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His Vengeance: Shifters of Alaska Series Book 2

Page 17

by Gisele St. Claire

  Jaxson grabbed his father’s hand and pulled him into a bear hug. The two men stood embracing each other for a long moment when Jaxson finally released his father and said, “I’ve been so angry for so long that I haven’t been able to forgive anyone. I blamed you and Aunt Olivia and anyone else I could for Jillian’s death. I’ve finally come to terms and accepted what has happened over the last two months, thanks to Shay. Of course, I forgive you, Dad. It’s just too bad it’s taken this long to learn the truth.”

  Nelson’s hand curled around Jaxson’s neck, and he pulled his son’s forehead to his and said, “I love you more than life Jaxson. I always have, and I always will. We have a lot of catching up to do.”

  Drake, Lucas, and Alex joined in, and the five men slapped each other on the back. It was good to have his family back. “We missed you, big brother,” Alex said giving him a playful shove.

  Jaxson laughed. “Watch yourself their little brother. I can still give you an ass whooping.”

  Jaxson stole a glance at his father and noticed him take a seat. He looked up with a weighty look. Jaxson next to him and asked, “What aren’t you telling me?” At first, he didn’t answer and watched his brother’s take seats as well.

  “Son, it’s about the Kodiak’s. Jordan and Sonja have been found and are now reunited with Cyprus. It looks as though Lennox Warren had a witch that practiced Black Magic erase there memories and suppressed their inner wolves. They have been with the Warren’s in Anchorage for the last fourteen years.”

  “Holy shit!” Jaxson stood and paced the floor. “Has Cyprus banished the Warren pack from the territory?”

  “No. He didn’t have to. The Kodiaks killed most of them and, well, let’s just say that Mamma Crone and Lennox have been dealt with.” Nelson said standing. “I met with all the Alaska Alpha’s six months ago, and Cyprus has made Romulus the Alpha of Anchorage now. His pack will ensure that the Kodiaks are safe and that the newborn will be untouched. All of the Alpha’s will be working with Romulus.”

  Jaxson turned and looked at his father puzzled. “Newborn?”

  “Yes, Jordan and Asher are expecting their first child in a month. All Alaskan Alpha’s are too keeping watch of anything suspicious or anything that may pose a danger to the Kodiaks. Sylvie Warren is still alive, and I’m sure she is plotting her revenge. Specifically, revenge for Jude. Jordan killed him, so Cyprus thinks she will want an eye for an eye.”

  “Jesus, I’ve missed a lot. I’ll stand with you all. Just let me know what you need, and it’s done.” He replied.

  “Isiah is located close to the Yukon territory, where we think Sylvia is hiding out. So he will keep us informed if there is any movement or suspicion. In the meantime, just sit back and relax. It’s good to have you back, son.” Nelson said giving his eldest son a slap on the back.


  It was almost the first week of September. The temperature was starting to get cooler at night, and the leaves were beginning to change color. It was a season of change. Jaxson had asked her if she wanted to move in with him and she had gladly accepted. She was due to move out of the cottage at the end of the month.

  Tonight she had planned a special dinner for herself, Jaxson, Nelson, and Sue. Nelson and Sue had no idea who would be attending, and she was getting nervous not knowing how everyone would react and if they would be upset. She knew that Sue had not spoken to Nelson in years and was still angry with him for not believing her husband. But, Shay believed that it was past time for them to make amends. They just needed a little nudge in the right direction.

  She had pulled her hair back into a French braid and applied a little blush and lipstick to add a bit of color to her porcelain skin. She put on her favorite sundress as she made her way into the kitchen. She was cooking a roast with all the trimmings and the smell in the kitchen was like heaven. She opened the oven and checked on the meat.

  Almost done.

  She heard footsteps on her front porch, and she turned to see Sue standing at the screen door holding a bottle of wine. “Hey, honey.”

  She smiled looking at her neighbor, “Hi Sue. Come on in.”

  “I thought we could have a glass before supper.”

  “Thank you. That sounds wonderful.” Shay smiled taking the bottle from her. “I could use a bit of refreshment right about now.” She grabbed two glasses and poured herself and Sue one.

  Sue looked at Shay and held up her wine glass and said, “Let’s toast.”

  “Ok. Too what?” Shay asked.

  Sue paused for a moment. “How about to the future and new friendships?”

  “I like that,” Shay said smiling. But inwardly she wondered if the woman knew she was up to something. It was an odd choice for a toast. Either way, Shay wasn’t going to question her on it. Not now, when everyone was set to arrive shortly. So she clinked her glass with Sue’s, and they each took a sip. Both women turned their heads when they heard a knock.

  Jaxson walked in a moment later and stopped in the middle of the hallway when he saw Sue standing there. Shay watched as Jaxson stared at Sue and Sue stared back at Jaxson. Neither spoke, but neither could take their eyes off each other. Finally, after what seemed like forever, Sue turned and very purposefully laid her glass down on the kitchen counter. Without hesitation, she walked over to Jaxson and wrapped her arms around his waist. Her head didn’t even come up to his chin. He was so big compared to her.

  “Whoa…” Jaxson said, wrapping his arms around the old woman and holding her tight. “Hi, Sue.” He said as he rested his chin on her hair. They stayed together in that sweet embrace for a few moments before stepping apart.

  “Oh, Jaxson. I’ve missed you so much.” Sue said covering her mouth with her hand and tears welling up in her eyes. Shay couldn’t help it; her own tears slowly crept in as she watched the two together.

