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UNASSUMED: Zara Zee and the Unassuming Case of the Billionaire Heir

Page 5

by Kailin Gow

  “Guys, I know I shouldn’t have run out like that, but… Look, this place is legit, and Leo is a real good guy who worked hard to open this place. Leave the restaurant out of this. It’s a classy joint and we don’t want any trouble here.”

  “You should’ve thought of that when you ran away,” Craig said.

  “We don’t want any trouble either, Eddie,” Rob said in a calm, soothing tone. “Give us what we came here for, and you’ll never see us in this place again, unless it’s for a nice dinner. Man, it smells good in this place.”

  “That’s enough, guys,” Zara said, shaking both their handcuffs to quiet them down.

  “You’ve got nothing on us, sweetheart,” Rob said with a glance over his shoulder at her.

  “I heard threats. And it’s detective, not sweetheart.”

  Rob chuckled and seemed not the least bit intimidated by her.

  “Threats? What did we threaten? To surprise him? To take him away for a few hours to talk this thing out?”

  Leo pushed through the swinging double doors and took a quick sweep of the situation. “What the hell is going on here?” His gaze quickly left the men’s face and settled on Zara’s.

  “These men didn’t come to the Oyster House to participate in the fundraiser. They were acting suspicious and I overheard them making plans to take someone away. My colleagues should be here any minute to take them into custody for a few questions.”

  “Call them off this minute. I don’t need the police coming around here.”

  “But they…”

  “Please, Zara ,” he snapped. “Call them off!”

  Taking a step back, Zara pulled out her phone and quietly cancelled her request.

  “Done,” she said in a flat tone when she stepped forward once again. Unhappy with the way Leo had spoken to her, she glared at him, but he didn’t seem to notice.

  Eddie backed away and cast his gaze to the floor.

  “Does this have anything to do with you, Eddie?” Leo said.

  “I swear. I didn’t know they were coming.” He looked directly at Rob and Craig. “We could have discussed this at another time… another place.”

  “They’re here now,” Leo said, clearly annoyed by the distraction. “What is this all about?”

  “I owe them a bit of money.”

  “How much?”

  “A lot more than a bit,” Rob said.

  “How much?” Leo repeated.

  “About fifty grand.”

  “You’re closing in on seventy-five with the interest.”

  Leo’s jaw tightened as he digested the information. He glared at Eddie, Rob and Craig, and back at Eddie. “I really don’t like to meddle in other people’s affairs, and if you owe these guys money, I’m tempted to let them do to you whatever they feel is right.”

  Zara gasped, but said nothing.

  “But I can’t afford to let them take you away...” He glanced at the loan sharks. “… and break whatever limb they need to break to teach you a lesson. Thing is, I need you here. So, I’ll tell you what I’m going to do. I’ll pay this debt…”

  “Oh, my God. Thank you. You're an incredibly kind and understanding man, boss. I can’t begin to tell you how much I appreciate this.”

  “Don’t be so quick to thank me. I try every day to be a kind and understanding man, and a fair boss, but don’t think for a minute that you can take advantage of that. I’ll dock you a significant amount from your paycheck every week until the debt is paid.” He turned once again to Rob and Craig. “We got a deal?”

  “You’ve got yourself a deal, Mr. Lee.”

  “You,” Leo said to Eddie, “get back to work.”

  “Yes, sir. I won’t let you down.” Eddie went back to work.

  “Bring them back to my office,” Leo instructed Zara.

  A little flustered, she did as she was told.

  “You can remove the cuffs,” Leo said once in his office.

  Clenching her jaw, she removed the handcuffs. “I hope you know what you’re doing,” she said. “The least you should do is let the police question them… make sure they’re…”

  “I’ll pay the debt, keep them out of the police’s hands and they’ll steer clear of my establishment.” He looked pointedly at the men.

  “Absolutely,” Rob said.

  His jaw tight and his eyes dark, Leo pulled a checkbook out of the top drawer of his desk and flicked it open. “Seventy-five thousand you said, right?”

