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Shapes of Autumn (Boxed set, books 1 - 5)

Page 80

by Veronica Blade

  “Yes, absolutely.” Worry lines etched the skin around Natasha’s eyes. “I’ve got a group checking the rest of the compound, excluding the tunnel. They have orders to alert me at once if they find anything suspicious.”

  “Wait.” I waved a hand. “He came out of the park. Why didn’t your security team flag him going in?”

  “Probably because he didn’t do anything to appear suspicious,” Dathan said. “He’s obviously been coached.”

  “No one detected additional scents around the body?” my mom asked.

  Natasha’s mouth turned down, her eyes glistening. “Lulu’s been dead for a couple days. Long enough for the killer’s scent to dissipate.”

  “How can you not notice a crew member missing for two whole days?” my mom asked.

  Natasha slumped and lowered onto the matt. “Lulu kept to herself. She’s in charge of supplies so she tends to be gone for long periods of time doing inventory.”

  “Who discovered the body?” Renzo asked.

  “Kieran was doing a routine security check of the grounds.” Natasha sighed. “Lulu was wedged between a car and a wall all the way in a corner.”

  “If the intruder came out of the park and into the garage, he likely hasn’t gained access inside the compound,” my dad said hopefully.

  Natasha rubbed her temples, her lids dropping a moment. “We’ll know soon enough.”

  “Maybe not. The murderer could be anywhere by now. Until we find him or he decides to show himself, we need to hone our skills.” Dathan zoomed to the weapon wall, chose a sword, then tossed it to Natasha. She caught it and rose from the mat. Everyone else in the room paired with their partners and began sparring.

  With Ulric already here, makes you want answers to all those unasked questions, doesn’t it? Dathan asked me silently as he turned to Natasha and raised his sword. He traded a few thrusts and jabs with Natasha. You should also ask your parents about their relationship with Natasha, and how old she is. While you’re on the subject, you can ask your parents how old they are. Things might fall into place for you.

  Dathan, please stop. All those mysteries were already driving me crazy. But I needed to work out a good approach on my parents. I couldn’t have Dathan coercing me into doing anything stupid and hurting my chances of getting them to cooperate.

  I’d hinted plenty of times over the past couple days but neither of my parents had given up a damn thing. Instead, they took every opportunity to answer a question with another question or reply so vaguely that I was too disgusted to continue probing.

  I’ve stopped prodding you about your parents for two days and you’ve accomplished nothing. He dodged Natasha’s sword, ducking and rolling then sliced his blade through the air, narrowly missing Natasha. Next time you hug your mom, why don’t you get a nice long whiff?

  My stomach flipped. What? Why in the hell did I need to smell my shape-shifter mother who I’d known my entire life? Maybe Dathan was developing cabin fever too. Or there was something else he wanted… What’s in it for you?

  He held up an index finger at Natasha and she paused before the next blow. Then he swept toward me with such speed, I backed up. He reached out and tucked a lock of hair behind my ear. All mischief gone, he met my gaze. Your safety.

  Dathan stood a little too close for my comfort. Though his words and proximity hinted that he felt more for me than a casual acquaintance, I didn’t get any kind of sexy vibe from him. At all. What the hell was his deal?

  Zack wedged himself between us. With his back to me, I couldn’t read his expression but the energy vibrating off his body told me he was having words with Dathan. Since Zack was touching me, I should’ve been able to eavesdrop. I couldn’t hear, which meant they were shutting me out.

  Dathan stepped away, his palms up. “Natasha, I’d like to take a few moments with the young ones. Sort out some personal issues.”

  Natasha scowled. “Not just the three of you.”

  “We’ll go straight to your suite and check in as soon as we get there. Then we’ll let you know when we’re on our way back. They’ll be safe with me.” Dathan motioned me toward the door. Let’s get you two some alone time.

  I didn’t know what Zack had said to him but was too thrilled about any privacy with Zack to worry about Dathan’s motives. I could’ve hugged them both but I waved to my mom and dad instead, then burst into the hallway after Dathan.

  You two have five minutes, then we need to get back to work. As soon as we entered the suite, Dathan disappeared into Natasha’s room.

