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UNASSUMED: Zara Zee and the Unassuming Case of the Billionaire Heir

Page 13

by Kailin Gow

  Realizing he was right, she nodded. “I’ll be more careful. I promise.”

  “That’s not enough. I want you off this case. Zara, I’ll solve this case and then we’ll put all this behind us. You’ll love life in England. We can live on one of my family’s estates, and we can go horseback riding on the estate, host parties…whatever you want, but at least safe with me. But, honey, we’ll never know how good life could be if you're not around.”

  “Peter, you're making me dizzy.”

  “Did I tell you that I’m to inherit that country cottage? I’m no Leo, but my family have land and my father’s has a prestigious and respectable career in government. We’ll have a gorgeous flat in the heart of London and that beautiful country cottage for weekend getaways.”

  “You're moving too fast, Peter. I’m not ready to think about the future yet.”

  “I’ve already made plans to step into my father’s shoes back home; I’ll be the new liaison between Britain and Hong Kong, and you’ll be my beautiful wife. Honey, it’ll be so magnificent.”

  The warmth of his hands was so reassuring, but something about his vision of their future together didn’t mesh.

  “Do you care about me, Zara?” He brought his hands to her temples and pushed them through her hair.

  “You know I do.” She closed her eyes and let out a pleasurable sigh.

  “I can’t wait to have you. I can’t wait to show you just how much I love you. You’ll know what it is to be loved, to be so desired, to be cherished.” He planted a long, hard kiss on her lips. “Three years of waiting for you, of being in love with you, Zara…I… desperately… want… you.” He pressed up against her, confirming his desire.

  She couldn’t deny her affection for him built up over the years, too, how he was always there as a friend and colleague, and then last year when he began acting more than a friend, she found that she had always found him handsome and attractive. They were already close as colleagues, and she often shared her hopes and dreams with him, even insecurities.

  When he kissed her, she kissed him back, and then let out a surprisingly loud sigh when he brought his hand up under her shirt to her breast. His fingers slipped under the delicate lace of her bra and perked her nipple to life.

  “Do you want it?” he groaned into her ear.

  She could just sigh as she let her head fall back.

  Peter pushed her back to his desk and cleared the piles of paper from it before nudging her up. “Yes,” he said as he thrust his cock against the crotch of her pants. “You want it, don’t you?” He unzipped her pants and easily pulled down the loose fitting garment to find a pair of pale green lace panties. “Damn, you look so delicious. I just can't wait to taste you.”

  Zara held her breath as Peter dove into her crotch. His lips clasped over her sex and his tongue swept between the moist folds of skin to find the inner core of her most private being.

  “Want me to stop?” he said.

  Gripping the edge of the desk, she kicked off the pants that still clung to her ankles and brought her legs up into the air.

  “That’s what I thought,” Peter said as he ate her up.

  “Here’s a little preview of what’s to come,” he said as he shoved two fingers inside her and moved them in unison to the movements of his mouth on her clitoris.

  The double assault was more than she could stand. “Oh, my God.”

  “Can you imagine my cock in there? It’s so hard and big and ready for you. Damn, how I want to fuck you, Zara.”

  She gasped and threw her head back. “Oh, my God.” Her legs straightened out and her toes curled.

  “Let me hear you, Zara. I want to hear your sighs, your groans, your gasps.”

  “Oh!” Her entire body shuddered as he brought her to that beautiful precipice and hung on that all too brief moment before the intense orgasm swept over her.

  “I want to be inside you,” Peter said as he pulled out his member and stroked it.

  “Peter,” she protested.

  “I know,” he groaned as he continued to stroke his engorged cock. “I know.”

  Zara wrapped her legs around him as he continued stroking.

  “Oh, baby. Oh, Zara.” He leaned over her just before he climaxed. Breathless, he looked at her and grinned. “I guess this will have to do for now, but just you wait. When we finally make love, when you finally succumb and agree to share a proper bed with me, you’ll wonder why you waited so long. Baby, it’s going to be so good.”

