.

  “I don’t need a suite,” Shep interjected.

  “Of course, but I’m afraid the rooms are full throughout the city due to the marathon this weekend,” the man explained. “The suite does have a private bedroom, so there’s plenty of space for privacy.”

  “Thank you,” Shep said. “I’ll work something out.”

  As we stepped away from the counter, I warred with myself.

  Don’t you dare let him stay.

  But you can’t make him sleep in the car.

  This is a terrible idea and you know it.

  I’ll lock the bedroom door. It will be completely innocent.


  “You can stay in my room, it’s only for one night,” I offered, innate kindness winning out.

  His smile was beautiful, and I immediately regretted the offer. “Thank you. Do you want to shop before you clean up for dinner?” he asked.

  I felt his eyes move to my thin tank top. I felt so out of place in this outfit, and I knew everyone around me was thinking I didn’t belong there.

  “Yes,” I said, handing Shep the key. “I’ll meet you up there in a few minutes.”

  The lady at the boutique scowled at me as I entered the clear glass doors. “Can I help you?” she asked, looking down her nose.

  “Yes, I need something suitable for dinner this evening, something to sleep in, and something for my plane ride tomorrow,” I said with authority to hide my nervousness from her disapproving look.

  “Of course,” she said quickly.

  She moved out from behind her counter and walked me through the store. As she showed me one boring conservative outfit after another, I began to grow bored. “Do you have anything a little less…?” I stumbled over my words.

  “Stuffy?” she asked with a tiny grin.

  “Exactly,” I replied, relieved that she wasn’t offended.

  She found a cute blue dress that managed to be casual and sexy at the same time. “I love it.”

  “Wonderful, now let’s find the other items.”

  It didn’t take her long to find me a pair of white capris, cute strappy sandals, and a flowy red top. They carried plenty of lingerie in the store, but nothing comfortable for a night of sleep. The closest thing she could find to a large sleep shirt was a cute sleep set with a tank top and short shorts. I took the items, gave her my room key and about fell over when I saw the price. That couldn’t be right, not just for the few items I picked out. She swiped the key card and then smiled.

  “You have remaining credit to use. Is there anything else you would like?” I shook my head dumbly. “Okay, I’ll move the credit over to a hotel general credit. It can be used in the restaurants, lounges, or the spa,” she explained.

  Wow, thank you, Asher and Lauren.

  The man at the front desk said that Asher booked the last two suites, so that meant they were staying here as well. I rushed towards the elevator with my bags and the attendant inside pushed the button for my floor, the top floor. I figured if Shep wanted to stay in the hotel to have dinner, there was a good chance we would run into my friends. At least that would be an ice breaker if things became awkward.

  I found my room and used my key to enter. The room was decorated beautifully in white and gold. The striped wallpaper added richness to the room that most hotels I visited didn’t have. Shep was sitting on the large sofa in the center of the room with a bottle of water he’d retrieved from the mini bar.

  “Did you find something suitable?” he asked.

  “Yes,” I said, swinging my bags to show off my purchases.

  “Should I go visit the boutique too?” he asked, motioning to his attire. He wore dark denim jeans, the designer type that fit perfectly to his build. A white button up shirt with thin black pinstripes covered his tight chest, and his hair was slicked back from his face in a cool swirl. He was very handsome, I had to admit that.

  “You look fine,” I answered shyly. “I need to take a shower, if that’s okay,” I said nervously and almost had a heart attack when Shep stood and took my bags. I really needed to pull my shit together.

  “I’ll put these in your room,” he said.

  I blew out the breath I’d been holding and looked around the room. A large king bed was tucked into the far corner behind large white French doors that could be closed for privacy. There was no other room, no other bed.

  “There’s only one bed?” I squeaked.

  Shep set the bags in the room and then walked back out into the main living area. “The couch is perfect for me.”