  “I’ve missed you too Sue.” He said. Shay watched as Sue walked forward and reached up to cup Jaxson’s face. He had to lean down to let her do so, and the two embraced again. When Jaxson finally released their hold, he looked at Shay and said, “This was your surprise?”

  Shay nodded and smiled. “Yes. I couldn’t wait another day without you two seeing each other again. It’s been long overdue.”

  Another knock on the door made everyone turn. “Another one of your surprises?” Jaxson joked. Silence followed as they all turned to see Nelson standing at the door with a bottle of wine in his hand. When no one else made a move to the door, Shay walked over and let him in.

  “Hi, Nelson. So glad you could make it.” Shay greeted him warmly. Nelson just stood there in shock, his eyes going from hers to his son’s and over to Sue’s. He quickly looked back at Shay and thrust the bottle of wine in her hands.

  “Hey, Dad. What are you doing here?” Jaxson asked raising an eyebrow and then looked over at Shay for an explanation.

  “I invited him. I thought the four of us could have a nice dinner together.” Shay said as she walked into the kitchen and set the wine bottle down. She grabbed some oven mitts and pulled out the roast and potatoes.

  “Is that ok son?” Nelson asked taking a quick glance at Sue.

  “Of course it is. Do you remember Sue?”

  Nelson took a few tentative steps inside the cabin and then stood a bit awkwardly for a moment before he walked over to Sue. “Of course. How are you?”

  “I’m good Mr. Avery,” Sue said with reservations. Shay could feel the tension in the room, but she knew this had to happen in order for everything to finally be resolved.

  Nelson looked at Shay, and she smiled encouragingly at him. She silently urged him to speak to her. He nodded his acknowledgement before he touched Sue’s hand and said, “Sue, will you please sit with me on the couch? We need to talk.”

  Sue looked over at Shay who gave her the same encouraging smile before she followed him to the couch and they both sat down. Jaxson took a seat in the chair.

  Nelson rubbed his hands together
nervously in his lap. “Sue, I owe you an apology. Actually, I owe George an apology as well, but he’s no longer with us so I’ll say it to you. George was right in what he had seen the day that Jillian died.” Sue remained silent at the other end of the couch, but she kept her gaze steady on Nelson as he continued to speak. “As you know and the rest of the town, that Jake has passed. What no one else knows is how he died. Last month Jake attacked Shay.” A small gasp escaped Sue’s lips, and she looked worriedly over at Shay.

  “I’m fine,” Shay assured her.

  Sue looked back over to Nelson for him to continue. “When Jaxson confronted him that night, he confessed to him that he indeed did kill Jillian. He also bit Shay in the hopes of her body not being able to handle the transformation and that it would kill her. It was Jaxson that killed him.” He paused trying to read her reaction. “Everyone in Greyson Falls thinks he just had an unfortunate accident at their horse ranch and that the rest of the Hanover’s have been shunned from Greyson Falls.”

  Sue’s eyes were as wide as saucer’s. She had a feeling that Jake’s death wasn’t accidental but would have never suspected Jaxson killed him or that Shay was involved. Sue looked over at Shay and asked, “So you’re a wolf now?”

  Shay walked over to Sue and knelt down, taking the woman’s hand in her own. “Yes. Does that make you uncomfortable with me now?”

  Sue looked at Shay and smiled, “Oh honey. Don’t be silly. Of course not.” She laughed and hugged her tight. Sue released Shay and turned to Nelson. She studied his face before speaking. “I told you my George wasn’t lying. That man has never told a lie in all of his 74 years. You really pissed me off and hurt me when you said he was making up stories. But seeing that you have finally learned the truth, I’m willing to accept your apology.”

  Jaxson and Shay burst out laughing, and they watched Nelson smile. Leave it to Sue to find a way to throw a dig in before accepting his apology. “Oh come over here old man and give an old woman a hug.” She said standing.

  Nelson walked over to Sue and gave her a big bear hug. Shay and Jaxson laughed when he lifted her off her feet.

  “Okay, okay. Enough of this touchy feely stuff. Put me down so we can all go eat!”

  They all sat and ate supper together and enjoyed each other’s company. They spent several hours catching up on each other’s lives. Shay had told Sue that she would be moving in with Jaxson at the end of the month. Sue was going to miss her next door neighbor, but Shay promised to visit her often. After all, they were only ten minutes away. Staying in contact with the people close to her and Jaxson was now a priority, and she would make sure they followed through with it.



  Coming March 20th, 2018 PRE-ORDER HERE

  23 year old Olivia Elford has just moved her Rock Climbing business to Crimson Creek, Alaska. She has tried to put her past behind her although when she takes her group up the mountain, the unexpected happens and her world to avenge her father's killer becomes her only mission - again.

  Isaiah Avery is not your typical wolf. He is laid back, a rich playboy and an expert at extreme sports, specifically mountain climbing. After a three month climbing excursion he comes home to savour his newest defeat but his life quickly gets turned upside when he find a woman left for dead. He is instantly drawn to this gorgeous woman and will do anything to protect her. Question is, will she let him?


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  Other Books by Gisele

  Bloodlines: Shifter of Alaska Book 1

  Beg Me

  Club V

  Alex - Killarney Brothers

  Fate - Killarney Brothers

  Double Delight

  The Billionaires





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