  He reached for a handkerchief and wiped her off. “Sorry about the mess.”

  She grinned as she watched the careful attention he brought to his movements. He was gentle and so caring.

  “You're a good man,” she said as she ran her fingers through his hair.

  “Are you just finding that out?” He tossed the handkerchief into the wastepaper basket and pulled her upright. “I’m a very good man, Zara, and a very good lover.” He kissed her, but it was a tender and loving kiss, an after sex kiss that spoke more of heartfelt emotions than passion.

  But am I a good enough woman for you? she wondered. She’d never been good at love, and wasn’t sure she was capable of loving a man like Peter. He was so handsome, so debonair and so smart. He came from a good family with aristocratic blood, yet he was more humble and hardworking than most men she knew. And she knew he’d love her and treat her like a princess if she so desired.

  Then why weren’t the emotions there?

  “Let’s get away for the weekend,” he said. “Let’s finally make that connection, Zara. Let me show you just how good we can be.”

  “It sounds wonderful, really, but…” She shook her head and dropped her legs from around him. “As enticing as that might be, we’ve got too much work to do to go away. There was just an attempt on Leo’s life, remember?”

  He groaned and stepped back, fixing his pants, and adjusting his shirt and tie. “The man acted alone.”

  “How do you know?” She hopped back into her pants and zipped them up.

  “I checked up on him. Turns out he’s an orphan, just like you.”

  Zara stared at him, angry he’d waited so long before sharing such information.

  “He was raised in an orphanage.”

  “What happened to his parents?”

  “They had an accident. Can you guess where?”

  “Da Hwa,” Zara said in a flat tone.

  Peter nodded. “His father fell off the roof after trying to repair a leak and his mother died in a fire.”

  Dreading the rest of the story, Zara buckled her belt and turned to stare out the window.

  “Her shirt got caught in the conveyor belt and she was dragged towards the heating elements.”

  Tears filled her eyes as she envisioned the horror. “So this man, this orphaned child… he blamed Da Hwa?”

  “And Leo, as heir to his father’s wealth, was the only available target.”

  “You're sure no one put him up to it.”


  Wanting to believe Leo was out of danger, Zara nodded. It would explain why the lone gun man had had a gun different from every other member of the crime ring that had been apprehended.

  “Leo’s safe?” she ventured.

  “The word is out; Leo is well surrounded and protection is high. Any would-be kidnappers would be fool to try anything when we’re all on such high alert.”

  Zara couldn’t hide her skepticism.

  “In addition to that, Leo’s reputation as a capable fighter is going around. I think I also heard about a tough, even sexy, badass detective who’s on his case.”

  She hid a shy smile.

  “You know, any guy who is protected by you can’t help but get a hard on every time you walk into the room.”

  Her smile widened. Though she tried to be as professional as possible, she knew how men viewed her. “So, what you're saying is that I’m still the best person to protect Leo.”

  Giving her a playful pat on the butt, he s
mirked and nodded. “I guess.”

  “I promise I’ll be more careful. I won’t allow myself to be blinded by my ultimate goal.”

  “That’s good to hear.”

  She quietly looked at him. “I think we also need to address your feelings for me, Peter. The distraction could be enough to get us into danger as well.”

  “Okay, I see your point.”

  “Which brings us back to the possibility of transferring.”

  “Be honest, Zara. Would you like to see me transfer for our mutual safety, or is it because of Leo?”

  “Peter, you know I care about you. You know I have feelings for you, even if I’m a little confused by everything at the moment.”

  He pulled her in for a breathtaking kiss. “I know. I’ve always known.”

  “We both need to be more vigilant and not let our emotions get in the way. I wouldn’t want anything to happen to you either.” She set a light kiss on his nose.

  “Sometimes I really don’t care what happens to me. I’m just worried about you.”

  “Well then, think about what would become of me if ever something were to happen to you.”


  “I love working with you, but… I think a transfer would be best… for both of us.”