  I wasn’t going to argue. There was nowhere else to stay, and I wasn’t about to give up the warm bed my friends had paid for. I knew Shep had been sleeping in a deluxe trailer every night, equipped with air conditioning, satellite TV, and a fully stocked kitchen so he could handle the couch for one night.

  “I’ll be quick,” I said.

  I pulled the bedroom doors closed and walked into my private bathroom. I slipped out of my shorts and panties and pulled the tank top over my head. My skin felt tacky and oily, and the glaze from Kennedy’s buttery fingers still lingered on my skin. I reached behind me to unsnap my bra, and as it fell to the floor, I got the first glimpse of my body in full length in weeks in the long mirror on the door.

  I was tanner than I had been, surprisingly so for a California girl. I didn’t spend much time in the sun when at home. My spare time was spent cooking and catering large events, trying to make a name for myself. My days hanging at the beach and playing at the park were over, at least until I made it big.

  I examined that thought. Was that why I was sticking with the competition? Did I still want to make it big in the food industry?

  I let my hands trace my body as I soaked in my image. It was weird not seeing myself for so long. When I was at home, I often looked in the mirror and checked my weight, made sure my tan lines were even, or even just admired my body after a good workout. I wasn’t conceited; most of the time I was very judgmental of my body, but living in Los Angeles with all the beautiful people, it just felt like I had to keep an eye out for any blemishes, fat bulges or oddly placed tan lines. People in LA do not have farmer’s tans, no way! I had one now though, wow!

  My bush was growing wild too! Oh my God, I need a razor!

  I looked all through the cabinets and under the sink for any signs of a razor. I finally found a plastic bag with several items inside, a toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, a small bottle of women’s perfume, and a razor, bingo!

  I turned the nozzle of the faucet and watched the water flow from the showerhead into the white porcelain tub. I held my hand underneath the stream and adjusted the knob until the temperature was perfect before stepping under it. The water flowing over my hot and sticky skin felt so refreshing. I instantly relaxed, forgetting about the stress of the day with Kennedy, the drama from the competition, and the fact that Shep, the big reason for the drama, was sitting in the next room.

  Instead of the tiny bottles of shampoo and body wash I was used to in other hotels, this one was equipped with large bottles, and not just the hotel brand, but fancy salon brands. I lathered up my body and my face with body wash that smelled of mangos and lemon and then lathered my hair with cucumber melon scented shampoo. As the water washed the suds away, I felt like a different person. I felt civilized, not at all like the farmhand I had been for the past five weeks.

  I climbed out of the shower and dried off with one of the fancy towels that hung on golden racks. It was luxurious. I was envious of Lauren and Kennedy suddenly, knowing they got to live like this all the time.

  It didn’t take me long to dress, and since I only had a few makeup items in my purse, that was quic
k too. I dried my hair and used the hair tie I had from earlier to wrap it in a bun on top of my head. I let a few of my auburn locks fall to my shoulder to accent the bright blue dress I’d purchased on Asher’s dime.

  Shep stood when I opened the doors, his eyes lingering on me as his lips parted. “Wow,” he breathed. Since he’d mostly seen me in overalls and shorts, I wasn’t surprised by his reaction. “You look beautiful,” he said softly.

  The admission surprised me a bit more. “Thank you.” Before I could start fidgeting, I asked, “Are you ready?”

  “I am,” he agreed with a wide grin.

  We were led to a table overlooking the city’s skyline in the hotel lounge. I was pleased that I fit in this time. Thank you, Asher. You think of everything!

  Shep held my chair for me as we took our seats. He stared at me with a strange look. He still hadn’t told me why he was here. I was growing more and more curious, but my hunger won over as I browsed through the menu of amazing gourmet delicacies. Shep quickly scanned his menu, then pushed it to the edge of the table. A waiter quickly arrived, filling our glasses with water and taking our orders. I ordered a glass of white wine while Shep ordered iced tea.

  “Would you like to order an appetizer?” the waiter asked. He was tall, slender and had few muscles to notice. His blond hair was long in the front, swooping over his eye and falling past his ear.