  He knows how pissed I am and he’s trying to make up for being such an asswipe, Zack said as soon as Dathan disappeared.

  We can discuss his motives later. My lips found Zack’s mouth and my tongue slid against his. A blaze ignited in my belly.

  “Missed you,” he told me when we came up for air. His fingertips feathered across my cheek for a moment, then he hooked his other hand around the back of my head and drew me closer until I was nuzzling his neck.

  We only have a few minutes and you want to cuddle instead of making out? I asked.

  His chest quaked in amusement. I’ll follow your lead on that, Autumn, but it doesn’t matter what we do. I just want to be with you.

  My heart expanded, filled with Zack, and swelled a little more. I hung unto his neck, swung my legs up and wrapped them around his hips, resting my cheek on his temple. Dathan’s being okay at the moment, but that won’t last.

  He leaned back just a hair, and our noses touched. We don’t have to let him come between us.

  “True.” I sighed against him. “When this is all over and King Mortimer is dethroned, my parents won’t have to run anymore. Maybe they’ll stay in California and settle down.” But would Zack want to stay? “I’ve always wanted a dog, but pets were always too hard to travel with.”

  His lips brushed my cheek. “We can get two dogs. And cats too, if you want them.”

  We. That may have been the most beautiful word I’d ever heard from Zack. Tears pricked the back of my eyes.

  “Sorry, kids. Time’s up.” The door to Natasha’s room slammed and Dathan headed for the exit.

  I didn’t move, my legs still gripping Zack’s hips. “Dathan?”

  “Yes?” he asked, his hand on the doorknob.

  “I don’t know why you’re such an ass so often, but I’m truly grateful for the rare times you’re not.” I grinned.

  He threw his head back and roared, his laugh rough and rusty from lack of use. “Excellent.”

  Ignoring Dathan and his obvious desire to leave, Zack gave me a scorching kiss that sent tingles all the way to my toes. He flicked a few strands of hair off my forehead. While you’re playing Dathan’s devoted fiancée, don’t forget about us.

  “Never.” I planted a kiss on his chin and jumped off.

  “Leaving again isn’t a good idea, so that’ll have to last you a while.” Dathan opened the door.

  “And leaving this time was okay because…,” Zack asked.

  Dathan covered the distance to the stairwell at a vigorous pace. “Small window of opportunity. Ulric knows we’re on high alert after discovering Lulu headless. And judging by his past, he’s probably sitting back right now and enjoying the chaos as we scramble. I imagine it won’t be too much longer before Ulric kills again though.”

  I felt a twinge in my stomach. “You don’t know for sure it was Ulric. Maybe the killer is one of the shape-shifters,” I said, panic raising my voice an octave. A week of combat training with the vampires and two days with the shape-shifters wasn’t enough to combat one of the most powerful—and most evil—werewolves in the world.

  “Shape-shifters don’t drain their victim of blood. It’s Ulric, I’m sure of it. And he’s amped up on vampire blood. He’s going more insane each day and would do just about anything.” Dathan held the door open for Zack and me. “If he made it inside, won’t be long before others gain entry.”

  I swallowed the lump forming in my throat as I went ahead of Da
than. “That’s comforting.”

  Dathan chewed the inside of his mouth. “He enjoys the hunt. He’ll draw it out as long as he can.”

  “But he couldn’t be traveling with many men, right? A big group would raise too many flags. Even if Ulric had ten men waiting to attack, we’ve got almost fifty here.” Zack scoffed.

  Dathan’s head swung side to side. “Not smart to underestimate him.”

  We returned to the training area and all eyes darted to us. “You guys worked everything out?” my dad asked, casting a suspicious glance at Dathan.

  “All good, Dad.” But I dreaded the next long chunk of time keeping a distance from Zack, pretending he and I were just friends. I conjured up a smile for my dad then glanced at my mom and her trainer, Persius. I needed to worry less about any potential boyfriend problems; concentrate more on our mission and what Dathan had been hinting at me to find out. If there was something to smell on my mom, why didn’t Persius pick up on it? “How old are you?” I asked him.

  Persius blinked, probably wondering why the random question. “Twenty-two. Why?”