  “Okay, how ‘bout this? The moment we get a good head on this case, I’ll back off. It shouldn’t be much longer now.”

  “We just need to take a close look at the people around Leo’s father.”

  “And if you can remember any details about that old man who wanted you to work for him, it would be the breakthrough we need.”

  Chapter 17


  Zara returned to the hospital to talk to Leo hoping to get a few answers about the orphaned gun man, but when that proved fruitless, she headed to the clinic in Kowloon to talk to her grandmother.

  “I’m sorry I wasn’t here when you woke up, Nana.”

  The old woman patted Zara’s hand. “I know you’re very busy. Don’t worry about your old Nana. She’ll do fine.”

  “I hate to question you while you're still recovering, but…”

  “Ask, ask, my dear Zara.”

  “I always thought the martial arts I was taught as a child were… well, exclusive. Was that just my childish memory of my lessons with Uncle Chang?”

  “Chang brought many elements from many arts together. It made for a very original fighting tool. No one else teach like he teach.”

  “That’s what I thought, but… I had to fight a man off recently, and I was surprised to see how he matched me move for move… certain moves that I distinctly remember learning from Chang who’d claimed to have invented them.”

  The old hooded eyes widened in surprise, but she had no answer to offer Zara.

  “Does the name Fong ring a bell?”

  Again, no useful answer.

  “Nana, the man I fought with, his name was Fong, and his parents lived in the same village as Mom and Dad.”

  Nana looked up at her with sadness in her eyes, but said nothing.

  “What really happened to them, Nana?”

  “An accident.”

  “What kind of accident?”

  “Run off the road… into a ditch.”

  “I always thought they simple jobs, but… They had other jobs, didn’t they?”

  “Your father was a food inspector. He traveled from town to town inspecting various factories for cleanliness, food temperatures and adequate safety and equipment standards… things like that.”

  Zara immediately made the connection with Da Hwa. Surely her father had visited the old building a few times.

  Nana hesitated. “Your mother was a teacher.”

  “Okay.” That seemed simple enough.

  “At the elementary school in the village.”

  She said it with such purpose, Zara’s ears perked up.

  “All children from the village attended that school. Your mother taught many children.”

  “You mean this Fong was taught by Mom?”

  “She once mentioned a young boy who’d lost his father and was so distraught. He withdrew into himself and hardly spoke to anyone.”

  “I never knew that.”

  “Your mother felt certain she could draw him out of his gloom by introducing him to Sifu Master Chang.”

  Zara gasped. She’d almost been killed by a man her mother had tried to save from himself. But all this didn’t explain why this man tried to kill Leo. He’d been orphaned for so long, what could have set him off so suddenly?

  Or better yet, who had tipped him off, perhaps even goading him into going after Leo?

  Chapter 18


  Zara sat in the private jet with Peter, heading out for her surprise weekend with Peter in London. Sitting in his family’s private jet was so romantic, almost a fairy tale.

  “Aren’t you glad you finally decided to come?” he’d said the moment they’d arrived at the country estate, which looked like a scene out of a Jane Austen novel.

  It was magnificent, and Zara could easily imagine moving her life to such a lovely setting. But the biggest surprise had come that Saturday night. After a sumptuous dinner accompanied by two exquisite bottles of wine, Peter had led her to his large airy bedroom.

  “We have the entire place to ourselves tonight. My parents will be arriving tomorrow evening for dinner, which I promise won’t be like those dreadful British dinners you watch on film. My father is a bit stodgy like fathers tend to be, who are respectable and authoritative; but my mother…you remind me of a lot like her. Strong backbone and all.”

  “I know. We met briefly when I was here last time. For the holidays?”

  “Oh, I’m sorry, I nearly forgot you met them before. It was a while back, though, and I just wanted to jog your memory of them. This weekend, I want it to be absolutely perfect for you. For us.” He kissed her and began undressing her. I don’t think I can wait any longer,” he said as he guided her to the bed, laying her there.

