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Page 4

by Skye Stone

  Liam was a bit larger than Dante, a bit stouter, a tattoo peaked out from underneath the sleeve of his shirt and I wanted to know what was underneath.

  Jaxon looked like the proverbial quarterback of the football team. With dirty blonde hair and blue eyes framed by eyelashes that women paid ridiculous amounts of money for.

  Liam picked up a glass and filled it with water. “Would you like some ice?”

  “Yes, please.”

  The water was so refreshing and I felt more like myself after drinking the entire glass in a couple of gulps.

  “What’s the plan?”

  “I like that you’re getting directly to the point. There is someone who is coming for you and it’s our job to make sure that they don’t get you.”

  “How long will it take to find this person?”

  “As long as it takes darling.” Dante confirmed my worst nightmare.

  “We’re going to meet up with the rest of the family as soon as possible.”


  “We’re going to leave in two days to the next destination.”

  Amara looked confused.

  “Why in two days?”

  “Honestly, we’re exhausted from our last job and need some time to rest before we move forward.”

  Walking towards her, I brushed back a piece of hair that dangled over her forehead, while wrapping a small piece of hair around my finger and tugging gently.

  “Are you hungry?”

  “I’m starving.”

  “Let’s eat.”

  Amara is skittish and seems to be a bit overwhelmed by our attentions. It’s hard to believe that she was in her home for the past two years.

  I want to ask her questions and learn about all of the secrets that she seems to be hiding, secrets that are hinted at in those beautiful brown eyes.

  She’s thin but has curves in the right places and I looked forward to feeding her. A thin gold chain rests at her throat with a tiny charm on it that she touches from time to time mindlessly.

  Liam and Jaxon wait patiently for her to fix her plate and settle in at the table. She thinks she’s being subtle but we all notice her sitting as far away from us as possible.

  Even though she trusts Bianca enough to let us help her, she doesn’t trust us yet. We’ll need to change that soon if we’re going to make it through the storm together.

  I was working on a theory that I needed to float by the guys. I had an idea of who set these wheels in motion and how we could keep them in the dark for as long as possible.

  Until then, I needed to fight the attraction that I had for this woman who wasn’t prepared for dealing with what I had to offer.


  Dinner was quiet, I had the feeling that the guys would talk once I returned to my room. I wanted to talk to Bianca again privately, but I wasn’t sure if that was possible with all of us on the run.

  I wasn’t used to the attention that the men were giving me and I wasn’t sure how to react.

  Maybe it was all in my imagination? I didn’t think so.

  The food is surprisingly delicious and I’m amazed at Dante’s prowess in the kitchen. He’d made lamb steaks with an arugula salad, polenta, and a fruit compote for desert.

  It was the first time in years that I’d eaten three servings and looked up to see the guys grinning at me.

  Ok, that’s a little embarrassing.

  “Amara, how are you holding up?” Liam seemed to be the sweetest of the three guys.

  “Besides being knocked out by my secret ½ sister, finding out that someone is trying to kill me, and leaving my home for the first time in two years? I think I’m doing pretty well.”

  “We know it’s a lot to take in, but we’ve got your back.” Jaxon looked at me intensely with those gorgeous blue eyes.

  “Why are you even helping me? Helping the Governor’s family?”

  “We run a private security company for well-known and wealthy individuals. Are job is to keep people safe until threats against them are eliminated.”

  What in the hell does that even mean? They must have read the thoughts on my mind because Liam looked at me seriously as he confirmed what I was thinking.

  “Yes, we do kill people when the job calls for it. Just know that you’re safe with us.”

  I wasn’t safe with them though. I’d never really dated and the sheer masculinity exuding off of the three of them was incredibly overwhelming.

  Thoughts that I’d never considered were going through my mind. I imagined kissing them and experimenting in ways that I’d never had the chance to do while taking care of my mom.

  I needed to talk to my therapist.

  Barbara Anderson

  All I wanted was to get rid of that little bitch. I can’t believe how things went so horribly wrong. How the hell was I supposed to know that the one person I contracted to take care of this problem is the one person who hates my husband more than I do?

  Scott is looking like he wants to strangle me and right now I don’t blame him. I’ve fucked up royally. This is the one fight that I’ve wanted to avoid for years.

  “Barbara, what the fuck did you do?”

  “What I always do Scott, I was protecting you and getting rid of a problem. It’s not the first time that I’ve done that for you.”