  “Yes, I would love to try the watermelon gazpacho,” I said quickly. Shep ordered the tuna poke. We then ordered our dinner, and the waiter disappeared.

  “So, you don’t drink?” I asked casually. Shep shifted his weight in his seat as he gave me a sexy grin. I could tell it was a topic he wasn’t ready to discuss, but here it was.

  “No. Not anymore.”

  “Not anymore, but you used to?” I asked, realizing I was being quite nosey. But this man showed up here, surprising me at the hospital and was now holed up in my hotel room. I felt like I could ask whatever I wanted at this point.

  “I had a bit of a problem years ago,” he said. “When I first became established, I think the fame went to my head for a few years.”

  I listened to him explain how he drank too much and had too many one night stands and realized that Aiden may not have lied but simply indulged the truth. Shep’s problem was years ago, and he had been sober for over six years. “I don’t miss it at all. It almost ruined me,” he admitted.

  The waiter brought our drinks and appetizers, and I suddenly felt selfish for enjoying wine in front of him. “It’s okay, enjoy your drink. It doesn’t bother me, I promise.”

  I guess my guilt was easy to spot.

  My appetizer was fantastic; the fresh basil was a nice touch to the dish. I offered Shep a bite, and he eagerly took it, offering me a fork full of his tuna in return. After we were finished, I couldn’t stand it any longer. “Shep, why are you here?” I asked.

  “I overheard you talking to Elle,” he said. “About quitting.” I watched as he clamped his hands together and wrung them like a wet rag on the table. He was nervous. It was actually cute.

  “You came all this way to tell me not to quit?” I asked.

  “When you disappeared, I thought you’d decided to leave, but Gretchen told me what happened with your friend,” he explained.

  I raised an eyebrow. “So, you knew I hadn’t quit, but came anyway?”

  “I wanted to talk to you without the cameras around,” he confessed. “To tell you how I feel.”

  He opened his mouth to continue, but just then the waiter arrived with our entrees. They looked amazing, but I couldn’t get past what he was saying. Once the waiter left, Shep opened his mouth again.

  “Hey, guys,” Lauren said cheerfully as she and Asher approached our table. I knew my expression had to be full of confusion because her eyes widened and her eyebrows raised when she looked at me. “Are we interrupting?”

  “No,” I said quickly.

  I was happy to see them. I didn’t think I was ready to hear the rest of what Shep had to say.

  “Join us,” Shep offered, standing and reaching for an empty chair.

  “Uh, well, I hate to intrude,” Lauren said, backing away.

  “We’re just ordering drinks anyway. Are you sure you don’t mind?” Asher pushed. It was obvious he wasn’t excited about me being alone with this man he knew nothing about.

  “Not at all,” I said. “I would love it, actually.”

  The waiter came back around and took Asher and Lauren’s drink orders. I dove into my scallops; Lauren stole one as she stuck her tongue out at me.

  Asher began giving Shep the third-degree. “So, what brings you to Boston?”

  Oh God, please don’t make him confess his feelings for me with everyone here.

  “I was just checking on Claire,” Shep said calmly. “She’s one of our top contenders. Can’t have anything happen to her.”

  I smiled at Shep and could feel the nervousness in his eyes. We both knew that wasn’t the reason for his visit, but I was glad he spared my friends the dramatic details.

  “Where are you staying?” Asher asked.

  My face turned beet red as Lauren stole another scallop. I gulped the remaining wine in my glass and then waved down the waiter for another.

  “I’m staying here,” Shep answered discreetly. I knew that wasn’t going to work. Asher had to know when he booked the rooms they were the last.

  Maybe he’ll think Shep reserved a room in advance.

  “I thought the hotel was all booked up,” Asher said. “In fact, the entire city was pretty much booked.”

  His eyes moved to me. I knew he could read the panic in my red face.