  Her head soaked with red wine and her body hungering for release from a stressful week, she didn’t argue or resist. Her body wanted him, wanted the pleasure it could bring her, and to continue what started at Peter’s office between them. It was heavenly, and she wanted more of what he promised.

  He peeled back the soft, diaphanous panels of her summer dress, exposing the body she worked hard to keep toned and fit. “You’re so beautiful, Zara,” Peter said. With tender loving kisses, he explored every inch of her sexy body. By the time he brought his lips back to hers, she could barely stand it.

  Zara didn’t want to think about Leo. She didn’t want to think there was a slight possibility with him. She would only be a notch on his bedpost, another plaything that he bedded, like Vanessa See, who was obviously having sex with him at the hotel room. Although Leo’s touch always brought up a strong reaction to him, Zara couldn’t dare think about anything further. Not anymore. He was her charge, nothing more. She needed to get him out of her head so she could do her job without getting tangled in jealousy over seeing some naked woman emerge from his hotel room. “Make love to me,” she demanded Peter. “I want you all over me, Peter. Make me yours.”

  “I’m going to fuck you, to make love to you, to pleasure you, anything and everything you want,” he said hoarsely yet softly.

  And he didn’t disappoint her. His movements were like warm liquid honey, drizzling over her body and making her feel better than she could have ever imagined. He was careful and loving when he drove himself deep inside her hot and wet core, but the loving pace quickly gave way to such a powerful and passionate pounding as Peter acted out his pent up desires for her, Zara was left breathless as they both climaxed together, with Peter sliding his fingers through the fingers of both her hands while pushing far and deep into her.

  “Didn’t I tell you?” he said breathlessly. “How good we’d be together? Don’t you regret having put this off for so long?”

  “You are wonderful, Peter,�
�� Zara smiled into his eyes. “I didn’t know it would be this good, and I do love it here… with you. It’s magical. You make me feel like a princess.”

  “This could be your life, Zara … every day.” He nuzzled into her neck. “Every night.” He rolled off the bed, opened the top drawer of the bedside table and dropped to his knees.

  “Peter? What are you doing?”

  The little blue box in his hand was all the answer she needed. Her heart pounded as he offered it to her, his eyes wide with love, and a hint of fear.

  “This can’t be a surprise to you, Zara. You know how I feel about you.”

  “Yes, but…”

  “I don’t expect you to answer me tonight. Think it over, consider how you feel here, at the estate, in England. This is what I have to offer you.”

  “Peter,” Zara said, surprised, “I…I have to talk to Nana. After all, she’s all I have, and she just had surgery. I have to consider her. I want to say ‘yes’, but I have to think it over.”

  “I know, Zara,” Peter said. “That’s why I don’t expect an answer from you yet. I know how important your grandmother is to you so please ask for her advice. In the meantime,” Peter smiled. “How about round two?” He kissed her and began teasing her warm heated flesh below with his fingers, making her close her eyes and moan while biting her lower lips. “You look so hot when you’re enjoying my touch…”

  They continued making love and exploring each other all night, and woke up to voices in the foyer the next morning.

  Peter’s parents had arrived early.

  “Hello? Peter?” Lady Brock knocked on the door, causing Peter and Zara to hastily scramble into their clothes.

  “What is it, Mother?” Peter called out.

  “Just letting you know your father and I are here early. I can’t wait to see you, my darling boy! We’ve missed you, with you being in Hong Kong and all. Extending your trip there another year instead of returning home. Have you finally proposed to that girl? You know, the girl who is the reason why you’re in Hong Kong all this time?”

  Peter looked at Zara and shrugged sheepishly. “Mother just wants to be a grandmother soon, that’s all,” he smiled to Zara. “Stay here, and I’ll go out to greet my parents. You can get ready for breakfast with them out on the terrace facing the gardens. Just something simple. A summer dress would do. I’ll have a word with them to let them know you’re here, too. Staying with me in my room.”


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