  “You’ve tried to kill other people in my life?”

  “That’s not what I’m saying.”

  “Do you know who it is?”

  “No, I just know that he hates you more than I do.”

  “When did you start hating me like this?”

  “Why is it so hard for you to figure out? I started hating you when you fell in love with your whore.”

  “She was never a whore, you bitch.”

  “The day that I paid her off was the best day of my life. I didn’t think you would spend the next four years searching for her.”

  “I loved you.” He had the nerve to tell me what I already knew.

  “But, you loved her more. You just weren’t ready to say know to all of the power and money that being with me would get you. I wonder how that made her feel? If it was me it would have made me fell like shit.”

  “You paid her off?”

  “Of course I did. You were made for great things and having a mistress and a half-black kid was not a good look politically. I must admit, I had no idea that she was pregnant when I met her. She was beautiful though.”

  “Keep her name out of your mouth.” Maybe I’d pushed him too far with my admission?

  “Barbara, I’m going to make this right and then we’re going to get a divorce and I never want to see you again after this.”

  “What about your career?”

  “Fuck my career!”

  “Why does she have to come here? Why not somewhere else? I don’t want to be under the same roof as her.”

  “Barbara, we’ve gone over this already. It will be easier to protect everyone if we’re together.”

  “She doesn’t even know you.”

  “That doesn’t matter. I plan on rectifying that issue soon.”

  “I don’t want her here.”

  “Don’t you understand? What you want doesn’t matter. I want her here and that’s the last we’re going to talk about it.”

  Scott slammed the door as he left the room and I continued to shake as the words of our conversation kept running through my mind.

  There was something he wasn’t telling me. I just didn’t know what.

  Scott Anderson

  The clock is ticking in more ways than one. I’m dying. I was diagnosed with an inoperable tumor and the prognosis is a bad one. The doctors said that I have about a year left and I need to do whatever I can to make things right with my family.

  The most difficult conversation that I’d had was with Bianca. She was so disappointed in me and for the first time, I was no longer her hero.

  We’d talked when she and her protection detail arrived at the house and it hurt when she told me that she’d avoided t
elling Amara that she was being brought to shelter with us until the assassin was taken out.

  I fought the shortness of breath that came from time to time and tried to ignore the shaking in my hands.

  Maybe this was karma for all of the shit that I’ve done in my life. I’ve stabbed more people in the back than I’d like to admit and a number of people want me dead.

  The problem is figuring out whom the anonymous assassin is that Barbara paid to kill Amara. Ironic that he decided to take Barbara’s money and kill us all.

  It was a lucky break when they sent an email letting Barbara know that they’d changed the scope of work and that the only way to stop them was to get $5 million dollars to them in 24 hours.

  She’d called me 2 days after the deadline and confessed everything. I guess being threatened with death would escalate her since of urgency for once.

  I’d called the security company that I had on speed dial and then began making plans. The most challenging aspect of this was keeping things looking normal and maintaining all of my normal duties as Governor.

  Luckily, I’d already planned a two-week vacation before the shit hit the fan. Everyone knew that I was going to be away on vacation.

  I never knew that Barbara had found out about Jasmine or any of the other women after her.

  Our marriage had been arranged when we were younger and for a while, I did love her in my own way. But, Jasmine would always be the love of my life.

  Hopefully, I would get a chance to get to know Amara but that was a lot to ask for and the Universe had run out of favors for me a long time ago.


  Amara moves around the cabin as if she’s not used to being seen. I see her though. I want to ask her the questions that she hides from. Why did you hide from the world? What is it that you want from life?

  Can I taste you?

  My imagination has been running wild every since I held her. The slight warmth of her body was pressed next to mine and I couldn’t wait to lay her down and worship her from head to toe.

  Jaxon and Dante seem to be feeling the same way if their looks are anything to go by. Finally, she leaves the table and heads to her room and it’s time that the guys and I had that talk.

  “We all want her.” I state it as plainly as possible. There’s no point in beating around the bush as much as I love the pun.

  “There is something about her that is absolutely captivating but I’m not sure that she’s ready for what we have to offer.” Jaxon said his Texas accent drawling out the words.

  “We have to keep her safe first.” Dante reminded everyone.

  “The mission is never at risk. But, this is the first time we’ve all reacted like this to the same woman.”

  “You mean emotionally?” Jaxon laughed.

  “You’re the unemotional one Jax.” I had to remind him.