  “Just curious how my mom is doing against you.” Persius had to be too young to easily pick up on an odd scent. “She’s not giving you any trouble, is she?”

  “Absolutely.” Persius flashed his white teeth. “But what I lack in strength, I make up for in skill.”

  My mom’s eyes narrowed at me. “Someone’s in a better mood.”

  Normally she’d roll with my moods, especially if I seemed happier. Which meant she was probably suspicious of my line of questioning. I couldn’t worry about that though.

  I’d noticed her step away from Persius when they weren’t actually training. As if she didn’t want to take any chances. Well, if she wasn’t going to spill it, I’d find out for myself.

  I flung myself at her and, as discreetly as possible, sucked in a huge lungful of air while my nose was buried in her neck. “I love you, Mom.”

  “Okay.” She gave a shaky laugh and patted my back, clearly confused.

  Dathan was right. She didn’t smell like my dad or Natasha. But she didn’t smell like Egon, Zack or Renzo either. Maybe she wasn’t a shape-shifter or werewolf. Except that I’d seen her morph into a wolf every night since they’d arrived at the vampire palace. Then again, I’d only ever seen my dad as a wolf too.

  I peered over at Natasha, her posture stiff as she snuck a peek at my mom, then my dad. Whatever was up with my parents, Natasha had to be in on it.

  “Okay.” Natasha slapped her palms together. “Back to work. Dathan, I’m sure you can amuse yourself somehow while I do rounds. Egon and I will be back in fifteen.”

  My dad shook his head with exaggerated movements. “Not just the two of you.” He was awfully bossy for someone who hadn’t seen Natasha in over eighteen years, especially considering he was addressing his queen.

  “Yvonne, Sean and a couple others are already waiting for me in the corridor.” She pivoted and marched toward the exit, but halted mid-step and glanced at me again. “Are you up for accompanying me?”

  Of all the people here in the compound, why would she want me on her rounds? If she and my parents were as tight as I suspected, why wouldn’t she ask one of them to go with her? Since I was already drowning in mysteries galore, I wasn’t going to stress over this new one or question Natasha on her choices. I was going to seize the moment. “Sure.”

  She motioned me out of the training area and past the atrium toward the security room. Egon, Sean, Yvonne and another guy I’d seen when we’d first arrived kept a discreet distance from us while Natasha led the way. “Egon, you’ve been more quiet than usual. Something wrong?” She glanced back and so did I.

  “Everything’s fine, Your Majesty,” Egon assured her, his eyes constantly searching the environment for anything unusual. “We all have a lot going on.”

  “Fair enough.” She knocked on the door marked Security, then shoved it open. “Havers?”

  When we entered the room, a short Asian man stood up and inclined his head. I remembered seeing him our first day at the compound.

  “Your Majesty.” He lowered his head.

  As though he’d just become aware of his queen’s presence, Kieran leaped up from his chair. “Forgive me, Your Majesty,” he said, bowing.

  “What’s the status?” she asked in an all-business tone.

  “No unusual activity,” Havers replied. “Monitors are working and no entry points have been compromised.”

  “We’re in contact with the ranch and everyone’s checked in,” Kieran added.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  Once in the hallway, we rejoined the others and I followed her toward the office. Her shoulder brushed mine as we walked. I’m worried about Egon. He’s normally much more vibrant.

  I wouldn’t know the difference, I said. But if I notice anything odd, I’ll certainly tell you.

  I’d appreciate that. She paused before the office door and pivoted to face me. “I’m glad you’re all here. I trust Dathan with my life. Quite comforting to have him nearby at a time like this. I wouldn’t want to take on Ulric without him. Renzo and your parents are a bonus.”

  I scrunched up my nose. “You trust Dathan to fight for you, but it’s obvious you have an intense dislike for him. Doesn’t add up.”

  She shook her head. “It’s complicated.”

  I switched to telepathy so Egon wouldn’t overhear. Complicated… like when you care about someone against your will and you don’t want him to know? I winced when it occurred to me this probably wasn’t the kind of conversation to have with someone who was technically my queen. Sorry, that was inappropriate.

  She sighed, the lines between her brows disappearing. “It’s fine.” Dathan and I go way back with some bad blood between us. We may not be enemies but we’re not exactly friends either.