  “Sorry,” Craig said. “We’ll need cash. Although, if you could give me an autograph, my kid would be thrilled.”

  Leo snorted his annoyance as he slapped the checkbook atop his desk. “I’ll get you the cash.” He headed for the door. “I’ll be right back.”

  Crossing her arms over her chest, Zara kept a close eye on the men as they waited for Leo to return.

  “You're pretty hot for a detective,” Craig said, looking at her. “You could probably make a lot more money as a…”

  “I make enough, thank you,” she snapped.

  Leo returned with a thick envelope in hand. “Here you go.” He slapped the envelope into Craig’s chest. “Now get out of here before anyone gets wind of this.”

  “No problem.”

  Leo looked at Zara. “Would you mind escorting them to the back entrance? There are reporters all over the place. I don’t need this kind of publicity.”

  “Sure thing.”

  With a hand to their elbows, Zara guided the men to the discreet back entrance. “You guys got lucky. If I ever hear that you guys came back for more, I won’t hesitate to book you.”

  Craig winked, and Rob gave her a cocky salute before heading out.

  Zara returned to Leo’s office and quietly closed the door behind her.

  “Ah,” he said with an amused sigh. “My little detective vixen. No sooner do I turn my back do you go on the prowl for a criminal.”

  She smirked back at him, happy to see he could find humor in such a situation. He clearly had a good head on his shoulders and knew how to keep his cool in a confrontation.

  He sauntered up to her, his gaze appraising as his dark, smoldering eyes took her in. “I have to admit, having you is getting pretty interesting.”

  Chapter 5


  At five thirty the next morning, Zara was already up and in the shower. She enjoyed taking her time in the morning; a long shower, a few cups of strong coffee and a glimpse at the morning news. It was a ritual she’d started while at the academy and it remained with her still. It was a zen moment that got her day off to a good start. It also helped her transition into the undercover cop/assistant at Lee Holdings better. It had been three weeks now since she first started, and although she and Leo still acted formally with each other at the office, they had settled into a comfortable situation at his penthouse where he was living. Being an undercover cop to ensure his safety, she stayed with him at his penthouse, keeping guard at night, while sleeping on the sofa. It was a nice situation for her, since his penthouse suite was luxurious beyond anything she’s lived in, but it took getting used to in the beginning for both of them. So whenever they could, they would try to be independent and separate from each other. She dried off with her thick, fluffy towel, her phone emitted the gentle tinkling sound that signaled a text. Clicking it on, she brought up the text.

  Never mind the office this morning. Meet me at the Aesop Fashion Walk in front of DKNY.

  Zara frowned as she read the message a third time. Why in the world did he want her to meet him there? And how was she expected to dress this time? In shorts and a tank top? A flowery summer dress? Jeans and a t-shirt?

  Aesop Fashion Walk. She’d never even dared go to the area. Most of her shopping was done in discount stores with the occasional foray to a semi-chic boutique.

  She finally opted for a pair of dark skinny jeans and a simple black button down shirt. Hoping to add a bit of oomph to her simple outfit, she slipped into a pair of comfy three inch black heels.
/>   After a good breakfast and her third cup of coffee, she got her things together and headed out the door. Being up early had its advantages. Traffic was light as she left her apartment in Sha Tin and headed to Fashion Walk, but once there she ended up pacing in front of the designer shop for over an hour before Leo arrived.

  He pulled his black Porsche up the curb and stepped out wearing casual black slacks and a relaxed white shirt that was flattering in its simplicity. With black shades and his hair sleeked back, he was the epitome of cool, so cool, just looking at him shot a chill up Zara ’s spine.

  “So what did you call me down here for?” she said, desperate to camouflage the effect he had on her.

  He pulled his shades down just enough to wink at her before slipping them back up the bridge of his nose. “Please don’t think I’m wearing these because I’m full of myself,” he said. “It’s just a feeble attempt at going a little incognito this morning.”

  “I wouldn’t dare think that of you.”

  “Is that a bit of sarcasm I hear in your voice?”