  “Here’s the thing, she’s skittish as hell.”

  “We have only one life to live and someone’s coming for her.”

  “She’s remained invisible for too long.” Dante smiled.

  “Well, I definitely see her and I’m not passing this opportunity up.” Jaxon was the most decisive of the three of us.

  “Guys, I know this is a strange time to bring this up, but I might as well do it now.” I’d never felt awkward with the guys but for some reason I did now.

  “This is my last mission.”

  “The fuck?!”


  “I want something different. The action doesn’t excite me anymore. I’ve been dreaming of having a family, kids, and slowing things down. I know that you think I’m a superstitious prick, but Amara is the one.”

  “How do you know? You just met the girl and she’s barely said two words.” Dante surprises me with this comment.

  “I just know.” My parents fell in love at first sight. They were at a school dance and my mom walked across the dance floor and asked my dad’s best friend to dance.

  Dad wasn’t going to let that happen because he was smitten the moment she walked in. So, he cut in and the rest was history.

  Sighing, Jaxon ran his hand through his hair making it stick up all over the place.

  “We need to help her with some self-defense before we head towards the next location.”

  “Let’s do that first thing tomorrow morning.” I knew that the conversation wasn’t over, but we were all tired and it was time to get some rest.


  I’m drinking a cup of coffee when Amara walks into the kitchen. She’s wearing leggings and a fitted shirt that leaves little to the imagination.

  She’s built like a ballerina-lean, and with a gorgeous ass.

  “Good morning sweetness.” I loved watching her cheeks color as she blushes.

  “Good morning Dante.”

  “Today we’re going to work on some self-defense strategies, we want to make sure that you’ll be able to protect yourself in the event that we’re accidentally separated.”

  Her hand stops reaching for the coffee pot.

  “Do you think that’s a possibility?” Her voice is shaky as she asks the question.

  “Anything is a possibility when we’re dealing with an unknown enemy.”

  Nodding her head, she pours herself a cup of coffee and I try to ignore the splash of coffee onto the counter as she fights her nerves.

  “Where will we practice?”

  “There’s a gym downstairs. Meet us down there at 10:00 am. That will give you some time to digest your breakfast.”


  The home gym looks nicer than my actual gym. It’s a huge room with equipment lining walls. Hip-hop music is playing in the background and the three guys are shirtless as they workout.

  Liam and Dante were making MMA fighters look weak and Jaxon is working out with some weights.

  I’d already warmed up in my room and I couldn’t wait to surprise them with the little trick that I had up my sleeve.

  “Amara, are you warmed up?” Liam’s face lit up when he noticed that I’d walked into the gym.

  “Yes, I warmed up in my room. I also did some stretches as well.”

  “Today, we want to teach you some basic self-defense. Our goal is to help you buy some time so that you can get away in case you’re separated from us for whatever reason.” Jaxon explained.

  “Let’s head to the middle of the mat.” Liam directed me to where he wanted me to stand.

  He began showing me different self-defense moves without touching me. Each guy did this and for the next thirty minutes we went through the moves until I finally had enough.

  My hand whipped out and caught Liam’s arm while my leg caught the inside of his leg and I brought him down on his back.

  Popping up quickly, I laughed as I looked at Jaxon and Dante’s jaws dropped in shock.

  Spinning around I kicked Jaxon in the stomach and then grabbed Dante by the balls. He hardened instantly throwing my focus off.

  The guys came at me with everything that they had and for the next 15 minutes I fought my ass off.

  It felt incredible.

  Finally, we’d all had enough.

  Liam was smiling at me crazily. “That was the sexiest thing that I’ve seen in my whole life.”

  “Amara, could you share how you became a Krav Maga ninja fighting machine?” Dante wondered curiously.

  “We know you weren’t leaving your house.” Jaxon stated bluntly.

  “I wasn’t leaving my house, but I did have a backyard and I had an instructor who came to the house every week. I wanted to know how to protect myself in case something happened.”

  “You have special forces level of skills.” Jaxon drank water greedily and I wanted to wipe the small droplet that had trickled to his chin.

  “My instructor was in the Israeli Special forces and ran a self-defense company in town. Her goal was to help women become empowered through Krav Maga.”

  “Well, she did a kick ass job.” Dante confirmed.

  “Hey, is eve
ryone as hungry as I am? Let’s freshen up and then talk about tomorrow’ plan.” Jaxon picked up a towel and began wiping the sweat dripping down his face.


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