  “I told him to stay with me, since it’s only one night,” I quickly interjected. “There’s a private bedroom and a couch…”

  Asher gave me a grim look as he picked up his glass and brought it to his lips. I knew he wasn’t pleased. I wasn’t pleased about it much either.

  “Well, at least the two of you can drive to the airport together tomorrow,” Asher said, finding the bright side. “Are you on the same flight?”

  Shep looked embarrassed as he admitted he hadn’t yet booked his flight.

  “Let me,” Asher said quickly and pulled out his phone.

  “No, I couldn’t,” Shep argued, but Asher was already tapping buttons and sliding screens.

  “There you go. You’re booked with Claire on the nine o’clock morning flight.”

  Shep graciously accepted Asher’s generosity and asked for his address, promising to pay him back as soon as he arrived in Illinois.

  Asher refused, pulling Lauren tight against him. “It’s worth it to me to know our girl won’t have to travel alone.”

  Lauren pulled his head down for a kiss. “You’re the kindest hearted man I know,” she sighed, and I rolled my eyes at their public display of affection. But I was secretly jealous. Everyone deserved to be in love like that.

  “I think we’re going to turn in,” Asher said politely when Lauren kissed him again. They said their goodbyes and Lauren winked at me as they walked away.

  “I’m ready myself,” I said. “It’s been a long day.”

  The waiter informed us that Asher had already paid our bill. I told them to remove the credit from my account and place it back on his so it wouldn’t be lost, not that it would be noticed.

  Shep placed his hand on the small of my back, guiding me through the lounge and towards the main elevators in the lobby. I felt my body relax against his hand, and something about his touch seemed to soothe me as we walked.

  It felt strange going into the same hotel room after our dinner. I was still trying to push what he’d said out of my mind, but it was there, thick like fog and somewhat comforting.

  Shep Thompson has feelings for me.

  “There are extra pillows and blankets in the bedroom,” I said, moving away from him as we entered the hotel room. “I’ll bring them out to you.”

  In the bedroom, I blew out a breath and placed my
hand over my racing heart. What was wrong with me?

  But I knew what was wrong. I was attracted to Shep as much as I was attracted to Aiden, as wrong as that was. If Shep hadn’t been a judge on the show, I knew he was someone I could have fallen for in an instant. But then again, so was Aiden.

  Good heavens. Where was a crystal ball when you needed one?

  Pissed at myself, I grabbed up two pillows and a large blanket and held them in front of me like a shield. He sat on the couch, his hands on his knees and his eyes on the floor. I paused. He looked so sad sitting there. My heart broke a little.

  “Here ya go. Do you think you’ll need another blanket?” I asked. “Or something to put down on the couch?”

  He looked up at me and smiled. “No, this is perfect.” He patted the seat beside him. “I would like to finish our talk.”

  Hesitantly, I sat down, leaving a good foot and a half of space between us. I swallowed hard and nodded. “Okay.”

  “Like I said, I came here to tell you how I felt away from the cameras,” Shep began. “I felt a connection the first time I saw you.” His eyes fell to my lips. “And I know you felt it too.”

  He was right. There was a connection then. There was a connection now. I felt the pull between us, felt the electricity change in the room.

  “I’m flattered, Shep, really I am,” I said softly. “But you know I’ve already started something with Aiden.”

  Shep’s eyes darkened, and his face grew red as he clearly struggled with what to say next. I sat there, unsure if I should just walk away, or if I was expected to say something else.

  “Aiden isn’t good enough for you Claire,” he finally spoke.

  “He would say the same about you,” I rebutted.

  “He isn’t the man he appears to be, Claire. Not the one he’s trying to make you believe he is,” Shep pushed.

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “It’s not my story to tell,” he said calmly. “I told you mine, and I’m sure he painted a different picture, but what I said was the truth, not pretty, but true.” He leaned toward me. “What he’s telling you is far from the truth.”

  My fists clenched, and my body heated up. I couldn’t believe he came all this way to tell me Aiden was no good and that he was the better man for me. Who did he think he was?


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