  I nodded like I was satisfied with her answer. But I was dying to know the details of their strange relationship. Had they fallen in love? Was she bitter at how it ended?

  She slanted her head as though listening to someone inside her head. “Supper is ready, but we’re due back anyway. We’ll breeze through the rest of my rounds, then head to the cafeteria.”

  Since we were short on time, her guards and I waited outside the research room while Natasha poked her head inside. After she established no one was missing and everyone was doing their jobs, we headed downstairs. I shadowed her around the park and while she spoke to a few of the residents, I had a chance to see how the others sparred. These shape-shifters were so badass. I hoped we had more time to learn from them before the big battle with Ulric.

  When we returned to the third floor, we went straight for the dining room. Valerie was setting tiny shakers of salt and pepper on the long table while Ivan placed plates. Our group was already seated and waiting for us.

  My mom met my gaze and bobbed her head at the next chair over. Obediently, I sat in that spot and greeted my dad who’d claimed the chair on her other side. Dathan grabbed the spot next to me and Zack sat directly across from us beside Renzo. Natasha claimed the head of the table and our sparring partners took the other end.

  Once all the plates had been piled high, Dathan waited until the others had taken their first bite before digging in. I ignored the scrumptious aroma of roast beef. As I forked an ample portion of zucchini, my knee relaxed ever so gently against my mom’s leg.

  What’s the story with you and Dathan? If I had to guess, I’d say you and he have a past, my mom said. Immediately on alert, I snuck a peek at Natasha.

  After a long hesitation, I could hear Natasha speak through my physical contact with my mom. I’m not sure what you mean.

  Of course you do. We’ve known each other a long time. I can tell when you’re holding back.

  After another spell of silence, Natasha set her fork on the table and eyed my mom. We met a long time ago and traveled together. Dathan’s unpredictability has always worried me. He has no problem crossing lines that you and
I would steer clear of.

  Despite him being a vampire, you trust him enough to allow him into your fortress and plan a government coup, my mom pointed out.

  I see so much good in Dathan. He may seem unstable or unpredictable, but he always comes through when I need him.

  And that’s what’s holding you back? my mom asked with a hint of sarcasm as she eyed the beef.

  What exactly are you asking? Natasha delicately carved a slice from the hunk of beef and popped it in her mouth. If you think I have feelings for Dathan, you’re mistaken. The only feeling I have for him is trepidation. He’s a wild card. And why are we discussing your future son-in-law in this way?

  My mom coughed and took a sip of water. Apparently, Dathan and I weren’t the only ones who forgot to pretend we were engaged. I sense tension and I’d like to help any way I can.

  Natasha stared at her plate, her fingers curled around her fork. So much has happened since you and I last saw each other. I fell in love, got married and… had a child. They were both killed by werewolves and I decided I’d rather be lonely than ever go through that kind of pain and loss again.

  I swallowed, not wanting to imagine that kind of grief. What would I do if I lost Zack?

  A husband and a child. I’m so very sorry. My mom spared her a brief glance like she was trying to be discreet. As if the rest of us couldn’t feel the energy between them. And then came Dathan to help mend the wounds. How did you meet him?

  I was hunting the werewolves whom I believed had murdered my family. Fueled by rage and the need for revenge, I’d gone after them alone. I wasn’t thinking straight. Natasha gave a nearly imperceptible shake of her head. Dathan happened upon me while I was fighting three werewolves and barely hanging on. He risked a werewolf bite to save me. Once we’d disposed of the bodies, I thought he’d want some kind of payment but he walked away.

  I scrunched up my nose, grossly disappointed. That couldn’t be the whole story.

  And that’s why you’re angry with him, because he saved your life? My mom chuckled silently.

  Natasha scowled. Not even close. I spent the next year training, honing my skills so I’d never again have to worry about being overpowered by werewolves. Next time I encountered the dogs who murdered my family, I’d be ready. I was lonely and still grieving. She squeezed her eyes shut. I encountered Dathan again under friendlier circumstances. He was handsome, charming. I knew it would never lead anywhere but somehow I allowed myself to be swept off my feet.


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