  “A bit?” she threw back with a playful grin.

  “So,” he said with a clap of his hands. “What did I call you down here for? Well, for a little bit of shopping of course. So why don’t we start right here at DKNY.”

  Her heart suddenly beat ferociously, and the moment they stepped inside the designer shop, she felt out of place. Everything was so beautiful; the colors, the textures, the patterns… even the scent.

  “I’m going to need you to try on a few dresses.”

  “Me? Why?”

  Leo looked her up and down. “You seem to be about the same size as this girl I’m dating, and I want to surprise her with a nice summer wardrobe. I want her to have a few frilly summer dresses, some classic cocktail dress and a few formal gowns.”

  At the mention of another woman, an odd pang of discomfort quickly lodged itself in the core of Zara’s being, and she couldn’t for the life of her understand why. Leo was a client, a man she’d been hired to protect. A man she knew very little about. What he did with his personal life was none of her concern, and if he had a female friend…


  If she was such a professional, with a professional relationship with her client, why was the image of him with another woman so disturbing?

  Leo didn’t seem to notice her discomfort at all. With the help of a clerk, he picked out a few dresses. “A simple black dress, a black and white cocktail dress and a white lace summer dress. Let’s start with that.”

  Feeling like a little girl who’d been given free reign of a candy store, Zara headed into a dressing room and tried on the three dresses. After each one, she came out to show Leo the results.

  “Perfect,” he said time and again. Pleased with the three dresses, he paid and they were once again out on the streets of Fashion Walk.

  They went on to Max Mara where they picked up a teal cotton jacquard princess dress, then crossed the way to choose a few sizzling pieces of jewelry at Swarovski. After that, it was on to Vivienne Tam’s for an exciting black and white floral cut out sleeveless top with matching skirt and then a quick stop at Alexandre de Paris for an onyx and tortoise ribbon hair clip and a romantic floral headband. Just when she thought she couldn’t shop anymore, they stopped at Choi Fung Hong for a few cosmetics.

  “This is all great,” Leo said. “But I think we need something with even a little more… oomph.” He led her back to his car where they filled the small trunk with the morning’s purchases. “Off to Valentino’s,” he said as he put the car in gear. “And maybe even a stop at DeBeer’s.”

  He took Queen’s road and stopped at Valentino’s couture house. The moment they entered, Zara’s eyes were immediately drawn to a magnificent lambskin purse with the prominent “V” beside the golden clasp.

  “This is so darling,” she said to the clerk. “How much is it?”

  The clerk eyed Leo a second. “Three thousand, seven hundred dollars.”

  Zara gasped and set the purse back down, but Leo picked it up and handed it back to her.

  “Now we need to find the perfect dress to go along with it.”

  The clerk quickly returned with a sleeveless crew neck cocktail dress. “This is embroidered linen embellished with tiny beads. The fit is sublime.”

  Zara marveled at the dress. It was spectacular to say the least, and so was the nearly ten thousand dollar price tag. As she slipped into the dress, she couldn’t help but envy the girl who was to receive such a lavish wardrobe.

  “My car didn’t even cost this much,” she muttered to herself as she looked at her reflection. “Is this what it looks like to be a socialite?” For a moment, she allowed herself the fantasy; a life of leisure, a life filled with the best things in life. A life with Leo in it.

  Shaking the useless fantasy away, she emerged from the fitting room and slid her hands into the ample pockets. “It even has pockets,” she told Leo with a chuckle.

  “We’ll take it,” he simply said to the clerk as she came around with another garment.

  Once again, Zara disappeared into the fitting room and quickly returned.

  “Each dress is more fabulous than the last.” He nodded at the clerk who took note of another purchase.

  “Anything else?” Zara said.

  “We can't leave Valentino’s without an exquisite gown or two.”

  No sooner had he finished his statement than the clerk hung a floor length nude gown trimmed in gold in the fitting room. The long puffy sleeves and ample skirt were elegant and ultra-feminine, while the transparency of the fabric lent a touch of subtle sensuality.

  As she looked at her reflection from every angle, the clerk slipped a pair of printed calfskin sandals under the door.

  It was all so painfully perfect. She never wanted to take the garment off.

  “Can we have a look?” Leo called out after a while.

  She stepped out feeling like a princess from head to toe, but apparently the clerk wasn’t completely satisfied with the look. Coming up behind Zara, she pulled her long hair up, gave it a twist and pinned it into place.

  “Ravishing. You look like a goddess,” Leo whispered in awe. He looked at the clerk. “Order that one as well. It’s positively perfect. I already know the event I’ll want her to wear it to.”

  Zara pressed her lips together, anything to hide how upsetting it was to hear him talk of time with this other girl.

  “And our next stop; Barney Cheng.”

  Zara had heard of the designer and had seen a few of his gowns in a magazine; the type of garments she’d never even dreamed of.

  By the time they’d walked out of his shop, Leo had ordered a black and coral qipao, a blue chiffon gown and a fuchsia satin gown with capelet.

  “This all makes for an elaborate wardrobe,” Zara said.

  “I like to know the girl on my arm will be dressed for the part. I’m often photographed at public events, not to mention movie premieres. She has to be ultrachic and glamorous. Her appearance will be noted, judged and picked apart. I won’t have my girl on the worst dressed list. No way.” He slipped her hand into the crook of his arm. “And now we need a little va-va-voom. Come on.”

  They entered another boutique where Leo quickly went to a vivid red one-sleeved dress. “Is this va-va-voom enough?”

  “It certainly appears to be,” Zara said as she entered the fitting room. The asymmetrical red dress had a splash of white flowers running diagonally from one shoulder to the opposing hemline. It was fresh and sexy, and when she swiped her lips with the lipstick they’d purchased at Choi’s and pinned her hair up to one side with the onyx barrette from Alexandre’s, the look was complete. She came out wearing the form fitting dress, and instantly saw the effect it had on Leo.

  His eyes narrowed and he slowly licked his lips in hungry appreciation. With a silent whirl of his finger, he directed her to turn around. As she did, he let out a long, low whistle. “I love your hair like that.”

“Thank you.” She came back around to face him and met his intense gaze. Waiting for him to say more, she heard her own breathing as if it was thunder. Why did his approval suddenly matter so much?

  Leo gestured to the clerk. “What shoes do you have to go with this?”

  Chagrinned, Zara looked down at her black three inch heels.

  “I have just the thing.” The sales clerk left them a second and returned with a pair of four inch red strappy sandals.

  Standing four inch taller, Zara looked once again to Leo.

  “Much better. So sexy. So provocative, and yet so expensive looking.”

  The hunger in his eyes made Zara shift and fidget. It was a powerful gaze that probed her, delved deep within her and brought out something wild and feral. A profusion of blood rushed to her cheeks, while a strong blast of sexual arousal set her thighs afire.

  Leo stood and took a few quiet steps towards her, his eyes never losing their intensity. Zara didn’t know what to think of him, of his sudden ardor. Was he simply toying with her? Her breath caught in her throat when he reached for her hand and the heat of her body shot up.

  “Red suits you, my little vixen… so much more attractive than detective blue, don’t you think?”

  She wanted to smile, but couldn’t. Her lips remained pouted in hunger, in anticipation of something more, something delicious and wonderful.

  “Your red lips, your smoldering eyes, those sexy heels. I may never be able to look at you as a simple unassuming detective. All I’ll see are the sensual lines of your breasts, the heavenly sweep of your waist and…” He bit his lower lip as he leaned over to glance at her rear end. “… a beautiful round ass I want to fill my hands with.”

  “Well, I do hope your lady friend appreciates it all.”

  “Lady friend?”

  “Yeah, the girl you said you were buying all this for.”

  “Oh, I’m sure she’ll love it. In fact, I’m sure she’ll look hot in them, and I’m pretty sure I’m going to look forward to ripping off every stitch.”

  “How can you be so sure?”


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